Dīng líng líng !

A Wind Flower is in the back of Fang Yuan’s.

The defense of Fang Yuan, like a paper paste, was immediately torn into pieces.

The robes on the back were completely smashed, the blood splashed, and the minced meat flew away.

“Luck Qi is not good!” Fang Yuan sinks his heart.

There are dozens of Strength Dao phantoms around him, and the Wind Flower that flies is only one of them. It’s true that you are being shackled.

Over time, Dog Shit Luck’s ability to protect the body has become weaker and weaker, making Will of Heaven’s chances of discovering the real body greatly enhanced.

Worse, there is Crossing Dark Immortal Gu.

Crossing Dark Immortal Gu rushed once to protect Fang Yuan, and the effect of covering his breath was also reduced.

Once this protective force disappears completely, it is more serious than the loss of Dog Shit Luck.

As time passed, Fang Yuan spent the next few years, forcibly bitter.

He has no idea how many rounds of Snow Moon have been blasted, and how many attacks have been taken by Wind Flower.

The protection effect of Dog Shit Luck and Crossing Dark is drastically reduced, but the Meeting Past Acquaintance formed by Manner Gu and Shape Transformation is like the mainstay, supporting Fang Yuan from beginning to end. There is also Ten Thousand Me ultimate move. At this moment, its attacking power has no effect, and it can only be used as a cannon fodder tactic.

Will of Heaven is not a fool, it can think.

After Fang Yuan’s tactics were clear, after each time Ten Thousand Me, it found that Fang Yuan was getting shorter and shorter.

Fang Yuan is also getting heavier and heavier, and he can only urge Immortal Gu Resetting Person.

But as the matter stands, his immortal essence also exacerbates losses. There are not many originally, and now it has developed into a dry situation.

Will of Heaven aloof and remote, driving the Earthly Disaster, congenitally invincible.

Fang Yuan is like an ant, struggling in the line of life and death.

The number of Snow Moon is increasing, and Fang Yuan’s footsteps can’t keep up.

The situation is extremely difficult, and Fang Yuan can hardly see the slightest hope.

But he did not give up the plan, still biting the perseverance.

The wind is like ridicule, mocking his excessimate one’s capabilities.

The Snow Moon hangs high as if it is a cold-eyed look. Look at Fang Yuan Such a fly mosquito is in a futile effort to struggle.

Fang Yuan is covered in blood, and the white robe has completely turned into a blood robe. Blood and sweat are condensed into ice slag by cold light.

He is battered and exhausted, originally windy black hair. It has also broken countless times, and now the length is not uniform, making Fang Yuan look like a combination of madman and beggar.

He looked at ice-cold, neither laughing nor shouting.

He is like a piece of ice. It’s going to be crushed by Heaven and Earth, but he doesn’t say a word, in Danger Realm, everything is just silent perseverance.

Sound of the wind fades.

The power of Wind Flower Tribulation is slowly receding.

Has reached the limit.

The power of Earthly Disaster is also limited. Even if Will of Heaven enhances it to its fullest extent, it does it manually.

Fang Yuan was not killed by Wind Flower. Soon, the number of Wind Flowers dropped dramatically, and there was no longer a wind between Heaven and Earth.

Fang Yuan sneered, madly reminding immortal essence. His goal is still Snow Moon!

Although the Wind Flower Tribulation subsided. The Snow Moon in the air also stopped deriving, but Wind Flower has a remnant, and Snow Moon has a lot left.

Hard to fight!

Fang Yuan has no strengths to strengthen his strength, and he is weak and weak.

Ten Thousand Me.

Strength Dao Giant Hand Seal.

Threefold Sword Wave.

Meeting Past Acquaintance.

His status is very poor, and several Immortal Realm Ultimate Moves sometimes fail. Each time failed, all of which caused him to suffer from backlash and vomit blood.

Earthly Disaster has reached the limit, and Fang Yuan himself is also like so.

It doesn’t make sense to escape at this time. Not only is Wind Flower blocked, but Snow Moon can also slowly fly, and the coverage of cold light is too large.

Earthly Disaster is not over yet. Heaven Qi and Earth Qi are not flat, and it is impossible to recycle Immortal Aperture.

I have to say that Will of Heaven has been thinking for a long time, and it is best for Fang Yuan’s Disaster and Tribulation. Previous Earthly Disaster . Reckless True Meaning differentiates part of the Earthly Disaster. This time, Will of Heaven, although unavoidable, also affects Reckless True Meaning, making the part of Reckless True Meaning affect Snow Snow Tribulation, which adds to the difficulty of the entire Disaster and Tribulation!

The current situation. It depends on who the two sides can win.

Half an hour later, Fang Yuan fell to the Soul Shaking Mountain.

His immortal essence is almost completely dry.

Meeting Past Acquaintance can’t stand it anymore, and it’s already awkward.

Fang Yuan struggled with strength and slammed a lot of Snow Moon, but there was still a last round in the sky!

Surrounded by Soul Shaking Mountain’s, Fang Yuan resisted the glare of the sun.

He was covered in scars, and on many wounds, bloody ice slags into a piece.

Fang Yuan has no Strength Qi, and his body is getting thicker and thicker, and he is gradually frozen in the ice.

The last wind, lingering over the ice, carries the Will of Heaven, watching Fang Yuan go to perdition.

Immortal essence is running out, an Immortal Realm Ultimate Move is urging, but Fang Yuan’s face suddenly shows the winner’s smile.

“This disaster has passed me.”

a moment later , Desolate Beast Thorn-backed Star Dragon Fish suddenly appeared, the fish tail slammed and slammed into the last round of Snow Moon.

Slave Immortal Gu!

After 5 minutes, Heaven Qi and Earth Qi calmed down and Fang Yuan immediately moved away from Northern Plains.

After he left, it was not long before the two figures came out of the underground ice.

“It’s here.” One of the silhouettes, carefully visiting, looked around all around and said.

Another silhouette, carefully twitching the nose, sniffing around, and then with a positive tone: “There is nothing wrong with our induction. This place has just been transcends tribulation, Heaven Qi and Earth Qi have residual silk fluctuations, not completely calmed down. It.”

Both silhouettes are blurred, apparently deliberately obscuring the figure.

However, since you can know Heavenly Tribulation and Earthly Disaster, and you can detect it so clearly, it must be Gu Immortal identity.

“oh! The northern ice sheet was the Reckless Demonic Venerable. It was all forged. It was all glaciers and there was no land. Here Heaven Qi and Earth Qi are much thinner than other places. If you let Gu Immortal here transcends tribulation, I am afraid it will be even more Loss of Qi of Heaven and Earth. To a certain extent, it will inevitably lead to glacial shattering, and Heaven and Earth will sway.” One of the two mysterious Gu Immortal, sighing, full of worries.

“The northern ice sheet is the last paradise of my Snowman family. We lived in the underground of the icefield, and we have no contention with the world. I didn’t expect the Human Race to give up, even the last part of our habitat, we must also touch it, but also!” another mysterious Silhouette, seems to be younger and full of indignation.

It turns out that the identity of these two Gu Immortals is unusual, both of which are different race Snowman Gu Immortal.

The young Snowman Gu Immortal continued: “Revered Great Elder is too pedantic! In my opinion, the Chu Du should be eradicated in the past. Now look, not only Chu Du often comes to transcends tribulation, but also others come Over time, our habitat will be visited by more and more Gu Immortal.”

The older Snowman Gu Immortal sighed: “Oh! Revered Great Elder’s thoughts, but I can understand. He is worried about the battle with Chu Du, exposing the existence of my family to the world. Today’s world, but Human Race, The status is stable and unshakable. My family is exposed and will definitely trigger the encirclement of the entire Northern Plains Human Race Gu Immortal.”

“don’t tell me let the situation develop like this? Let more and more Gu Immortal, the transcends tribulation on our heads? In fact, with the strength of my family, I am fighting here in the ice field, as long as the plan is carefully and secretly It’s not difficult to kill a few Human Race Gu Immortal. Of course, I also admit that Chu Du is very strong. We are safe and give up on this goal, but other Gu Immortal can start. How many people are killed? Do you know what we did? Hey! Anyway, Human Race is also very messy inside, Righteous Path and Demonic Path, rogue cultivator has never stopped.” Young Gu Immortal talks.

“Hey, you can make sense. We still report this situation to the family first, and let the other Revered families always come together.”

Two Snowman Gu Immortal talked about it, and the blurred silhouette quietly disappeared in place.

Fang Yuan, despite being seriously injured, is still on the go, returning to Langya Blessed Land.

“Will of Heaven is going to eradicate me. When I am transcends tribulation, it is the best time. It will not only add the power of Disaster and Tribulation to the limit, but also to implement the Disaster and Tribulation. More terrifying is affecting other beings, Stirring adult robbery, come to the layout to kill me!”

Fang Yuan remembers this information firmly in his mind.

This cognition is also a precious harvest for his trading with Sixth Hair.

In the Great War of the Righteous Heavenly Mountain six months ago, he was also a key robber, and Will of Heaven dealt with Demon Venerable Gloomy Soul’s chess piece.

It is because of personal experience that Fang Yuan is very vigilant about the so-called “human robbery”.

I wondered what the Demon Venerable Gloomy Soul was, and the Shadow Sect, the Zombie Alliance support, and the 100,000 year, were all overwhelmed by Will of Heaven.

Compared with them, what do you think now?

Therefore, Fang Yuan almost directly disregarded the heavy injury and directly transferred. It’s fast and doesn’t leave the time for Will of Heaven to brew.

The return trip did not happen unexpectedly, and Fang Yuan returned to Langya Blessed Land smoothly.

When he arrived at Langya Blessed Land, he was sighed in relief and knew that he was temporarily safe.

After that, Fang Yuan tightened his healing in his own Cloud City and returned the borrowed Immortal Gu.

After several days, Fang Yuan recovered and recovered, and proceeded to Soul Shaking Mountain in remediate Immortal Aperture.

Speaking of this, this mountain has brought great help to his transcends tribulation.

Soul Shaking Mountain is bleak. It used to be towering. After the transcends tribulation, only a small gentle mound was cut by countless Wind Flowers.

Resetting Rivers and Mountains !

Under the influence of this Immortal Gu, Soul Shaking Mountain is still old.

Only such a Soul Shaking Mountain can produce Audacity Gu most efficiently.

Fang Yuan did not dare to take care of it, and quickly took out Soul Shaking Mountain and entrust into Langya Blessed Land.

However, although Soul Shaking Mountain can produce a large amount of Audacity Gu, the sales channel Treasure Yellow Heaven is closed. In the treasury of Langya School, there is a large backlog of Audacity Gu. Can not sell, really called Fang Yuan is anxious.

“Two months later, it is the third Earthly Disaster. Formidable power is stronger than this time. If I don’t make some breakthroughs at this stage, if the strength does not increase, I am afraid it is bode ill rather than well.”

“But the strength is growing, it is not born out of thin air, it needs a variety of cultivation resources. Treasure Yellow Heaven… When will it be reopened?”

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