The wind blew in the air and the salty taste of the sea.

Sitting on an auspicious cloud, Fang Yuan splits his mind and explores the Information Dao mortal gu in his hand.

This mortal gu is from Bing Zhuo.

Snowman Gu Immortal, who is armed with double spear and is good at melee, told Fang Yuan in the letter that the meaning of Tear Ice for the Snowman family is not as simple as a simple coffin, but rather a love token of Love.

“humph.” Fang Yuan sneered, crushing this Information Dao mortal gu.

The white auspicious cloud carried him all the way. The wind blew his long, fluttering, white-faced jade-like face, handsome and almost beautiful, and the deep black sable overlooking the deep blue sea under the clouds, transmitting a glimpse of indifference.

The meaning of tear ice for Snowman, Fang Yuan will not know?

Don’t forget, he was born again for five hundred years. Previous life cultivation base is not too high, but the knowledge is absolutely rich.

Not only is this tearful ice, Fang Yuan knows a lot about the nonhuman wine culture.

At the banquet, Sixth Hair accused Fang Yuan of not knowing the customs of nonhuman drinking. In fact, Fang Yuan just pretended not to know, taking the opportunity to test the attitude of Snowman and Stoneman. Nothing more.

Sometimes, playing dumb is more able to make you move forward and backward.

The tearful ice, is also like so. Fang Yuan did not know, but in fact, the heart knows clearly.

Accepting tears of ice is to accept the love of Xue’er. But if you don’t accept it, it will destroy your relationship with Snowman and Stoneman.

Combined with Xue’er?

This is more harmful than good!

The Snowman tribe plot is Fang Yuan’s Rank 8 battle strength Immemorial Superior Heavenly Eagle.

Not to mention how much benefit Fang Yuan can get from the Snowman family. Fang Yuan can’t satisfy each other.

Superior Heavenly Eagle is now a bird egg.

Although Fang Yuan spent some of his 琅琊sect contribution, in exchange for some Heavenly Crystal, the reserves are far from enough. It is not appropriate to hatch Superior Heavenly Eagle.

“Married to Xue’er, as if I tied myself to the War Chariot of the Snowman family. I must also make a marriage contract. I have a contract with Langya School and a covenant with Chu Du’s. There are four majors. The different race’s treaty has greatly limited my freedom. Coupled with the marriage contract, isn’t it asking for trouble?”

Fang Yuan also bears the corresponding obligations while benefiting from these covenants.

for example. Langya Blessed Land was attacked by a strong enemy. Fang Yuan had to go to support and live with Langya Blessed Land.

Langya Earth Spirit is still following the rules, after all is Earth Spirit, there is no human cunning plot. Everything is done according to the rules of Langya School, and there is not too much restraint on Fang Yuan.

The Snowman family is different.

They are nonhuman and spiritually second only to Human Race. Being crushed for so many years, in the north of the ice linger on in a steadily worsening condition, huge survival pressure, developed their strong battle strength, and savvy thinking.

Fang Yuan To marry Snowman, the Snowman family will definitely find ways to extract the benefits of Fang Yuan!

By that time, Fang Yuan couldn’t help himself.

“Snowman and Stoneman. Survive underground in the northern ice sheet. The Stoneman family has Immemorial Stone Dragon, Rank 8 battle strength, but the Snowman family does not. So, they want me to combine with Xue’er, can indirectly master the Rank 8 battle strength And thus against the Stoneman family.”

Don’t look at Snowman and Stoneman Gu Immortals. During the visit to Fang Yuan, they performed very well.

But is there really such harmony?

The two sides are crowded under the ice sheet, living on a piece of land, and the space is small. How can there be no friction in peacetime? After all is two races.

It is only because of the overall situation that the mind is rational and only supports each other.

It is conceivable that there is the Stoneman family of Immemorial Stone Dragon. In the usual contradiction, it is a party that often benefits. Snowman doesn’t eat too much, just forbearing it.

The status of the Stoneman family is still relatively high.

This can be seen from the details of the league before and after.

For example, Shi Zong, Gu Immortals, is often his first representative. Not the other Snowman Gu Immortal.

“If I combine with Xue’er, no, even if it is openly accepted by Xue’er, it means being close to Snowman. Inevitably, it will be involved in the internal contradictions between Snowman and Stoneman.”

Once there is an internal contradiction, Xue’er finds Fang Yuan and asks Fang Yuan to come forward to mediate. Fang Yuan is one of the allies and is not good to refuse.

The Stoneman family has a greater interest in Fang Yuan’s.

After all, there is trade between Audacity Gu on both sides.

How can Fang Yuan lose his income because of his beauty and evil relationship with the Stoneman family?

These days, in fact, not only Bing Zhuo’s letter, but also other letters from Inkman, Snowman, and Stoneman Gu Immortal.

Among them are Xue’er’s.

The intention behind it is to win over Fang Yuan.

The temptation of Rank 8 battle strength is really amazing!

One of the reasons Fang Fang left Northern Plains and went to the Eastern Sea’s was to take the initiative to avoid these Gu Immortal. This means that many troubles in the future are avoided in advance.

“For these nonhuman, it is pure use. Unfortunately, my relationship with them is getting deeper and deeper. Once I have an accident, I have to suffer. I must get out of it as soon as possible.” Fang Yuan has already had a heart. consciousness.

Moreover, Langya Earth Spirit wants to attract the intention of Tyrant Immortal Chu Du’s, and also makes Fang Yuan feel worse.

Once Chu Du joins, it will greatly threaten Fang Yuan’s position in Langya School.

The reason why Langya Earth Spirit wants to recruit Chu Du’s is also worth pondering.

Although Langya Earth Spirit confessed to this task, Fang Yuan privately decided that it could drag. He will never naively try to counter Chu Du.

“Eastern Sea Information Dao inheritance” Fang Yuan whispered in the bottom of my heart.

This is one of his purposes for the Eastern Sea’s trip.

If Fang Yuan can get what means in this Information Dao inheritance, let him unilaterally and quietly lift his covenant, then it is best.

Fang Yuan’s diplomacy will take the initiative!

However, this Information Dao inheritance is only a secondary goal, and Fang Yuan has another major plot.

A few days later.

Eastern Sea, turbulent Sea Territory.

“Forgive me, I, surrender!” Liu Qingyu knees on the floor, he riddled with scars, fighting all.

He is Rank 7 loose immortal, and this trip is more entangled with the three Rank 6.

Unexpectedly, in this turbulent Sea Territory, there was an ambush, and three Rank 6 Gu Immortal were invited to take action, and they were killed at the moment.

Their enemies are the four mysterious Gu Immortal.

Liu Qingyu is also a well-informed person, but he has never heard of Eastern Sea Gu Immortal World. There are such four experts!

These four Gu Immortals are very special.

The cultivation base is the highest, with the popularity of Rank 7, but a Stoneman Gu Immortal.

The remaining three are Rank 6 Gu Immortal. A very beautiful English-female female immortal, an old man who looks quite amiable, and a Immortal Zombie with a common face.

Regardless of which is a very good Gu Immortal expert. But what Liu Qingyu is puzzled is that the brains in them are not Stoneman Gu Immortal, nor the male-female immortal or old man, but the seemingly amazing Rank 6 Immortal Zombie!

“Oh? Active surrender, hehe, is also a matter of knowing the time.” Rank 6 Immortal Zombie rubbed his chin, grinningly said.

If Fang Yuan is present, he must recognize his identity.

Nothing wrong, he is Ying Wuxie!

“Hmph, no bones, no wonder it’s not my opponent. Just kill it directly, add Earth Dao’s Dao Marks to Stone Slave.” Hei Loulan’s body, surrounded by the flame of orange.

Stoneman Gu Immortal Stone Slave expressionless, looked at Ying Wuxie at the side, slowly said: “Everything depends on the adults.”

“Don’t, don’t!” Liu Qingyu quickly shouted, looked worried, and felt wronged. “I am Rank 7 Gu Immortal, but Immortal Gu on my body, only Rank 6 nothing more. Instead, you are a fairy, but there is Rank 7 Immortal Gu, and that many of the Flame Dao ultimate move. I am against you, it is normal!”

Ying Wuxie laughed, swinging his hand: “Now my Shadow Sect is on the verge of employing someone, I might as well give you a chance to live and that’s it. Obediently don’t resist, I stimulate Immortal Realm Ultimate Move, set a covenant!”

“thanks to sir does not kill the grace, thanks to sir does not kill the grace!” Liu Qingyu was overjoyed, grateful to zero, and gimmicks.

Ying Wuxie’s Covenant is extremely harsh in nature. But Liu Qingyu wants to save his life, and other things are already secondary.

Hei Loulan, on the side of “Soul Dao Means”, watched the whole process, and Ying Wuxie used Soul Dao to achieve Information Dao. Like Fang Yuan’s 100 Years Prosper Union, it is the result of other genres.

“From now on, you are a member of Shadow Sect’s. Get up.” Set the covenant, Ying Wuxie said with a smile.

“I would like to dedicate Immortal Gu to the adults.” Liu Qingyu did not get up, but took out his two two Rank 6 Immortal Gu and raised his head.

Ying Wuxie laughed heartily: “The two Immortal Gus I don’t care about, you keep it, it’s possible to give you a good performance in the future, and give you anything like Rank 7 Immortal Gu or True Inheritance.”

“thanks to sir Ende!” Liu Qingyu looked grateful.

“In other words, the place is remote, and there are many sea islands around. Why do you want to come here?” Ying Wuxie asked immediately, wondering if there was any trace of his own.

Liu Qingyu mentioned this, and smiled bitterly: “reporting to adults, all this is a misunderstanding. I just want to find a place to rest that’s all. Hey, all this has to start from the beginning. In this turbulent Sea Territory, I have a clue about Information Dao True Inheritance”

Originally, Liu Qingyu pursued Blood Dao Demon Immortal and wanted to win the key clues of Information Dao inheritance. As a result, he killed the person, but there was no result, but he was suspected by the other two Rank 7 Gu Immortal who participated in the incident.

After repeated thoughts, he felt that Fang Yuan was the most suspected. It is very likely that the clues of Information Dao True Inheritance were secretly obtained by him.

Liu Qingyu was very reluctant, and he entangled a group of Gu Immortal, and secretly sneaked into the turbulent Sea Territory in an attempt to find other clues, or waited for Fang Yuan to come.

After listening to the story of Liu Qingyu, Hei Loulan, Ying Wuxie and the others, all involuntarily smiled.

This Liu Qingyu is too bad luck.

Looking for a place to rest, the result was a deadly collision with Shadow Sect’s secret base.

Ying Wuxie suddenly changed his face: “Wait, you just said your most suspected Gu Immortal, what is the look of what kind?”

Ps: There is something wrong at night, and today I have to go one more. If you owe it, you will find time to make up.

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