Generally speaking , Southern Border , Central Continent , Northern Plains , Eastern Sea , Western Desert The Deserte Beast in the Five Regions is difficult to cross the Boundary Wall to his domain.

These Desolate Beast, Far Ancient Desolate Beast, and Immemorial Desolate Beast are comparable to Gu Immortal, the essence of the equio domain, and it is difficult to get rid of Heaven and Earth, the domain that raised them.

Five Regions Boundary Wall, for them, is like a shackle.

In comparison, Ordinary Beast, Beast King, Strange Beast, are more free and can enter and exit the Boundary Wall.

But now the pursuit of Fang Yuan’s Far Ancient Cloud Beast is not made by Southern Border, but by White Heaven | daytime, one of Immemorial Nine Heavens.

Five Regions Boundary Wall, for them, there is no closeness, Treat Everyone Equally, without any restraint or rejection.

Perhaps it is because no matter which layer of Immemorial Nine Heavens, it covers the entire Five Regions.

This feature has long been widely known.

Previously, Demon Venerable Gloomy Soul refining gu, Heavenly Court Gu Immortal was able to get to Southern Border so quickly, using Supervising Heaven Tower to shuttle White Heaven | daytime.

Before that, Fang Yuan’s Star Gate Gu was able to use the starlight in Immemorial Black Heaven to make a fuss across the Five Regions.

The essence of both is the same as the current Far Ancient Cloud Beast, which is the feature of Immemorial Nine Heavens.

Fang Yuan shuttles quickly through the Boundary Wall.

Behind this group of Far Ancient Cloud Beast, Fang Yuan also wants to control it, but they can only let them stay behind.

This group of Cloud Beast is stubborn, staring at Fang Yuan, and will not give up until the end.

At this time, Fang Yuan can’t help but miss the benefits of Fixed Immortal Travel.

If you have Fixed Immortal Travel. He will be able to get rid of these troubles.

Even if Fang Yuan is injured, Far Ancient Cloud Beast has a range limit. Use Fixed Immortal Travel to exceed this limit.

But the mobility Immortal Gu on Fang Yuan is only one Sword Escape Immortal Gu.

Smell the Sword Escape Immortal Gu, although you can pull away the distance. But the price paid is too big.

The most critical point is that Fang Yuan, the limit of Far Ancient Cloud Beast’s tracking distance, is not clear. In the unlikely event that the distance limit is high, Fang Yuan will cost the whole body, which is not enough to spur the loss of Sword Escape Immortal Gu.

“Langya Earth Spirit is simple, not lying, but he has been calculating me.”

“Before dealing with Qi Zai, he was counted. He was loaned to Crossing Dark Immortal Gu. But it cost me a lot.”

“If I am eager to get rid of the Far Ancient Cloud Beast, I am afraid that he will be profited from somebody’s misfortune! After all, Unrestrained Valley, Soul Shaking Mountain, Wisdom Gu, it is tempting!”

The Boundary Wall in front of me suddenly turned into a dark blue color.

Originally, Fang Yuan has passed the Southern Border’s Miasma Gas Boundary Wall and officially entered the Eastern Sea’s Blue Water Boundary Wall.

There is nothing to say, Fang Yuan continues to fly.

All the way is unimpeded.

There is no living in the Boundary Wall to survive, and there are no other obstacles.

Because the Five Regions Boundary Wall itself is the biggest obstacle.

It’s flying for a while. Fang Yuan turned back and looked back, the group of Far Ancient Cloud Beast was still behind him, constantly catching up.

Cloud Beast has no fixed form. When it is soaring, it is like a rolling cloud, white as frost and snow, and gestures of lithe and graceful. But falling into the eyes of Fang Yuan, it is really annoying.

At this time, the contribution of Fang Yuan’s Langya School has been completely burned out and began to owe the Langya Earth Spirit immortal essence stones.

“If it weren’t for these Far Ancient Cloud Beast. How do I go to far as to this? Well? What happened?”

On the way to flying, Fang Yuan suddenly changed his expression, and his eyes suddenly skyrocketed.

He was surprised that Wonderland found that in this Blue Water Boundary Wall, his own breath began to change in a mysterious way.

The atmosphere of the Southern Border Gu Immortal is steadily shrinking, while the other belongs to the Eastern Sea Gu Immortal. It has continued to grow.

If Fang Yuan is urging Meeting Past Acquaintance at the moment, he will never be so surprised.

The key is that he did not motivate this ultimate move at the moment.

“could it be that, my new body, not only can freely shuttle the Five Regions Boundary Wall, but also can constantly change the atmosphere and become Gu Immortal of each domain?”

Fang Yuan secretly guessed.

When he officially flew out of the Blue Water Boundary Wall, his Southern Border 蛊Immortal Qi disappeared completely and turned into an Eastern Sea Gu Immortal.

Fang Yuan is of course surprised and happy.

“This Paragon Immortal Fetus Gu is really mysterious. I don’t need Meeting Past Acquaintance at all, I can perfectly integrate into the Five Regions and will not be rejected by Gu Immortal.”

“But now, I am still reminding of Meeting Past Acquaintance.”

Fang Yuan looked back at the group of Far Ancient Cloud Beast, sighed, and eagerly evoked Meeting Past Acquaintance, which changed into a strange look.

He originally wanted to quietly pass through the Eastern Sea and return to Northern Plains’.

But now with such a group of Far Ancient Cloud Beast hanging behind him, the original idea naturally fell through.

It’s not what Fang Yuan wants, but he really has no choice.

“However, it’s not far from the turbulent Sea Territory. Maybe I can go around the road and turn to Sea Territory, rely on favourable location, and get rid of this Far Ancient Cloud Beast?”

In Fang Yuan’s mind, a single thought head suddenly appeared.

Thanks to his five hundred years of previous life’s vain life experience, Fang Yuan has a clear view of the terrain of the Five Regions in the heart.

After thinking for a while, Fang Yuan chose to be cautious and give up the idea.

The turbulent Sea Territory is like a maze. Once you accidentally get in, you will be involuntarily and give yourself a pit.

In the rumor, the turbulent Sea Territory is the battlefield formed by Gu Immortal Great Expert. A bloody battle, many Gu Immortal Great Expert fallen, leaving a lot of inheritance and lost heritage.

Many Eastern Sea Gu Immortal, as well as from Central Continent, Northern Plains, Southern Border’s Gu Immortal, often come to the Sea Territory to find opportunities.

Unfortunately, Fang Yuan’s five hundred years of previous life, I have never heard of someone getting a huge chance. Instead, I often heard: Gu Immortal disappeared in the turbulent Sea Territory. Or after a certain number of months or years of disappearing, Gu Immortal emerged from the trap and reappeared.

The turbulent Sea Territory is not dangerous, but because of the special terrain, Gu Immortal is often trapped. Not free.

Fang Yuan figure resembling an arrow, draw a straight light in the sky.

He didn’t choose to sneak in the direction of Sea Territory, but instead flew to the nearest Northern Plains’ Boundary Wall.

Sword Escape Immortal Gu rallied and gradually turned Far Ancient Cloud Beast behind him.

He consulted Langya Earth Spirit long before he was a long time ago. Ask about Far Ancient Cloud Beast, but Langya Earth Spirit doesn’t know much.

Fang Yuan also sent dozens of wills to search in Treasure Yellow Heaven in an attempt to find the limit of the Far Ancient Cloud Beast’s tracking distance, but there has been no gratifying audio.

No way, Fang Yuan had to try and see if he could break Far Ancient Cloud Beast.

Kneeling down. Fang Yuan has been urging Sword Escape Immortal Gu. Not stopping for a moment!

Finally he took Far Ancient Cloud Beast out of sight.

Fang Yuan stops Sword Escape Immortal Gu and uses Mortal Realm Ultimate Move to continue flying.

The speed is therefore steep.

“If you pay such a price, it would be fine if you can open it.” Fang Yuan was secretly worried.

If you don’t see Far Ancient Cloud Beast, it doesn’t mean you have already opened them.

This kind of comparison with the existence of Rank 7 Gu Immortal, the way of tracking, is often not a simple visual gaze. Just look at the limits of their tracking distance.

When I was in Fang Yuan, I was worried about looking back from time to time. A bloody man, suddenly flew from the southeast.

Blood light cut through the sky, and after seeing Fang Yuan, the speed suddenly stagnate, and then quickly approached Fang Yuan.

“It’s one Rank 6 Blood Dao Gu Immortal, it seems to have experienced a fierce battle!” Fang Yuan noticed the breath of newcomer and suddenly frowned.

Regardless of the intention of newcomer, Fang Yuan has no longer wanted to get into trouble any more.

He is already troublesome enough.

The group of Far Ancient Cloud Beast behind him, I don’t know if it has collapsed. There are still less than two months, and Disaster and Tribulation is coming.

then. He immediately turned in a direction away from the blood light that was actively approaching.

Gu Immortal in blood light perceives Fang Yuan’s intentions and screams: “Fellow Immortal is slow! I am looking for a supreme chance in the turbulent Sea Territory. As long as you can help me out of this robbery, I would like to use Blood Oath Immortal Gu. Send Blood Oath and share this supreme chance with you!”

“The turbulent Sea Territory ?supreme opportunity? Has anyone really benefited from it?” Fang Yuan was really surprised.

at this time. And again several Gu Immortal appeared from the back of the blood light, rushing, strong, aggressive.

They seem to have heard, just what Blood Dao Gu Immortal shouted at Fang Yuan.

One after another

“Blood Dao is the devil, it harms the people, everyone gets it!”

“All the same with the devil, kill without mercy!”

“Fellow Immortal ahead, stop the devil, my Tang Family must have a reward.”

“No need to do this. This devil headed my Liu Qingyu’s Immortal Realm Ultimate Move, and certainly can’t run. The newcomer ahead, if you know well, just let me roll!”

For a time, Fang Yuan was persuaded by these Eastern Sea Gu Immortal, warning and drinking.

Fang Yuan coldly snorted.

He is not afraid of people, but his immediate priority is to rush to Northern Plains Langya Blessed Land to deal with Immortal Aperture Disaster and Tribulation.

In the direction of the fold, Fang Yuan directly headed to Blood Dao Gu Immortal and evacuated in the opposite direction.

Blood Dao Gu Immortal In a hurry, he has reached his limits, and Fang Yuan is his only hope for survival.

When Fang Yuan retired, he quickly changed direction and quickly moved toward Fang Yuan.

“If you help me, I would like to send this opportunity to you!” he shouted.

Fang Yuan sneered and retreated without hesitation.

Seeing this, someone in Eastern Sea Gu Immortal laughed: “Yes! You know this kid is very good, let me go!”

Some people also shouted: “Fellow Immortal ahead, may take action to help me, etc., there will be rewards afterwards.”

Fang Yuan brows frowned.

I just want to return to Langya Blessed Land quietly, how come all the way, troubles one after another. I don’t want to be infected, but these troubles take the initiative to stick to him.

“Fellow Immortal, this is the key message of inheritance. If you get it, you must cultivate the base advanced by leaps and bounds and become the immortal immortal!” Blood Dao Gu Immortal throws an Information Dao Gu insect and flies to Fang. Yuan, trying to seduce him.

Fang Yuan coldly shouted: “Get out!”

After waving and making a gust of wind, Gu insect was blasted.

At the same time, his figure suddenly rises high and flies.

Blood Dao demonic cultivator did not count Fang Yuan, and suddenly he was desperate. He suddenly shot a streak of strange light and shot at Fang Yuan.

“I have delivered the key to inheritance to this person. You have to take the opportunity to kill me and useless!” Blood Dao demonic cultivator yelled, figure fierce, slamming in the opposite direction.

The odd light speed is very fast, and it is forced to Fang Yuan.

Fang Yuan coldly snorted, very reluctant to get into trouble, low roaring sound: “I have something to do with him, don’t come to provoke Laozi!”

Said, he also spurred Sword Escape, sword light two Rank 7 Immortal Gu.

Sword Escape has made him soar, and Sword Light Immortal Gu smashes it directly and smashes it.

“Ah, two Rank 7 Immortal Gu!”

“Who is this person?!”

Fang Yuan suddenly broke out, and all the people suddenly became shocked, and their faces changed all the time.

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