Returning from the 900th floor

Chapter 247 The 1700th Floor of the World

Watching the tower climbers coming out of the World Tower one after another around me, some were relaxed or silent, some were not damaged at all, or they were seriously injured and dying.

Wang Wen: ...

His mood at the moment was a bit complicated.

It seems that I finally cleared the level?

And he couldn't resist leaving the tower?

This is too fucked up!

Wang Min looked up at the sky, her face looking like constipation.

The drained mental energy made him somewhat unconscious.

The body's greatly overdrawn vitality could not be repaired by the power of the world.

Only partially restored by Ren Ruanruan's light of life.

It's a terrible feeling to not be fully back at your peak.

The worst thing is, it stopped at 699!


I didn't enter the portal, so I don't know if level 699 counts as clearing the level.

Think of this.

Wang Min quickly checked with the aircraft about her tower climbing progress.

As a result, a 698 stabbed another knife into his already broken heart.

Wang Wen covered his chest.

He staggered a few steps.

I almost belched on the spot.

Tower climbers passing by seemed accustomed to this phenomenon.

They all hid far away for fear of being bumped into.

Wang Wen slowly sat down while holding on to the ground.

There were still some props such as the [Da Huan Jin Dan] that I had eaten before in my mouth, and I didn't even have time to swallow them.

He chewed and waited.

It didn't take long.

Zhu Xingguo came out alone.

After walking a few steps, he saw Wang Wen directly opposite him, and he quickly ran over worriedly to inquire about his injury.

Wang Wen looked behind him and asked doubtfully: Why are you the only one? Where is Xiao Ren? If you don't come out, it will be reset. Isn't she going to climb the tower next week?

Zhu Xingguo shook his head and said honestly: We discussed it. I saw that Master you have left the tower, so I decided to leave the tower. Xiao Ren said she wanted to go up and have a look, and I didn't stop her. After all, we all walked together. It’s not easy getting here...”


Wang Min looked at Zhu Xingguo with wide eyes: Don't tell me, you didn't reach 700???

The volume of this sentence is a bit loud.

A group of people nearby who were celebrating getting out of the tower alive all looked this way.

Then they all smiled disdainfully, turned back and continued to celebrate with their beloved relatives and friends waiting outside.

Zhu Xingguo nodded calmly: I see you have come out of the tower, I can't let you come out of the tower alone...

I porcelain...

Wang Min covered her chest, as if she heard the sound of heartbreak.

This stupid apprentice really makes people love and hate him.

It was originally just one person's loss.

Now it’s doubled.

It's not really a compliment, nor is it a scold.

I really want to slap him to death. .

Zhu Xingguo next to him looked at Wang Min eagerly.

I don’t quite understand why Master’s injury seems to be more serious.

Could it be that she accompanied him out of the tower?


He was so loyal and his master couldn't even be happy.

It's definitely not this.

What's the reason?

Zhu Xingguo was deep in thought with a solemn expression.

Another half minute passed.

The time is approaching the reset point.

A light man flyed out from the entrance of the World Tower.

Really a light person.

The whole body was so bright that the crowd couldn't open their eyes.

It was as if the stars and moonlight in the sky were all gathered in one place, and all kinds of gorgeous and colorful lights spread with every slight movement of the Light Man.

Thousands of points of light can be shed with every movement of hands and feet.

Behind him are three pairs of six huge wings composed of golden-white light. Every time they flap, a large sheet of light falls like rain.

Everyone who could see this side of the square had their eyes drawn to it.

I have never seen such a battle before.

What level of master is this coming out of the tower?

Zhu Xingguo carefully helped Wang Wen block the light and said with concern: Master, be careful not to shine.

Unexpectedly, he became more and more blocked.

The light gets brighter.

In the end, the Light Man stood directly in front of the two of them.

A female voice sounded: Captain, what should I do if I can't turn this thing off?

The voice sounded familiar to Zhu Xingguo.

He reluctantly raised his eyes to look at Hikari's face.

It’s Ren Ruanruan!

He looked at the blinding light around Ren Ruanruan in shock, and asked in confusion: Xiao Ren?? How did you do this?

Wang Min said speechlessly: Did you choose some angel?

That's right! Ren Ruanruan flapped her light wings and said bitterly: As a reward, I am asked to choose the only treasure within the seven hundredth floor. I think those invincible potion teleportation scrolls and the like are very boring. I think of what you said, captain. I will be an angel for tower climbers in the future, so I simply chose a prop with the word angel [Battle Angel]. I originally planned to test its power inside the tower, but I didn't expect that it would not disappear even after leaving the tower! This will continue outside the tower. How can I not be laughed to death for an hour?”

Zhu Xingguo's attention went to different places.

He asked Wang Wen doubtfully: Hey, Master, how do you know that the reward on the 700th floor is to choose something?

Wang Min's heart skipped a beat.

Secretly sighing that his condition was so bad that he showed such a big mistake.

He calmly said to Zhu Xingguo, It's just a wild guess.

Then in order to divert attention, he quickly said to Ren Ruanruan: Show the prop information and let me see. The effect is quite gorgeous. I wonder how powerful it is?

Ren Ruanruan obediently released the information about [Battle Angel].

The aircraft pulled out a blue light screen displaying information.

[Battle Angel], a 700-level unique treasure, the user can transform into a battle angel and master the divine power. It lasts for one hour and has a 24-hour cooldown. During the duration, it can infinitely heal any target within a ten-meter range, or inflict divine punishment on any target. It can cast a great blessing within one meter of itself. All the recipients of the blessing will instantly expel all negative states, and their overall constitution will be doubled by ten. minute.

Looking at the information about the props.

Wang Wen felt like he was back in his previous life.

At that time, whenever you encountered a unique treasure in the later stages, it would basically be this kind of blockbuster information that looked very bluffing.

Using a variety of words that are obviously beyond the scope of the category, such as infinite, arbitrary, and all.

The universe is finite. How can a small prop dare to be called infinite?

Wang Wei scoffed at the introduction of the World Tower.

Unfortunately, these words often have their corresponding super-class effects.

Once released, the scene was like an explosion.

F*ck!! It's really seven hundred! It's really f**k... Suddenly a voice quickly flew away from the three of them.

After the area of ​​the square near the entrance to the World Tower was quiet for a moment, the uproar quickly spread like a plague.

Many people came closer curiously.

People who were already very interested in the dazzling light asked the nearest circle of onlookers about the situation.

The nearest circle of onlookers was somewhat stiff. Most of them had heard the word seven hundred layers before. Now, seeing the unique treasure on the seven hundredth layer with their own eyes, they were so shocked that their mouths were open and their tongues were numb. His whole body was shaking like a sieve.

Ren Ruanruan immediately put away the prop information.

He looked at Wang Min fearfully as if he had done something wrong.

Wang Min shrugged speechlessly: What are you afraid of? You are number one in the world now. How many people can beat you?

Ren Ruanruan shook his head repeatedly: It's not good to be so public.

Zhu Xingguo, who was standing next to him, stretched out his hand to touch her six big wings, and said with envy: I would like to be so flamboyant for once? Let those who look down on me take a good look at me, Old Zhu, and have such a glorious day.

Wang Wen was even more speechless. She covered her chest and said to him, You can do it too. Just leave the tower and go up one floor.

Haha. Zhu Xingguo couldn't hear the regret in his master's tone at all, and grinned: Master, you are so funny!


‘Just teasing you uncle’

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