Fang Yuan’s Divine Sense shuttles through Treasure Yellow Heaven.

“Hey?” His Divine Sense was slightly stopped.

One Gu Immortal’s will, on one side, is the goods of the hill behind him.

“These are all landslides?” Fang Yuan took the initiative to ask.

Han Yu’s Gu Immortal will immediately wake up from the slumber, see a customer, and quickly replied: “It’s all slippery!”

After reporting the price, he added: “This is Gu Immortals, how much do you want to buy?”

The soil is a kind of Rank 5 Gu material, which is quite fertile.

Fang Yuan is nodded in the heart, the other party’s bid is very fair, even lower than the usual market price. I happen to need these soils, and I said, “I have to do this.”

Han Yu’s will suddenly vibrated: “You said you bought it all? I have a lot of slips.”

Fang Yuan confirmed: “Of course I bought it all. Two hundred and twenty pieces of immortal essence stones. If I didn’t make a mistake, is this price?”

Han Yu’s will quickly nodded: “Yes, yes.”

In Treasure Yellow Heaven, any cargo has a treasure light that escapes.

Fang Yuan is the saw treasure light, and the goods themselves, the immediate calculation of the selling price.

He is Wisdom Dao Grandmaster.

“Hand over.” Fang Yuan is quite simple.

“Okay, okay.” Han Yu’s will be busy with nodded promise.

Some of the developments in the situation made him unexpected.

He is just one Rank 6 Gu Immortal, who has spent one Heavenly Tribulation and worked hard on Immortal Aperture. This time sells the landslides in Blessed Land, taking into account past experience. He also deliberately lowered the price a bit, but he did not expect to be bought at once!

For him, this is a huge surprise.

Han Yu’s will carried two hundred and two pieces of immortal essence stones, and the whole body of the will was trembling slightly, obviously very excited.

“I am in the previous life. Isn’t that the case?” Fang Yuan saw this scene in his eyes and felt a little emotion in his heart.

Han Yu is undoubtedly the universal representative of Rank 6 Gu Immortal. Fang Yuan previous life is even worse than him. After all, cultivation is Blood Dao.

But this life is different!

The sale of Audacity Gu alone is a monopoly of trade, a constant source of interest.

After swallowing the resources of Hei Fan Celestial Grotto, Fang Yuan’s net worth has skyrocketed to a horrific level. Not to mention two hundred immortal essence stones, even if you take out two thousand pieces. Also, the eyes are not blind.

In short. Fang Yuan’s economic situation is quite good.

After buying this batch of landslides, Fang Yuan took control of Divine Sense and patrolled a few laps to buy some other soil.

After reaching the goal, Fang Yuan took back Divine Sense and brought the soil back to Paragon Immortal Aperture.

He manipulates several Strength Dao Immortal Zombies and sprinkles all of this soil into the Little Southern Border in the Paragon Immortal Aperture.

The scene in Little Southern Border. There have been earth-shaking changes.

The piece by piece of the forest, the rich green cover of the land. The towering ancient tree, the tall cypress, the straight poplars, the low bushes, and the countless grasses and wildflowers make the Little Southern Border lush and green.

These are just very ordinary plants, and there are also a lot of Higher Rank resources.

For example, the largest number of Quli Wood!

This kind of tree roots are lingering and have no customs. On the branch. Often there are a variety of birds, the most one is Furious Bird, screaming and singing.

Originally Little Southern Border, a quiet, now very lively.

In addition to birds, there are a large number of deer, squirrels, hares, monkeys, snakes, tigers, etc. in the forest. Intertwined into a circular ecosystem of mutual dependence.

The original Little Southern Border is just a little mound that’s all.

Now, more than a dozen mountains have been added directly.

These mountains are directly drawn from Fang Yuan from Hei Fan Celestial Grotto.

The usual Gu Immortal does not have this means of moving mountains, but his Picking Mountain Immortal Gu can be used on this.

At present, the highest in the mountains is undoubtedly Inheritance Immortal Mountain.

There is also stone pavilion on the mountain. Fang Yuan has not been dismantled, but the inheritance in the stone pavilion has been taken away by him.

Busy a long time, Fang Yuan manipulates Immortal Zombie spilled all the soil into the planned position.

Fang Yuan also inspected for a while, and this was satisfactory.

“With these soils, it should be possible to allow these plants to grow for a while.”

In Fang Yuan’s Paragon Immortal Aperture, Earth Dao’s Dao Marks is still rare, with lots of interior space, Five Regions and Nine Heavens, and even fewer Earth Dao’s Dao Marks.

Earth Dao’s Dao Marks is rare. In Fang Yuan’s Paragon Immortal Aperture, there are no hills and so on, and the soil is not thick and not fertile.

Almost all of these grassy forests in Little Southern Border are from Hei Fan Celestial Grotto.

In Hei Fan Celestial Grotto, these trees are growing very well, densely packed, and green.

But transplanted to Fang Yuan’s Paragon Immortal Aperture, because of the scarcity of Earth Dao’s Dao Marks, these plants have dried up, a lack of nutrition.

Fang Yuan had to buy a lot of fertile soil, such as landscaping, sprinkled on the Little Southern Border to temporarily cope with the situation.

“But this method is not a cure!”

“These soils will become common soil after a while, and the Earth Dao’s Dao Marks will dissipate.”

At best, these soils are only common level coffins, and the extremely ruined Earth Dao’s Dao Marks. After being nourished by the vegetation, most of these fragmented Earth Dao’s Dao Marks will be completely dissipated.

“Only through the transcends tribulation, or the absorption of Earth Dao Gu Immortal’s Dao Marks, and the growth of the Earth Dao’s Dao Marks in Immortal Aperture, is the cure.” Fang Yuan knows.

For the fifth Earthly Disaster, Fang Yuan could no longer go to the northern icefield transcends tribulation. At this time, you can choose to go to the Southern Border, or other Earth Dao’s Dao Marks rich place transcends tribulation, hoping to encounter the Earth Dao Earthly Disaster.

Once you encounter the Earth Dao Earthly Disaster, the problem of Fang Yuan’s will be relieved immediately after the crossing.

As for killing Earth Dao Gu Immortal and absorbing Dao Marks, it is not easy.

Cultivation base Low Earth Dao Gu Immortal, there are not many Dao Marks. Cultivation base High Earth Dao Gu Immortal. Battle strength is often strong, and Fang Yuan has a high risk to deal with them.

So far, Fang Yuan has crossed the Earthly Disaster four times.

The first time was the Snow Monster disaster, as well as changes such as Iron Crown Eagle and Ruin Bat. The second is Wind Flower Tribulation, Snow Moon Tribulation, the third is Life Harbinger Green Oriole, Big Misfortune Burning Wood, and the fourth is Profound White Flying Salt Tribulation.

Because Paragon Immortal Aperture transcends Ten Perfect fit and is a bogey for Will of Heaven, almost every Earthly Disaster is promoted to follow the most huge might under the Heavenly Dao limit.

The difficulty of this Earthly Disaster is much more than that of Gu Immortal. Even ten times.

and so. Fang Yuan’s Dao Marks is also beyond the usual harvest, reaching a dozen times!

Therefore, Fang Yuan has the most traces of Ice and Snow Dao, followed by Transformation Dao, Strength Dao, Qi Dao, Law Dao, etc. Luck Dao and Blood Dao also have some.

The entire Paragon Immortal Aperture, because of the resources of Hei Fan Celestial Grotto. Achieved a big step.

But because the space is too wide, the Little Southern Border is currently richer. Although there are some resources in other places, there is no such sound ecology as the Little Southern Border.

There are many Desolate Beasts, Great Horned Sheep, Shark Fin Wolf, Dragon Fish, Falcon Dog, etc. Far Ancient Desolate Beast has Heaven Remnant Dog, Fallen Star Dog (larva). There is an Immemorial Desolate Beast, and that is the Superior Heavenly Eagle. But at this time, it has become a bird egg.

There are also some other Desolate Plants, one of the Far Ancient Desolate Plants, and that is the Walking Flesh Tree.

In summary, Fang Yuan’s resources have accumulated. Already similar to Gu Immortal of Rank 7 peak. Such a character as Chu Du is estimated to be the extent of Fang Yuan. As for Feng Jiuge, Fang Yuan is slightly worse by the focus of the super power.

After the soil was sown, Fang Yuan withdrew his mind and continued to perform Soul Search on the soul of Gu Immortal’s captives.

The Gu Immortal prisoners in Fang Yuan Immortal Aperture are quite a lot.

Gu Immortal has a lot of souls.

The focus of this time Soul Search is the soul of the nine Gu Immortals in Hei Fan Celestial Grotto.

Feng Jun’s Luck Dao True Inheritance. There are also Chen Le’s stealth methods, which are quite good, and Fang Yuan is very interested.

“You are not Hei Cheng! Who are you?”

“You are this sinister Littleman, there is a kind that makes me soul destroyed!”

“Forgive me, spare me a life, as long as you let me be born again, I will be your most loyal slave!”

These Gu Immortal souls, some questioning, some roaring for death, and some want to ask for.

Fang Yuan is not pretend to be Hei Cheng in front of them. After all, Meeting Past Acquaintance also consumes immortal essence, and Manner Gu also consumes his energy.

The screams of these Gu Immortal, Fang Yuan did not care, just blindly Soul Search.

Every day, he will be Soul Search for a while.

“For another three days, these souls will be completely memorized by me, let me know everything about them.”

When Soul Search is finished, Fang Yuan sorts out the harvest and thoroughly withdraws his mind.

He left Cloud City and left for Unrestrained Valley.

There, he took out the soul and carried out the painstaking Soul Dao cultivation.

Fang Yuan has been using Unrestrained Valley and Soul Shaking Mountain for some time, and his soul background has grown to dozens of times before!

However, Fang Yuan still has no confidence in the body of his original Immortal Zombie.

“This problem is the most troublesome.”

“The increase in the soul background is actually difficult to avoid. Shadow Sect’s possible means.”

“Maybe, the means of Ying Wuxie’s arrangement is based on the background of the soul. The stronger the soul background, the more the Shadow Sect’s trap will be.”

“Ying Wuxie knows that I have Unrestrained Valley and Soul Shaking Mountain. When laying out traps, it’s impossible to ignore these factors.”

After the daily cultivation of the soul, Fang Yuan returned to the flesh and stood up slightly.

His face looked a little melancholy.

As long as he can use Wisdom Gu again, his overall strength will have explosive growth!

Many of the problems facing development are related to Wisdom Gu.

As long as Wisdom Gu can be used, many problems and concerns can be solved.

“Wisdom Gu has, the body of Strength Dao Immortal Zombie is also there, and it is stuck at the last point!” Fang Yuan sighed in his heart.

In this way, Fang Yuan spent seven days at Langya Blessed Land.

He worked diligently and did not relax for a minute or two.

The soul background has grown again. The souls of the nine Gu Immortals are completely searched. Fang Yuan also used most of the 琅琊sect contribution, in exchange for some 琅琊Heavenly Crystal, he also released some refining gu tasks.

My Intent Gu, Year Gu, Month Gu, Day Gu, and many other mortal gus, he needs a lot.

These mortal gu would rather spend sect contributions, let Hairyman Gu Master and Gu Immortal refining themselves. After all, this can save him a lot of time and effort.

Seven days later, he quickly left, leaving Langya Blessed Land and heading straight to the Eastern Sea!

Ps: It was originally intended to be two more, because last month’s monthly ticket breach 800, still owed a more chapter. But today is not in the state, only one more. Fight for tomorrow’s double!

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