Returning from the 900th floor

Chapter 219 A little brat who knows how to hide his eyesight with both hands

Seeing Wang Wen turn around and leave without saying a word.

Xia Mingzi hurriedly ran to the three of them and said sincerely: Master, I'm really sorry. This is actually a misunderstanding.

He hasn't finished speaking yet.

The old man's voice sounded from behind: What misunderstanding? How can you be called a master if you don't even have this patience? I did it on purpose!

No. Xia Mingzi said anxiously, Don't listen to what my master said. He was hard-spoken and soft-hearted. Just now...

Wang Wen sighed.

Seeing him sweating profusely with anxiety.

He smiled and shook his head.

He said helplessly: It doesn't matter anymore, Cassia, it doesn't matter whether it was a misunderstanding or intentional. You are kind-hearted and I will treat you to a meal when I have the opportunity to come down the mountain. See you again if we are destined.


The three of them didn't stop any longer and took the time to go down the mountain before dark.

Cassia Mingzi kept apologizing and sent the three of them out of the gate, watching the figures disappear at the end of the mountain road.

He turned around with a bitter look on his face.

The old man is not far behind.

Seeing the expression on Cassia's face, the old man snorted strangely: Look, you are pretending to be a master with such a big temper. Xiao Ming, you are still young and you are not familiar with the world. I don't blame you. Be more careful when you meet people in the future and don't be so heart-wrenching. of.

Master! Cassia Mingzi said with a wry smile: Anyone who is left alone for a few hours by you will be angry! Besides, I don't think Master and the others are really angry, but just go about their own business.

Haha, what can a few little brats with no hair do to busy themselves? The old man recalled the previous scene of Wang Min waving away the gold bricks on the floor, frowning slightly and said: They are just trying to make things up!


Seeing that Xia Mingzi could not be persuaded, he was also tired and stopped speaking.

He greeted the junior brothers who were watching the excitement around to prepare for the meal.

The boy who opened the door suddenly spoke to Mingzi and the old man: Senior brother, master, it sounds like they are going to Wanxian Terrace to find the national master, and their target is a fairy stone.

National Master!! Xia Mingzi suddenly turned his head to look at the old man.

The old man finally changed his expression.

He lowered his eyes and thought with a solemn expression.

A long while.

He shook his head and said: They have no demonic aura and no magic power. They should be mortals who have mastered certain secret techniques. If they go to meet those monsters with advanced skills, they must be in bad luck.

Upon hearing this, Xia Mingzi became even more anxious: Master, let me stop them!

It's too late. The old man shook his head again and said, They have already reached the bottom of the mountain.

Cassia Mingzi was surprised: How could it be so fast?

The old man squinted his eyes and looked up at the sky: These little brats are really good at it. I can't even understand some of their tricks.

Then what should we do? Cassia Mingzi was so anxious that she circled in circles: It's all my fault for not convincing them to stay! Is it too late to pursue them now?

The old man looked at the sky for a while.

Suddenly smiled.

Turn around and walk back.

Cassia shouted: Master?!

The old man said without looking back: Hurry up and eat. If you are full and drunk, we will rush to Banxiantai overnight to save people!

We?? Cassia Mingzi heard.

My heart is overjoyed.

He quickly trotted forward to help the old man walk faster.

at the heart of the discussion.

Wang Wen and three others.

At this time, we have arrived at the village at the foot of the mountain.

The trick that even Master Xia Mingzi couldn't quite understand was said before.

In fact, Wang Wen jumped directly from the cliff in order to rush for time.

All the way, they used their mental strength to support the cliff and support the three of them as they fell slowly.

A straight line is better than a long detour.

It didn't take long to reach the bottom of the mountain.

It was just time for dinner.

The three of them smelled the incense of firewood that filled the streets and alleys.

The last meal was shared roast chicken.

The evil man disturbed his appetite and left without eating.

I was a guest at my door and was left alone for several hours without even a cup of tea.

At this moment, I looked at the various people squatting at the door with their bowls in their hands and slurping their dinner, and greedy saliva kept rolling in their mouths.

From the corner of his eye, Wang Min noticed Zhu Xingguo, Ren Ruanruan and others looking at him eagerly, and shook his head in amusement.

I randomly selected a farmhouse nearby and walked away.

The man squatting at the door to eat saw a few strangers walking towards his house. He reached back and grabbed the fire stick next to the stove in the house, his eyes wary.

Wang Wen glanced at the food in his bowl.

It is a noodle soup with a clear soup and little water.

Zilaishudi walked around the house and saw a piece of mutton hanging on the beam. He reached out and took it out, took it to the stove, washed it with water, sliced ​​it and put it in a pot for frying.

There was no fire, so Zhu Xingguo, who was stunned, came over to add fuel to the fire.

After a while, an alluring aroma wafted up.

The man, the women and children at home were shocked.

The fire stick that I had been carrying for a long time remained motionless against the wall for some reason.

The man threw down his bowls and chopsticks, rolled up his sleeves, and rushed forward to fight for his life. As a result, he was pinned to the wall and unable to move.

He was shocked and angry.

I just opened my mouth to shout.

A piece of bacon cut very thinly with a good knife was stuffed into his mouth.

He chewed it subconsciously.

The aroma of meat hurt my eyes.

While I couldn't help chewing, I couldn't help but shed tears.

Ren Ruanruan flipped through a large bag of condiments that Zhu Xingguo bought back and carefully sprinkled the appropriate sauce into the pot.

For cured lamb, you don’t need to add too many heavy seasonings.

Not even the MSG matters.

Simply remove the odor and improve the fragrance.

A little cooking wine, a little fennel, a little pepper, and sprinkle some white sesame seeds before serving.

It's simply a pot of delicious food.

Wang Wen took out the mutton.

Found no table.

He hooked his hands casually, and several stones were neatly put together into a stone table.

A few stone benches were made from the leftover scraps.

Place them neatly against the wall.

Bring the lamb to the table.

Then he scooped out a bowl of clear soup noodles from the pottery basin beside the stove.

The three of them ate the mutton happily.

Wang Min saw the child in the woman's arms, staring directly at the mutton, and drooling at the corners of her mouth while wiggling her fingers desperately.

He smiled and waved to the child.

Of course no one would care about him.

The woman even hugged the child and hid further away.

An old man rolled up the cloth and walked out of the inner room.

He held the big knife used for chopping wood at Wang Wen's head and chopped it off.

Wang Min chewed the mutton, gently held the big knife in the old man's hand, took it away, and placed it next to the man by the door, standing side by side.

Then he helped the old man sit down at the stone table and placed a few pieces of mutton in front of him.

The old man stared blankly at the man and the sword who were unable to move.

Think about it.

Without saying a word, he ate the mutton.

Wang Wen was a little surprised, but she didn't stop him.

The whole cured lamb was fried, and the portion was absolutely sufficient. It was difficult for three people to finish it.

There are enough mouths to eat.

And there is no need to worry about the elderly having bad teeth or choking.

Afraid that it would not be cooked properly before, Wang Wen specially used scalpel-like precise poison-making techniques to cut the mutton as thinly as paper.

The bowl of cured mutton on the table now is simply shiny, fragrant and melts in your mouth.

At first, the old man ate with a risk-taking mentality.

After taking a few bites, I found that it was so damn delicious. The more I ate, the brighter my eyes became. I was almost fascinated by the end of the meal.

Seeing that the old man kept eating, Ren Ruanruan thoughtfully scooped up a bowl of gnocchi soup and placed it in front of him.

The old man picked up the bowl with unusual boldness and drained it in one gulp.

It's like drinking from a bowl of pure liquor.

He looked like he was about to leave after finishing his meal.

The whole body exudes freedom and ease.

have to say.

The more people eat, the better.

Wang Min drank two large bowls of noodle soup and got tired of eating the mutton. She finally stopped using her chopsticks to cover her mouth to catch her breath and burp.

Next to him, Zhu Xingguo was still fighting with the old man, sweating profusely and happily.

Ren Ruanruan had already eaten enough and left her chopsticks to look for fruits and vegetables everywhere, preparing to get some vegetarian food for everyone to relieve their tiredness after the meal.

Wang Min saw men and women with tears streaming down their faces.

Reluctantly, he got up and walked over.

First, he stopped the woman who was wailing and planning to let the child escape while rushing forward to fight for her life.

Then he took out the gold cake that Zhu Xingguo had put in a small cloth bag with pocket money, raised one to signal to the woman, and stuffed it into her hand.

The woman choked up for a while when she saw the gold.

But still cried.

Wang Wen stuffed another one.

Still crying.

He was speechless, walked up to the man, gestured with the gold pancake, removed his mental power to cover the man's mouth and asked: It's not free, why are you crying after I gave you gold?

The man found that he could open his mouth and cried loudly: I will fight you to the death after eating our pickled meat for half a life! Ahhhhh!!!

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