Returning from the 900th floor

Chapter 240 No organization and no discipline

At the 500 point closest to the explosion point, the clothes and body were somewhat damaged.

His expression was uncertain.

Silently he waved his hand over the wounds on his body.

A crystal clear ice crystal appeared, repairing the injured body.

Newcomer. He looked at Wang Wen and the other three, and the harshness or disdain in his tone disappeared.

It was replaced by an uneasy calm: I admit that I underestimated you. There are indeed many methods. No wonder it makes the leader so embarrassed.

Wang Min quietly listened to the other party's nonsense.

Quietly gathering spiritual power.

The progress of this ghost is as high as 500 points, and its strength is obviously many times stronger than the original national master.

Defeating the national master requires almost 30% of the mental power.

If you want to beat these 500 points, maybe even 100% may not be enough.

So his goal is. .

no target.

Why focus on one person with 500 points when there is so much progress?

Just kill some monsters to make enough progress!

So instead of interrupting the other party, Wang Min even hoped that the other party could talk for a while so that he could hold back 100% of his ultimate move.

You are very strong. 500 Points said expressionlessly: Unfortunately, you also succeeded in irritating me.

Speaking of which.

Everyone around him took a step back.

The explosive man in white at one end was so frightened that he ran towards the other end with breathlessness, trying to hide behind everyone.

Wang Wen thought for a while.

While constantly concentrating his mental power, he led Zhu and Ren to hide in the crowd.

The crowd was so panicked that they kept turning to the other side.

The originally serious scene was turned into a scene by Wang Min like an eagle catching a chicken.

Wang Wen and the other three are eagles.

500 points are hens.

The remaining many progress points are chickens that need to hide behind the hen.

The only difference is that these chicks are not afraid of hawks.

But he is afraid that when the hen attacks the eagle, innocent people will be harmed.

As a result, I saw the eagle being so shameless and chasing the chicken.

Some of the stronger chickens in the chicken flock became angry and released their superpowers, trying to restrain the three of them from running away.

In an instant.

Countless earth walls, steel plates, cement blocks and even beggar costumes who were unconscious on the ground were blocked around the three of them.

There were all kinds of fire lights of various colors around Wang Min.

The transparent protective barrier instantly drained away nearly half of the newly condensed mental power.

Wang Min saw sweat on his forehead, turned to Zhu and Ren and said: Use full firepower to buy time!

Zhu and Ren took action quickly.

Ren Ruanruan took out the only treasure [Monkey King] to transform, plucked its hair and summoned countless younger brothers to babble and rush towards the opposite side.

Zhu Xingguo found that both his [Fart Technique] and [Mosquito Must Die] were cooling down.

So I looked through the garbage dump-like [equivalent exchange].

It took me a long time.

He grinned and took out a large black iron can, and threw it forward with great force.

[Equal Exchange] will maintain the status of the item at the time of transaction.

A familiar black iron can suddenly appeared in the corner of his eye, and even Wang Wen's expression changed.

Pulling the two of them back desperately.

The transparent barrier was blocked in front of him, but he was still worried, so he lit a mental shield for himself, and then stood in front of Zhu and Ren.


The black iron jar blooms like a chrysanthemum.

Countless out-of-control high-speed particles scattered in all directions.

Annihilating all matter it comes in contact with along the way.

Cut the hall into a radial broken space.

[Level progress reached 13%]

[Level progress reaches 33%]

[Level progress reached 83%]

[Level progress reached 133%, level 600 passed]

[The level progress reaches 233%, and the 600th level is cleared]

All the concentrated mental power was drained away by the transparent barrier.

Wang Min pulled the aircraft over to open the lower entrance despite the violent storm.

Pulling Zhu and Ren, who had been sieved by the stray bullets that leaked over, they went directly to the next floor.

The portal disappears.

At the center of the explosion, snowflakes suddenly appeared out of thin air.

The material touched by the snowflakes slowly turned into ice crystals.

Even the violent high-speed particles couldn't stop Zhirou, and he slowly stopped the impact and froze in mid-air.

This radial space is like a movie special effect, with all objects frozen in place, hung with ice and frozen into ice sculptures.

Wait until all the noise stops.

Including the heartbeats of nearby people.

A hockey puck as tall as a person is split in half.

500 Points walked out of it, his face was cold, and his body was covered with ice crystals that were being repaired.

He ignored his injuries.

Gloomy eyes swept across the frozen hall.

Going around the radial center, the direction where there should have been three people is now empty.

Lifting his legs and walking over there, there were obviously fewer scratches on the ground.

Standing here at 500 o'clock, I don't know what I'm thinking with my masseter muscles bulging.

A long while.

He waved angrily and threw a hockey puck.

The ice ball hit the ground and exploded, throwing out countless sharp ice picks and piercing the people lying on the ground in pieces.

As soon as the blood flows out, it solidifies into ice.

It was a bloody and beautiful scene, and the audience outside the glass circle above, which could not even be washed away by high-speed particles, was in high spirits and cheered and applauded one after another.

500 Points' face became even more livid.

. . .

The 601st floor of the World Tower.

Limited time secret room.

Today's limited-time secret rooms are basically not difficult for Wang Wei.

All puzzles have answers at a glance.

If it were Ren Ruanruan, he might still have to use his hands to spell out the answer.

Wang Wei can solve the puzzle and open the lock just by stretching out her hand.

Except that you still get headaches and nosebleeds, the time-limited escape room has become as easy as surviving in the wild.

But he was in no rush to decipher it.

Zhu Xingguo and Ren Ruanruan were seriously injured.

Tiehanhanmanniu threw the detonated particle accelerator when everyone was completely unprepared.

Even between the 500th and 600th floors, everyone has cooperated and experimented several times.

I was still a little caught off guard just now.

If Wang Min hadn't activated the double-layer protection of transparent barrier + mental shield to block the front, everyone would have been wiped out.

At that critical moment, which is measured in milliseconds, there is no time to count down and exit the tower.

It will only be smashed into pieces by countless high-speed particles rushing towards you.

even so.

Zhu Xingguo, who ranked second, and Ren Ruanruan, who ranked third, also had countless wounds on their bodies.

A small penetrating injury may seem inconspicuous but penetrates the internal organs.

The larger ones had broken bones and tendons, and arterial blood spurted out like a faucet that couldn't be turned off as the heart pumped.

[Life Potion] was poured on the two of them as if they were free of money.

Still couldn't stop the bleeding.

The speed of recovery simply cannot keep up with the speed of the injury.

Wang Wen frowned.

I was just about to say something to Zhu Xingguo.

But he saw Zhu Xingguo taking out two replicas of the [Great Returning Golden Pill], one for himself, and one for Ren Ruanruan.

Wang Min raised his eyebrows and said slightly displeased: How do you use [Great Returning Golden Pill]?

The three of them have already figured out that World Tower props can also be sold.

And when the number of purchases increases, this becomes copying.

So Wang Min asked Zhu Xingguo to record the sales and purchases of all the props in the team.

Except for the unique treasure which cannot be copied no matter what, the other rare ones are all three times more numerous.

Although three times more.

Rare props with levels 500 and 510 like [Great Returning Golden Elixir] only have 4 copies including the main body.

Such arbitrary use of important supplies on one's own initiative is indeed a bit unorganized and undisciplined.

Wang Min wondered if she had doted on this apprentice too much along the way, causing him to become so unscrupulous?

Zhu Xingguo swallowed the [Great Returning Golden Pill] and didn't understand Wang Wen's face at all.

Hear the questions.

He answered naturally: Oh, because [Nine Transformations Golden Pill] is a unique treasure that cannot be copied, so I want to leave it to Master.


Wang Min covered her forehead, thinking, did she mean this? ?

But what it meant was no longer important at this point.

Zhu Xingguo's simple and natural words hit Wang Min's heart directly.

Wang Min stood quietly, watching Zhu Xingguo start to copy other miscellaneous things and stuff them into their mouths. He shook his head and let him go.

Unorganized and undisciplined?

Then just be unorganized and undisciplined!

Thank you [Hengdian Aniu Ge] for your huge reward! ! ! My sky is huge, huge, huge, huge! ! ! ! ! ! Thanks for the love, boss! ! ! ! !

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