Fang Yuan’s words are well-founded, and Langya Earth Spirit listens to nodded.

“It makes sense, it makes sense!” He praised him.

“Don’t dare. This is just a personal glimpse of my personal.” Fang Yuan is modest.

Earth Spirit is simple, does not know Fang Yuan’s modesty, shakes his head and refutes: “No, this is not a superficial view, but a true insight. Your words have been very big to me and have contributed a lot to Langya School.”

“According to the regulation of Langya School, your position can be upgraded. For example, Sixth Hair can be promoted to Hair Fifth. But you are not really Hairyman Gu Immortal, so you can only get two hundred. Point sect contributed.”

At the end of the day, Langya Earth Spirit looked at Fang Yuan and sighed with regret.

Fang Yuan’s face immediately revealed a very pity expression.

He is now a Guest Elder and doesn’t need to do any tasks. Every month there are 10 sect contribution points. But other Hairyman Gu Immortal, roots are red, and the monthly income in this area is much more. And the higher the ranking of Hairyman Gu Immortal, the more sect contribution per month.

“I really want to be a real Hairyman!” Fang Yuan said with a sigh of relief, the face is really sincere, it seems to really think so.

Langya Earth Spirit said: “Unfortunately Treasure Yellow Heaven is now closed. Once it is reopened, I will acquire the Large Scale for the Desolate Beast on the market.”

“For this, there is a little bit of ignorance in the next.” Fang Yuan even hurriedly said, “Hairyman Gu Immortal is numerous, to cultivate them, My Sect is a big family business, and can’t live so much. This is not an orthodox operation. Law. I suggest to open source myself.”

“Oh? How do you open source yourself?” asked Langya Earth Spirit.

Fang Yuan replied: “It’s very simple, like other levels of power, occupying the resources of the outside of the Five Regions.”

Langya Earth Spirit is hard to see.

This idea, he has already had it, and he has carefully considered the pros and cons, and he thinks it is not desirable.

The reason is obvious, Hairyman is nonhuman, and in today’s big environment, I can’t see it.

Although in Northern Plains, there are also nonhuman forces. The most obvious example is Inkman City. But in this Inkman city, there is only one Inkman Gu Immortal on the bright side. And historically, Yin Yan Immortal, the ancestor of Inkman City, also paid a heavy price. Only reached an agreement with Ju Yang Immortal Venerable. Two factors have made it possible for an Inkman city to survive in the cracks of countless powerful Human Race forces. One

If Hairyman has such a force and there are so many Hairyman Gu Immortal, it will seriously challenge the nerves of today’s Human Race Gu Immortal. Greatly off their bottom line.

Neither the Righteous Path and Demonic Path nor the loose immortal forces will allow foreigners to have such a powerful force.

Langya Earth Spirit is simple, but not stupid. Although he wants to let Hairyman dominate the world, he still looks very clear about the current situation.

However, Fang Yuan had already anticipated the reaction of Langya Earth Spirit. He continued: “Revered Great Elder, I am not suggesting that Langya School and other Human Race forces will openly compete for external resources. Instead, we specifically occupy resources that they do not occupy. , still in the dark.”

Langya Earth Spirit: “You mean those sinister forbidden places?”

Northern Plains is vast, but the major forces have largely divided up the cultivation resources. The rest is mainly Ten Great Ominous Land.

“Revered Great Elder wise!” Fang Yuan immediately gave a thumbs up. The face is admirable. “Ten Great Ominous Land is dangerous, but it also contains a lot of opportunities. In my opinion, the trench is very good. We can lay the Transmission Gu Formation inside, let Hairyman Gu Immortals be able to be in Blessed Land and the trench. There is a lot of free and round trips between Desolate Beast and Far Ancient Desolate Beast in the trench, which is suitable for the training of Hairyman Gu Immortals. And to kill these Desolate Beast, we can take local materials, refining Transformation Dao’s Immortal Gu. Capture these Desolate Beast, we can also use the beast Immortal Gu to enslave them and use them to strengthen the defense of Blessed Land.”

One of the keys to this is the Transmission Gu Formation.

Specifically, it is capable of transmitting Gu immortal’s gu formation.

Langya School is undoubtedly possessing such a means.

Because Fang Yuan came from Southern Border before. It was just on the Transmission Gu Formation under the 100 Winds Cliff that I got rid of the troublesome Cloud Beast and went to Langya Blessed Land.

The Transmission Gu Formation left a deep impression on Fang Yuan.

Langya Earth Spirit is immersed in meditation: “This is a big thing, let me think about it.”

“I just said nothing more, and I sent a major event. Of course, it was decided by Revered Great Elder. If I suggested something wrong, I would like to see Revered Great Elder how much forgiveness.”

Fang Yuan knows that it is too late, and then shifts the topic, involving the streamer that will be changed this time.

After a while, he took a lot of streamers from the hands of the Langya Earth Spirit.

After bidding farewell to Earth Spirit, he went to his own Cloud City, the first thing is to deal with these streamers.

Streamer fruit, not an ordinary fruit.

It is made up of a group of light. If ordinary people use their hands to pinch, they will only let their hands pass. It is necessary to use special means to collect these fruits.

These fruits are not grown on the grass like the usual fruits, but are purely composed of rich aurora.

Aurora is colorful, multi-colored, so the same is true for the streamer, red, orange, yellow, green, cyan, blue, violet and so on.

The streamer is the Manner Gu’s feed.

Fang Yuan’s reason for seeking the glory is because of this.

Since the transaction, the number of Immortal Gus in Fang Yuan’s hand has skyrocketed to an alarming level.


Rank 9 Immortal Gu Wisdom Gu.

Rank 8 Immortal Gu Manner Gu, Intelligent Sword Gu.

Rank 7 Immortal Gu Soul Exchange Gu, Sword Margin Gu, Sword Wave Gu, Sword Escape Gu, Disaster Provoking Gu.

Rank 6 Immortal Gu Solving Riddle Gu, Lady’s Heart Gu, Blood Source Gu, Crossing Dark Gu, Dog Shit Luck Gu, Shape Transformation Str, Strength Qi Gu, Self Strength Gu, Strength of Flying Bear Gu, Picking Mountain Gu, Pulling Water Gu , Resetting Rivers and Mountains Gu, Resetting Person Gu, Star Pupil Gu.

Among them, Lady’s Heart Gu, because of the Great War of the Righteous Heavenly Mountain, Fang Yuan stayed in Fox Immortal Blessed Land for refine Bo Qing’s Sword Dao Gu insect. He used Wisdom Halo to build a set of gu formations, Solving Riddle Gu, and Lady’s Heart Gu. However, after only a few days of construction, the Living Riddle Gu was retired and was taken by Fang Yuan. Lady’s Heart Gu needs to remain in the gu formation until Bo Qing’s Sword Dao Immortal Gu is re-finished and can be revoked.

Because of this, after the Great War of the Righteous Heavenly Mountain, Fang Yuan relies on the power of the Langya School to relocate the resources of both Blessed Land. Lady’s Heart followed her to Langya Blessed Land and eventually went to Fang Yuan’s hand.

Originally belonged to Fang Yuan’s Connecting Luck Gu, Iron Crown Eagle Strength Gu, because it was sold by Yong Wuxie to Treasure Yellow Heaven, so when trading. Can’t get it. After the transaction was completed, Fang Yuan was even less likely to take it.

Star Dao’s Gu insect, only Star Pupil to Fang Yuan’s hand, the rest of Immortal Gu such as star bud, star mark, starlight, Star Thought, are in the hands of Ying Wuxie’s. I don’t know if I am still there.

In the Great War of the Righteous Heavenly Mountain, the Graceful Battle Stage was disintegrated, and many of the Gu insects were destroyed, but there were still some Gu insects left in the Immortal Aperture of Immortal Zombie. These Gu insect Fang Yuan are not very familiar, they don’t remember all the way (amnesia’s reason), and I don’t know how many are being deducted by Ying Wuxie.

Fang Yuan did not think about it, and took these Gu insects. But before this step has been mentioned, Ying Wuxie has already terminated the transaction.

Generally speaking, Immortal Gu is expensive and not expensive.

Mortal gu is fine. More mortal gu, Gu Immortal can basically raise.

Immortal Gu is an important factor in measuring the strength of one Gu Immortal.

There are very few Gu Immortal, the number of Immortal Gus, and there are so many Fang Yuans.

Even the current Rank 8 Gu Immortal, there is no more than Fang Yuan.

It is no exaggeration to say this.

Most of Gu Immortal, basically supporting two to three Immortal Gus, is fine. Of course these Immortal Gus have to match their Rank number.

Because of one Immortal Gu, you can use a lot of mortal gu with different Immortal Realm Ultimate Move. Can form different effects, covering offense, prevention, relocation, healing and so on.

But one area Immortal Gu is not enough.

Because when Gu Immortal had only one Immortal Gu, he could only motivate an Immortal Realm Ultimate Move. Defensive ultimate move makes it out. The means of attack are gone, the means of mobility are lost, and they can only be beaten passively. The offensive has, the defense is not, Gu Immortal is too dangerous.

At least two Immortal Gus must be activated at the same time. Take care of everything.

Above the three Immortal Gus, Immortal Gu has created a burden that, in general, cannot be afforded and cannot be afforded.

After all, stimulating Immortal Gu also costs immortal essence.

Fang Yuan’s example of using the Rank 7 Immortal Gu for the receiving level is still very rare. His experience can only be considered as a special case, unlike most Gu Immortal.

Gu Immortal chose Immortal Gu for careful selection.

The term “fine” here refers not only to the quantity, but also to the scope of Immortal Gu.

A Flame Dao Gu Immortal, of course, the choice of Flame Dao Immortal Gu, the choice of Water Dao, Ice Dao, it is purely asking for trouble. Even if there are some other genres of Immortal Gu, at most it is the support Gu insect of Immortal Realm Ultimate Move.

Immortal Gu is not expensive, it is the common sense of Immortal Cultivation, as long as it is Gu Immortal, almost everyone knows.

But for Fang Yuan, this does not apply.

Because he is Nine atop Five Paragon Immortal Aperture.

Immortal Aperture is big enough to be afraid of space. Time is fast enough and resource regeneration is extremely fast.

These are all potentials.

Fang Yuan has seen that he has the potential to support a large number of Immortal Gu!

Since it is a potential, it is natural to dig out as much as possible.

The second reason is that Fang Yuan is in a good position and the current economic situation is very good.

His Paragon Immortal Aperture produces 96 immortal essences a year. The one-year time here refers to the Immortal Aperture time. Putting it into the outside of the Five Regions time is to produce 16 immortal essences every day.

These immortal essences are already very numerous, and Ten Perfect Physiques can’t match them. But compared with Fang Yuan’s monthly profit, the gap is even bigger. It is a drop in the bucket.

This means that Fang Yuan has the capital to support Immortal Gu.

Coupled with the Langya School as an external force, it can be relied on to some extent.

These three reasons add up to make Fang Yuan determined that Large Scale will support Immortal Gu and improve his combat power.

There is no way, no matter whether it is facing Will of Heaven, still is Disasters and Tribulations, Fang Yuan must guarantee his strength.

Gu Immortal’s combat power, the greater part comes from Immortal Gu, and Immortal Realm Ultimate Move.

Now that Fang Yuan’s Immortal Realm Ultimate Move is less, Wisdom Gu can’t use it anymore. The calculation needs to be too long, and Fang Yuan has to work hard on Immortal Gu.

Fang Yuan is of course also aware that Ying Wuxie’s plan is to throw these Immortal Gus to himself, so that Fang Yuan is extremely burdened and involves Fang Yuan’s energy, so that Fang Yuan has no time to take into account Shadow Sect’s actions.

But Fang Yuan must have a large number of Immortal Gu to guarantee his combat effectiveness.

He also has the potential and capital to support these Immortal Gus.

This is completely different from his Immortal Zombie period.

Nine atop Five Paragon Immortal Aperture is the most important factor!

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