Returning from the 900th floor

Chapter 246 Believe in teammates

Weightlessness, hypoxia, cold, imbalance of internal and external pressure.

In an instant, Zhu and Ren felt that their bodies were in close contact with death.

It takes less than 5 seconds for an organ to go from dysfunction to failure.

The only good thing is that the temperature inside the capsule is still warm.

It's only about minus 40 degrees.

This is huge good news for the trio.

It means that the body will not lose consciousness due to excessive cold.

Ren Ruanruan noticed that someone had grabbed his arm.

Then a human face appeared in front of him.

It's Wang Wen.

I saw him pointing at his mouth and making a mouth shape constantly.

Ren Ruanruan tried hard to identify the mouth shape.

It looks like it's saying dick.

She was shocked.

Is the captain's hobby so special?

Do you still have the heart to say something strange at this critical moment of life and death?

Wang Min looked at her for a long time without responding.


He concentrated his mental power and directly created a golden text floating in the air.

A big jump with golden light.

Ren Ruanruan finally found the aircraft and used the special permission before his eyeballs exploded.

Skip levels without rewards!

Beside the three of them, the light from the portal lit up.

Just as Zhu Xingguo was about to swim into the entrance, he felt an invisible giant hand pushing him into the portal.

The interlaced images of light and darkness flow in front of my eyes.

[Tower climber A Smoke uses special permissions to summon the lower entrance, the 660th floor ends]

The soles of my feet finally hit the ground again.

Wang and Wen were panting, coughing and vomiting violently.

They were both speechless when they looked up and saw each other.

Everyone's face was glowing with a strange purple color, capillaries were broken in large areas, and blood was oozing from every pore on the skin. Even the whites of the eyes had many bloodshot threads that exploded, creating clusters of blood clots.

This is the first time the three of them have encountered such a critical situation since entering the tower.

Even when he was chased by the national master, he was not injured so seriously.

And even in such a critical situation, no one left the tower without permission.

All three of them seriously believed in their teammates.

Zhu Xingguo believed that Wang Min's command would not let him die in vain, while Wang Min believed that Ren Ruanruan would jump off the level instead of leaving the tower alone.

Faced with this incident, the cohesion of the team rose instead of falling, and there was a vague feeling of sharing life and death together.

The professional tower climber Ren Ruanruan has finally become less professional.

Just thinking about the speed of life and death just now, she felt chills running down her spine and broke into a cold sweat.

Turning his head to look at the place where the portal disappeared, he asked Wang Wei with lingering fear: No wonder there are so many people blocked on this floor. It's impossible to pass the level normally except for skipping the level, right?

Wang Min recalled the experience of clearing customs in his previous life, shook his head and said: It is still possible.

He thought for a while and said, For example, you may have heard of a person I met not long ago, named Shen Rushuang. His body has been modified to be immune to the effects of hypothermia and weightlessness.

Thinking of Shen Rushuang's indifferent appearance, he added: Maybe the lack of oxygen is not a big problem.

Zhu Xingguo was stunned: There is such a powerful person? How many levels does he have?

Wang Wen smiled and said: If he could reach the 600th floor, he could really be successful in a level like the one just now. It's a pity that he died young, and he would probably die before the 500th floor.

Dead? Zhu Xingguo pursed his lips and regretted: That's a pity. He has such a strong body and can still die, not even the 500th level? I really wonder how he died and how he could be so careless. main idea.

Yeah, it's a pity. Wang Wei recalled what happened that night, feeling a little sad.

The three of them relied on life potions to recover from their injuries bit by bit.

The current 661st scattered layer cannot be repaired with the power of the world.

We can only grit our teeth and hold on until we reach the integer level.

Fortunately, today's scattered layer is only a waste of time and energy for Wang Wen's team.

The level of danger is not too high.

With two decryption-level masters of scientific decryption present, some small agencies that wanted to play secret tricks were unable to hide and disintegrated and became Zhu Xingguo's ration.

The thirty-two times increase in overall physical strength made Zhu Xingguo as strong as an ox, and he could lift objects weighing four or five tons.

The supplies in [Equivalent Exchange] have been piled higher than a mountain.

The 670th floor will be cleared at 8pm on Sunday night outside the tower.

At 9:30, the 680th floor was cleared.

At 11 o'clock, the 690th floor was cleared.

At 11:56, the 698th floor was cleared.

Only 3 minutes left.

By coincidence, the 699th floor is a special mechanism room.

Various intricate and dense mechanisms are spread across a huge space of tens of thousands of square meters. There are so many that there is almost no place to set foot.

Zhu Xingguo rubbed his trouser legs awkwardly. He didn't need his master to tell him that the final goal of this trip must be the 700th floor.

All the way here, he wanted to see what kind of reward he would get.

Whether you can touch the 700th floor depends on this level.

Before entering, I was still lucky enough to wonder if I would encounter a speed-moving mechanism or other levels that could be cleared quickly.

As a result, I encountered such a perverted agency room.

His heart immediately went cold.

Ren Ruanruan looked around with flashing eyes, shook his head helplessly and said: It's too exaggerated. Thousands of mechanisms are intertwined. Even if I look at the answer and let me slowly dismantle it, it will take at least several hours. We are too late this time.

She turned her head and looked at Wang Wen, who had her eyes closed: Captain, come back next week? We'll start directly from 698 with your special authority.

Wang Wen opened his eyes.

There was a flash of light in his eyes.

He reached out to Zhu Xingguo: Except for the unique treasure, give me all the other life-saving medicines.

Zhu Xingguo quickly started shopping and said worriedly: The points may not be enough. Can I just buy one of each item?

Wang Wen nodded.

Then he said to Ren Ruanruan: Be ready for treatment. If you think I'm in trouble, just take action directly. Open the demon body first and then use the light of life. Don't kill yourself.

Ren Ruanruan wondered: What do you want to do?

I want to try. Wang Wei opened her hands toward the agency room, and a substantial amount of spiritual power rolled out.

The whole agency room shook.

All mechanisms begin to be automatically dismantled at the same time.

Wang Wen's body was shaken violently.

His face turned pale.

The skin shriveled up visibly.

The whole person turned into a creature that looked like a mummy in the blink of an eye.

I saw that the portal to clear the customs had not yet appeared.

Wang Wen, who wanted to wait until the integer level to repair, couldn't hold on, and poured all kinds of elixirs that Zhu Xingguo handed over in a panic into his mouth.

Unfortunately, consciousness is still disappearing quickly.

It felt like I was going to go into shock at any moment.

A trace of regret flashed through Wang Min's heart. Will she have to wait for the next trip after all?


Then take the next trip.

He gave up the struggle.

Silently announcing to the aircraft that they were leaving the tower.

But at this moment.

A warm and soft light enveloped his whole body.

The paleness and dryness faded away.

The skin gradually regains its plumpness.

Wang Min looked at the portal that just appeared in astonishment.

I heard Ren Ruanruan shouting: Captain, what are you doing?? My first time using the demon body became too slow!! Captain...

The vision was replaced by white light.

The subsequent sounds were inaudible.

By the time Wang Min saw what was in front of her again, she was already standing at the square outside the entrance to the World Tower.

Thanks to [Book Friends 20210915103839071] [Picture Dad] for the reward! ——Thank you [book friend 140628070412525] for your generous rewards! ! !

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