Central Continent, Earth Abyss. 》し

Ying Wuxie looked at the landslide in front of him and his face was ugly.

Behind him are Hei Loulan, Taibai Yunsheng, and Rank 7 Nonhuman Gu Immortal Stone Slave.

Four Gu Immortals battle strength!

Among them, Stone Slave is the strongest, Hei Loulan is the second, Taibai Yunsheng Again, Ying Wuxie has not left the immortal zombie identity, only the borrowed Immortal Gus, Fang Yuan residual Immortal Gu has not recovered, the current battle strength bottom.

Hei Loulan has been directly forced down by Ying Wuxie to get rid of the covenant with Fang Yuan and become Ying Wuxie’s arm.

Stone Slave is the most loyal to Ying Wuxie.

Taibai Yunsheng, although he did not know, but he never doubted Ying Wuxie. Hei Loulan and Ying Wuxie teamed up to make him stay in the dark.

“What’s going on?” Taibai Yunsheng looks at the front, no question.

Stone Slave solemnly replied: “Earth Abyss is not calm, and sometimes the force is soaring, it will cause shocks. The shock sometimes causes a super landslide, as we have seen so now.”

Hei Loulan looks at surprise: “This kind of landslide is too terrifying.”

Stone Slave nodded: “Yes, each time landslide in Earth Abyss often covers a few 1 billion acres, causing millions and tens of millions of lives to die. After the landslide, the soil of 10,000 jin is stacked on everything, combining the tragic death Resentment, Death Qi, blood essence, and therein will form numerous Desolate Rank blood beasts, bone beasts, and even the wild Immortal Gu of Blood Dao, Earth Dao. Master, how should we act next?”

Ying Wuxie stared at the front, half a squat, then slowly spits out one mouthful of impure air.

His heart is depressed, Dark Dao: “This route is a secret operation before Shadow Sect. It is the safest and secret to leave Earth Abyss. I just wanted to leave Earth Abyss. At this juncture, there was an accidental Earth Abyss landslide. It also happened here. It just cut off our way forward. Hehe.”

Ying Wuxie sneered in the stomach.

“This is what Will of Heaven is!”

“Ontology refining gu, against Will of Heaven. Causes Will of Heaven to be severely depleted. But now, I am afraid that Will of Heaven has recovered more than half.”

“I also have Spring and Autumn Cicada, and there are a lot of Will of Heaven in it. So in the Will of Heaven, it’s like a torch in the dark!”

“If I am not good at investigating, I have not deliberately slowed down. I am afraid I will be trapped in the landslide. Or I am eager to see the wild Immortal Gu that will be formed here. I will not be able to find it. It will be discovered by Gu Immortal who has come to explore.” I used gu formation before. Something was noticed by Heavenly Court and started all around.”

Ying Wuxie got the guidance of the ontology will in Red Lotus Demon Venerable True Inheritance and learned a lot about Will of Heaven.

Will of Heaven also has limits and will be severely depleted. But because the foundation is Five Regions Heaven and Earth, Will of Heaven will not be completely destroyed, and the ability to recover is extremely fast.

Regarding Will of Heaven, Fang Yuan is still in the dark, without knowing it, far less than Ying Wuxie.

“Will of Heaven is so difficult, thanks in large part to the star slut!”

“My body is quite ordinary. I have to make Fixed Immortal Travel to get through the Five Regions. Then the Shadow Sect remnants are gathered together to form a considerable force. Then try to save the body.”

After thinking to this point, Ying Wuxie naturally remembered Fang Yuan.

The heart is once again raging and hating!

“When the Paragon Immortal Fetus Gu was designed, the body considered the Five Regions Boundary Wall. Therefore, Fang Yuan can now not only cross the Five Regions Boundary Wall, but also turn free to change the atmosphere and become an arbitrary domain Gu Immortal !”

“But… you don’t think about your days. Although you are a complete Demon from Beyond The Heavens, Will of Heaven can no longer influence your thinking, but Will of Heaven can affect other existences. The layout is apart from you.”

“And, in the future you will transcends tribulation every time. It’s all the best chance for Will of Heaven to get rid of you.”

“I hope you can come over and wait until I get rid of you!”

Ying Wuxie hates Fang Yuan. But what he is most important now is to save the body Remnant Soul.

Today his body Remnant Soul falls into a dream.

As everyone knows, the soul is trapped in a dream, and it will be gradually eroded by dreams. Therefore, it is also very urgent to leave Ying Wuxie’s time.

Compared with the rescue of the body, dealing with Fang Yuan is a trivial matter.

Therefore, Ying Wuxie and the others are now the most important thing is to smash the Fixed Immortal Travel, gather the residual forces, and then return to the Southern Border to break the Southern Border Gu Immortal blockade around the Super Dream and rescue the Demon Venerable Gloomy Soul.

Southern Border.

Immortal Gu Sword Escape launched!


Fang Yuan figure is like a sword, sharp and sharp, piercing the sky, dragging a long white cloud tail behind him.

Just use Sword Escape Immortal Gu, naturally there is no such eye-catching cloud tail.

The problem is that Fang Yuan is very wounded at this time.

The deep visible bone wounds are condensed with the rich Cloud Dao’s Dao Marks, which are constantly tumbling out of the white mist.

Fang Yuan’s face is also pale as paper, and the brow is locked.

Behind him, 10 li is out, a large group of Far Ancient Cloud Beast is moving towards him.

It is these Immemorial Cloud Beast that caused Fang Yuan to be hurt.

Fang Yuan Although there is the Rank 7 Flying Sword Immortal Gu, it is the most helpless for this kind of gathering, and the Cloud Beast that Mire Monster seems to be.

“It is said that Bo Qing hit the Immortal Realm Ultimate Move Ten Thousand Swords Tribulation, which is based on the Flying Sword Immortal Gu. It is a slap in the face of a sword. After I return to Langya Blessed Land, I must find it. Similar to Immortal Realm Ultimate Move, no longer suffer from such a loss!” Similar content, alwaysy has been tumbling in Fang Yuan’s mind many times.

It turned out that after discovering the secret of the new body, Fang Yuan made a temporary effort to decisively abandon the previous plan and wanted to penetrate the Boundary Wall and return to Langya Blessed Land.

But not long after, he actually fell into the attack range of a group of Immemorial Cloud Beast.

This kind of Cloud Beast, whether in the Southern Border or in the other four domains, is quite rare. It is not an exaggeration to describe the word “extinct”.

But Fang Yuan has encountered a group of Cloud Beasts, even Far Ancient Cloud Beast, and each battle strength is comparable to Rank 7 Gu Immortal.

Far Ancient Cloud Beast is not easy to detect when it is not moving.

Fang Yuan Although he has been using investigative methods, there is no related Immortal Gu, just Mortal Realm Ultimate Move nothing more. So I slammed into the warning range of Far Ancient Cloud Beast.

After a fierce battle, thrilling escape, but Far Ancient Cloud Beast did not intend to let go of Fang Yuan, chasing after.

In the field of vision, suddenly a line of purple and black colors rose from the mountains.

Southern Border’s Miasma Gas Boundary Wall is already far away!

Fang Yuan is overjoyed.

The speed has plummeted.

It turned out that he took the initiative to stop Sword Escape Immortal Gu.

The Immortal Gu is motivated and the cost is too high. Today Fang Yuan has contributed to the Langya School and is completely exhausted.

For the sake of economy, Fang Yuan can only spur Sword Escape Immortal Gu intermittently, keeping a safe distance from the cloud beast group behind him.

Without Sword Escape Immortal Gu, Fang Yuan provoked Mortal Realm Ultimate Move.

To be honest, this mobility is also very fast, but unfortunately not comparable to the Far Ancient Cloud Beast group.

After a few moments, the Far Ancient Cloud Beast group has been greatly closer and less than Fang Yuan.

Seeing Cloud Beast catching up, Fang Yuan was forced to help, and had to spur Sword Escape Immortal Gu again.


His speed has soared again and he quickly opened the Far Ancient Cloud Beast group.

Purple black’s Miasma Gas Boundary Wall gradually occupied most of his field of vision.

Finally, Fang Yuan flew to the front of the Southern Border Boundary Wall without hesitation. He plunged into it.

Nothing is wrong!

Like the eye-catching Miasma Gas Boundary Wall, it is just a light and shadow illusion.

Fang Yuan was overjoyed and excitedly punched her hands: “Sure enough! My guess is correct. This Paragon Immortal Fetus Gu is really mystery! In the future, I will be able to shuttle freely in the Five Regions without Fix Immortal Travel. ”

Of course, Fang Yuan thinks about it, not only that.

“This can also help me fight. Before the battle with Qi Zai, it was a perfect battle. In the future, I can bring Gu Immortal strong enemies into the Boundary Wall and take action to kill!”

But his excitement only lasted for a short time.

Soon, he frowned again.

Because he found that the group of Far Ancient Cloud Beast behind him also shuttled the Boundary Wall, and there was no stopping for his pursuit.

The guess of originally was verified, Fang Yuan can’t help but lamented: “Sure enough, I am so bad luck!”

“The Cloud Beast in Southern Border is extinct, and even if it is, Desolate Rank Cloud Beast from 1~2. This hordes of Far Ancient Cloud Beast is only available in White Heaven and Black Heaven.”

“It seems that these Far Ancient Cloud Beasts, white as snow, are specially dropped from White Heaven | daytime, in order to breed next generation.”

In fact, Cloud Beast was originally a wonderful lifeform in Immemorial Nine Heavens. The Cloud Beast in the Five Regions is also from Immemorial Nine Heavens.

Cloud Beast has a habit.

It is at regular intervals that they fly down Immemorial Nine Heavens and fall into the Five Regions, rely on the clouds in the sky to host the cloud.

Clouds that are registered by Yunjing will not last long as long as they do not suffer from strong external forces.

After a few hundred years, these clouds will be converted into Cloud Beast.

The new Cloud Beast has a Desolate Beast level at each end. When they take a take action, they follow the instinct of life and rise to the sky.

Penetrate Heavenly Astral Qi Barrier and return to their respective sources, Immemorial Nine Heavens.

In the process, Cloud Beast will be blocked by Heavenly Astral Qi Barrier, will be hunted by ferocious beast along the way, will be framed by various natural imposing manners and so on. Cloud Beast, which really returns to Immemorial Nine Heavens, often has one.

“I actually got a bad luck and happened to meet the cloud beast group of the progeny. This Luck Dao is really…” Fang Yuan is quite speechless.

“According to the truth, I have been with many strong luck people, Connecting Luck, even if the body and the soul are half, my Luck Qi is not so bad. Could it be that I got Paragon Immortal Fetus and consumed the massive Luck Qi Is it a blessing to be a blessing?”

Fang Yuan flies in the Miasma Gas Boundary Wall, and behind him is a group of Far Ancient Cloud Beast.

Fang Yuan broke through the place where Far Ancient Cloud Beast hosted Yunjing. For the sake of future generations, Far Ancient Cloud Beast was about to eliminate Fang Yuan.

As long as Fang Yuan is not injured, Cloud Beast can continue to track.

These Far Ancient Cloud Beasts are also available in the Five Regions Boundary Wall!

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