When I heard that Fang Yuan wanted to get back to Flying Sword Immortal Gu and Chu Du laughed, he immediately replied: “As long as the deal is reached, I will not only bring Flying Sword Immortal Gu to my hands, but will also pay for others, which will surely satisfy you.”

Just kidding, this Flying Sword Immortal Gu is of course in your hands, which is to beat each other’s best chips.

How can Chu Du return it easily?

Although Chu Du’s attitude is mild and polite, his heart is calm and clear.

Fang Yuan hehe smiled, his face was not lost, disappointed.

When he asked this question, he already knew the answer. Immediately face turned cold: “Chu Du, you are not sincere! This matter does not talk about fine.”

As he said, he spurred Sword Escape Immortal Gu. For a time, figure was like a sword, suddenly shot, pierced Heaven and Earth, and it was far away in the blink of an eye.

“Fellow Immortal is slow.” Chu Du complexion changed, and quickly catch up.

Fang Yuan straight obliquely, straight into the distant sky, flying for a while, Chu Du’s silhouette appeared outside the casual li.

“Immortal Realm Ultimate Move…”

Fang Yuan looked back and realized that the Gu insect on Chu Du was very mixed.

It is obvious that Strength Dao’s mobility ultimate move, or the Rank 7 level, is even higher than the linear speed of Sword Escape Immortal Gu!

Fang Yuan can’t help but the heart sinks, this situation is quite unfavorable to him.

To be honest, he put the hope of the greater part on Sword Escape Immortal Gu. After all, this speed is already very fast, even the Far Ancient Cloud Beast can’t catch up.

Unexpectedly, Tyrant Immortal Chu Du actually has Immortal Realm Ultimate Move, which makes it faster than Sword Escape Immortal Gu!

“I’m afraid, this Chu Du to cultivate Gu Master promoted immortal, far more than the one I saw before. There are others. For nearly a hundred years, he has secretly captured a lot of Reckless True Meaning. Strength Dao Realm deep and unmeasurable, I just created these Strength Dao ultimate move.”

“Since Sword Escape Immortal Gu doesn’t work, try Blood Drifting again.”

Fang Yuan thought of Rank 1 and immediately stopped Sword Escape. His body was still flying by inertia, but the speed slowed down quickly.

Then he picked up the blood light and wrap up his whole body and turned it into a bloody river.

The blood river cut through the sky, like a bloody long snake that wandered around, and the bloody smell was everywhere in the air.

Immortal Realm Ultimate Move Blood Drifting. Promote success!

Fang Yuan immediately turned a corner and flew to the left.

The connection is perfect, even Fang Yuan is satisfied: “I will reduce the number of mortal gu, this is right! Such, the promotion of Blood Drifting may be lower, and the promotion is faster. Of course, I used to practice that many times in Immortal Aperture, and it was also indispensable.”

This thought just flashed through his mind. His main attention has been firmly attached to Tyrant Immortal Chu Du’s.

Fang Yuan suddenly changed direction, Chu Du’s response is what is undoubtedly the most crucial next.

“If Chu Du can catch up, then I have to stop and talk to him and discuss the transaction.”

Fang Yuan is doing the worst thing in her heart. Then I saw Tyrant Immortal Chu Du banging, powerless. Flying straight out of his eyes!

Fang Yuan expression.

His eyes followed Chu Du and he saw the latter like the train on Earth. All the way to the rush, the speed is fast, the power is even stronger, flying over the route to set off a wave of turbulent waves.

It has been flying for more than ten miles, and the speed of the Chu Du’s has slowly dropped until it is still.

Then, he turned his head and began to slow down again, rushing to Fang Yuan.

His speed is getting faster and faster, and he is quickly reaching the level before, even faster than Sword Escape Immortal Gu.

Fang Yuan’s eyes are bright glow flashes, and immediately spurred Blood Drifting and changed direction.

So, he had a scene before saw.

Tyrant Immortal Chu Du was very windy, or very savage, flying away from hong long long in front of him.

Fang Yuan was happy at once.

He had previously worried about Sword Escape Immortal Gu and could only fly straight, so Blood Drifting was introduced to make up for this weak point.

Unexpectedly, this weak point fell on Tyrant Immortal Chu Du, more serious than him!

The situation changed instantly, and Fang Yuan turned his mind and suddenly decided not to leave.

It is very easy for him to escape from here and open Chu Du. As long as he is cautious, this is as if he is invincible.

“Interesting.” After Fang Yuan’s heart sighed, he decided to continue negotiations with Chu Du.

Chu Du sees Fang Yuan and stops at high altitude. He doesn’t fly away, and his heart is overjoyed.

“That was close , that was close , it seems that my Flying Sword Immortal Gu in my hand is still very useful. The other is in the end is still!”

Fang Yuan waited for Chu Du distantly to fly over. After reaching a certain distance, he suddenly raised his palm: “Stop, let’s talk about this distance.”

Fang Yuan is cautious. Although there is an advantage in moving this piece of home, it is still good to keep a certain distance.

Chu Du immediately stopped and smiled, quite a bit of head and face filthy with grime.

Fang Yuan said: “Brother Chu’s style is amazing, and it is really eye-opening! What is the name of this ultimate move, it is so powerful, even my Sword Escape Immortal Gu can’t match.”

“This ultimate move is called To Practice What One Preaches. It is the quality of Strength Dao’s Dao Marks that I have carefully studied. With only one big drawback, I can only go straight forward. The direction of flying can’t be changed. Even the retreat is not feasible. Normally, the drill is not enough. Under today’s urgency, it is really ugly.” Chu Du was really frank, admits that he is lacking, and his style is bold and demeanor.

Fang Yuan nodded, revealing a serious expression: “Brother Chu Shen Weihehe, in normally even fighting, the vast Northern Plains, who can let you make this move to retreat?”

“Thank you overpraised! Northern Plains Gu Immortal world deep and unmeasurable, my Chu Du is just some more nothing more, the more cultivation is the more self-conscious. Rank 8 Gu Immortal, in the Northern Plains, is not just the face Among the five. In Rank 7, there is also an expert called me taboo. You are one of them. When you say, who is your name, what is your foot, I am not sure.” Chu Du’s The smile carries a bit of bitterness.

His words are not polite, they are completely sincere.

Fang Yuan doesn’t know Tyrant Immortal Chu Du, Chu Du doesn’t know Fang Yuan.

Fang Yuan spurred Sword Escape Immortal Gu. The speed is so fast that Chu Du is shocked! After all, on linear speed. Sword Escape Immortal Gu is comparable to the same Qi Escape.

Chu Du is a veteran Rank 7 Gu Immortal. In fact, he has a lot of moving means. But compared to Sword Escape Immortal Gu. The vast majority are worse. Only the last Immortal Realm Ultimate Move To Practice What One Preaches can be compared.

Fang Yuan guessed the right, this To Practice What One Preaches Immortal Realm Ultimate Move, which Chu Du envisioned, was specifically used to retreat.

But today in Northern Plains, very few people can make Chu Du reluctant to retreat.

In addition, Chu Du has been incognito for years, secretly to cultivate Gu Master promoted immortal, and rarely take action.

This Immortal Realm Ultimate Move is actually not his neglect. Instead, the number of Gu insects contained is too much, which is very cumbersome to trigger.

Chu Du first met Fang Yuan, Fang Yuan transcends tribulation in Immortal Aperture. Chu Du take action, but Fang Yuan is quicker than him, and decisive!

Fang Yuan is searching for Chu Du’s intelligence. Chu Du is not idle these days. He is also trying to find Fang Yuan’s intelligence.

Chu Du certainly has no results.

In his opinion, Fang Yuan is this guy. It was like suddenly coming out of the stone. When did the Northern Plains Gu Immortal world have such a person? !

Don’t say anything else, the smell is very weird, the first time in the Immortal Aperture. It is the breath of Rank 6. This time appears, and the Rank 7 breathes out.

However, it should be Gu Immortal of Northern Plains native. This breath should not be wrong.

Just, I don’t know if his cultivation is Blood Dao. Or Sword Dao?

This question makes Chu Du very curious.

These two genres. It’s totally out of bounds! You have to say Soul Dao, Enslave Dao multi-cultivation, or Law Dao, Restriction Dao multi-cultivation, Wisdom Dao, Emotion Dao multi-cultivation or something.

Sword Dao, Blood Dao?

You are not afraid that the two are mutually restrained?

However, Fang Yuan is not only Sword Dao Rank 7 Immortal Gu, but the Blood Dao Ultimate Move is so good that it is called Chu Du.

Also, there are.

You repair Sword Dao, Blood Dao, and that’s all. It doesn’t matter what I am, there are still ways to hook up Reckless True Meaning? !

I racked my brains and tried countless times, all of which ended in failure. In the end, I could only choose to cultivate disciple.

What method do you use?

Reckless True Meaning, definitely need Wisdom Dao!

Could it be that, your Wisdom Dao is also not low? ?

This time chasing the battle, the whole process is only a short time, but Chu Du is not catching up with Fang Yuan!

Seeing that Fang Yuan did not fly away, but the moment he stopped, Chu Du felt his little darling jumping, excited and pleasantly filled with emotions!

Strength is better than everything, so Chu Du now has completely dealt with Fang Yuan as an equal existence.

Fang Yuan was silent for a while, and this was in a discretionary tone, slowly-ly said: “Actually, we trade between, it’s not that it cannot be done…”

Chu Du did not speak, raised two ears and listened carefully. The eagerness in his eyes is like a flame, burning and burning.

But after waiting for a long time, Fang Yuan, the bad guy, stopped talking, as if he was in meditation.

Chu Du couldn’t stand it and had to say: “I believe that with my financial resources, I will be sure of you.”

Fang Yuan glanced at him and blurted out and said: “Have you not attended a Northern Plains auction?”

Chu Du looked a little bit stiff, and he probed in a blink of an eye: “Is it true that you also attended this conference?”

“right.” Fang Yuan admitted frankly, “I also used you in the auction.” Of course, in the second half of the sentence, Fang Yuan just snorted in his stomach.

“What do you want, just say it.” Chu Du asked.

“Not good said.” Fang Yuan sighed long, his brows locked, and a look of embarrassment.

Chu Du is boring.

If he changed to someone else, he would have been slap in the face.

“There is nothing to say, even if I don’t have it now, I will try my best to help you.” Chu Du continued.

He has decided to get this method at any cost!

Fang Yuan sighed again: “The reason why I can’t say it because I haven’t thought about it yet, what to trade with Brother Chu.”

Chu Du almost gasped his nose.

For a long time, you are a bit hesitant, just because you didn’t think about it?

Chu Du frowned and his voice was low: “Have you deliberately stopped and pasted me?”

“Brother Chu is angry, naturally not!” Fang Yuan immediately said, “but mortal gu xian, both of the Disaster and Tribulation ceilings, have their own countless needs. I just didn’t think about it, how to trade, can I have the most help for my cultivation. It’s better to wait for me to think for a while, after thinking about it, then reply to Brother Chu.”

Chu Du looked a bit ugly, thought about it, had nodded, reluctantly promised: “Alright.”

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