Returning from the 900th floor

Chapter 190 The End of the Forbidden Tower

Chapter 188 The Forbidden Tower Ends

Ma Dong is a good partner.

He can help with shipments.

Can also help with delivery.

Wang Min promised that as long as he could help collect 10,000 props with different effects within a week, he would sell all the academy's goods from now on.

As in this cooperation model, the goods are given at market prices, and the actual selling price is whatever he wants, as long as it does not exceed the agreed payment time.

In the future, if Ma Dong's economic strength is high enough, he can even eat the entire batch of goods directly from Wang Wei and then go to the market to slowly retail.

Switch from distribution to exclusive sales.

Wang Wen doesn't have to waste time to cash out, and Ma Dong doesn't have to worry about the source of the goods. It's another good project that benefits both sides.

. . .

Tiansheng Group.

Qin Dongbei and Qin Wuzheng were sitting in the office together.

On the table in front of the two of them were tubes of [quick-acting antidote].

After a long silence, Qin Dongbei picked up a tube and played with it in his hand, and asked casually: According to the intelligence, these were found by the resource team that Wang Min organized in the college. What do you think?

Qin Wu Zheng frowned tightly: This person gives me a very strange feeling. I can't see through him. The information from my subordinates' investigation and feedback is very clear. He was an ordinary college student a few months ago! We were more familiar with each other before. I met him in the tower. At that time, he still claimed that he was not on the 100th floor, but in a short period of time, he had already reached the 300th floor. It was really weird!

It seems that I didn't hear the answer I wanted.

Qin Dongbei dropped the antidote irritably.

He stood up and walked to the floor-to-ceiling window, looked out the window, turned his back to Qin Wu Zheng and asked: Then what do you think we should do with him in the current situation?

Qin Wuzheng looked at his father's back and said with some uncertainty, How about I come forward and try to negotiate peace with him?

Qin Dongbei suddenly turned around and stared at him with a ridiculous expression: Peace talks? I was asking you how to deal with him, but you told me about peace talks? Do you know that if it weren't for the three top tower climbers of the group, Take action, your father and I can bury him now!

Boss Tiansheng is very energetic and his voice is very loud.

It made various glass products in the office buzz.

Qin Wu Zheng thought for a while, then said with a low eyebrow: Actually, looking back now, we at Tiansheng have always done something wrong. In the beginning, it was Xiaodong who was not sensible and allowed his subordinate Shen Rushuang to lead the Mirror members to rush into the academy recklessly. He went on a killing spree, and later deliberately held a beheading meeting in front of the world, and imprisoned all the people in the academy who were asking for explanations until they starved to death. These practices were simply inhumane and heart-breaking.

Having said this, he looked up at Qin Dongbei, whose face was getting darker and darker, and it was obvious that he was on the verge of an explosion.

He pursed his lips.

He mustered up the courage to continue: I have never understood. Apart from discrediting Tiansheng and adding unnecessary enemies, what good will this do to the group? The most puzzling thing is that you also support him and cover him upright, Xiaodong is ignorant, don’t you understand too?”


Boss Tiansheng, who was already on the 600th floor, made an angry move, waved his palm and slapped Qin Wuzheng to the ground. He was bleeding from the mouth and nose and fell into a coma. He didn't know whether he was alive or dead.

Looking at his own son who passed out.

Qin Dongbei gritted his teeth and cursed: Useless trash! You didn't help me at all and you turned around to question me? Your brother is already dead! Isn't that enough? You have to drag me out to insult and blame me? I really regret it. I gave birth to a beast like you, worse than a pig or a dog!

He didn't seem to care at all whether Qin Wu Zheng was dead or alive.

After cursing, he picked up his cell phone and made a call.

After the call was connected, he ordered: How much of the eyeliner left by the mirror have you recovered? Can it be put to use?... Don't tell me this! No matter who it is, no matter how much it costs, I just need you to put that king Wen's abilities are clearly laid out in front of me in detail! Do you understand?

. . .

Fourth weekend.

The resource team brought back 88 bottles of [Life Potion].

There are still more than a dozen teams returning empty-handed.

Among them, coincidentally, there was a familiar face who also ran short last week.

Wang Wei learned about the 200-level scenarios encountered by each empty running team one by one.

Several teams said that they left the tower before reaching 200 when they encountered the dissuade level.

There are two teams that clearly encountered the front-end but failed to follow the steps.

Regarding this issue, Wang Wen went to them alone to ask the reason.

One team's explanation was too preemptive and was inadvertently dazzled.

The other team hesitated and said that climbing all the way to the 200th floor consumed too much energy, so they withdrew when they were too tired.

The exchange is completed.

Wang Min nodded and asked them to go back and have a good rest without saying anything.

A little later, he found Chen Hansheng to have supper together.

He said calmly: There is something wrong with the resource team. Some people in it are being clever and deliberately do not look for targets that currently need to be divided with me. Instead, they focus on props that do not need to be divided in order to make a profit.

Chen Hansheng put down his chopsticks with a solemn expression: Is there such a thing? Who gave me the list and I will deal with it! This is simply a slap in my face!

No need to make a list, I believe they will come forward on their own soon. Wang Min took a chopstick and stuffed green vegetables into his mouth while chewing: I just want to tell you in advance, I may keep searching again for a while. There are two types: [quick-acting antidote] and [life potion]. There will be no new targets in the short term, so don’t get me wrong.”

What's the misunderstanding! Chen Hansheng suffocated the wine in his glass in one gulp: You can just follow your plan, I have no objection at all! These bastards let me know who they are, and I must make them look good! Pay compensation for the losses. If you lose all your gains, you will be expelled from the group!

I don't have any opinion on what to do with you. Wang Min put down his chopsticks after eating and drinking, his face glowing with energy and rebirth: The forbidden tower period is over, and I will start to lead the tower starting tomorrow. Do you have any If you want to arrange it, please inform me in time. Anyway, once a month, you can throw at most 4 people to me.

Chen Hansheng's eyes lit up: Is the month of the Forbidden Tower finally over? I can't use 4 people, but I am the only one so far. Mr. A, long time no see, please take care of me, haha!

That night, countless people lost sleep.

It's just dawn.

Wang Wen is ready to leave.

Chen Hansheng, Zhu Xingguo, and Ren Ruanruan also came to the academy to prepare.

Only Mo Ran was nowhere to be seen.

I called him and asked, and Mo Ran said he would be at the college gate in two minutes.

When the time was up, Wang Min saw Mo Ran leading a person from a distance.

When they met and stood still, Mo Ran introduced the people around him: This is the prince of the first consortium I mentioned to you before, Zhou Shengsheng.

The words fell.

Wang Wen was shocked!

What the hell? ?

The prince of the first consortium?

What if I haven't seen it?

The person in front of me is not good at all!

Wang Wei suppressed the doubts in her heart, looked at Zhou Shengsheng calmly, and said casually: Old Mo, let me declare that I have no intention of going back on my words. With our current relationship with the First Financial Group, does it still need for the prince to bring a tower?

Mo Ran shook his head and said: It has nothing to do with the First Financial Group, it is purely a personal commitment. You just need to bring him safely to the 400th floor as agreed.

After speaking to Wang Min, he said to Zhou Shengsheng next to him: Wang Min's strength is still acceptable, don't worry.

Zhou Shengsheng nodded, took the initiative to walk up to Wang Min, and said apologetically: I'm sorry that my dad did such an excessive thing. I sincerely hope that I can do something to compensate you and Grandpa Gu, so as to ask for your forgiveness.

The first words the other party spoke made Wang Wei even more surprised.

He hid his doubts in his heart and replied calmly: As you said, it was your father's doing and it has nothing to do with you. When you are ready, set off and start climbing the tower.

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