Among the Paragon Immortal Aperture.

Little Eastern Sea.

Here is a landform of Heze.

It’s just that there is no such thing as the vast Eastern Sea, the highest water surface, but 5~6 is nothing more.

Most places, compared to Desolate Beast, are simply small mud pits.

This is because Water Dao’s Dao Marks in Paragon Immortal Aperture is still not much.

At this point, in one corner of the Little Eastern Sea, two Desolate Beasts are playing against each other.


Desolate Beast Shark Fin Wolf screamed and slammed. It opened its mouth and exposed the sharp fangs. If the mouth was bitten, the rocks would have to be bitten and broken.

But the opponent it faced, a Desolate Beast Flying Bear, was a flash of light in his eyes, and suddenly retreated.

Shark Fin Wolf was overpowered and the attack was easily flashed by the Flying Bear.

Then, Flying Bear raised a thick bear’s paw and looked at Shark Fin Wolf’s head, a sudden shot.

A loud bang, huge power, made Shark Fin Wolf slammed to the ground, slammed and stunned, and could not afford to climb.

However, Fang Yuan is not very satisfied with this attack.

“I have used the Strength of Flying Bear Immortal Gu, and the power has indeed increased. But the Flying Bear Transformation has almost gone wrong. I have borrowed the Immortal Zombie for a while, and the strength of the Strength Dao’s Dao Marks is very rich. Although there is Shape Transformation Immortal Gu, but only forcibly changed. Strength Dao’s Dao Marks has always resisted the influence of Shape Transformation Immortal Gu.”

Transformation Dao Gu Immortal, the body of Dao Marks, is mainly the Transformation Dao mark.

This Dao Marks can be changed into other kinds of Dao Marks under the influence of Gu insect.

Shape Transformation Immortal Gu is Transformation Dao’s essence Gu insect, with which it can make a variety of changes in the form of Gu Immortal. Flowers, birds, fish and insects. Grass and trees, sun, moon and stars. Can change.

But this cockroach only has its shape, and it has to be matched with other Gu insects. There are changes in strength, speed, protection, and so on.

“The current Paragon Immortal Aperture is in my body, I can only rely on the strength of Dao Immortal Zombie, tempering Transformation Dao’s. But the Strength Dao Immortal Zombie is Strength Dao’s Dao Marks, and the Transformation Immortal Gu is very hard. But it is Strength. Of Flying Bear, there is an increase in Strength Dao’s Dao Marks, which is better.”

Fang Yuan compares secretly and feels the magical effect of his own body.

There is no interference or hindrance between Dao Marks.

This advantage is really incomparable gigantic!

Between the various genres, the margins are still quite clear, and it can be described as distinct. Even multi-cultivation. It is also necessary to distinguish between primary and secondary. But when it comes to Fang Yuan, it is the margin between the genre that becomes blurred. He can be fully educated.

“It seems that using Strength Dao Immortal Zombie, you can only know more and more means, and can’t let me really understand my progress and ability limit!” Fang Yuan sighed in his heart, while remotely flying the Bear, flexible dodge.

It turned out that the Desolate Beast Shark Fin Wolf climbed again, vicious nature, and attacked wildly.

But Fang Yuan has the wisdom of Human Race. Advance and retreat at will, tactical, defensive Flying Bear like moving clouds and flowing water. Shark Fin Wolf can’t wipe the edge of the Flying Bear.

Although Fang Yuan once had the slave Immortal Gu, he drove the Desolate Beast. But after the Earthly Disaster, Fang Yuan will return the slave Immortal Gu.

So, before returning. He will release the control of Shark Fin Wolf and Thorn-backed Star Dragon Fish.

This is also good.

There is no influence of the slave Immortal Gu. Desolate Beast Shark Fin Wolf will be able to show the true vicious nature and act as a qualified sparring.


Another loud noise. Shark Fin Wolf has not known how many times, was shot into the mud pit by the Flying Bear’s big bear, splashing a lot of mud.

This time, Shark Fin Wolf snorted, squatting up and looking at the unscathed Flying Bear, then turned his tail and turned and fled.

Still looking forward to Fang Yuan attacked by Shark Fin Wolf, can’t help but heart: “don’t tell me was when I first accepted Shark Fin Wolf, it was too small to play it.” Is it making its vicious nature greatly reduced?”.

Shark Fin Wolf escaped, and Fang Yuan felt uninterested at the moment.

“But these days of training, not without harvest. At least proved that my Transformation Dao Realm, indeed has become Grandmaster.”

Transformation Dao Grandmaster !

After the Fang Yuan’s Blood Dao Grandmaster Realm, the Strength Dao Grandmaster Realm, the Wisdom Dao Grandmaster Realm, and the Star Dao Grandmaster Realm, the fifth genre promoted to Grandmaster Realm!

Previous life Five hundred years of experience did not bring anything to Fang Yuan. Transformation Dao has such a Realm, the biggest hero is Reckless True Meaning.

Will of Heaven To eradicate Fang Yuan, continue to plan to upgrade the Disaster and Tribulation power to the limit allowed by Heavenly Dao.

Fang Yuan has spent two Earthly Disasters, but the Earthly Disaster’s formidable power has long since surpassed the usual and is comparable to many Heavenly Tribulations. So even with Reckless True Meaning, it has been hooked many times.

The blessings of the blessings and the blessings of the blessings.

Disaster and Tribulation This is a law that pays attention to the law.

Disaster and Tribulation The heavier and heavier, the more dangerous Fang Yuan is, but the more benefits you get after you get through!

Fang Yuan’s Transformation Dao Grandmaster, experienced three Reckless True Meaning irrigations. The first was Hei Loulan Ten Perfect promoted immortal, the last two were his own Earthly Disaster, pulled through the Immortal Disaster Refines Aperture ultimate move. So it is possible to reach the Grandmaster situation and accumulate it.

“Becoming a Transformation Dao Grandmaster, although it is gratifying, the current situation is quite bad.” Fang Yuan is worried.

Disaster and Tribulation are more powerful than once.

After the second Earthly Disaster, Fang Yuan has probably figured out how much the Disaster and Tribulation will increase.

The second Earthly Disaster, he was very thrilling, only to pass the past.

Halfway through, Snow Moon was born out. If Fang Yuan was wise and decided to take the offensive measures immediately, the consequences would be disastrous. In the final stage, the Soul Shaking Mountain was cut into mounds, and the immortal essence was so rare that even an Immortal Realm Ultimate Move could not be issued, and it was only possible to rely on the Desolate Beast.

It can be said that Fang Yuan’s trump card is almost exhausted.

“First Earthly Disaster, Reckless True Meaning splits out the small half of the force of Disaster and Tribulation. The Snow Monster made by Will of Heaven is not taking the initiative.”

“The second Earthly Disaster, Will of Heaven is calculated, and even the factors of Reckless True Meaning are counted, even using it, affecting it into Snow Moon, which in turn adds the power of Wind Flower Tribulation.”

“Will of Heaven can think about it, the third Earthly Disaster. It must take into account Soul Shaking Mountain, my existing Immortal Realm Ultimate Move. There are also subordinates such as Desolate Beast and Gu Immortal Zhou Zhong.”

Know yourself and know each other, you can fight every battle without defeat.

Fang Yuan time after time transcends tribulation. Learn more about Will of Heaven.

In turn, Will of Heaven is also like so, and the temptations of Fang Yuan’s intelligence are more and more clear.

So far, there are seven main means of Fang Yuan transcends tribulation.

The first is the transcends tribulation in the northern ice sheet, using the Immortal Tribulation Refines Aperture Ultimate Move to guide Reckless True Meaning and differentiate Will of Heaven’s control of the Disaster and Tribulation.

The second is Dog Shit Luck, using Luck Dao to weakize Disaster and Tribulation.

The third is Manner Gu, Crossing Dark Gu, and Shape Transformation. There is also Meeting Past Acquaintance, which has changed thousands of times and confuses Will of Heaven.

The fourth is Strength Dao, Sword Dao, Blood Dao, Immortal Gu, and Immortal Realm Ultimate Move, which are the means of confrontation.

The fifth is Soul Shaking Mountain, a huge favorite location.

The sixth is the complete Demon from Beyond The Heavens identity, and Will of Heaven can’t influence Fang Yuan’s thinking.

The seventh is some external force. For example, Thorn-backed Star Dragon Fish, Shark Fin Wolf, Desolate Beast, Featherman Gu Immortal Zhou Zhong, Langya School’s Hairyman Gu Immortal, etc.

“These means, trump card. Will of Heaven is clear. There are some changes in the external force of the seventh point.”

“But these external forces are not reliable.”

“My Enslave Dao Realm is not high, and the enslavement method is not good. Thorn-backed Star Dragon Fish, Shark Fin Wolf, etc. can be enslaved by me, and can be used by Will of Heaven to use the Disaster and Tribulation, and return to freedom. So transcends When tribulation, I only ambush these, just afraid to be used by Will of Heaven.”

“And Featherman Gu Immortal Zhou Zhong. He is a nonhuman Gu Immortal with ample intelligence. If it is regained freedom, it is more harmful than Desolate Beast. I will not expose Paragon Immortal Aperture’s secret to him unless it is a last resort. More importantly, he used to come to Taibai Blessed Land in the form of Earthly Disaster, and if he was like Snow Monster, it was easily influenced and rebelled by Will of Heaven. It is.”

“Going down the current rhythm, my third Earthly Disaster is the pattern of nine deaths and still alive. The fourth Earthly Disaster is directly the Danger Realm.”

Fang Yuan knows his situation very well.

The second Earthly Disaster has passed, but Treasure Yellow Heaven does not open. His cultivation does not have a lot of resources to boost, and it will not have much improvement.

This is the case with Gu Immortal transcends tribulation.

Disaster and Tribulation formidable power Once and for all, Gu Immortal cultivation must intensify its efforts to increase the strength of its own strength beyond the extent of the increase in Disaster and Tribulation.

The natural talent, the worse the background, the Gu Immortal, the Disaster and Tribulation formidable power is much smaller, the interval is also very long, and the cultivation is not very difficult. But Fang Yuan’s natural talent, background is the first through the ages, Paragon Immortal Fetus, all-in-one!

So the Disaster and Tribulation is so terrifying, the magnitude of the formidable power boost is appalling, and the time between each other is shorter to only two months!

In exchange for other Gu Immortal has long since died, that is Fang Yuan’s own quality is excellent, but also worked hard to retain a lot of cultivation resources, only to support until now.

Think about how many Immortal Gus, how many Immortal Realm Ultimate Moves, how many genres of Grandmaster Realm, and Soul Shaking Mountain, Langya School, etc. that Fang Yuan has.

Even so, the prospects of Fang Yuan’s have become very bad.

“The closure of Treasure Yellow Heaven completely broke my plans and rhythm. I don’t have a way to live this way.”

The trouble with Fang Yuan’s lies in Treasure Yellow Heaven.

Treasure Yellow Heaven If it is turned on, everything will be smooth!

But when will Treasure Yellow Heaven open?

No one is sure.

Maybe just a moment later, maybe a few months later.

In the case of Fang Yuan’s, if Treasure Yellow Heaven opens after a few months, he is absolutely dead. Unless there is another fortuitous encounter, the strength is skyrocketing.

Waiting day by day, Treasure Yellow Heaven never sees the slightest movement.

Fang Yuan’s injury is well-prepared, and Immortal Aperture’s management is unrelenting.

The development of Langya School has also been frustrated. Langya Earth Spirit Summing Fang Yuan several times, discussing with him about cruel Star Dog. Fang Yuan naturally did not agree, and the relationship between the two sides fell again.

Langya Earth Spirit rewards Fang Yuan with the rewards of the Hayyman Gu Immortal battle, which is reduced to a minimum, making Fang Yuan almost unprofitable.

Under the provocation of Sixth Hair, the rest of Hairyman Gu Immortal also began to be cold and even hateful to Fang Yuan.

The Second Earthly Disaster Although in the past, Fang Yuan’s situation has gone from bad to worse.

Is it perseverance waiting for Treasure Yellow Heaven to open, or is it poor?

What Fang Yuan is facing now is such a problem.

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