Returning from the 900th floor

Chapter 273 Double Level

As the airbag sinks deeper and deeper.

The surrounding light gradually dims.

The energy consumed by Wang Min to resist the water pressure also gradually increased.

This deep sea is not as lively as imagined.

What about coral, schools of fish, beautiful algae or shellfish.

Not at all.

There was only darkness and deathly silence.

Occasionally, a huge fish will pass by, and the water flow will hit the air bag, and it will take Wang Wei a long time to control it to stabilize it again.

Zhu Xingguo felt suppressed by the environment and couldn't help but said: Master, is there anything I can do?

Wang Min thought for a while and said to him: Bring a piece of bread to eat.

Zhu Xingguo was very happy after hearing this.

He quickly retrieved a piece of bread cut into book-sized pieces through [Equivalent Exchange] and handed it over.

Not enough light.

The behavior between two people can only rely on tacit understanding.

Fortunately, it's close enough that you can reach out and touch it.

Wang Wen took the bread, took a big bite and chewed it in his mouth.

His eyes were fixed on his surroundings.

Even after the bread was finished, there was still no sign of the entrance.

The air bag has been compressed and deformed.

It can be seen that the struggle between Wang Wei and water pressure has reached a fever pitch.

After throwing away an unknown big fish again, he controlled the airbag to rise back to the canoe.

Ren Ruanruan pulled the two of them back to the boat.

Wang Wei felt that nearly 30% of the energy in her body was consumed at this level.

Except for the 20% spent on the transmission test.

The rest are spent on the seabed resisting water pressure.

The cost of deep diving is much greater than imagined.

He looked up at the sky and decided to take a break.

It has to be said that if there are no checkpoint restrictions and no shortage of drinking water and food, this kind of calm sea with beautiful wind and sunshine is simply like being on vacation.

There are two very special moments in wilderness survival.

That's 12 o'clock at noon and 12 o'clock at night.

There will be extremely high temperatures and extremely low temperatures respectively.

Except for these two points in time, if you can not be affected by other interference items, survival will be very comfortable.

Even if it’s a variant special level.

Wang Wen waved his hand and built a pavilion on the canoe.

He also expanded the boat plank around for people to rest, and hid in the pergola to seize the time to restore energy.

Zhu and Ren took out clean towels from the [Equivalent Exchange] to dry their bodies, then changed into dry clothes back to back, and spread the wet clothes on the board of the boat to dry.

He took out a few bottles of mineral water and even juice drinks to drink.

These supplies were all “picked up” in the past when passing through levels in various environments.

Since the introduction of [Equivalent Exchange], the road Zhu Xingguo has walked has even been several floors lower.

It's a few lower levels in the true sense.

If there is anything more leisurely than basking in the sun on the sea without worrying about eating or drinking.

It should be carrying a skill that can hold countless supplies with you and lying on the calm sea to bask in the sun.

Based on her memory, Ren Ruanruan asked Zhu Xingguo to dig out a bottle of aloe vera cream and use it as sunscreen to apply on the exposed skin.

Zhu Xingguo sat on the bow of the boat, holding a bag of cigarettes full of foreign languages ​​and started smoking happily.

Light smoke is flying.

There are no environmental protection requirements in this level of the World Tower. He can flick cigarette ashes and cigarette butts into the sea as much as he likes.

However, considering that mosquito legs are also meat, I used an empty drink bottle to fill half a bottle of seawater as an ashtray, and later sold them all to the World Tower.

The skill [Equivalent Exchange] is really useful in the tower.

It's like an innocent garbage recycling bin.

Any trash can be sold for money.

What's more important is convenience.

You can sell any inanimate object anytime, anywhere, with any inanimate object in your hand.

It reduces the pressure of carrying heavy weights and makes a little money.

Although it is not to the point of making a fortune and gathering the power of the world from scraps, even if it is just one or two points, the feeling of gathering the wool of the world tower is extremely wonderful.

What's more, Zhu Xingguo has a money-obsessed character who even collects sea water from his master's [She Shui Beads].

The harvest is far more than just one or two points.

The two of them were sitting on the bow of the boat.

Zhu Xingguo occasionally used a net bag to retrieve the filled beads, squeeze them flat, and then throw them away.

Ren Ruanruan occasionally flickered her eyes to look under the sea, trying to find the entrance to the customs.

It’s a pity that the amount of information in the deep sea is still so huge.

I was so dizzy that I couldn't find the entrance accurately.

Ren Ruanruan pinched the Jingming point and temporarily slowed down the search.

But at this time.

Almost at the same time, the two noticed a huge shadow that was several times the size of the ship's body appeared on the bottom of the ship.

The shape is a bit like a banana leaf.

Before Zhu Xingguo could rush to wake up Wang Wen.

The whole boat was overturned.

The two of them rolled and flew out.

The moment they were about to fall into the water, an air bag enveloped them.


Only when we got underwater did we see clearly what it was that overturned the wooden boat.

One test will feature a giant long-billed crocodile-like creature more than ten meters long.

Its thick and powerful flippers and long tail made it sprint very fast, making the originally calm sea surface as rough as boiling.

The wooden boat that overturned and fell into the water was bitten to pieces by the giant mouth in just one round.

He didn't taste the taste of flesh and blood, and was about to turn around to look for it.

The whole body was lifted up and lifted high out of the water.

Wang Wei stood on a large ship that was as big as a cruise ship, waving her scepter and tearing the giant creature in half.

The flesh and blood disappeared into a starlight while it was still in mid-air.

Zhu and Ren, who were still splashing in the water, noticed that the surrounding environment suddenly changed.

They were shocked to see that the originally endless sea turned into a shallow creek.

The two of them were struggling in knee-deep water.

Zhu Xingguo stood up from the creek, looked at his bruised hands and feet, and sighed: No wonder he can't float.

Ren Ruanruan looked at Wang Min in confusion as she put away the cruise ship and slowly fell from the sky.

He asked in every possible way: What happened? Are we in an illusion?

Wang Min nodded and searched the gravel beach on the shore.

Ren Ruanruan asked: What was that just now?

Wang Wei stopped searching, looked back at the two people and said: Illusion always likes to extract the things that people are most repulsed by or dare not face. That was the ancient creature Mosasaurus just now. It is a level that I have experienced before.

Dinosaur?! Ren Ruanruan recalled in surprise: No wonder I can't understand the information, it turns out it's all fake!

Zhu Xingguo sighed with great admiration: Master, you are so amazing, you have actually experienced such a dangerous level!

Wang Min thought to herself, the last life can be regarded as the past.

No, after the illusion was broken, I still had to find the entrance again. What happened to this level? Ren Ruanruan frowned and looked around with flashing eyes. This time, he quickly found the level hidden in the gravel beach. Entrance.

Double level. Wang Wei looked at the nests of venomous snakes near the entrance, shook his head and said: The illusion and survival in the wild appeared at the same time, which made me confused and failed to see through it at the first time. It is worthy of being scattered with more than 700 floors. Layer, it’s really difficult.”

That's what it says.

Actually that's not the case at all.

He had long known that there would be a chance of double levels above the 700th floor.

Also always keep an eye on it.

But I didn't expect that I would fall into an illusion when I stepped into the first level with over 700 scattered numbers.

‘When did you win? ’ Wang Wen thought secretly in his heart.

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