Two days later.

Blue Heaven, the sun fiercely shines from above. Four wild donkey, solely blue for thousands of miles.

The two Yao Family Gu Immortal are suspended at high altitude, and the figure is unobtrusive and generous and displayed in front of people.

Female Gu Immortal medicine orange looked up and smiled on the round face: “Today is really good Heaven Qi, so my mood can’t help but happy.”

Beside her, also the female of the Yao Family, Gu Immortal Yao Zihan, sighed: “Heaven Qi is good, we are in a good mood, but Hei Family’s Gu Immortals is the opposite.”

In her eyes, there is a purple light, a sight at the grass under the feet, but with keen interest pleasure.

On the other side of the cloud, the same two men, Gu Immortal, sit.

Both of them are middle-aged, with a thick beard, a carapace, two arms exposed, and shiny muscles.

Both feet also have no boots, and the trouser legs are also very high, almost to expose the knees.

The only difference is that one skin is dark and one skin is dark yellow.

So attire, only Northern Plains’ another Huang Jin Clan.

That is Meng Family!

Meng Ji has dark yellow skin and stares at Yao Family. Two female immortal looks: “The one is Yao Zihan, and the eyes are purple. It is obviously the family move of the Yang Family. The purple 璇眸 can see Blessed Lands. And Celestial Grottos, Yao Family At the moment, the situation of Iron Eagle Blessed Land is awesome.”

On the other side, looked up and looked at it, carelessly said: “There is no big deal. When you really want to snatch, you have to rely on your fist to speak.”

Spoke until here, he suddenly looked up and looked at the east.

I saw the golden glow of the east, the golden glow shines, and a gorgeous great hall slowly flies.

“Gong Family is coming!”

“Good guys, the Immortal Gu Home Golden Dawn Great Hall in the family has brought in, and it can be seen that Gong Family has a heart.”

“Gong Family has always been all the same, paying attention to the show, and not taking care of him!”

Righteous Path Gu Immortals communicates secretly.

Most people’s eyes are still focused on Iron Eagle Blessed Land.

Iron Eagle Blessed Land is the headquarters of Hei Family, public Blessed Land. Pinned to Void, the portal does not open, it is not observed outside.

Unless there is Immortal Realm Ultimate Move such as Aster, which is controlled by Yao Zihan.

Righteous Path Gu Immortals are waiting patiently.

Because as far as they know, Demonic Path Gu Immortals has teamed up. Take the lead in it.

It turned out that this Northern Plains dispute led to one Rank 7 Demonic Path expert, named Yellow Earth. This person’s cultivation base is superb and inherited a Northern Plains Legendary in history. True Inheritance of Earth Dao Great Expert Old Ground.

He has the means to break into Blessed Land. The Iron Eagle Blessed Land is a public Blessed Land. It is a patchwork and the defense is not as good as the ordinary Blessed Land.

Demonic Path Gu Immortal Yellow Earth took the lead and gathered a large number of Demonic Path and rogue cultivator to work together.

To a certain extent, Iron Eagle Blessed Land will sooner or later collapse.

As a result, there are loopholes everywhere, even if the portal does not open, it can let Righteous Path Gu Immortal freely enter and exit.

“everyone is the same. Gong Er is here to invite everyone to the hall, and to discuss Hei Family.” Outside the Immortal Gu Home Golden Dawn Great Hall of Gong Family, one Rank 7 Gu Immortal old man, a golden robe, has a tone.

“It is Gong Er, the old bastard. The intelligence of the family is inaccurate. It really is that he came here.”

“hehe, this Gong Family still wants to be a leader. If we enter the temple, he will definitely be the Alliance Lord.”

“This is the old problem of Gong Family. But the Gong Family coming with Immortal Gu Home is probably the strongest force in my Righteous Path.”

“Who would be stupid enough to take the initiative. Let Kong Family lead yourself?”

Righteous Path Gu Immortals sneered in the heart, no one moved.

Gong Family is also Huang Jin Tribe, super power, and the family’s Revered Elders is ambitious. I want to make Gong Family the Lord of the Righteous Path. However, between Huang Jin Clan, no one is convinced.

However, before, Sovereign Yao and Heavenly Monarch Baiju joined forces and lost in the hands of Old Ancestor Xuehu. Among the Righteous Path, only the remaining Rank 8 Gu Immortal, Crown Prince Feng Xian is the Gong Family.

Gong Family is preaching, only Crown Prince Feng Xian in the Righteous Path can rival Old Ancestor Xuehu. This arrogance rose.

Standing in front of Immortal Gu Home, Gong Er thought that he would get a response from Righteous Path. After a while, no one left, and even the sound of peace should not be.

Rao is his age and has experienced a lot. The face at the moment can also be’t help but hard to look.

“Baiju Family Gu Immortal, met Gong Er Senior.” Just then, three Gu Immortals flew, near Gong Er.

Among the three, the leader is one Rank 7 Gu Immortal, and the other two are Rank 6 cultivation base.

The three immortals are very low-key, with a smile on their faces and a goodwill on their bodies.

Gong Er’s face was a little slower, and he felt that Baiju Family San Gu Immortals was also a bit amiable. The most important thing was that he had a step down and he was busy making the three immortals invited to the Golden Dawn Great Hall.

Seeing the Righteous Path Gu Immortals of such a scene, the complexion is a bit complicated.

It turns out that this Baiju Family is not Huang Jin bloodline, it is the super power that just got into the Righteous Path. The source is the famous Rank 8 Gu Immortal Heavenly Monarch Baiju.

Heavenly Monarch Baiju originally was born as a rogue cultivator, but since the collapse of the Royal Court Blessed Land, he has hoped to establish super power.

But the status of Northern Plains, the super power of Righteous Path, almost all are Huang Jin Clan.

In order to get in, Baiju Tianju took the initiative to make a good match with Sovereign Yao and even teamed up with the latter to deal with Old Ancestor Xuehu.

Although 2 vs 1, they were defeated.

However, the original purpose of Heavenly Monarch Baiju has been achieved.

After receiving Sovereign Yao’s friendship and recognition with Yao Family, Heavenly Monarch Baiju succeeded in establishing the Baiju Family with her own bloodline descendants.

Gu Immortal of Baiju Family is in cultivated in the Celestial Grotto of Heavenly Monarch Baiju. Although the number is scarce, at this time the Northern Plains dispute, Heavenly Monarch Baiju also sent three to participate in this flourishing.

“Baiju Family ……”

“hmph, Gu Immortal of these Baiju Family, cunning like Heavenly Monarch Baiju.”

“We didn’t show up with Gong Family, but the result was that the Baiju Family was cheap.”

Righteous Path Gu Immortals are basically Huang Jin bloodline, long-term occupation of Northern Plains, although the internal strife is quite a lot, but the “outsiders” of the Baiju Family is even more exclusive.

“Unfortunately, on the head of the Baiju Family, there is Heavenly Monarch Baiju, and I can’t make a big move.”

“Even so, we have a variety of means to deal with it. To build a superpower in Northern Plains, oh! It’s not that easy…”

For a time, the rest of the Righteous Path Gu Immortal was in contact and discussed to give the Baiju Family a good look.


The crowds have just been negotiating, and they haven’t talked about any clues, they heard a loud noise.

Countless eyes are cast in the air. Sure enough, when I saw the grassland, the space burst, like a broken mirror, and the fragmented light and shadow images covered thousands of miles.

The sight in Iron Eagle Blessed Land. Directly presented in front of the public.

At this moment, there is no need for an extreme move such as sable, and all the sages can see all kinds of scenes directly.

Righteous Path The attention of all the people is attracted.

In Iron Eagle Blessed Land, it is already a melee.

A large number of Demonic Path Gu Immortal compete for the resources and treasures of Hei Family. Some are looting and some are fighting.

Kā chā 嚓!

Lightning ray is bombarded around. The surrounding earth is splashed with earth and stone, and each deep pit is black.

Divine Monarch Tian Du is wrapped around the electric mans, shouted: “The lights here are all mine, who dares to grab me?”

Old Lu and the others turned back and looked at each other, and they all saw the jealous color of each other’s faces.

“Divine Monarch Tian Du adds two Thunder Dao Immortal Gus, and the battle strength has risen so badly that we are withdrawing.”

“right. There are treasures everywhere, why bother with him here?”

These Gu Immortal are all without exception, the bottom of the Rank 6 Gu Immortal, the rapid sound transmission discussed, and immediately wisely withdrew.

Another place.

The Desolate Beast Iron Crown Eagle was powerless and was trampled under the feet of a pig.

On the back of the pig is a Demonic Path Gu Immortal, with a fat body and a pair of copper hammers. He is proud of himself: “His grandmother. Just rely on your flat hair, and dare to sneak attack your grandfather me?”

As he said, he suddenly expressed a condensed, looked towards the East.

A peacock flies in the east. Immortal Qi is full of eloquence, and the voice is crisp and clear: “Zhu Zhan.”

“It’s He Ruo Fairy!” Zhu Zhan immediately changed his face, smiled, and pleased.

Peacock Flying Immortal He Ruo, Rank 6 Transformation Dao Gu Immortal.

“How about translating your Desolate Beast with me? I just caught one Desolate Beast Shadeless Horse.” He Ruo suggested.

Zhu Zhan eyes bright glow flashes. Quickly nodded: “Change, exchange! Fairy your request, Zhu Zhan is very willing, hey hey.”

On the other side.

The wind is like a piece of green willow, which is visible to the naked eye.

The wind of a group is constantly flowing here.

A silhouette falls from a high altitude, and the tone is implicitly excited: “I don’t think of it, there is a lot of Rank 7 immortal materials.”

It is the Rank 7 Gu Immortal expert Pi Shuihan.

“Brother Pi, this immortal materials I have already occupied, you still go to other places.” A silhouette emerged, but a scholar, awkward.

Pi Shuihan’s eyelids are miniature, coldly said: “It turned out to be Scholar Zi Zai.”

Scholar Zi Zai smiles calmly, he is also a Rank 7 expert, and his name and means are not lost to Pi Shuihan.

“The last time I was at Grand Mound, there was no difference between me and you. This time will come to compete!” Pi Shuihan took the initiative to invite.

Scholar Zi Zai smiles a little more: “I heard about Brother Pi, you have a new Immortal Realm Ultimate Move, I have to see it.”


All kinds of situations are reflected in the eyes of Righteous Path Gu Immortal.

“Because of Demonic Path Gu Immortal Yellow Earth, these demon spawns have taken the lead.”

“Nothing. Iron Eagle Blessed Land is a unique structure, known as the Northern Plains, which is known as the Desolate Beast Iron Crown Eagle. The land here is sparse, but the sky is wide and towering, up and down. Really valuable things, still in the air, eagle nest Among them.”

“hmph, a group of people. The Hei Family Gu Immortals have not appeared, and the real core resources have not been touched, and they have already fallen out.”

Righteous Path Gu Immortals is just around the corner.

Just then, a figure, the electric shot down. The speed is fast, and in a flash, it has entered Iron Eagle Blessed Land.

“Who is he? A Sword Dao cultivation base.”

“It’s the Junior of Nian’er Family. It seems to be called Nian’er Pingzhi!”

Righteous Path Gu Immortals was amazed. This person has been hidden in the air and has not communicated with his fellow travelers before.

“Who?” In Blessed Land, Qing Xuan Zi felt and looked up.

A sword light flashed, and the thunder was too late!

Qing Xuan Zi head Landed.

“Get your life, Nian’er Pingzhi.” Sword light flies over, leaving a faint voice. (~^~)

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