Northern Plains.

Inside Paragon Immortal Aperture, First Layer Heaven.

Fang Yuan slowly opening both of his eyes, bright glow flashes.

“It took a few days to calculate, or use the original name, still called Blood Drifting.” This thought, Gu insect around Fang Yuan, followed his mind to mobilize, all around scattered.

Hundreds of mortal gus, flying around him, like a huge ring.

Blood Source Immortal Gu is parasitic on his chest, and the red mark begins to shine on the rays of light while exerting the heat of the cockroach.

Suddenly, a dazzling blood light bloomed from Fang Yuan’s chest.

Blood light Chongtian, turned into a bloody spring in the blink of an eye.

The blood spring carries Fang Yuan and the conflict arises.

After stunned into the air, hua la slammed a long scarlet trajectory in the air.

A blood light river, jetting in a heavy day.

Wherever he went, the bloody atmosphere of the scent was so irritating.

In the blood light river, Fang Yuan was wrap up inside, and disappeared. This is very good, there is a role of camouflage, the enemy even attacks, do not know which part of the specific light attack.

Flying for a while, Fang Yuan stopped.

The blood light river suddenly disappeared, showing the solitary silhouette of Fang Yuan in the air.

“The speed of this blood light river can be improved, as long as more mortal gu is added.” Fang Yuan carefully understands and sums up the gains and losses.

“But even with mortal gu, the linear speed is not as good as Sword Escape Immortal Gu.”

Sword Escape Immortal Gu is the Rank 7 Immortal Gu, the Blood Drifting Immortal Realm Ultimate Move, the only Immortal Gu, that is the count of 6’s Blood Source Immortal Gu, the speed is not as good as Sword Escape.

Unless Fang Yuan will level the Blood Source Immortal Gu. Raised to Rank 7, this Blood Drifting can surpass Sword Escape at linear speed.

But this way. Fang Yuan is just Rank 6 Gu Immortal, using Rank 7 Immortal Gu. I will encounter the previous embarrassing situation, which is not worth the loss.

“The linear speed is not as good as Sword Escape. As far as I expected, it doesn’t matter! I figured out this Immortal Realm Ultimate Move, I really want to make up for the weakness of Sword Escape in terms of turning and bending. I can use Blood Drifting and Sword Escape. Immortal Gu, alternately used. As a result, it is enough to cope with Chu Du.” Fang Yuan has already considered it.

Blood Drifting is Blood Dao Ultimate Move. Sword Escape Immortal Gu is affiliated with Sword Dao. There is no connection between the two. In exchange for other Gu Immortal, both are not pleasing.

But Fang Yuan is a special case!

His body is very special, it is made by Paragon Immortal Fetus Gu. A Dao Marks, a wide variety of genres, and even better, do not interfere with each other.

Fang Yuan can completely use the combination of Blood Drifting and Sword Escape Immortal Gu without losing the original power of the two.

Sword Escape Immortal Gu is a straight line flying. Although it is extremely fast, it can only fly in a straight line, which is really stupid. Extremely easy to target.

If you stop and adjust your direction, this momentary flaw can be grasped by Tyrant Immortal.

But Sword Escape and Blood Drifting work alternately, complementing the weak point, and it’s almost as easy to face Tyrant Immortal.

Chu Du is a genre of Strength Dao Gu Immortal and Strong Dao. He is good at attacking and recovering. He has the strongest stamina, but his speed is usually poor.

of course. All this is just the estimate of Fang Yuan’s.

Whether it is effective or not, it has to be tested to test it.

after all. Tyrant Immortal Chu Du The last big take action took back a hundred years.

Since he fought with Liu Family Revered Great Elder. There is little trace of whereabouts, and a closed-door cultivation.

Fang Yuan These days not only calculate the Blood Dao Ultimate Move, but also collect Chu Du’s intelligence from every possible source.

But most of the information is about a hundred years ago, and it has long since passed.

At this time, Fang Yuan missed Fairy Lishan. Hei Loulan’s This little aunt, who masters the Mountain Alliance Immortal Gu, has a wide network of contacts and has a lot of connections with Demonic Path, Righteous Path, and rogue cultivator. If she is still alive, she will be able to collect more updated information about Chu Du’s.

“Langya School is a big man, but it has been in seclusion for many years. Recently, there has been a positive idea of ​​the world. In terms of intelligence, it is completely inferior to Fairy Lishan. Information Dao… This is a weak point for me, I will make up for it in the future. ”

Fang Yuan thought a little bit loose.

He remembered the Great War of the Righteous Heavenly Mountain.

Ah, that is a pit!

Fang Yuan is now recalling, and there are dim screams.

He can survive, it is completely a fight between two giants, and finally let his little ant smash a big bargain. It is still alive and dead, and there are many ingredients of Luck Qi.

Speaking of it, Information Dao is not well-recognized and lacks intelligence! If Fang Yuan knew that there was such an inside story, he would definitely change the plan.

“But even if I have Fairy Lishan’s Information Dao means, I’m afraid I can’t find out the key information. Righteous Heavenly Mountain’s water is too deep. Five hundred years of previous life, nothing at all!”

Fang Yuan converges on the thoughts that have spread.

I have to say that he is now reborn, and when he thinks about the problem, he has a flash of light. It is not the body of the previous Immortal Zombie, comparable.

Coupled with his Wisdom Dao Grandmaster Realm, many Wisdom Dao means support, which is more thoughtful and flexible than the five hundred years of previous life.

In this respect, he has completely surpassed his historical height!

Although Blood Drifting is calculated, it has to be practiced and constantly modified during the exercise.

Immortal Realm Ultimate Move was created, it doesn’t mean it’s left alone. It also requires Gu Immortal to constantly adjust, refine, and even make major changes.

In those days, the Ten Thousand Flying Star Fireflies envisioned by Dongfang Changfan were intensively revised and changed three or four times. Even so, he still feels dissatisfied in private.

There are some Immortal Realm Ultimate Moves, not only the designer has been perfecting his life, but even his or her inheritance innovators have participated in the rest improvement.

For example, the unmatched Crescent Moon Slash, this Immortal Realm Ultimate Move has been improved many times by Heaven’s Jealousy Manor’s Gu Immortal. Because of this, the Immortal Realm Ultimate Move became the signature of Heaven’s Jealousy Manor, famous in Central Continent, and shocked all directions.

Fang Yuan’s Immortal Rank Blood Dao Ultimate Move, is still a grassroots, far from the unparalleled Crescent Moon Slash.

In the next few days, Fang Yuan specialized in Blood Drifting and Sword Escape Immortal Gu.

Constant practice, deepen his experience, and let him have more and deeper understanding of the use of Blood Drifting and Sword Escape.

During the exercise, he also constantly adjusted. In the end, he did not continue to add mortal gu to Blood Drifting, but instead cut a part of it.

“I need Blood Drifting with Sword Escape, I need it to make a twist for me. After Sword Escape stops, I will spur the success of Blood Drifting in a flash. This time is a bit short, so the mortal gu is a lot of trouble. Not only is it a waste of precious time, it adds to the difficulty of urging, and it adds a little speed, and it has little effect.”

“It’s almost okay, now I should try to put away Immortal Aperture and escape. See if you can get rid of Chu Du.”

Although Fang Yuan can continue to figure out more Blood Dao Ultimate Move, it is no longer necessary.

Since he got the Blood Source Immortal Gu, he has taken this Immortal Gu as the core, and with the accumulation of Mortal Realm Ultimate Move of five hundred years of previous life, he has successfully calculated the Life Risking Blood Seal, Blood Healing Lake, and Blood Drifting. Blood Dao Ultimate Move.

It is enough to achieve this level.

After all, Blood Source Immortal Gu only have one, with this Blood Dao Ultimate Move, the Blood Dao Ultimate Move can’t be used with Time Luck.

In other respects, Fang Yuan can be replaced by other Immortal Gu.

Since the Great War of the Righteous Heavenly Mountain, he has lost almost all of the accumulation of Gu insects. These Gu insects now involve many genres, messy and unsuccessful. But there is no way at the moment, and it will only be used first.

“But if you give me another chance, I will still meet, and I will definitely choose Paragon Immortal Fetus Gu!” For this, Fang Yuan did not hesitate.

Although Fang Yuan is now guarding Paragon Immortal Aperture, easy to defend but hard to attack, but also to guard Chu Du to ask for help, or to arrange Immortal Rank Battlefield Ultimate Move on the ice sheet.

In short, the longer you stay here, the more unfavorable.

The idea has been fixed and Fang Yuan will not hesitate.

The mind was mobilized and the entire Immortal Aperture World began to shake.

The magnitude of the shock was getting bigger and bigger, and after a few moments, Immortal Aperture World suddenly shrank.

It shrinks extremely fast and is simply a lightning flint! In an instant, when Fang Yuan opened his eyes again, he had already come to the outside world and was in the northern ice sheet.

No wind or snow.

The pale sunshine reflects the sleek and icy snow continent.

It is still very cold.

Fang Yuan mentions the emerging consciousness, the divine light, and gently swipe to see Chu Du.

Tyrant Immortal Chu Du !

As Fang Yuan expected, he kept here and did not leave.

But a bit out of what Fang Yuan expected was Chu Du’s attitude.

“This Fellow Immortal, slow, and slow!” Chu Du did not take action, but with a smile, looks at Fang Yuan, the voice is also very soft, there is no intention of killing.

Fang Yuan coldly snorted: “Hello, is this the first soldier?”

“Hey, hey.” Chu Du admitted frankly to admit his fault and apologized. “The previous thing was hitting down. Just because of the Fellow Immortal transcends tribulation, it’s really too much impact on the next cultivation. So for a time, the heart is shaking, and the reckless take action. After the event, remember, and regret it.”

Fang Yuan keeps a close eye on Chu Du and guards against it. On the other side, there have been many ways to detect the surrounding environment.

Seeing Fang Yuan’s silence, Chu Du offered: “Fellow Immortal, I don’t want to be an enemy of you, just care about your trick to seduce Reckless True Meaning. I want to trade with you.”

“Transaction?” Fang Yuan’s eyes in the bright glow flashes, to consider the tone said, “it’s not that it cannot be done, as long as your price can touch my heart.”

Chu Du’s face flashed.

But then Fang Yuan said again: “But before the transaction, you deliberately take action, and interfere with my transcends tribulation things first!”

“My compensation will definitely satisfy Fellow Immortal!” Chu Du immediately took the lead and was very sincere.

Even Fang Yuan has a little surprise in private. Is this Tyrant Immortal?

But think carefully, Fang Yuan is more alert to Chu Du.

This person can bend and stretch, is a big man! Whoever despise him, it is a full fool.

“If you want compensation, first return my Flying Sword Immortal Gu to show sincerity.” Fang Yuan said immediately.

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