Sixth Hair looks at Fang Yuan, laughed, but it is not afraid at all. ±,

If you want to review him, then Fang Yuan should have been in the past, and the moment Sixth Hair just sound transmission, it is directly.

But Fang Yuan didn’t, but after sitting down, he was intimidated.

As for the inner reason, Sixth Hair is also well aware, even if it is: “12 Cloud Cities, this is the responsibility of me. Before you came here, I have already arranged Immortal Dao gu formation. Not only can it be perfectly camouflaged, no Let Langya Earth Spirit discover, and also have the effect of suppressing the covenant. You can give it a try.”

Fang Yuan has joined the Langya School and is a covenant.

In particular, negotiating with Sixth Hair, the Langya School, is a violation of the Covenant.

However, listening to Sixth Hair, Fang Yuan began to try a little, and indeed some small things that broke the covenant did not lead to backlash.

Fang Yuan looked deep and said: “It seems that you are a traitor of Langya School. What trade do you want to do with me?”

Sixth Hair’s heart was slightly loose, and he was afraid that Fang Yuan would ask nothing and directly take him to the trial. It seems that the first test is over.

However, … can not care, Fang Yuan is mean shameless, shameless, no bottom line.

And when I ventured, I didn’t hesitate to reveal my identity, and I was still in crisis.

But there is no way, Ying Wuxie is really at the end of the line, only the next policy.

Trading with Fang Yuan is simply a trick with the tiger. It is too dangerous.

Only after the transaction is reached can you rely on the evidence and be able to bite him at any time. Drag him into the water. By that time, Sixth Hair will be completely safe.

But how can we ensure that we achieve our goals. Without losing too much benefit. Sixth Hair feels very difficult because he is in a weak position.

“Ying Wuxie and I have a deep hatred. Now I suddenly take the initiative to find the door. Even the traitor is not afraid to expose it. I am asking for it. Interesting… I want to see what medicine is sold in his gourd.” Fang Yuan’s mind is also There are all kinds of thoughts flowing.

“Frankly, Sir Ying Wuxie has already reached the end of the line, endangering the moment of survival. Otherwise, I will not take the initiative to show up and trade with you.” Sixth Hair.

“Oh?” Fang Yuan raised a brow and couldn’t help but look at the other person again.

Sixth Hair is so frank and makes Fang Yuan secretly surprised.

Where are the transactions before the negotiations. Expose your own shortcomings first?

Fang Yuan’s bright glow flashes, immediately noticed that Sixth Hair deliberately reversed the beauty of Sixth Hair. Even if not said, Fang Yuan can guess. Speaking it out, it seems that I want to break the boat and put it to death.

“It seems that I have been with the Langya Earth Spirit for a long time, and I have put down my guard. Although the other person is Hairyman, but the Shadow Sect is in the bones, how can it be as simple as the Earth Spirit?” Fang Yuan secretly raised his vigilance.

Thinking about it, Fang Yuan spoke. The tone is leisurely: “Ying Wuxie has my body, and the accumulation of Gu insect, and Hei Loulan and Taibai Yunsheng help, how can it fall to such a point? I don’t believe it.”

Sixth Hair shook his head: “Fang Yuan, why should you do temptation again? You plant a special intention. Let Gu insect self-destruct, hit Sir Ying Wuxie a completely unprepared. He tried his best to save the Gu insect, but only 30% Nothing more.”

This is the case. Fang Yuan is completely convinced that the current Sixth Hair is really a traitor to Shadow Sect hidden in Langya School.

Fang Yuan is thinking about electricity. Just now he also had some scams, and Sixth Hair answered. Let Fang Yuan immediately receive a lot of valuable information.

“I didn’t expect Ying Wuxie to really control Hei and Bai two people. Hei Loulan is a man who is not good at control, but big and small maternal aunt are all falling, the control difficulty is reduced. She is Vigorous True Martial Physique If you can make good use of it, it is definitely a good chess piece.”

“Taibai Yunsheng is a good old man, although indecisive, but two Time Dao Immortal Gu, usually can help a lot. Usually controlled by Ying Wuxie, it is a pity!”

Fang Yuan has a lot of emotions in his heart.

The fate is wonderfully different.

After the Great War of the Righteous Heavenly Mountain, he and Ying Wuxie, as if, reversed the position. He won the Paragon Immortal Fetus Gu, and Ying Wuxie inherited his own accumulation of the greater part.

You can use Hei Loulan to control Taibai Yunsheng. Ying Wuxie is one of Demon Venerable Gloomy Soul’s Soul Fragment. It seems that the wrist is also very good, and the two are firmly in control.

“Ying Wuxie got my Immortal Gu and was assisted by Hei and Bai two people. This time I volunteered to trade, how can I have to pay a heavy price!” Fang Yuan secretly worried.

However, after Sixth Hair’s self-exploding is short, there is a sudden change of Rank 1: “Before the transaction, I will first show our sincerity. Just when I give you an information free of charge. This information is extremely valuable, it is related. Fang Yuan, your future cultivation, more accurately, is about your matter of life and death!”

Fang Yuan coldly snorted, no good face – ly said: “Is the intelligence valuable, not to watch you brag. But let me know the content, estimate it myself.”

“Fang Yuan, do you know what Will is Heaven?” Sixth Hair asked.

“Will of Heaven?” Fang Yuan doubts.

Sixth Hair is observing, nodded, and ran-ly said: “You really forgot a lot, Fang Yuan.”

“What do you mean by this?” Fang Yuan frowned slightly.

Sixth Hair said: “You used to rely on Will of Heaven’s pointing, and changing the soul with Sir Ying Wuxie, pretend to be Pure Dream Seeking True Physique, and finally grabbed Paragon Immortal Fetus Gu. But you don’t know, this Eleventh Perfect Physique It was developed by Old Man Yan Shi and has its own major flaws. Any soul that settles in Pure Dream Seeking True Physique will fall into a sleep and forget all memories. Later, Old Man Yan Shi tried to make up for the shortcomings, but only eliminated the sleep. The shortcomings of Pure Dream Seeking True Physique will continue to be amnesia. The longer the time, the more you forget. It is because of this that Sir Ying Wuxie will lose his memory, only to remember Leading Soul to Enter the Dream Immortal Realm Ultimate Move.”

Spoke until here, Sixth Hair takes out an Information Dao mortal gu.

He rubbed a few Gu insects with his fingers, and his heart was sighing.

This Gu insect has little value for himself. But for the value of Fang Yuan’s, it is extremely huge! If it is not forced by the situation, how can I hand this Gu insect to Fang Yuan?

Originally In Ying Wuxie’s plan, he also relies on the flaw of Fang Yuan’s to deal with Fang Yuan.

Absolutely did not expect that there will be such a moment, they take the initiative to make up for the flaw of Fang Yuan’s.

“This message Gu records the passage of the Great War of the Righteous Heavenly Mountain. Let’s take a look.” Sixth Hair said, he threw the Gu insect in his hand to Fang Yuan.

Fang Yuan took it over and checked it. No problem, he urged Gu insect, Righteous Heavenly Mountain’s one scene after another to reappear in his mind.

He found that he really lacked many key memories.

“No wonder I always feel that something is wrong, but I can’t find anything. It turned out to be amnesia.”

This is the real amnesia.

Losing memory completely, I can’t find it alone. If you feel that you have forgotten something, it is not completely forgotten, or it is possible to remember.

However, the situation in Information Dao mortal gu brings a feeling of deja vu to Fang Yuan, but it does not rule out the possibility of the other party deceiving and concealing.

After reviewing it two or three times, Fang Yuan has a calm face and a deep-eyed look-ly said: “I seem to be amnesia, but how to know that the record here is true, it is also possible to be fake.”

Sixth Hair bit his teeth.

He knows that this is where the deal is difficult.

Fang Yuan and Ying Wuxie, both sides have deep hatred and hatred, and they are the deadly enemy of can live under the same sky. How to show sincerity and let each other believe in each other is the most important difficulty.

If this difficulty is overcome, then the deal is easy to do.

Sixth Hair is thinking, and the thoughts in my mind are one after another. He is thinking about wording, he has to be so cautious and solemn, Fang Yuan is killing people! Once you say the wrong thing, your fall is fine. The key is that Ying Wuxie is responsible for saving the ontology. There is no loss.

Quite a long time , Sixth Hair This is started talking : “Fang Yuan You have Spring and Autumn Cicada and you are born again. This is well known. But in fact, you have more secrets, and you are not as clear as our outsiders.”

“Will of Heaven is ubiquitous, everywhere, in the Five Regions and Nine Heavens, running through the past, present, and future. Heavenly Dao, more than enough to make up for it. Human Dao, there is more than enough damage. The two are exactly the opposite, mutual contradiction.”

“So, the past Venerable, any Legendary, is the object of Will of Heaven’s. Disaster and Tribulation, Longevity Gu, is the two trump card of Will of Heaven’s. Fang Yuan, you have two transcends tribulation, one is Earthly Disaster, the other is Immortal. Gu is robbed. Two Disaster and Tribulation formidable power skyrocketing, far surpasses common sense, it is you who are reborn with Paragon Immortal Fetus Gu, the new body and Immortal Aperture have endless potential, once grown up must surpass the past Venerable. Therefore, Will of Heaven is deeply jealous and strongly restrained, wanting to kill you in advance.”

Fang Yuan’s heart is shaking.

He has been thinking about this since the transcends tribulation.

Now Sixth Hair suddenly gave him the answer.

“Will of Heaven ……” Fang Yuan muttered in the mouth and chewed the word.

Sixth Hair sighed and continued: “My body, Demon Venerable Gloomy Soul, created Shadow Sect, Zombie Alliance, refining Paragon Immortal Fetus, and planned 100,000 years, and ultimately failed. This is also the work of Will of Heaven, not only Vast Tribulation, Myriad Tribulation is added, and some people are robbing. The Heavenly Court headed by Supervising Heaven Tower Lord is the representative. And you Fang Yuan is also the hidden killer in the robbery!”

“What is the meaning of this?” Fang Yuan raised his eyes and shook his eyes. His interest in the heart has increased greatly, and he is keenly aware that the next words of Sixth Hair will bring him earth-shaking changes!

Sixth Hair hesitated.

He knows: In the following words, once it is said that Fang Yuan does not know the huge flaw of Will of Heaven’s, it will be completely compensated. Even it will cause an unstoppable rise in Fang Yuan.

Fang Yuan is now like a python trapped in a quagmire. This python’s eyes are blinded by a layer of black cloth. I don’t know the southeast and northwest, I can only roll in the mire.

But if you tell Fang Yuan about this, you will equigate to unlock the black cloth on Python’s eyes. Python will be bright, seeing the vast Heaven and Earth, and seeing the quagmire that is trapped in it, it is very shallow.

With a clear direction and a clear understanding of your situation, this python will be headed to the sky, call the wind and summon the rain, and will achieve Flood Dragon, able to move unhindered in the world!

Don’t look at this is just a fluttering word, but for Fang Yuan, it is a qualitative change, and the value is incalculable.

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