Returning from the 900th floor

Chapter 262 Just lost the stud

Wang Wei can recover 10% of his energy by resting for an hour on average, and he can recover a little without resting. The recovery speed depends on the intensity of the activity, and the average recovery is about 1% per hour.

Meditating or embracing the Absorbing Stone can increase the upper limit of energy, but does not restore the current amount.

So the best option for him right now is to find a quiet and safe place to have a good sleep.

Then I held the Absorbing Stone and meditated until the next time I entered the tower.

Unfortunately, there are too many things waiting for him to deal with in the outside world.

In order to deal with Qin Dongbei, an excellent partner was about to sink and had to be rescued quickly.

. . .

Western Continent.

In a church-like building.

A group of people were discussing with their heads down.

One of them was holding a piece of old bacon that seemed to have been left to dry for decades.

Someone said: It seems that the biggest chess piece we planted in the east has been lost.

Everyone around passed Old Bacon around and took turns checking it.

I couldn't help but marvel: There is a world wall thousands of miles away, but it can actually be implicated in the real body that stays here? Has anyone seen how the flesh Gu's life disappears?

Everyone is shaking their heads.

Someone said: The night guard did not find anything unusual. The last patrol before dawn was fine. Traceability on the scene can see that it happened almost in an instant.

Everyone, look at me and I look at you.

It seems that there is also a great person like the high priest in the east.

As soon as these words came out.

Someone immediately spoke and rebuked angrily: The high priest's wisdom is unparalleled in the world. How dare you compare it with those barbarians in the east who only know how to take? They are not even worthy of licking the soles of the high priest's boots!

This sentence seemed to be the truth, and everyone present echoed it.

Even the previous speaker seemed to realize that he had made a mistake and expressed sincere regret.

Without further delay. The man who scolded angrily looked around and continued with a slight inquiry: We will report this situation immediately, and everything will be decided by the high priest.

At this time, this person was the only one with the strongest aura in the room, and there would definitely be no objection to such a pertinent proposal without any objection.

Everyone nodded and passed.

. . .

The Eastern Continent is divided into six areas based on the number of portals in the World Tower.

The one with the fewest number of portals and the most remote location is called the six areas.

This is where most of the lowest class people live.

The representative landmark is the slum in the center of the area.

Compared with the six areas that are dirty and messy, the five areas that are one level higher are much better.

At least there is a security department here.

Further up are the four areas.

The situation in this area is a little special, with dragons and snakes mixed together, and a large number of people of different statuses like to hang out here.

Because here you can buy some special props that are not often circulated in the market, or some underground information that cannot be made public.

The premise is that you are familiar with the road and clearly understand the various twists and turns of the unwritten rules inside.

Here is the legendary black market.

One floor above the four areas is the most mature residential area, which is where Wang Wen bought a new house - the three areas with convenient transportation, complete supporting facilities, complete facilities, and bright sunshine.

The representative landmark is the bustling Four Seasons Plaza.

There are as many as ten portals in the square covering an area of ​​nearly 100,000 square kilometers.

In addition, there is a complete and mature business circle with affordable prices. The headquarters of the famous Lanzhou Restaurant and Shaxian Restaurant are located here, with countless branches.

This is the liveliest area and a frequent destination for most people to gather, relax and have fun.

The second area, which is one level above the third area, has an unknown title.

wealthy suburb.

As the name suggests, rich people gather here, and various high-end restaurants and shopping malls are located here.

The Jiji Hotel that was bombed by the First Consortium itself is here.

Now it has been almost repaired.

I have to say that robots are awesome. As long as they have energy, they can work day and night. They are highly efficient and not prone to errors.

In addition, it is also the location of the world-famous tower climber prop trading market.

A wide variety of commercial and office streets have sprung up around the prop market like a spider web, forming a complete ecological chain.

If someone can afford a house in the second area, there is almost no need to go to the third area to experience the crowds.

Enjoy a peaceful and exquisite life, even if you go shopping with your best friends, you can still be elegant and dignified and neatly dressed.

It seems.

It seems that the second area is already the pinnacle of human life.

Unfortunately, there is also a most arrogant area on its head.

In fact, the number of portals contained in this area is not much more than that of the second area, but it is the area where all the headquarters buildings of the consortia that are qualified to set up headquarters are located, as well as the residence of the regional rulers on the surface.

The higher the ranking consortium is, the more advantageous it is to occupy a favorable position. Behemoths like the First Consortium and Tiansheng can even occupy a portal alone.

The so-called possession here does not mean prohibiting outsiders from passing through, but refers to enclosure.

The group will include the portal within the coverage area of ​​the headquarters, with armed protection. Except for members of the group, the entry and exit of outsiders will be subject to very strict inspection.

Completely different differentiated treatment gives group members a strong sense of belonging.

Just imagine, our employees have unhindered access.

The people next to you need to fill in the form conscientiously and go through complicated processes such as scanning and checking the items you carry. There will even be a dedicated real-person staff asking a series of questions such as the specific purpose of coming and when to leave with a scrutinizing look. If you feel slightly uncomfortable with the answer, you will be asked. I was politely invited back into the portal and suggested to choose another entrance to enter an area.

The good spots are all occupied by consortiums, and other entrances are often a little more remote. It takes a lot of time and money to go through those entrances to where you want to go.

Just this.

It can make most employees of top groups proudly and gloriously devote their lives to the group.

Just for an identity that allows you to enter and exit an area at will.

So, through the hard work of these proud people.

The bosses of the First Financial Group and Tiansheng Group each have their own homes in one area - the Zhou family's mountaintop villa and the Qin family's natural lake manor.

At this moment.

Zhou Dafu and Chen Hansheng were sitting in the Zhou family's mountaintop villa, discussing the sale price of the Boai Group headquarters building.

It is estimated that the only person in the world who can afford the Boai headquarters is Zhou Dafu.

It’s not that Chen Hansheng has to sell it as a whole instead of splitting it up and selling it to multiple companies.

But the building is not valuable, what is really valuable is the location.

Although that location is not as good as the First Financial Group, it is also close to a relatively prosperous portal.

Within a hundred kilometers of radiation, there are the headquarters of the Ministry of Security and the residences of the second and third regional rulers, so it is very convenient to get in and out for business.


Just like Zhou Dafu, who was pouring tea slowly, said: I don't need it, so why should I buy it? Or at a price as high as two trillion?

Chen Hansheng glanced at the time, and said with a slight pleading in a patient tone: You must also know what happened last night. I don't regret the decision I made until now, but I have to consider those innocent lives. If not If you need it urgently, let alone two trillion, I can’t sell the headquarters even if it’s ten trillion.”

He paused, with a bit of sadness on his face: As long as you nod today, the World's Third Fraternity Group will be officially removed. You can send people to take over at any time. The location of that place is very good and many people like it. You can do whatever you want. Recruit and expand the people who belong to the first consortium without scruples, adding at least 50% to your total income!

No. Zhou Dafu gently pushed over a cup of tea, shook his head and said with a smile: I spend two trillion to buy your territory, how can I still have money to recruit people? This cake is too big for me to eat, so you should find someone else Well, have you asked the fourth and fifth brothers? Are they not interested?

Chen Hansheng was silent.

Obviously, the others must not have reached an agreement.

Zhou Dafu picked up the tea cup and drank tea. Seeing Chen Hansheng's sad look, he sighed and said regretfully: Old Chen, you are also the boss of the third consortium after all. How could you do this? Well? How can it be worth it? What you have done in the past Where have all the shrewdness gone? Why would you think of going to fight Tiansheng with a real sword and a real gun with an inexplicable half-grown man?

Hear the words.

Chen Hansheng smiled slightly.

Shaking his head, he said, Life is like being on a gambling table. Every decision is a bet. I just looked at the cards and lost to Tiansheng.

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