Chapter 220 Burn it

The man's mouth was covered again.

The voice is really deafening.

The free and easy old man stood up at this time and looked at the child who was unwilling to run away and hugged the woman and cried.

The woman couldn't move and could only watch the child cry.

The man leaned against the wall and cried silently.

The old man sighed.

He took the initiative to stand up and cupped his hands to Wang Wen and said: Xianjia, wait a minute, I have been practicing boxing since I was a child and my body is still strong. If the Xianjia needs to take people's blood to practice, please be sure to cut it from me first. If you can be merciful, leave it to this family. It’s a way to survive, and I’ll be grateful to you!”

Wang Wen turned around.

look around.

Do you think you are treating me like a monster? He looked at the old man dumbfounded and said, We are hungry and come to your house for a meal, which is equivalent to buying food with money. Why do you look like your family is ruined and you want to fight for me? I give Less money?”

The old man shook his head: Using money to buy food? This behavior is not as simple as you said. It is obviously taking money by force.

Wang Min raised his eyebrows, and a bold guess flashed in his mind.

He walked up to the old man, raised a gold cake and asked, Don't tell me you don't know this thing?

Perhaps they don't know. I think I'm quite knowledgeable. I've heard about jewelry, gold and silver. The old man was actually a little proud.

Wang Min was speechless: Since you know gold, why are you so bitter and resentful? This one is not just a piece of your flesh, but the whole sheep is enough, right?

The old man said: We can't use the gold. You gangsters stole the standard gold from nowhere, and you have to take the life flower. You exchange the useless gold for the only salted pork stick in our family of four. , isn’t it the work of robbers?”

After listening to the old man's words.

Ren Ruanruan solidified.

Zhu Xingguo's words What the hell popped up in his throat, but he swallowed it back, glanced at the aircraft, and sat back on the stone bench gloomily.

Wang Wen put the golden cake back into the bag.

Shaking his head and sighing.

He didn't know what he was laughing at.

I just feel like it’s a broken world.

Everything looks so ridiculous.

It's hilarious but helpless.

In an era of economic backwardness, even if you have money, you can't spend it. What a helpless tragedy!

He put away the gold and asked the old man sternly: Then please tell me, how can I not act like a robber? I like rules. It is natural to give money to eat, and I cannot eat for free.

This time the old man refused to speak no matter what.

Just stood there shaking his head silently.

A pitiful and hateful look.

The little sun in Wang Min's hand condensed and dispersed, dispersed and condensed again.

He took a deep breath, feeling a little weird about himself.

How could the character of a tower climber become so bad after two lifetimes?

He waved his hands to remove the restraints of the man on the wall. The man rushed forward and raised his fist to strike.

Wang Wen supported the transparent barrier and let him hammer her, and asked calmly: I'm very awesome. I can get you whatever you want. Do you dare to give me a challenge?

Zhu Xingguo stood up immediately, spread his hands and made a gesture: Yes! Say whatever you want! I don't believe that I can't cure you bunch of unruly people today!

The man stared at several people with red eyes.

Gritting his teeth and grinding his throat, he said in a muffled voice: Give me back the bacon! I want it to be exactly the same! It doesn't matter if it's one more or less!

Zhu Xingguo was stunned, unable to say What the hell out of his mouth for a long time.

A drop of sweat streaked across Wang Min's forehead.

I thought it was too early to brag, this is really challenging.

He pulled Zhu Xingguo over and said in a deep voice with a solemn expression: The structure of organic matter such as flesh and blood vegetables is too complex to be solved by even the monstrous-level mechanism technique. What's more, it is time magic like cured meat. This question is very difficult. I can only try my best.

Zhu Xingguo looked at Ren Ruanruan, who had the same solemn expression next to him, and softened the atmosphere and said: Master, come on! I believe you can do it!

Ren Ruanruan said to Wang Wen helplessly: How about I dance for you?

Wang Wen, who was frowning and concentrating his energy, looked up at her: What kind of jump?

Let Ren Ruan listen.

He pursed his lips and smiled and said, Any kind is fine.

Wang Min refused expressionlessly: No one is allowed.

A few jokes.

The atmosphere became slightly more relaxed.

Wang Wen stretched out his hand.

An object with a fleshy texture slowly appeared from the void.

The shape and size are almost the same.

Even the colors on the surface look more and more similar towards the back.

Wait until Wang Wen let out a sigh of relief while sweating profusely.

He put the almost identical cured mutton in his hand on the ground.

Several people only heard a bang sound.

It's like gold and iron clashing.

Zhu Xingguo took out a knife and tried to chop the cured mutton.

The meat is intact.

There was a cut on the blade.

Zhu Xingguo held up the knife and felt very complicated.

Wang Min looked at the cured mutton on the ground, and a thousand words gathered in her chest. In the end, she only said one sentence: It's really difficult to follow the rules.

Zhu Xingguo nodded in agreement: It's really difficult to be a good person who abides by the rules.

Ren Ruanruan felt angry, grabbed a handful of gold cakes from the bag and stood up.

He ran out the door in a few steps, grabbed a casual spectator and asked, Who is the richest here?

The spectator pointed blankly at a large stone house in the center of the village: The chief of the pavilion has a salary of one hundred dan, and he has no worries about corvee service or wealth. He is the richest person in the local area.

Ren Ruanruan left this man behind and went straight to the big stone house.

Not long after entering, a fat sheep was pulled out from behind the house.

Next to him was a middle-aged man who repeatedly waved his hands in farewell.

She leads the sheep.

Return to the man's house.

Throwing the sheep rope in front of him, he said coldly: I don't believe there are problems in this world that money can't solve!

The man was stunned.

The old man's face changed drastically and he exclaimed: This is the sheep of the pavilion chief! Take it away quickly and don't harm us!

Ren Ruanruan was angry: He has already sold it to me!

The old man and the man looked at each other.

He sat down on the ground dejectedly, looking at the fat sheep in front of him and lamenting: It's over, everything is over. Originally it was just a piece of meat, but now I really don't know how much property I have to lose to offset the disaster of this sheep.

The man was silent for a long time.

He slapped himself hard.

He knelt down and kowtowed hard to the old man several times, and groaned: It's all my fault. My son is unfilial, so I took the first step.

The old man burst into tears after hearing this.

But he didn't stop the man who got up and left.

Ren Ruanruan grabbed the man and asked, Why are you going?

The man's face was as dark as water: I'll apologize to the chief of the pavilion. If it doesn't work, I'll give him my life.

What are you doing! What are you doing?! Ren Ruanruan was so angry that his eyes were red and he was about to cry. He stamped his feet and shouted: Why are you doing this? You have already sold the sheep to me, why do you still do this? !How on earth can you feel at ease??!!”

Wang Wen, who had been silent until now, took a long breath.

He took Zhu Xingguo's hand and put a standard copper coin inside.

After Zhu Xingguo reflexively exchanged the same value, he asked in confusion: What's wrong, Master?

Wang Wen didn't say anything, but continued to make copper coins and put them into his hand one by one.

The old man's eyes were straightened.

to the end.

Wang Wen handed a handful of copper coins to the old man and said, Please find a way to buy a piece of meat and marinate it again? Is there enough salt? If not, I have some.

The old man held up the copper coins dully, his hands trembling a little.

The man who was ready to die by the door saw Tong Zi and immediately rushed towards him with shining eyes, grabbed two coins and rubbed them against each other.

His expression turned from cloudy to clear in an instant, and he said happily: So you guys are rich! You should have told me earlier! If you had known this, I would have bought fresh meat for you to eat! Look at this fuss!

He raised his head and called to the woman in the distance: Damn it! Why are you standing there in such a daze? Hurry up and pour tea for the noble lady!

Then he turned to the frozen Zhu Xingguo and said softly and respectfully: Gentlemen, are you full? Do you want some wine? I'll go to the old aunt's house at the entrance of the village and borrow a chicken to cook for you all?

Thank you [Pi Dad] for the reward! ————Thank you [Daijin 7th Group Har] for your huge reward! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

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