The chestnut yak was shot into the pit by Fang Yuan, and he never dared to climb out. ☆→,

Hair 12 is no longer able to let the chestnut yak get up and fight again.

“Desolate Beast can’t, Gu Immortal doesn’t work either.” Fang Yuan shook his head in his heart and voluntarily revoked Immortal Realm Ultimate Move.

In a twinkling of an eye, the huge Flying Bear turned into a glory.

From the glory, Fang Yuan’s silhouette slowly descended until it fell to the ground.

“this time, I lost again. Brother Fang is really amazing!” Hair 12 worked hard for a long time, no effect, had to cup one fist in the other hand, admit defeat to Fang Yuan.

He has been studying with Fang Yuan’s several times.

At first, after he lost, he did not accept the loss, a little reluctant. But the number of times has been numb, and the loss is normal. Winning is not normal.

“Twelfth Brother, you have to practice more with this Immortal Realm Ultimate Move. And this chestnut yak is weak and awkward, or change another Desolate Beast as soon as possible.” Fang Yuan casually pointed a few words.

Hair 12 continually nodded, sighed: “This is not Treasure Yellow Heaven is closed! When it is reopened, I will go there immediately to buy the next Desolate Beast. This yak has been raised wild, I am early I just want to throw it. However, the cost of acquiring Desolate Beast is borne by myself. This is the regulation after the establishment. Oh, my slave Immortal Gu is not his own, but also needs to pay the sect. I don’t talk, I rushed back to refining gu and tried to sell more immortal essence stones.”

“Then don’t send it.” Fang Yuan nodded.

Hair 12 Put away the chestnut yak and it’s gone.

“Okay, twenty sect contributions. Get it again.” Fang Yuan looked at the back of Hair 12, with a slight joy in his heart.

He is coming these days. Not only with Hair 12, but also with the rest of Hairyman Gu Immortal. There are similar contacts.

It turns out that Fang Yuan and Sixth Hair are secretly trading. Although the transaction is over, Sixth Hair has repeatedly taken the initiative to go to the Cloud City guarded by Fang Yuan, but it is a small flaw.

Although Fang Yuan joined the Langya School as a Guest Elder Revered Elder, it has always had a gap with Hairyman Gu Immortal.

After all, the current Human Race is huge, and Hairyman, as a nonhuman, has been persecuted by Human Race in history.

Fang Yuan is a person of his own. But Hairyman Gu Immortal is far from him. Why did Sixth Hair suddenly take the initiative to visit Fang Yuan? This has caused a lot of doubts.

In order to make up for this flaw, Sixth Hair disclosed to other Hairyman Gu Immortal intentionally or unintentionally after the transaction, saying that he took the initiative to find Fang Yuan in order to improve his battle strength. Because of the previous Shadow Sect raid, and this time’s transcends tribulation, he felt his huge shortcomings in the combat capability, he wanted to make up, only to find Human Race Gu Immortal Fang Yuan to ask for one or two.

In order to increase the credibility. Sixth Hair also took the initiative to learn from other Hairyman Gu Immortal, one after another to beat them.

Sixth Hair is one of the Gangya School traitors, Demon Venerable Gloomy Soul Soul Fragment, which has deep combat rumors. A little bit of realism, it is easy to defeat the Quartet.

This incident caused a sensation in the small circle of Hairyman Gu Immortal. Even the Langya Earth Spirit has heard of it and confirmed the work of Sixth Hair in public. Other Hairyman Gu Immortal are also encouraged. Also ask Fang Yuan for advice. After all, Hairyman Gu Immortal’s combat power is extremely low, until now is the heart of Langya Earth Spirit.

After Sixth Hair. There were other Hairyman Gu Immortal who came here to ask for advice. After Fang Yuan thought about it, he knew the idea of ​​Sixth Hair and warmly received other Hairyman Gu Immortal.

Because this is also beneficial to Fang Yuan.

First of all, he has to rely on Langya School for a long time to make his cultivation smoother and transcends tribulation safer, so it is necessary to have a good relationship with these Hairyman Gu Immortal.

Secondly, like Sixth Hair’s standpoint, Fang Yuan has to cooperate to make up for the flaws in this transaction.

Once again, Fang Yuan needs the sect contribution of Langya School.

In the future, he will ask Langya Earth Spirit take action to help him. With the help of Langya School, it is impossible to negotiate the transaction with the Langya Earth Spirit.

Previously he was able to trade with Langya Earth Spirit because Langya Earth Spirit saw his Unrestrained Valley, Soul Shaking Mountain and Wisdom Gu.

In the future, in order for Langya School to contribute to itself, it is mainly necessary to contribute with sect.

This is the door gauge of Langya School. Even the Langya Earth Spirit takes the initiative to comply.

Langya Earth Spirit has previously released sect tasks, the main one is to point out Hairyman Gu Immortal and improve their combat capability.

This mission, even the Langya Earth Spirit itself is not suitable, Fang Yuan is the only suitable candidate.

Over the past few days, Fang Yuan has pointed out a lot of Hairyman Gu Immortal, and the response is extremely enthusiastic.

Even the subsequent Hairyman Gu Immortals are not well trained and do not complain about Fang Yuan, but the reason for finding themselves.

In the first place, Sixth Hair set an example, and Second is also Fang Yuan. I found out the details of these Hairyman, and used the exquisite communication skills to get along with them. This made Hairyman Gu Immortals’s impression of Fang Yuan’s greatly improved.

As for why Fang Yuan can figure out the details of these Hairyman Gu Immortal, it is because he is in the transaction, and there is a lot of information from Langya Blessed Land from Shadow Sect.

Fang Yuan has calculated: “Thus, my sect contribution, there are already more than one hundred 40. It is really good to earn.”

Each time, Fang Yuan has twenty sect contributions.

Before Fang Yuan borrowed Soul Shaking Mountain and Unrestrained Valley, it was only two or three hundred contributions nothing more.

“This hundred 40 sect contribution, can already be exchanged for a part of the streamer.” With this thought, Fang Yuan rushed to the first Cloud City.

In the first Cloud City, he saw the Langya Earth Spirit.

Langya Earth Spirit looked up and down Fang Yuan and said: “It’s Shape Transformation Immortal Gu! You change into Hairyman Gu Immortal, almost no flaws, unless I use the detective Immortal Gu.”

When Fang Yuan came, suddenly the flash of light flashed. He was on the way, spurred Shape Transformation Immortal Gu and changed into a Hairyman Gu Immortal.

The purpose is obvious, just to be close to the Langya Earth Spirit.

Langya Earth Spirit has great Hairymanism. When he first saw such a Fang Yuan, he really smiled and then praised Shape Transformation Immortal Gu. In fact, Fang Yuan is more pleasing to the eye and feels comfortable.

Fang Yuan, with a pitiful tone, sighed: “This change is not complete. Although I have Transformation Immortal Gu, I lack Immortal Gu Perpetually Solid. If I can have Perpetually Solid Immortal Gu, I can completely transform it into Hairyman, really integrated into Langya School, became a part of Hairyman! Reevered Great Elder, you may not know, these days I am with other Hairyman Gu Immortal, I feel deeply. Our Human Race Gu Immortal is deceitful, mutual Beware. But Hairyman is true, united and warm, and this is a real home. For this, I have begun to fall in love.”

Langya Earth Spirit hearing that , laughed heartily, continuous shooting Fang Yuan’s shoulder: “Fang Yuan, you can have this kind of consciousness, very good!”

If he knew that Fang Yuan had traded with Shadow Sect a few days ago, and he did not report on the traits of Langya School, he would definitely swallow the sinister Littleman of Fang Yuan!

But unfortunately, Langya Earth Spirit knows nothing about it.

“The performance of your days, I look in the eyes. You point to those children, so that their battle strength has risen a lot, especially Sixth Hair!right, right. I have been there more than once in a few days, from other Hairyman Gu Immortal, I heard a good word about you. Well, what happened to you this time?” asked Langya Earth Spirit.

“I want to use some sect contribution, in exchange for some streamers.” Fang Yuan replied.

“This is a trivial matter! As long as you contribute enough, there will be no problem in exchange for the streamer.” Langya Earth Spirit big palm wave, very cool.

Fang Yuan pretends to be like a word: “I have some insignificant insights into the development of Langya School. I don’t know if it is wrong to say it?”

“Talk about it, I listen.” Langya Earth Spirit squinted and smiled.

Fang Yuan said: “These days, I have studied with a lot of Hairyman Gu Immortal, so I have a little experience. Hairyman Gu Immortal’s battle strength is in urgent need of improvement, but how to improve is troublesome. Because almost everyone, major Refining Dao. Refining Dao, although it also has a means of attack, it is not as strong as other genres.”

Langya Earth Spirit nodded, Fang Yuan’s words spoke his heart went, could not help but sighed: “This is what I worry about.”

Fang Yuan said again: “In fact, there is a good way to increase the strength of the battle. That is the Transformation Dao.”

“Transformation Dao ?”

“right.” Fang Yuan slowed down and continued. “Overall of the gu cultivator genre, which one can make the battle strength soar, it’s natural to push Blood Dao. But Blood Dao is extremely harmful and too threatening to others. In the cultivation world, the reputation has been completely broken, everyone shouted. And the Blood Dao cultivation base is a little deeper, it will be on the Heavenly Court’s Demon Execution List, which will expose us. Therefore, Blood Dao is not desirable.”

“You said right!” Langya Earth Spirit nodded agreed.

In fact, as far as he is concerned, he is also more jealous of Blood Dao. If it is Hairyman Gu Immortal cultivation Blood Dao, he is also worried about whether there will be contradictions and hidden dangers within the Langya School.

Fang Yuan continued to talk about it: “Beyond Blood Dao, the fastest speed of the battle strength is the Transformation Dao. The Transformation Dao threshold is very low, Immortal Realm Ultimate Move does not need to plan, any change is Immortal Realm Ultimate Move The normal Immortal Realm Ultimate Move, at least for a few years.”

“And in Langya School, there are a large number of Immortal Gu Formulas, many of which have Transformation Dao’s Immortal Gu Formula. Immortal Gu Formula is more, Immortal Realm Ultimate Move is less. Hairyman Gu Immortal majoring in Refining Dao, multi-cultivation Transformation Dao, can Yang will avoid this short.”

“Hairyman Gu Immortal is simple, it is not a day’s work to promote their battle strength. If they change into Desolate Beast, rough skin and thick flesh, even if they make mistakes in the battle several times, they don’t matter, they can turn over and fight again. Like other genres, such as Flame Dao and Water Dao, the human body is fragile, there is no means of body protection, and it is very dangerous on the battlefield.”

“Transformation Dao’s Immortal Gu Formula is easy to calculate, immortal materials are easy to take, so Immortal Gu is also easier to refining.”

“Hairyman Gu Immortals has changed into a Desolate Beast battle, which is also a disguise of Hairyman’s identity. Although my Langya School background is deep and strong, the Human Region is still a big force in the Five Regions. If you are less exposed, you should minimize exposure. “”

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