Returning from the 900th floor

Chapter 272 Entering the Tower

Zhou Shengsheng watched Wang Wen fly into the college without looking back, and slowly stopped.

He knew that he had no friendship with the other party.

Even if we climb the tower together once.

What little affection was left was consumed by his wrong choices again and again.

When I learned from my father that on the day when Wang Min forced his way into the summit meeting room and started killing people, he actually spared his father's life because of himself.

Zhou Shengsheng was shocked inside.

For the first time, he discovered that Wang Wen was such an emotional person.

It was also the first time I felt how wonderful it was to be treated emotionally by Wang Wen.


Judging from the fact that they didn't even want to see each other today, the two of them had finally severed all ties.

The other party also had no intention of giving a chance to repair it.

Watching the college door close before your eyes.

Zhou Shengsheng seemed to be watching the window God left for him slowly closing.

Gone with the light, and all hope with it.

He smiled wryly and shook his head.

Slowly sit on the ground.

A big man, the crown prince of the First Financial Group, just looked at the closed door of the academy, his eyes dull and his eyes red.

Time passed quickly.

Wang Wen felt much more relaxed now that everything was over.

After the super skill was cooled down, Ren Ruanruan treated Mo Ran, Li He and others continuously.

It was discovered that there was no way to fully recover them anyway.

Wang Min stopped her from wasting her skills and time.

The oath was sworn that these people who were killed by Qin Dongbei and snatched back from the hands of death by Wang Wei must enter the World Tower and use the power of the world to repair them before they can fully recover.

This is Wang Min's compromise with the scepter or the World Tower in order to prevent himself from being drained.

In this case, this injury must be higher than any treatment effect.

Even more powerful than the strongest resistance.

Wang Min guessed that unless he consumes an unknown amount of energy again and swears a big oath.

Otherwise, there is no other way to repair the injuries of these people except to enter the tower to repair them.


Li He can enter the tower to repair it.

Mo Ran was only on the 400th floor, and had not yet reached the 600th floor where the power channel of the world had not yet been opened.

Wang Min just hesitated for a second whether to take him to the 600th floor for repairs in the next week.

Seeing the hesitation, Mo Ran immediately said: I'm exhausted after a week of work. No one of you will bother me in the next few weeks. I want to sleep until I wake up naturally and eat takeout until my mouth cramps!

Wang Min was slightly startled.

He looked at Mo Ran with complicated eyes.

I found that he had already turned on his mobile phone and started picking out takeaways.

It's almost a new week.

Ordering takeout at this time makes it clear that you are not planning to enter the tower.

Wang Wen squinted his eyes for a while.

He silently patted Mo Ran on the shoulder, said nothing more, and led Zhu Xingguo and Ren Ruanruan to teleport into the tower.

This trip.

He still plans to attack the tower.

So no one on the tower level below them took anyone with them.

The three of them clashed as usual.

A white light flashed, and the three of them stood on the ground on the 699th floor.

Because I was in a hurry last time, I climbed up to the 700th floor and got the reward before exiting the tower. I couldn't get through the large integer floors.

This time I had to fight the perverted mechanism room on the 699th floor again.

The three of them saw the densely packed agency room for the first time.

The facial muscles are twitching.

This is the third time, and three times in a row in a short period of time.

All three of them felt some pregnancy reactions in their stomachs.

Fortunately, Wang Min has now strengthened her mental power tenfold through the [Oath Scepter], and after breaking through the five deceptions, she has integrated all her powers into high-concentration energy.

It only took less than 10% of the energy to instantly dismantle all the traps.

Wait for the portal to open.

Wang Wei stood on the 700th floor again. He gritted his teeth and announced: This time I have to pass the 700th floor no matter what! I'm going to vomit on the 699th floor!

Zhu Xingguo retched directly.

His face turned pale.

Ren Ruanruan suggested: How about I jump directly? This is the safest way! Is it difficult to have an integer layer as big as 700?

Wang Min's eyes lit up.

Some movement.

But recalling the environments that often occur in later levels, I feel that with the current strength of the three of them, there seem to be a lot of levels to jump. .

Never mind! Wang Min gritted his teeth and said, Jump! Don't hit an integer number of layers to avoid unnecessary complications!

Ren Ruanruan glanced at Wang Wen in surprise.

She originally just made a casual suggestion.

Unexpectedly, Wang Wen really agreed.

I thought that with Wang Min's character, she would reserve this authority only as a last resort.


She didn't know that in Wang Wei's opinion, every integer level after the 700 level was a last resort. It was very likely that every integer level would have to be jumped through without rewards every week!

But since the captain decided to jump, Ren Ruanruan would not be nagging.

Pulling over the aircraft uses special permissions once a week.

[Tower climber A Yan uses special permissions, jumps without reward, and ends at level 700]

Arrived at the 701st floor.

The three found themselves standing on a small raft.

Surrounded by water as far as the eye can see.

All I could see except the sky was the deep blue water.

Ren Ruanruan looked at the water, his eyes flashed, and his voice was very confused: It's sea water! Are we on the sea?!

Zhu Xingguo squatted down and looked at the calm sea, and asked puzzledly: The level jump failed? Have we entered the integer level?

Wang Min waved his hand to throw away a shark that wanted to attack the raft.

His eyes flickered and he said: No, this is a level we used to like very much, survival in the wild!

Ren Ruanruan stared at the sea in the distance for a while, and his head started to feel dizzy.

She rubbed her temples and said: This level is a special variant of wild survival, sea survival! The level information is too deep and I couldn't find the entrance to the level.

An ominous premonition flashed through Wang Min's heart.

He tried waving his staff and swore: I swear, I will use 10% of the energy to safely teleport us to the sea closest to the entrance.

The three figures disappeared.

Another sea surface.

Three people appeared.

Plop fell into the water.

Zhu Xingguo fluttered and shouted: Master!! The raft is not here!

Wang Min waved his hand and transformed into a small wooden boat.

Everyone climbed up the ladder and sat on the side of the ship to catch their breath.

Ren Ruanruan observed the surrounding environment and found that there was still boundless sea water in his field of vision.

She said with some despair: No way? What does this mean? Is this a case of persuasion?

Wang Min shook his head: I said last time that I never asked people to resign. It's just that they are not strong enough.

His eyes flickered, carefully examining the subtle differences around him.

If you want to pass the wild survival level, the most important thing is observation.

The environment will contain many hints about the entrance.

Sometimes they are seemingly natural signs.

Sometimes it is the direction of some water flows or branches and leaves.

In short, as long as information with similar directions appears in the natural environment of wild survival, it must be a prompt to clear the entrance.

The difficulty lies in finding such prompts in time while surviving them.

Ordinary survival in the wild has many distractions, such as various highly toxic snakes, insects, rats, ants, light, temperature, and humidity.

Now in this sea, those original distractions are gone.

at the same time.

It seems that there is no prompt at all.

Wang Min frowned and thought for a while, waved the scepter again and swore: I swear, I will consume 10% of the energy to safely teleport us to the sea closest to the entrance.

When the three people appeared again, they were still on the canoe.

Wang Wen turned over and jumped into the sea without saying a word.

Zhu and Ren were caught off guard and startled.

Ren Ruanruan quickly opened his eyes and stared at the place where Wang Min fell into the water.

Zhu Xingguo took a deep breath and jumped down without saying anything.

Wang Wen diving underwater.

Convert a human-shaped air bag to wrap around yourself.

Suspended quietly in the water and observed below.

In the blink of an eye, he saw Zhu Xingguo jumping down.

He reached out and pulled the other person into his air bag.

The two merged.

The air bag expands too much.

Start floating upward.

Wang Wen quickly added some more weight to stabilize the air bag.

Then he turned and asked Zhu Xingguo: What are you doing here?

Zhu Xingguo wiped his face, touched the air bag curiously, and replied: Seeing that Master jumped, I couldn't control it. I thought I might as well come over and see if there is anyone I can help with.

Wang Min patted him on the shoulder and said no more.

What he swore was to move the three of him to the position closest to the entrance.

Being here twice in a row proves that the entrance is nearby.

There is none on the sea surface, and there is nothing in the air that can be seen with the naked eye, so it can only be on the bottom of the sea.

But the seabed is too deep and there are too many changes.

The most dangerous thing about this type of wild survival is the natural environment.

If the entrance is too deep.

This trip might end in vain.

That’s really fucked up.

Wang Min shook his head, stabilized his mind, and controlled the air bag to sink slowly.

Thank you [Violation Inspector] for your generous rewards! ! !

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