Returning from the 900th floor

Chapter 261 Mysterious Voice

Not knowing how the scepter measures life and death or counts people, Wang Min only feels that as soon as he starts swearing, his mental power is like a flood.

His mental strength, which had increased tenfold, still showed signs of being drained.

He kept adding addendums.

It's like the fatal part is not in the head but in the heart.

The results were even more severe.

I can only continue to pull other organs below the heart.

It took until the intestines were pulled to barely stop the share in this area.

It is estimated that I will have to swear another oath to this group of people in the future when my mental strength recovers.

Replace their fatal part from the intestines back to the brain.

Otherwise, it would be easy to pull the person away due to diarrhea.

In the end, the effect of the remaining part of the oath is reduced to the minimum, such as not dead but not far away from death, only one breath left, even if it is barely saved, it must be repaired in the World Tower to fully recover, etc.

The consumption of mental power finally stopped before it was almost exhausted.

Wang Min was still frightened, so she took out the empty gourd and licked it. Anyway, she was finally saved.

He walked to Mo Ran.

Looking at this survivor who was barely saved with only one breath but had to go to the World Tower for repairs before he could fully recover, he stared at the increasingly brighter sky with his eyes wide open.

The upper body that was split in two was barely put back together under the influence of oaths and life potions.

It looks very scary like a stitch monster.

At the slightest movement, the internal organs fell out and the intestines were exposed. Zhu Xingguo was so horrified that he quickly stuffed it back in.

Mo Ran just lay flat on the ground.

Zhu and Ren were allowed to bandage and treat him.

It wasn't until he found Wang Wen's figure in his sight that there was some light in his eyes.

He looked at Wang Wen calmly and asked, Did I die before?

Wang Wei thought about her oath and explained: It shouldn't count. After all, your fatal part is your intestines, not your brain. As long as your intestines are fine, you won't be dead even if your head explodes. It just might take some effort to eat.

Mo Ran listened to the messy explanation quietly and surprisingly did not refute.

You can even revive the dead. Your strength is now to the point where I can only look up to you. He spoke, with a hint of loneliness in his plain tone.

Wang Wen couldn't bear to see his lonely expression.

After thinking for a while, he comforted him and said: Don't say that, there is nothing to look up to... You are only on the 400th floor, you shouldn't be able to see me.

Mo Ran looked at Wang Wen.

He spat out blood calmly.

He seemed to be recalling something: At that time, I don't know how long after I died, I seemed to vaguely hear a voice.

It's a bit like the mechanical sound of an aircraft but a bit different. It seems very far away but also close to my ears.

Wang Min stopped to comfort her and her expression became serious.

The voice said, anomaly warning or something to be corrected, DM6967 No. 371 died, something like a pause, waiting for reset. At this point, Mo Ran suddenly became excited, even if he was covered in blood, he still had to raise his hand to hold on to Wang Wei. Clothes: You can resurrect people, tell me what do these mean?

Zhu and Ren stopped what they were doing in astonishment and looked up at Wang Wen blankly.

Wang Min unconsciously stroked the scepter with both hands, frowning in deep thought.

He didn't speak for a long time.

It turns out. Mo Ran seemed to have received an answer, weakly letting go of him, and returned to the state of a dead fish, lying flat on the ground: It turns out that you don't know, either? It turns out that even if you reach the point where you can resurrect people, you still can't. I do not know.

Master? Zhu Xingguo looked worriedly at Wang Min, who said nothing.

Wang Wen came back to his senses and comforted Mo Ran: Don't think too much. It's probably that I was thinking of ways to mess with your brain at the time and put you in a near-death state to hallucinate. After all, the brain is deprived of oxygen and ischemia for such a long time. It’s normal to be a little abnormal.”

Zhu Xingguo felt it made sense.

He nodded and continued to carefully assemble the bones and flesh. From the corner of his eye, he noticed that both Ren Ruanruan and Mo Ran were still thinking.

So he also pretended to have a solemn expression to make himself look deeper and more profound.

In fact, he didn't think much about it at all.

I just feel that these people are really busy. Isn't it enough for a person to have enough food and clothing to live in this world?

Today is such a happy and joyful day to destroy the evil enemy. Why do we have to worry about it and think about it so much?

When will you celebrate? ?

Aren’t you going to eat hot pot? ? ?

Zhu Xingguo shook his head with a solemn expression.

He quietly looked at the people around him.

He sighed solemnly again.

A group of people fell off the college wall.

He ran over and surrounded Wang Wen in large strides.

Seeing that Mo Ran was still breathing, Luo Shan took a deep breath, turned to Wang Wei and said, They are all alive, those in the academy who were killed by Qin Dongbei.

Wang Min nodded and said nothing.

Tong Xiaolei looked at his expression and asked softly: What level are you at now? I saw two members of the resource team survived after their heads were shattered. This kind of strength is already exaggerated than that of gods, right?

Wang Wen shook his head and said nothing.

Tong Xiaolei looked at his expression with fear, and without disturbing him, she leaned down to help treat Mo Ran.

About two or three minutes passed.

Mo Ran's body was finally temporarily spliced ​​together.

Although Wang Min's mental power is close to being exhausted, in terms of quantity alone, it is likely that he has more energy than everyone present combined.

He gently waved his hand and transformed an electric wheelchair, lifted Mo Ran and placed him on the wheelchair, allowing him to control the direction.

The power source of the wheelchair comes from a small spiritual sun as big as a fingernail at the bottom of the chair.

This is the latest skill that Wang Wei has mastered.

That's right, he successfully broke through his fighting skills by swearing in the tower.

The moment he achieved the five breakthroughs, he discovered that all the forces in his body were synthesized into a substance similar to energy.

Magic power, magic power, spiritual power, etc. are no longer differentiated, and they are all merged into one.

Not only is this energy more solid and subtle than pure magic, mana or spiritual power, it can also be turned into various other powers and used flexibly.

For example, before leaving the tower, he spent five minutes using energy to create a fairy stone that he had obtained at level 500.

After the fairy stone is created, there is no need to inject any magic power into it to start spinning immediately.

Give it to Zhu Xingguo and sell it.

Got one million points.

At this rate, if Wang Wen has enough energy to make immortal stones and sell them to Zhu Xingguo without eating or drinking, he will earn one million in five minutes, 12 million in one hour, and three hundred million in one day!

This way of making money is probably not as fast as any team with less than a hundred people in the world.


Wang Wen still felt that it was not enough.

Not to mention that I have limited energy and cannot work 24 hours a day. Even if I can persist, 300 million a day will only be 100 billion a year. It is better to rob Tiansheng Group if I am half exhausted.

It's not easy for a man to live, so why bother yourself?

Either rush the tower quickly or make money quickly.

Your time is so precious, what can you do if you only earn 300 million a day?

Wang Min watched Mo Ran quickly start driving the electric wheelchair to climb high and low, shaking his body with blood. He gently hooked his fingers to make the shock absorption of the wheelchair more perfect, and set the maximum speed to Also lowered a bit.

Prevent him from shocking himself to death.

The little sun the size of a fingernail is enough for a wheelchair to run all day without stopping.

This is the power of the newly mastered energy.

Even if she doesn’t climb the tower from now on or even cuts off all her income, Wang Min can still live happily by “selling energy”.

Everyone entered the academy in one chair.

There are many robots cleaning up the messy ground.

It looked like they were some rented robots, because as soon as they saw outsiders entering, they immediately dropped their cleaning tools and ran away quickly.

This only happens if you rent.

If purchased.

Don't cherish your life so much.

Wang Min looked at Li He who took a chair and sat alone in the playground in a very dignified manner. He knew in his heart that that guy must be extremely poor, otherwise he wouldn't be so stingy in his every move.

He walked over.

Li Hyuk looked up.

Seeing Wang Wen nodded slightly and said, I owe you a life. Please speak to me anytime you need me in the future.

Wang Min was stunned: Are you dead too?

Li He raised his finger with difficulty to point to the bandage on his body: How can I not die if my chest is almost chewed through?

After a pause, he explained: Actually, if Luo Shan and the others hadn't told me what happened, I wouldn't have known that I had died.

Hearing this, Mo Ran rushed up to him in an electric wheelchair. He accidentally knocked over his chair and didn't bother to apologize. He asked hurriedly: Did you hear any noise after you died? A machine like an aircraft. Sound? Or anything else?

Li He, who was on the 600th floor, was knocked to the ground by a climber on the 400th floor. He clutched his chest and tried to cough but couldn't. He vomited half a mouthful of blood and his face was like gold paper. He almost died again.

He stretched out his hand to signal Mo Ran not to come any closer.

After panting for a long time, he said: I don't have any treatment tools anymore. Don't come over. I didn't hear anything until I regained consciousness.

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