Returning from the 900th floor

Chapter 239 The Non-Nuclear King

There is such a kind of person in the world.

They always think that others only need to obey and cooperate with certain processes that they are accustomed to.

Anyway, the result is the same in the end.

The world doesn't stop because of one person.

Doing so obediently saves the time shared by each other.

That's what the explosive man in white thinks.

like he said.

We have received too many new people in the past.

He also patiently answered various questions from newcomers.

But he found that no matter how patient he was, newcomers would still cause trouble.

Because apart from him, there are actually many subsequent steps such as testing, cleaning, sterilization, and injection of different reagents.

Others don't have as much patience as him.

Newcomers who do not cooperate are often given merciless corporal punishment.

So he gradually lost his patience.

From the first meeting, you should show off your power to the newcomer.

This is actually a warning to newcomers in the super world.

Don’t think that you are unique and invincible and will not obey discipline once you are awakened.

In fact, they just have one more freedom than most inferior people.

Commonly known as turning over and becoming the master.

The so-called master does not mean the master of the world, but the master of the class that originally broke away.

There are still many bosses above us who need to be respected.

The explosive man in white has been recruiting newcomers for many years.

With a super power level as high as level 6, he has absolute say when facing the vast majority of newcomers who have just awakened to level 1 or 2.

I saw that every little thing who knew nothing about the world was being taught obediently by myself.

A certain evil taste in my heart was greatly satisfied.

After all, this is how I used to be.

But right now. .

Puff puff puff puff puff puff puff puff puff puff puff puff puff puff puff puff puff puff puff puff puff puff puff puff puff puff puff puff puff puff puff puff puff puff puff puff puff puff puff puff puff puff puff puff puff

It was as if a certain door in his body had exploded.

Including many digestive products that were not fully formed collapsed directly!

The man in black who was originally following him seemed to have suffered the most brutal biological attack in history.

The smell that even the gas mask couldn't stop penetrated straight into my brain.

The smoke made them pale and burst into tears.

I wanted to step aside, but I was worried that my superior would misunderstand my behavior.

Pretend you didn't hear or know.

This rhythmic subwoofer sounds very rhythmic.

Coupled with the extremely spicy taste and the visual impact of yellow.

Unless I die here right now.

Otherwise, ghosts believe that there will be unknowing people pestering you.

no way.

The people in black can only use the endurance they have developed throughout their lives.

The face is determined.

His eyes were firm.

While silently reciting the names of relatives and loved ones, persist with all your strength with a mentality of dying.

I just hope that the chief's biochemical attack can end soon.

Unfortunately, their wishes will eventually come true.

The intestines of the exploding man in white seemed to have exploded just like the appearance of his clothes.

And it's still a directional blast.

The fart lasted for a full minute and didn't stop for half a second.

And there seems to be no end in sight.

A few minutes later.

He and the nearest man in black behind him had a common feeling.

It was as if the body had been hollowed out.

One feels like he can’t breathe enough.

One feels like he can’t breathe enough.

The two even had a strikingly similar idea.

That is, does committing suicide under such circumstances count as sacrificing one's duty?

The white-clothed explosive man pointed his trembling fingers at Wang Wen and the other three, and said harsh words with a face as if his nerves were collapsing: You guys... are so fucked... give me a... wait... oh oh...

Wang Min and the other three looked at each other in confusion.

I roughly understood what he meant.

Zhu Xingguo said to Wang Wen: Master, he should not be able to resist now. Do you want to stop the progress?

Wang Wen just wanted to nod.

Thinking of Zhu Xingguo's [Fart Technique], it currently only increases the duration but not the cooldown. The next time it is used will have to be 24 hours later.

He simply said: If the World Tower is not self-consistent, you can leave him to help us push forward the progress, and take a look at the effect of your skills.

That's what it says.

Wang Min was also prepared for the other party to burn the boat and die together with several of his own people.

All defensive measures should be taken.

He has even begun to charge up [Psychic Shield] so that he can use the power of extraordinary skills at any time to help resist some unexpected injuries that his own mental barrier cannot stop.

In fact, the explosive man in white didn't have the courage to die together.

He held his stomach for a while, then turned around and walked back.

He shouted Uh-huh-oh into the communicator for help.

After a while, he led the man in black to stand on the alloy steel plate and prepared to leave.

Wang Wei patiently waited for the opponent's steel plate to rise into the air and the zenith to crack again.

Seizing the opportunity, he used his mental power to support the three of them in pursuit, pushing past the man in black and getting into the zenith together.

The explosive man in white wanted to stop him.

While his hands exploded with arcs of electricity.

The back door is leaking air again.

The energy he had managed to raise dissipated instantly.

They watched Wang Wen and the other three enter the inner passage of the zenith with a lot of heart and energy.

There was a group of people at the other end of the passage hurrying over.

Wang Wen and the other three saw the progress values ​​above the heads of the group of people.


20 points is just the starting point.

Fifty, eighty, a hundred!

The leader even rushed over with a huge burst of 500 points.

Seeing the violent backdoor of the explosive man in white, he wanted to cover it but didn't dare.

The 500-point guy frowned tightly at first.

Think about it.

But he clapped his hands and smiled at Wang Wen and the others: First of all, congratulations on awakening your extraordinary superpowers. This is undoubtedly a shot in the arm for our superpower world.

Then the conversation changed and his tone became stern: But it's really outrageous. As the person in charge of the reception office, I must sadly inform you that you will be punished no less than 'deprivation of superpowers'. I hope you can I understand and feel proud and gratified that I can contribute to the super world.

Zhu Xingguo asked Ren Ruanruan in confusion: What is that guy talking about?

Ren Ruanruan answered uncertainly: It seems that they want to take away our ability.

Zhu Xingguo's expression became solemn.

Secretly he took out a small cloth bag from his pocket.

Turning to look at Wang Wen.

The 500-point person opposite seemed satisfied with the reaction caused by his words, and nodded his head and consoled me with kindness: But you can rest assured that even if you return to the inferior people, you will be guaranteed to have at least one standard food every day as compensation for your contribution to superpowers.

Zhu Xingguo held up a small cloth bag, showed his skill information and asked Wang Wen for his opinion.

Only at this moment did Wang Wen finally understand why Zhu Xingguo had been collecting mosquitoes.

[Mosquito Must Die], which was previously selected by the little chick during the safety period, was upgraded to the fourth level, and the strengthening effect changed the power of area damage from the same weight of RDX to the same. The heavyweight hexanitrohexaazaisowurtzitane”!

No matter how honest and uneducated Zhu Xingguo is, he still knows this famous King of Non-nuclear Forces.

Wang Min saw the fourth level [Mosquito must die].

He closed his eyes in despair.

Zhu Xingguo thought the master agreed.

So he lightly threw the small bag towards 500 points.

500 points with a smile.

He pointed at the small cloth bag.

No matter what was inside, it was frozen and solidified at this moment.

He seemed very confident in his own abilities.

He shook his head slightly and said, I advise you not to do more wrong things. It is meaningless and will only increase the punishment for you.


The entire metal passage collapsed.

Everyone fell back into the hall.

All the men in black: ...

The explosive man in white looked at this land that he seemed to be unable to escape from, and begged to 500 points: Sir, can you please let me go first and take me for treatment?

Thank you [Pi Dad] for the reward!

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