Fang Yuan flies away from Pure Dream Seeking True Physique and resolutely flies into the mysterious Rank 9 Immortal Gu.

At the moment of contact, Fang Yuan felt an unparalleled attraction.

This was named Immortal Gu by Paragon Immortal Fetus by Demon Venerable Gloomy Soul. It seems that the ready to wait for the soul.

Fang Yuan’s soul entered, as if falling into the undercurrent vortex at the bottom of the Fallen Heavenly River.

For a time, the soul was sucked up by Immortal Gu and melted at an incredible speed!

Fang Yuan can’t think, just feeling into a deep darkness.

But this darkness is not ice-cold, but rather warm.

It seems that the baby is returned to the mother’s time, and leisurely in the sheep’s water.

And outside.

After Fang Yuan entered the Rank 9 Immortal Gu, the sky suddenly made a snarl, and it seemed to be extremely angry, but there was nothing to help.

Paragon Immortal Fetus Gu began to shine.

First white brilliance, from the transparent white color, to the pure white, to the rich white color.

Then, a little red was revealed in the white light. Red renders quickly, making the rays of light first become slightly red, then pink, then red, like fire.

After red light, it turns into orange light. Orange light turns into a yellow glow…

So multi-colored constantly changing and finally turning black.

In the brilliance of black, Paragon Immortal Fetus Gu constantly collided, originally only the size of the finger, but now it is the size of the washbasin.

In this dark ball of ink. A variegated eclipse outside the placenta, faintly discernible.

A vitality is whatin is brewing, and it continues to grow and rise.

The mist of white shrouded it quietly.

The surrounding temperature is rapidly changing. The mist is turned into a white cream that covers the surface of the sphere.

Then the lightning flashed, wrapped around the ball, forming a grid.

Lightning collides with each other and draws sparks. The sparks fell on the hoar frost, not only did not go out, but burned hoar frost.

Hoar frost turned into a stock of gas. Firmly wrap up the ball.

Green pattern. Gradually emerged on the surface of the ball. Soon, it turned from a virtual to a myriad of branches and vine leaves.

The branches are yellow and the vine leaves are green and dripping.

Soon, at the speed visible to the naked eye, the flowering results between the vine leaves.

The fruits of these purples exude a very good smell of fragrance. But the appearance of the fruit. It is very ugly, pitted, as if it has been decaying for a long time.

All kinds of changes are incredible. At first glance, it’s a mess, but it’s a taste, but it seems to contain a Heaven and Earth.

As the outside world changes, the placenta in the ball grows stronger.

Finally, after 9 x 9 = 81 changes. The ball is made of soil, and the inner tires are completely extended to the limit, turning into a baby, and the limbs are shaken!

Suddenly, wrap up his ball was completely shattered, the baby is now!

I saw this baby boy, Heavenly Court is full. The eyes are like the stars, the white and tender skin, the arm-like legs, the cheeks with two blushes, the pink and lovely, Immortal Qi.

An invisible force wrap up his whole body, making him immune and innocent.

The baby boy slowly landed on the ground.

In the process, he grew rapidly.

From the time of birth, to two or three years old, only one breath was used.

4~5 years old, 6~7 years old, eleven years old… When he falls to the ground, he has become a sixteen-year-old young man!

His skin is still white, but it is not a pale pale, nor a delicate white, but a clean, plain white.

His long hair, black and bright, has been hanging down to the waist.

The body is a bit thin, and there is no trace of fat in the body.

His nose is tall and straight, and the most attractive is his pair of eyes. The stars-like rays of light have been restrained and turned into a pair of deep Jade Pond.

And his lips are a bit rich, with a healthy rosy. At this moment, I was squatting, revealing the perseverance of this person.

This boy is naturally Fang Yuan.

At this moment, he blinked his eyes and looked at his young boy’s body. He was shocked: “A new body… body?”

Demon Venerable Gloomy Soul, as well as Shadow Sect, work hard, tens of thousands of years of accumulation and painstaking efforts to refine this body, naturally not as simple as the surface.

Among the profound mystery, it is still to be further explored by Fang Yuan’s.

At this time, Fang Yuan’s first feeling is that this body is unparalleled to meet his soul.

For example, the body of his former Immortal Zombie is like a piece of clothes made of decaying leaves, so the body is like a soft, silky body.

Everything seems to be different.

Fang Yuan thinks that he seems to be coming out of the dark alley, and suddenly seeing Blue Heaven’s white clouds, his heart is wide.

“This is Demon Venerable Gloomy Soul, painstaking, refining the role of Paragon Immortal Fetus Gu’s? Reborn! And a rebirth, there is the cultivation base of Rank 6.”

Fang Yuan is immersed in Immortal Qi and is not fake.

He is gambling!

Although he does not understand, how does this Immortal Gu work. But seeing Demon Venerable Gloomy Soul, drifting to Immortal Gu, Fang Yuan will do the same.

At the turn of the mind, Fang Yuan turned his eyes to the air.

There, Demon Venerable Gloomy Soul is still in a dream. This was as early as Fang Yuan expected, after all, Demon Venerable Gloomy Soul’s was in a very bad state.

Ying Wuxie’s body, without the host of Fang Yuan’s soul, has closed his eyes, suspended in the air, motionless.

Fang Yuan called out: “Come back.”

Suddenly, from Ying Wuxie’s, a large group of Gu insects flew out.

Previously, Fang Yuan was put into the Paragon Immortal Fetus Gu, and the Gu insect carried was only left in the Pure Dream Seeking True Physique.

Now, Fang Yuan called out and recalled these Gu insects.

Manner Immortal Gu, Solving Riddle Immortal Gu, Immortal Gu, and other mortal gu of Soul Dao and Dream Dao.

“Ying Wuxie’s, there are a lot of Dream Dao Immortal Gu, how to take it out?” Fang Yuan frowned. I am in trouble.

He changed his mind before, and through Manner Gu camouflage, he rushed an Immortal Realm Ultimate Move Leading Soul to Enter the Dream. Although the Demon Venerable Gloomy Soul was successful, the will in these Dream Dao Gu insects seems to reflect. Can’t let Fang Yuan move again.

“Not only is he within the body of Immortal Gu, Ying Wuxie’s body, but also has great research value! Um?”

Fang Yuan suddenly looked back and saw the one immortal zombie in the horizon, the aggressive flight of the aggressive.

Fang Yuan eyes flash, the corner of the mouth slightly tilted, the heart said: “You are finally here.”

Newcomer is his own.

Do not. more specifically. It is Ying Wuxie’s soul that controls the original Immortal Zombie body of Fang Yuan.

At this time, Fang Yuan had just acquired a new body, and during the adaptation period, the Gu insect on his body could not match the body of the Immortal Zombie.

However, Fang Yuan was not nervous at all, but he was waiting for Ying Wuxie’s to arrive.

“You?” Ying Wuxie hesitated, slowly approaching Fang Yuan and looking up and down.

Fang Yuan is pretentious. Carrying his hands and pretending to pretend: “Wuxie, I’m done. Fang Yuan, already soul destroyed.”

“No! You are not the body! If it is the body, and my Soul Fragment, will there be no induction?” Ying Wuxie’s eyes stunned, reacted, and broke Fang Yuan’s true identity.

“Oh, Unknown to Ghosts is a flaw. But if you can motivate Meeting Past Acquaintance, you should be able to fool it.” Fang Yuan rubbed his chin. I laughed.

His remaining calm and composed while handling pressing affairs, the eyes flashed with confidence and glory, seems to control the overall situation.

“You are Fang Yuan!” Ying Wuxie immediately understood that a steel tooth was bitten by him, and it was so angry that it was burned in five!

His anger is completely understandable.

The one who worked hard for so long, struggled for tens of thousands of years, and finally got results. Look like this. It turned out to be defeated by Fang Yuan.

Ying Wuxie yelled and slammed it to Fang Yuan. He couldn’t wait to make Fang Yuan a thousand!

Far from the huge steps, Fang Yuan showed a conspiracy smile: “Ying Wuxie, you don’t tell me not surprised? Fixed Immortal Travel is my Immortal Gu, how can you use it?”

Ying Wuxie suddenly looked awkward.

At that time, he was in a hurry and used the subconscious. He did not consider this layer at all!

It was now reminded by Fang Yuan that he was not well aware, and his momentum was blocked, and he fell thousand zhang.

“You can use Fixed Immortal Travel. Naturally, I am taking the initiative to borrow you. I just want you to come over. The accumulation of my greater part can be on the original body.” Fang Yuan said again.

Since he knows to change his mind with Ying Wuxie, how can he not make some arrangements with his temperament and means?

First of all, in his own mind, he secretly buried a large number of Fang Yuan False Intent.

Because of this, after Ying Wuxie was awake, one mind had to come back and ignored a lot of mistakes.

As before, in the Royal Court Blessed Land, Fang Yuan was concealed by Mo Yao False Intent.

Secondly, Fang Yuan instilled special intention into his Gu insect.

What is special intention?

In the 88 Floors True Yang Building, what Ju Yang Immortal Venerable left is the special intention of massive. He will take specific actions under certain conditions.

Just like now.

Fang Yuan looks at Ying Wuxie Approaching, the smile on the corner of the mouth is more intense. He opened mouth and shouted: “Not yet?”


A large group of Gu insects flew out, mortal gu is mostly, but also mixed with Immortal Gu.

Milk swallows return to the nest, they have invested in Fang Yuan’s embrace.

Ying Wuxie’s eyes wide open and shocked.

In an instant, he became a lonely man, unarmed. In his within the body, only Spring and Autumn Cicada is left, and it can’t be motivated.

Both sides of the situation heaven and earth turning upside down !

Fang Yuan’s original setting is the same.

As long as Ying Wuxie is driving Fang Yuan’s body, return to the range of Righteous Heavenly Mountain. When you hear someone shouting “I still don’t return,” these Gu insects will fly out and put into the hands of the shouting people.

These Gu insects are the things of Fang Yuan. Now returning, driving at will, as in the past, as the arm pointed.

Fang Yuan At the time, of course, I didn’t know the usage of Paragon Immortal Fetus Gu’s, and I couldn’t predict that I would be born again and have another body.

What he is worried about is that it is not easy to use Ying Wuxie’s Gu insect from Own Luck. He needs his own Gu insect to enhance the battle strength in a pinch!

Of course, the special intention instilled by Fang Yuan is not limited to this.

Once the time limit is exceeded, these Gu insects will self-destruct regardless of immortal and mortal!

Enemies tend to be their own best friends. Fang Yuan has suffered so much in the past with Ju Yang special intention and Mo Yao False Intent. Can he not learn one or two?

With a wave of hand, Fang Yuan with no difficulty hit Ying Wuxie.

“Everything is over.” He walked up to Ying Wuxie’s, looking at the “self” in his eyes, a complex sigh.

Ying Wuxie only feels like falling into the ice, the ice is cold!

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