“Everything is over.” Looking at Ying Wuxie at the foot, Fang Yuan sighed in the mouth.

After understanding that he was being turned dark, Ying Wuxie was filled with desperate ice-cold and gave up completely.

He knows that he is completely defeated and there is no hope of any turnaround.

But at this moment, the mutation is steep!


A slight burst of sound, Ying Wuxie soul and Fang Yuan’s body of immortal zombie, self-exploding in an instant.

The body of Immortal Zombie, Dao Marks, and Ying Wuxie’s soul, all turned into nutrients and sacrificed to Spring and Autumn Cicada.

Spring and Autumn Cicada!

A glimpse of cyan light, flashing in the eyes of Fang Yuan’s.

Spring and Autumn Cicada re-enters River of Time.

Fang Yuan turn pale with fright !

“What’s going on? What the hell is going on! How can the special intention in Spring and Autumn Cicada be motivated by Ying Wuxie?”

“No! Look at his expression at the time, there is no fighting spirit, how can I motivate my Spring and Autumn Cicada?!don’t tell me He is also acting?”

“Spring and Autumn Cicada is my thing, I also special intention to prevent it, how can it be prompted by Ying Wuxie?”

Fang Yuan is full of shock and doubts.

He was puzzled by all kinds of doubts.

Standing in the same place, Fang Yuan motionless, like a stone statue.

The shock came too suddenly.

Soon, his forehead was full of cold sweat.

“How can this be good? How to face it?!”

Fang Yuan used to rely on Spring and Autumn Cicada, and it was repeated many times. Try to turn the tides.

But now, in the face of others using Spring and Autumn Cicada, he has discovered that he has no means of coping!

His Time Dao background is too weak.

Without Spring and Autumn Cicada, he has almost no achievements in this regard.

“Is it missing? What else, I didn’t think about it?” Fang Yuan narrowed his eyes, and the cold sweat fell from his forehead, dripping into his eyes, and slid his face down.

Did not think about the answer. Fang Yuan shook his head and sighed.

“There is no way, I have done my best.”

At that time, Fang Yuan had completely failed if he did not change his mind according to the mention of Constellation Immortal Venerable in his dreams. Can’t turn over. I can’t go to this step at the moment.

“could it be that, I did not destroy Paragon Immortal Fetus Gu because I didn’t follow the Constellation Immortal Venerable, so I have this mutation?”

“Spring and Autumn Cicada has not been restored yet. At this time, there is only one death road!”

“No, no!”

Fang Yuan suddenly remembered that Shadow Sect’s side there is still one.

That’s the face of Red Lotus in the River of Time.

During the time, the chill hit the whole body, and he stood up.

“Everything is going to be the worst. If he is born again, how will there be changes on my side?” Fang Yuan was thinking, and he felt blurred in his vision.

No, not his vision is blurred.

It is the entire Heaven and Earth, which is blurred under the power of Time Dao.

Because Ying Wuxie’s is born again. Everything is changing!


Like the sound of the wind, Ying Wuxie is shivered, reacting, involuntarily cry out in surprise: “This, how is the River of Time here? What’s going on! How is Spring and Autumn Cicada motivated? How is my consciousness?” Will replace Fang Yuan, exist in Spring and Autumn Cicada?”

His doubts are not much less than Fang Yuan.

Although it was a party, it was so confusing that it was above the River of Time.

River of Time, the river is awkward.

A big wave, moved towards Spring and Autumn Cicada slammed.

Ying Wuxie’s this will. Suddenly disordered, yelling at death! Spring and Autumn Cicada is weak, if you are photographed by this wave, there is no surviving possibility!

“Hey…so that’s how it is.”

A sigh. Just at this time of imminent peril.

Among the River of Time, a grimace emerges. Grimace looks bitter, open mouth spits out a Red Lotus.

Red Lotus is blooming, blocking the waves of life.

Then an invisible attraction will take the Spring and Autumn Cicada of Ying Wuxie’s will into the lotus heart of Red Lotus.

For a moment. Ying Wuxie’s will enter a dark space.

Here, another will condense into the Gloomy Soul Demonic Venerable’s form, sitting in the air and laughing at him.

“The body is still in the River of Time, leaving you behind this?” Ying Wuxie will be overjoyed after a moment of sighing.

Gloomy Soul Demonic Venerable’s will nodded, and shook his head again: “You used to be the Soul Fragment of the ontology, and you should remember me. Unfortunately, because of Pure Dream Seeking True Physique, your memory is dissipated.”

“oh! This is no way, you want me to be?” Ying Wuxie will be very upset. “And, what is going on here? I thought I was in the hands of Fang Yuan, and he was counted. Deadly. Why is it in the River of Time. Also, I obviously can’t use Spring and Autumn Cicada, why is Spring and Autumn Cicada suddenly launched?”

Gloomy Soul Demonic Venerable’s will, once again, sighed: “I am parasitic in this Red Lotus’ True Inheritance, observing the whole process, and just clear comprehension. You can enter here, both are Will of Heaven. Help you. Spring and Autumn Cicada is also motivated by Will of Heaven.”

“What?!” This answer made Ying Wuxie almost shocked to collapse on the spot.

This is too unexpected.

Ying Wuxie will never believe this fact if it is the glory of Gloomy Soul.

“Will of Heaven is not always difficult for us? How suddenly, and in turn help us?” Ying Wuxie asked.

“Your memory has disappeared, there is no original vision. Will of Heaven, never seeing that we are not pleasing to the eye, it is difficult for us. We will never see us poor, to help us. Heavenly Dao ruthless, Dao of Heaven, There is more than enough damage to make up. So everything balances and restricts each other. So ferocious beast has almost all natural enemies, high-altitude clouds will condense into rain, even if Rank 9 Venerable will be limited by life span.”

Paused for a moment, Gloomy Soul Demonic Venerable’s will continue: “And the way of human beings, the damage is not enough to spare, just the opposite of Dao of Heaven. An expert, will want to become stronger. A wealthy person, will think To become richer, a beautiful person will also want to be more beautiful. People who find Long Life want to go further and get Eternal Life. People’s desires are hard to fill, never satisfied, and run away from Will of Heaven.”

“I understand a bit. Will of Heaven tends to me because I failed. Fang Yuan became the complete Demon from Beyond The Heavens, which has been transcend restricted, letting him go. It will greatly damage the balance of Heaven and Earth. So Will Of Heaven shifted the target and wanted to use my hand to deal with him and not let his conspiracy succeed. But why Will of Heaven can drive Spring and Autumn Cicada ?this Immortal Gu. It has been Feng Yuan refined.”Ying Wuxie is still in a state of ignorance.

Gloomy Soul Demonic Venerable will answer: “oh! This is the Will of Heaven’s handiwork. I just realized it. Fang Yuan got Spring and Autumn Cicada, it was the Will of Heaven’s arrangement. Will of Heaven has long chosen him as Chess piece , reborn and destroy the ontology!”

“According to the information provided by Bai Ningbing, I think about it now. When Fang Yuan showed something special, it was on Silvergrass Mountain. Although he had bad natural talent, he walked along the way, but he was smooth and smooth. Be able to make the most sensible choices and get the most out of it. Silvergrass Mountain, Three King Blessed Land, Royal Court Blessed Land, Righteous Heavenly Mountain… This way, obviously, he used Spring and Autumn Cicada more than once.”

“Spring and Autumn Cicada, however, Rank 6, there is a probability of failure. He actually succeeded in time after time. Except for the last time. Maybe by us to help him, the rest, his Fang Yuan did not fail once! You know, Spring and Autumn Cicada will make his Luck Qi decline. This is probably the support of Will of Heaven in the dark, and finally he will become a Gu Immortal from a mortal in just a few years, and fall into the body of the body. As a deal with Will of Heaven’s chess piece.”

Ying Wuxie’s willing voice is stunned: “Wait, you mean…”

Demon Venerable Gloomy Soul’s will nodded: “right !this time The ontology failed, mainly because of Fang Yuan. The ontology uses Fang Yuan. Think of him as a chess piece. But in fact, Fang Yuan is already a Will of Heaven’s chess piece.”

“Whether Fang Yuan is born again, the body is likely to have succeeded before his first rebirth. Not only did he refine Paragon Immortal Fetus Gu. He grew to the point where Heaven and Earth couldn’t help! Because of this, Will of Heaven did not hesitate. Rely on Fang Yuan, let him be born again, come to destroy my ontological plan.”

“Fang Yuan is very interesting. First of all, he is Demon from Beyond The Heavens, so he is qualified to be born again. Only then can he change the past. Even if the common person is good, he can’t escape the fate. Then he is not The complete Demon from Beyond The Heavens. So, he was also influenced and manipulated by Will of Heaven’s. He thought that Spring and Autumn Cicada was what he used for it. But in fact, it was never like this. Spring and Autumn Cicada The big killer has long been eroded by Will of Heaven. Obviously, this layout has already begun when Fang Yuan got Spring and Autumn Cicada. But he was blinded by Will of Heaven and found nothing wrong. After all, rely on Spring and Autumn Cicada is born again, and can only carry part of the will. And the will of this kind of thing, even the soul is not as good as it is, the most likely to be affected. Just like now, I really want to remember all the memories. I am instilled in you, but unfortunately your will can bear very limited.”

For a time, Ying Wuxie widely opened mouth, completely speechless!

River of Time, the waves are constantly on the beat of Red Lotus.

The lotus petals of one by one disappeared.

Soon, only the inner layer of the flower is left.

“You don’t have much time.” Demon Venerable Gloomy Soul’s will sigh and continue.

“Fang Yuan is Demon from Beyond The Heavens. Although Will of Heaven can influence him, he finally listens to his inner voice and chooses to capture Paragon Immortal Fetus Gu instead of destroying it.”

“as a result, although he is still a chess piece, but it is not bound by the board. Will of Heaven certainly can not allow such a presence, so start Spring and Autumn Cicada, to be on your hand to deal with Fang Yuan.”

“But Will of Heaven will never, after you are born again, recapture Paragon Immortal Fetus Gu. So, after you are born again, you should have no chance to save the big picture. You must not be anxious and break this last chance.”

Ying Wuxie asked, “What should I do?”

“Now, the Zombie Alliance is gone, the Shadow Sect is dissipating, and even the ontology is in danger. The Shadow Sect various immortal has more or less a follow-up. You need to use these to rebuild the Shadow Sect.”

“Life is hard to beat, you can borrow! Northern Plains Longevity Heaven’s forces, you can use. Central Continent, there are hidden forces, and 10 Great Ancient Sects does not deal with …”

“You have limited will, knowing that these are the limits. You are on these, rebuilding the Shadow Sect and saving the ontology. The most important thing is that you want to inform the ontology of this important information. Because when you are born again, this Red Lotus’ True Inheritance and I will change as well, and I won’t remember these things. By that time, you are the only insider!”

“Remember, Mu Xiu will be urged by Lin Feng, and it will be piled up in the shore. Before that, the strategy of ‘the crouching against Will of Heaven’ is correct. Since we succeeded once, we can succeed. Two times! Good self-respect!”

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