Fang Yuan nodded, said recognition.

This price is fair, because of the Audacity Gu’s sake, raising the value of Gu Immortal’s soul.

Since the Big Four League, the Stoneman family in the northern part of the icefield, the demand for Audacity Gu is very urgent, and the demand is quite large.

But Audacity Gu has been in Treasure Yellow Heaven and is on sale. This scale cannot be reduced. After all, it is necessary to make long-term plans.

So far, although the Stoneman family has a close relationship with the Langya School, the greater part of Audacity Gu’s production is sold to Treasure Yellow Heaven.

Because Audacity Gu’s monopoly exclusive trade can be exchanged for not only immortal essence stones, but also directly exchange for a large number of immortal materials, as well as various other resources.

Located in the resource-poor northern ice sheet, the Stoneman family can provide the rewards that cannot meet the development needs of Langya School.

Langya Earth Spirit For the benefit of the entire sect, the Stoneman family will not be the main trade target.

The Stoneman family is quite vocal about this, but it can’t help but Langya School, very helpless.

In a word, the output of Audacity Gu is far from meeting the needs of the market. Especially on Southern Border, because Righteous Path Gu Immortal frequently explores super dreams, there is no demand for Audacity Gu in the Treasure Yellow Heaven market.

Even the black market of Audacity Gu has been formed.

Some Audacity Gus were sold to sell at higher prices.

Langya School has repeatedly raised the price of Audacity Gu. The sales are very hot. The whole market is a monster’s bloody mouth wide open like a sacrificial bowl. Langya School has tried its best to produce Audacity Gu, but it can’t satisfy the terrifying appetite of this monster. .

Among all the income gains of Fang Yuan, Audacity Gu’s trade profit has already taken the lead and become a standout.

Fang Yuan is able to repeatedly use the Rank 7 Immortal Gu battle. The reserve of Green Grape Immortal Essence is always easy to make up every once in a while. Audacity Gu is the biggest contributor in this regard.

Langya Earth Spirit Collapsed this Gu Immortal soul, he said: “Humans are clever in tens of thousands of ways, with this Gu Immortal soul, it is indeed the next time, greatly increase the output of Audacity Gu. Unfortunately, Gu Immortal The future investment in this area is still on Grand Mound. Fang Yuan, if you have time, go to Grand Mound several times. Desolate Beast, the soul of Deserte Plant Although it is far worse than the soul of Gu Immortal, it wins a lot and the source is stable. With your contribution, the development of Grand Mound will progress faster.”

Langya Earth Spirit is very optimistic about Fang Yuan’s ability.

But Fang Yuan said: “I have recently traveled to the bloody battle conference, I am afraid there is no innocent clone. This is the second Gu Immortals soul, and please Revered Great Elder, you check the quality.”

“The second one.” Langya Earth Spirit raised his brow, but there was nothing strange.

He knew that Fang Yuan’s had some details and sold some Gu Immortal souls to Fang Yuan, which did not surprise him.

“This is the soul of a Featherman Gu Immortal.” Langya Earth Spirit looked at it, some accidents. Nonhuman is oppressed, and nonhuman Gu Immortal is especially rare. I didn’t expect Fang Yuan to have a soul of Featherman Gu Immortal in his hand.

“Is this what you killed?” Langya Earth Spirit asked casually.

Fang Yuan laughed: “right.”

This Gu Immortal soul is Featherman Zheng Ling, the first soul before it is Xue Songzi.

Langya School is the sect of Hairyman. For the soul of a strange Featherman Gu Immortal, Langya Earth Spirit decided to accept it.

Therefore, Fang Yuan has once again made hundreds of contributions.

Then he took out the third Gu Immortals soul.

Langya Earth Spirit smiled: “It seems that you are planning to sell it today. OK, take out the Gu Immortal soul you want to contribute.”

“Alright.” Fang Yuan began to take out the Gu Immortal soul of each and every one.

The soul of Gu Immortal in his hands is really quite a lot.

Previously, there were Dongfang Changfan, Xue Songzi, Zheng Ling and the others. Later, in Hei Fan Celestial Grotto, a group was killed. Finally, in the turbulent Sea Territory, the harvest is more abundant.

When Fang Yuan took out three Gu Immortals souls, Langya Earth Spirit laughed.

When Fang Yuan took out six, Langya Earth Spirit was surprised. In the seat, subconsciously straightened up the upper body and looked forward.

When Fang Yuan took out the tenth Gu Immortals soul, Langya Earth Spirit’s face changed. He pointed to Fang Yuan: “How did you kill so many people?”

Fang Yuan laughed, said: “It’s also a coincidence.”

Then he continued to pull out Gu Immortal’s soul.

In the end, Langya Earth Spirit was shocked to see the fullness of Gu Immortal.

“I finally understand why you can’t get along with Human Race and trust us nonhuman!” Langya Earth Spirit is stunned.

“You are only Rank 6 cultivation base!” Langya Earth Spirit knows Fang Yuan’s foundation, because Meeting Past Acquaintance is what he gave to Fang Yuan’s.

“How long have you been promoting immortal? During the period, you have to rush to get a new life. You kill so many people, it is like Gloomy Soul Demonic Venerable.”

Fang Yuan heard the name Gloomy Soul Demonic Venerable and said with a wry smile: “These souls have contributed to sect. In addition, I have a lot of cultivation experience, Gu Formula, Immortal Gu Formula, ultimate move, Immortal. Realm Ultimate Move. Even Battlefield Ultimate Move, and the latest maps of the various domains, so that these same sideers of Langya School can walk out in the future.”

Fang Yuan is coming to a big sale!

Although the history of Langya Blessed Land is extremely long and the collection is so rich, even Heavenly Court has a lot to offer, and Shadow Sect is even more memorable.

But Fang Yuan killed so many people, and Soul Search found out that it is extremely rich.

The collection of Langya Blessed Land, mostly in the same year, Old Ancestor Long Haired refining gu for others, got paid. Or after the Langya Earth Spirit, through Treasure Yellow Heaven, successive acquisitions.

Among the treasury, the former is a long time old, and Old Ancestor Long Haired was a character of Medieval Antiquity Era and 300,000 years ago.

The latter, which can be sold outside the Treasure Yellow Heaven, can be imagined, the boutique is rare, although there are rare things.

As for the things that Fang Yuan contributed, many of them are Gu Immortal’s life. These things, Gu Immortals, are cherished. Not to mention advanced things in the past, nor to get Treasure Yellow Heaven for no reason.

In this regard, Langya Earth Spirit all are welcome.

Unlike the previous Langya Earth Spirit, the previous Langya Earth Spirit was only interested in the refining gu aspect, but he was ambitious, created the Langya School, and wanted the Hairyman to return to the glory of Immemorial and Remote Antiquity Era.

Langya School is currently based on Refining Dao and most of the multi-cultivation Transformation Dao in Hairyman Gu Immortal.

Langya School wants to grow into a big school, and to complete the vision of the Langya Earth Spirit, it must be collected and taken, with Gu Immortal of various genres. For example, Northern Plains’ major Huang Jin Clan super forces, Central Continent’s 10 Great Ancient Sects and so on.

Fang Yuan’s sect contributed to the skyrocketing.

Another place in Cloud City.

Hair 12 is refining gu.

“Oops, there was a mistake!” Suddenly, his face changed dramatically, and the flames of the manipulates suddenly weakened.

He quickly spurred Gu insect, spit blood, and sprayed into the flames.


The flames burned again, and the Hair 12 was pale and his body trembled. He has just been hurt by the backlash caused by the refining gu mistake. The seven scorpions are slowly spilling blood, and all his hair is dyed red and wet.

His booth eyes are round and bloody, staring at the flame in front of him.

After a while, the burning flame suddenly exploded and disappeared.

The Refining Dao gu formation opens, revealing hundreds of My Intent Gus.

Hairyman Gu Immortal, who was promoted by the previous Langya Earth Spirit to cultivate, has a very strong combat power, but the universal refining gu is extremely powerful.

These My Intent Gus are just mortal gu, but they are also up to Rank 5. Hair 12 can refine hundreds of them at once, and this My Intent Gu comes out, revealing his extraordinary Refining Dao.

Hair 12 Dark Dao, that was close, his heart was fortunate: “Fortunately, I just self-mutilated and made up for the mistakes. Otherwise, these My Intent Gus are destroyed, not only let me spend time and energy for refining gu in a few days, I have been beaten, and I have to pay three times for the coffin.”

In order to increase the production of My Intent Gu, Fang Yuan not only uses his own sect contribution, but also attracts other Hairyman Gu Immortal to refining My Intent Gu, and he also richly and imposing his own pockets, providing them with free immortal materials for these Hairyman Gu Immortal uses immortal materials refining mortal gu.

Hairyman Gu Immortals now feels like Fang Yuan’s, no longer as disgusting and disgusting as before.

Fang Yuan has the Rank 8 battle strength, which makes these Hairyman Gu Immortal revered. These powerful financial resources have exposed the gap between Hairyman Gu Immortals sensed and Fang Yuan’s.

Strong vertigo feeling, let Hair 12 dizzying.

“The My Intent Gu has been refined ten times in a row. It is really too expensive for the consciousness. The mistake is just a wake-up call to me. It’s time to rest. Then I will take care of it as soon as possible and pick up some My Intent Gu. Refining the task and earning more immortal essence stones.”

Hair 12 thought of immortal essence stones, suddenly bitter, and sighed deeply.

“Desolate Beast is not good.”

“These Desolate Beasts are big belly people, I feed them every month, and the burden is heavy!”

“What’s more important is that the slave Immortal Gu is only sect loaned to me, and each time borrowed, we must pay the sect contribution according to the length of time.”

“For the long-term plan, I definitely want to buy this slave Immortal Gu. But the Rank 6 slave Immortal Gu, which needs tens of thousands of sect contributions…”

Hair 12 pulled out an Information Dao Gu insect.

The only effect of this Gu Insect is to always show the sect contribution of each Gu Immortals in Langya School and to rank them accordingly.

Simply come, it is the sect contribution list.

Hair 12 pours in the heart, swaying the top half of the list, saw his name.

Then behind his name, a number is displayed.

“More than six hundred sect contributions, so far away from the goal!” Hair 12 smiled and felt that the long road was too long.

“However, other Hairyman Gu Immortal is similar to me, even worse than me.”

“My advantage lies in my multi-cultivation of Enslave Dao, which now has several Desolate Beasts. It is much easier to get more sect contributions than others.”

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