Shadow Sect’s remnant forces, really can’t be underestimated!

There are more than a dozen Immortal Gu in front of Hei Loulan and Taibai Yunsheng.

However, the looks at these Immortal Gu, the happy colors that just emerged from the faces of the two, are gradually converging.

“I am Vigorous True Martial Physique, but there isn’t a Strength Dao Immortal Gu in these Immortal Gus.” Hei Loulan shook his head and sighed, his tone full of regret.

“oh! Fang Yuan, you know, I majored in Time Dao, if I use these Immortal Gu…” Taibai Yunsheng’s situation is also like so, there is no Time Dao in these Immortal Gu.

Most Immortal Gus are part of Soul Dao.

Stone Slave is silent. He is Earth Dao Gu Immortal. There are two Immortal Gus in the Earth Dao genre, but his Immortal Gu has not been reduced.

Ying Wuxie nodded, the smile on the face has not changed.

He knows that these Immortal Gus are the Immortal Gus that were destroyed in the Great War of the Righteous Heavenly Mountain. These days, the Immortal Gu Home Regret Pond spontaneously moved, rely on the previous success mark, and the tributaries of the time here, refining these Immortal Gu.

So Soul Dao is mostly. Time Dao will have it, but the refining failed.

As for the Strength Dao Immortal Gu, there is no such thing.

The Vigorous True Martial Physique, Immortal Zombie Da Li is a rare wisdom cultivation in history. Unfortunately, when he refining Strength Dao Immortal Gu, Shadow Sect has not rebuilt Regret Pond, so there is no refining gu left. The success of the imprint.

“It doesn’t matter. You are nothing more than worried about the mutual internal friction between Dao Marks. I have a magical method here, which can make you multi-cultivation another genre, and this genre’s Dao Marks and your major Dao Marks are not in conflict. “”

“Is there such a magical way in this world?” Taibai Yunsheng was so shocked that his eyes were full of drums.

Stone Slave found The dull face is also moving. This kind of method is simply unheard of!

Hei Loulan’s eyes popped up, and she suspected that it was Ying Wuxie’s opportunity to increase control over them. She felt it was a conspiracy.

She faintly said: “Which is so cheap in this world? There must be something wrong, so wonderful, I am afraid that the drawbacks are not small?”

Ying Wuxie laughed: “I guarantee that this method has no repercussion.”

He glanced at Hei Loulan deeply, his eyes narrowed.

He naturally thinks about Fang Yuan, and he can’t help but feel a lot of depression.

Compare with Paragon Immortal Fetus Gu. The two factions, Dao Marks, do not interfere with each other. Is there anything to be surprised? Shadow Sect studied Paragon Immortal Fetus Gu, but all Dao Marks can be fellow initiates, without interference with each other.

Demon Venerable Gloomy Soul is in Life and Death Gate. Engulf the soul of Gu Immortal and learn from the experience of massive cultivation.

After 100,000’s gestation, he pushed countless genres of Realm to the Great Grandmaster.

The method of the two fellow initiates is only Shadow Sect long ago. The preliminary version of the research. The highest achievement is Paragon Immortal Fetus Gu!

In order to refining Paragon Immortal Fetus Gu, Shadow Sect took nearly 100,000 years, draining the entire Shadow Sect, Zombie Alliance’s background, and even the Demon Venerable Gloomy Soul ontology.

However, man proposes, Heaven disposes, Paragon Immortal Fetus Gu, although refined, but at the last minute, Fang Yuan picked the peach.

Paragon Immortal Fetus Gu is a one-time consumable gu, and Fang Yuan has been reborn. There is no Paragon Immortal Fetus Gu between Heaven and Earth. In theory, it can be re-refined.

However, if you want to refine the second one, the price and risk it pays are too big. Even Ying Wuxie doesn’t have this kind of heart. Therefore, Paragon Immortal Fetus Gu is basically a must.

“Unless you are catching Fang Yuan, as the most important immortal materials, perform Reverse Refining!”

“However, it is not time to deal with him now.”

“Or first strengthen your own power, gather Eastern Sea’s remnant forces, and save the body as soon as possible!”

Ying Wuxie sighed in her heart. Shadow Sect and Fang Yuan’s account will be counted sooner or later, but there are priorities. It is by no means a time of entanglement with Fang Yuan.

Time has passed by.

Northern Plains, Langya Blessed Land.

It has been more than a month since Fang Yuan crossed the second Earthly Disaster.

Treasure Yellow Heaven is not open. There is no movement.

Fang Yuan’s plan to run Immortal Aperture was severely hampered. Without any choice, he had to try to cultivation on the one hand and a lot of deductions. On the other hand, he focused on the Northern Plains dispute and referred Hei Fan True Inheritance to the recent plan.

Earthly Disaster is only two months apart. It has been more than a month now. With only one month left, Fang Yuan will usher in the third Earthly Disaster.

This world is not long, and short and short.

Fang Yuan seems to smell the smell of Disaster and Tribulation.

What makes Fang Yuan worry is that the third Earthly Disaster is even stronger than the second. So far, his strength is basically the same as that of the second Earthly Disaster.

“If you get Hei Fan True Inheritance, it’s very likely to be on on Immortal Gu, delaying Immortal Aperture time. As a result, not just the third Earthly Disaster, even for the future of Disaster and Tribulation, it is very beneficial.”

Fang Yuan learned a lot from Hei Cheng.

Hei Fan True Inheritance is very outstanding, from the Rank 8 Time Dao Great Expert Hei Fan. If you can inherit this True Inheritance, you can enter Hei Fan Celestial Grotto, not only the owner of Celestial Grotto, but also many Time Dao Immortal Gu!

Many of Gu Immortal True Inheritance, only Immortal Gu Formula, Immortal Realm Ultimate Move, etc., lack Immortal Gu. This is because the feeding of Immortal Gu is difficult, and it is difficult to store Immortal Gu and it is successfully left to the successor.

But Hei Fan True Inheritance is different!

Because the Immortal Gu left by Hei Fan is kept in his Immortal Aperture.

Gu Immortal’s Immortal Aperture is well-managed and the first layer standard is to meet the feeding needs of its own Immortal Gu.

Hei Fan This level of Gu Immortal, equivalent to today’s Northern Plains’ Rank 8 Gu Immortal Sovereign Yao, operating Immortal Aperture is absolutely perfect.

Fang Yuan If you get Hei Fan True Inheritance, the whole strength will rise and double. Once the Immortal Aperture time flow rate is delayed, the dangerous situation will be greatly alleviated and completely improved. Never again, as it is now, like walking on the edge of a cliff. A little carelessness is the end of the dead.

These days, rely on Langya School, Fang Yuan knows a lot about the Northern Plains dispute.

This is not to say that Langya School has a lot of intelligence. On the contrary, Hairyman Gu Immortal is difficult to find information because of his identity, far less than the former Fairy Lishan.

The key reason is that the Northern Plains struggle was too big and it took place almost all of the Northern Plains Gu Immortal. The battle between them may have been mortal, but for Gu Immortal, it is unmasked. Can’t hide it!

In fact, intelligence does not need to be inquired, and it is on the bright side.

Although Fang Yuan is in Langya Blessed Land, she has long been concerned about the development of the whole situation.

Hei Family This time, the back pot is too big. It has already reached the end of the great disaster, the moment of family demise.

Gu Immortal, from the three grand formation camps of Righteous Path and Demonic Path and rogue cultivator, is like a hungry wolf, swarming.

Looking at the Northern Plains map, the Hei Family is located in the southeastern part of Northern Plains. The territory is vast and it controls a lot of resources.

These resources have attracted countless fierce and cruel people.

Initially, these robbers still had some restraint, but they quickly became more profitable. Demonic Path Gu Immortal began to take action.

The friction between Righteous and Demonic Paths is growing.

The iconic event is the battle between Guan Shenzhao and Two Brave Travellers. Guan Shenzhao was defeated by four hands, and the yellow gold Wheat Field was robbed by two Demonic Path Gu Immortal.

Subsequently, a large number of Gu Immortal powder go on stage. Demonic Path Gu Immortal Three Brave Travellers, Old Lu, Half-Moon Savage Master, Zhu Zhan and other representative figures. Grab the resources of Hei Family.

The scene was chaotic, and once the Righteous Path was completely unprepared.

In this case, Yongquanlin was devastated. It is a pity that Hei Family has been operating for hundreds of years.

Righteous Path Gu Immortal quickly became alert and began to have a tacit understanding.

Even if it competes for the Immemorial Red Heaven Fragment World, such an important resource is tolerant and not take a big take action.

Gu Immortal World has always been dominated by the Righteous Path.

Especially the Northern Plains’ Righteous Path, basically Huang Jin bloodline, same origin.

The momentum of Demonic Path Gu Immortal is one of those. But soon, as half of the resources were cleaned up, Scholar Zi Zai, Pi Shuihan and other Demonic Path Rank 7 experts appeared one after another, which led to another round of chaos.

Unprecedented. The momentum of Demonic Path has overwhelmed the Righteous Path.

At the beginning, Hei Family Gu Immortals was also stationed, but soon after suffering the pain, they gathered all the Gu Immortal battle strength, and the turtles no longer appeared in the headquarters.

This undoubtedly fueled the arrogance of Demonic Path Gu Immortal.

Of course, apart from that. There are other reasons.

For example, a long time ago, Old Ancestor Xuehu defeated Sovereign Yao and Heavenly Monarch Baiju to become the number one person in the Northern Plains Gu Immortal community as Demonic Path.

Most important is the 88 Floors True Yang Building collapse, Immortal Gu flying, let a lot of Demonic Path, rogue cultivator Gu Immortal gain. After the auction held by Qin Baisheng, many of Gu Immortal got their own Immortal Gu, and the battle strength suddenly rose a lot.

This has greatly improved the strength of the entire Demonic Path and rogue cultivator, and can compete with the Righteous Path.

“I smashed 88 Floors True Yang Building and Royal Court Blessed Land. After just a few years, this influence has spread to the entire Northern Plains. The current Northern Plains situation is very different from what it was 500 years ago!”

Fang Yuan felt a lot of emotion.

The entire Northern Plains’ trend was unrecognizable because of him.

A few other big domains are better. But in Northern Plains, Fang Yuan has lost a lot of rebirth.

Of course, since he learned about Will of Heaven, he has maintained a considerable degree of suspicion about the rebirth.

Fang Yuan has been waiting patiently.

Hei Family’s many resources have made him feel excited. But he never left. The most important resource for the entire Hei Family is Hei Fan True Inheritance. This point Fang Yuan sees very clearly.

It’s another few days.

Finally, Fang Yuan obtained Northern Plains Gu Immortal, besieged Hei Family headquarters.

“Hei Fan True Inheritance is hidden in the Hei Family headquarters, it’s time to leave!”

Fang Yuan immediately left, acting quite simply, leaving Langya Blessed Land by sending grand formation.

Langya Earth Spirit also supports his actions.

After all, this is a good opportunity to observe the Northern Plains Gu Immortal community and explore the realities of the parties. At the same time, Luck Qi’s good words can also benefit a lot!

Langya Earth Spirit is still afraid to send Hairyman Gu Immortal from Langya School to wherever he goes, but Fang Yuan is a pure Human Race and cunning is the most suitable candidate.

Fang Yuan’s technique was re-applied. When he appeared in Northern Plains, he used Crossing Dark and Meeting Past Acquaintance to cover his identity.

At the same time, he alternated with Sword Escape Immortal Gu and Blood Drifting.

He is moving fast and has no trouble.

The Northern Plains Gu Immortal are almost all concentrated on the Hei Family headquarters, which makes Fang Yuan unimpeded.

Soon after, the Hei Family’s headquarters are far away.

“Hei Fan True Inheritance, I am coming…” Fang Yuan chanted in his heart, but did not think that at this moment, Treasure Yellow Heaven suddenly restarted!

It’s hilarious.

The reopening of Treasure Yellow Heaven has given the impetuous parties Gu Immortal a huge trading enthusiasm.

Fang Yuan stopped in the footsteps and fell into the hesitation of advancement and retreat.

A message was sent through Treasure Yellow Heaven.

Fang Yuan took a look, it was Chu Du’s!

Ps: A little tired. Today is in a bad state, Kavin, a little late, I am very sorry.

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