Fang Yuan shook his head and sighed. 》,

The feeding of Wisdom Gu is too costly. That is Langya Earth Spirit, willing to pay.

Fang Yuan used the Paragon Immortal Fetus Gu to get a freshman, and now he is sixteen years old. The human race of this world, the average life span is one hundred years old. One hundred minus sixteen, Fang Yuan has about eighty-four years of life span, which is relatively long-lasting.

But even then, Fang Yuan is self-proclaimed, and if he gets Longevity Gu himself, he will basically use it on himself. If you don’t need it now, you have to hoard it in case you need it.

Longevity Gu is just mortal gu.

However, Longevity Gu is the most powerful hard currency in the Gu Immortal deal, and almost no one can match it.

Gu Immortal cultivation has two of the biggest tests, one is Disaster and Tribulation and the other is life span.

Stronger than Immortal Venerable and Demon Venerable, they are subject to these two tests.

In fact, Ju Yang Immortal Venerable arranged 88 Floors True Yang Building, the most important of which was to search Longevity Gu throughout Northern Plains to help him prolonging, as far as feeding Wisdom Gu, in the second place. . Ju Yang Immortal Venerable In his later years, Wisdom Gu was in a state of hunger for a long time and had to sleep deeply and could not be used.

Gloomy Soul Demonic Venerable later explored the 88 Floors True Yang Building and found the Wisdom Gu. Unfortunately, he can’t use it, and he can’t afford it. Longevity Gu is hard to find, and he is not enough. However, with his Soul Dao Realm, it has long been a bypass, and there is not much demand for Wisdom Gu.

By the time Gloomy Soul Demonic Venerable fallen, one of his Grand Era came to an end. Flourishes and decline, Heaven and Earth have re-emerged in Longevity Gu. Then, the decline is very strong. There is another big person of heaven-shaking, Earth-shattering, that is Paradise Immortal Venerable.

He prolonging for life. Also searching for Longevity Gu in his later years, Longevity Gu was unable to make ends meet. It gradually became scarce and eventually disappeared.

After the death of Le Tu, Heaven and Earth cycle, recuperate, and Longevity Gu fades out. 88 Floors True Yang Building Every 10 years, the Royal Court battle was launched, and the Northern Plains Longevity Gu was searched. The Wisdom Gu was gradually fed and returned to its state. Until Fang Yuan smashed Royal Court Blessed Land.

Then, under the instinct of survival, Wisdom Gu and Fang Yuan moved to Fox Immortal Blessed Land. After some things, it fell into the current Langya Blessed Land.

“Three King Blessed Land, I used two Longevity Gus in a row, trying to refining Second Aperture Gu. But that’s no way. My previous lifetime, I got a Longevity Gu from Burning Heaven Enchantress. After rebirth, Without this chance, there is no Longevity Gu in the hand. Burning Heaven Enchantress can give me a Longevity Gu. She should have more than one Longevity Gu in her accumulation. She eventually died in the Ten Perfect Grand Formation. Unfortunately, Longevity Gu in the hands is also ruined… eh? No.”

Fang Yuan’s thoughts diverged, and suddenly thought of Rank 1.

“Longevity Gu is hard to find. Even Immortal Venerable Demon Venerable has to be awkward. There is a need. Burning Heaven Enchantress is the result of Demon Venerable Gloomy Soul, and she has accumulated. It should be taken in advance by Demon Venerable Gloomy Soul. !Demon Venerable Gloomy Soul’s Despite the failure, the forces left by Shadow Sect and Zombie Alliance’s. And the wealth is still amazing!”

As for the hands of Langya Earth Spirit. There is also a accumulation of Longevity Gu, and the number is still considerable.

Almost all of these Longevity Gus are from Langya Blessed Land.

Langya Blessed Land has a long history, with three more than 100,000 years, and two generations of Venerable.

Langya Blessed Land originally is Langya Celestial Grotto with a wide interior. Later, he deliberately fell into Blessed Land, but used Refine Furnace to integrate into Immortal Aperture World, which led to the reduction of Langya Blessed Land’s space, which is even wider than many Celestial Grotto.

There is a massive Hairyman living in it, which has formed three kingdoms, and countless creatures thrive in it, generation after generation.

The production of Longevity Gu comes from life.

But wherever there is life, it is possible to naturally breed the wild Longevity Gu.

The space is vast, the population is numerous, and the history is long. Together with the complete control of Blessed Land by Langya Earth Spirit, once there is any Longevity Gu produce, it can be immediately known and quickly picked. The combination of these factors has led to the accumulation of Longevity Gu in the hands of Langya Earth Spirit.

Although Fang Yuan does not know the specific number, he can think of it with his heel. This number is absolutely quite a lot!

After all, the usual Gu Immortal, and Longevity Gu. Langya Earth Spirit doesn’t need it.

“Drive Wisdom Gu, it takes Gu Immortal’s own life span. And to support Wisdom Gu, you need to consume Longevity Gu. For the time being, it is better to give it to Langya Earth Spirit.”

Langya Earth Spirit’s plot, Fang Yuan, is not tempted, and is vaguely correct guessed.

This is no way, Fang Yuan does not have Longevity Gu himself, can’t feed.

And he is even more difficult to protect himself, Gu Immortal transcends tribulation is harder than once, and Disaster and Tribulation is stronger than once. Fang Yuan is worrying about the next Earthly Disaster, and has no time to consider Wisdom Gu.

Since Wisdom Gu was brought out, Fang Yuan has not been fed once.

In other words, Langya Earth Spirit can also help Fang Yuan.

“Returning 10,000 steps, even if Wisdom Gu is relying on the Langya Earth Spirit, it is also a good thing. I can also use the current identity, rely on Langya Earth Spirit to use Wisdom Gu, and at the least pay some sect contribution.”

All Gu insects are tools.

All efforts are moving toward the goal of the illusory to go forward.

For this goal, Fang Yuan has abandoned too much and there is nothing that can’t be abandoned.

This test of Wisdom Gu ended in failure.

However, Fang Yuan did not have any disappointment. Before leaving, he asked for something from the Langya Earth Spirit.

An Information Dao mortal gu, which records the scene when he refining Shape Transformation Immortal Gu.

“this time refining gu, very weird, the formidable power of Disaster and Tribulation suddenly becomes so strong! It is a blessing to succeed. Fang Yuan, what do you want to study, be sure to tell me.” Langya Earth Spirit in separate time , 叮嘱Fang Yuan.

“Revered Great Elder, you haven’t researched anything, I’m even more impossible. In short, I try my best.” Fang Yuan replied. He faintly felt that the Disaster and Tribulation formidable power was soaring, probably related to Paragon Immortal Fetus Gu. But this conjecture, killing him does not tell Langya Earth Spirit.

In addition to studying Disaster and Tribulation, Fang Yuan there is still one purpose, which is to investigate the inside of Langya School and find out if there are still traitors.

Until now, Fang Yuan has this flaw in his heart.

Shadow Sect In the Langya Blessed Land, two traitors were buried, all of which were Hairyman Gu Immortal. Shadow Sect raided Langya Blessed Land, and the two Hairyman Gu Immortal traitors played a pivotal role.

“But apart from these two people, is there any other traitor in Langya School?”

The answer to this question is very important for Fang Yuan. After all, he has joined the Langya School now. For a long time in the future, he relied on the Langya Earth Spirit to help him transcends tribulation and cultivation.

This investigation, he has just begun. There has been no energy and time before.

Flying for a while, Fang Yuan’s residence is already far away.

This is a towering and magnificent city.

The white city wall stands out. The tall tower’s tip is full of flags.

This is Cloud City.

There are twelve Cloud Citys on Cloud Cover Continent. Every city is Mortal Gu Home. At the same time, you can form a twelve-wave cloud grand formation that can cover the entire Cloud Cover Continent!

These twelve Cloud Citys have been upgraded from the previous 12 Cloud Pavilions.

This Langya Earth Spirit, likes to play, is completely different from the previous one.

The Cloud City in Fang Yuan’s view is the place that Langya Earth Spirit has allocated for him to live in. The rest of the Hairyman Gu Immortal, including the Langya Earth Spirit itself, each occupy a Cloud City.

The number of residents in the city is extremely small, but in the future, there will be more and more. Because Langya Earth Spirit’s plan is to launch a three-continent war, pick out the excellent Hairyman Gu Master and move them to Cloud Cover Continent to cultivate.

Fang Yuan flew over Cloud City and slowly fell.

Several Hairyman Gu Masters came out to meet immediately.

They are the elites of the Hairyman Gu Master, who are favored by the Langya Earth Spirit and are placed next to Fang Yuan. On the one hand, it takes care of the many chores in Fang Yuan’s life, on the other hand, it also has the potential meaning for Fang Yuan to point out their cultivation.

Fang Yuan is naturally not aware of these Hairyman. However, the leading Hairyman Gu Master has slammed Fang Yuan, the sixth city lord came to visit Fang Yuan, and has been sitting in the living room of the city for a long time.

The sixth city lord is Gu Immortal Sixth Hair, who guards the sixth Cloud City.

“How come he will come?”

Fang Yuan has doubts in his heart and comes all the way to your living room, saw the Sixth Hair Gu Immortal.

“Under Sixth Hair, I have seen the second city lord. This visit is mainly to ask the city lord for the battle.” Sixth Hair Gu Immortal, while giving a gift, explain the intention.

Fang Yuan’s face is unchanged, but her eyes suddenly become extremely cold.

It turns out that Sixth Hair said this, privately speaking to Fang Yuan, but it is another speech.

“Fang Yuan, my time is on behalf of Sir Ying Wuxie, come and make a deal with you!”

Ying Wuxie !

Shadow Sect !

Sixth Hair is a traitor! !

For a moment, Fang Yuan flashed a lot of thoughts in his mind, as if it were lightning.

“Well, let’s say it. It’s all in a group of people. If you can’t talk about it, you can talk about it.” Fang Yuan laughed, his face was warm.

He first retired, and asked Sixth Hair to re-seat, and then he went to the main position and sat down.

These steps are not far away. But in Fang Yuan’s mind, it is a thoughts.

“Sixth Hair is a traitor, is he the only traitor in Langya Blessed Land?”

“He trades on behalf of Ying Wuxie and I want to trade with me?”

“Ying Wuxie, what’s the situation? Suddenly trade with me?”

“Is he sincere? Is it a trap for me? Or is the temptation of Langya Earth Spirit? After all, I joined Langya School, but I am in the Information Dao covenant.”

Thinking of this, Fang Yuan just sat down.

His face was abrupt, his eyes were sharp like a knife, and he looked at Sixth Hair. The eyes showed a killing intent. Cold voice said: “Sixth Hair, you are so bold! What you just said, but what if it is true? If it is true, I will immediately I will pass you to Revered Great Elder for review!”

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