Returning from the 900th floor

Chapter 189 It turns out you are this kind of Ma Dong

Chapter 187 It turns out you are this kind of Ma Dong

The rightful owner cannot be found.

The leader has nowhere to vent his anger. He can't beat up all the people watching. Not to mention that there are also people from other consortiums. If he really does that, he will definitely arouse public anger and be regarded by all the tower climbers as disrupting the prop market. go out.

His biting muscles were beating, and he tried to take a deep breath to calm down, and said coldly to Ma Dong: You sell, I will see how many idiots are willing to buy your goods at a high price, and I am also patient. I will wrap it up when no one buys it. That's good. .

Ma Dong nodded repeatedly.

Collect money and deliver goods quickly.

The two of them were in a hurry in front of the stall as if they had picked up a bargain. They shared a flying machine and were very busy picking up goods and stocking them at the same time.

After the transaction of the hundred tubes was completed, the buyer said politely to Ma Dong: Thank you, boss, for saving my life. Then he turned to the cold-faced leader and handed over his hand: Thank you Tiansheng Chengquan.

The leader snorted coldly and waved his hand impatiently: Get out of here, who else is there??

He was sure that no one would compete with him this time.

Because Ma Dong in the stall next to him has carefully shouted out the new price at the right time: What about that? Thank you everyone for supporting me. The fifth batch of goods is worth ninety-one times. If you need it, come and buy it. If there is no one else, I will buy it. Give it all to Tiansheng.

Ma Dong's tone was very careful.

The sound is not as loud as before.

Like a downtrodden honest man.

Do business honestly, sell things honestly, and remind everyone of the fact that I am not lying to you this time. If you don’t buy it, it will really be gone. Tiansheng is waiting for you!

The leader heard his words.

I always feel like something is wrong.

After analyzing the content carefully and unable to find any mistakes, he just told the truth and ignored him.

But this time.

There were wasps in the crowd, buzzing and whispering.

Soon, a man emerged from the crowd, cupping his fists and smiling at everyone: Everyone, I didn't mean to go against everyone. I've been waiting for this thing for several times and haven't been able to get it. I really can't wait any longer, so I just got it. I bought ten tubes and shared them with my teammates. I’ve been waiting for the next week to climb the tower. I’m pressed for time and can’t wait any longer. Please forgive me and just pretend you haven’t seen me.”

Then he bowed to Tian Sheng in a flattering manner: Sorry, sorry, it's just ten tubes. I wasted your time. I'll be fine soon.

After finishing speaking, he said to Ma Dong in a hurry: Boss, please give me ten tubes, I will use them to climb the tower.

Okay, ten tubes of [quick-acting antidote], a total of 910,000. Thank you for your patronage. Ma Dong said softly and very low-key.

The man quickly scanned the code to pay.

Ma Dong also quickly picked up the goods and delivered them.

Wang Wen in the crowd was a little confused at this time.

He looked at his mobile phone: Didn't the transfer arrive?

He looked up at the aircraft again: I didn’t give you the goods, either?

The transaction in front of the stall was completed smoothly.

The buyer took the antidote and apologized to everyone, then left quickly.

As soon as the man stepped forward, someone followed him on the back.

He almost ran to Ma Dong at a sprinting speed, scanned the QR code to pay and shouted: Hurry, boss, I want all the remaining 90 tubes! 8.19 million, right. I've paid it, speed, speed, speed!

Ma Dong nodded repeatedly and hurriedly collected money and delivered goods.

He looked anxious, loyal and honest.

Wang Wei, who was in the crowd, looked at the mobile phone that was still motionless and the aircraft that had not picked up the goods but still had its props lowered, and felt clear in her heart.

It turns out you are this kind of Ma Dong.

Wang Min squinted at Ma Dong, who was sweating profusely from work, smiled secretly, and nodded with satisfaction.

This person has a decisive personality, quick hands and feet, and quick thinking. He is a good partner.

You can consider selling all the college's goods to him in the future.

From this moment on.

Ma Dong's stall suddenly became a little overwhelmed.

The sixth batch of goods that rose to 97,000 were sold out in the blink of an eye.

Wang Min's cell phone finally rang with a payment notification. An order of 30 tubes was actually sold at a price of 97,000.

Immediately after the seventh batch, the price soared to one hundred thousand.

One hundred tubes, all real deals!

Wang Min raised her eyebrows, her heart turning from satisfaction to admiration.

And the leader was waiting next to the stall.

The expression on his face changed from impatience to shock.

Seeing the [Quick-acting Antidote] sold out batch after batch, he always felt that something was wrong, but he couldn't stop the enthusiastic crowd waving their points to buy it.

in the end. . How did it become like this?

His questions may never be answered.

Since the price of [Quick-Acting Antidote] reached the point of 117,000, Ma Dong mercifully stopped raising the price.

So everyone became more enthusiastic.

The messengers of justice are gone.

Even the old man on the ground disappeared without a trace. People only vaguely remember that he was running fast with his back hunched over, and he seemed to be holding something in his hand to keep in the aircraft.

The only ones left in the field were a group of enthusiastic buyers waving their points and clamoring to trade with Ma Dong.

As for Wang Wen.

Not long after the price was fixed, I put away my phone and left with satisfaction.

Ma Dong was left alone in front of the stall, sweating profusely, selling goods.

He received a lot of goods from Wang Wen at the low price of less than 110,000, and now there are still five or ten tubes for sale.

This transaction.

Wang Wenshi actually sold a thousand tubes of [quick-acting antidote] in less than half a day, and 50 million points were steadily deposited in his account.

Ma Dong, on the other hand, made a lot of money and was trembling all over. He was brave and resourceful and turned passivity into initiative in front of Tiansheng people. Except for the first few batches of low-priced goods that were actually sold, The rest are basically high-priced goods, and the money you get in your pocket will not be less than that of Wang Wei, the supplier, or even a little more!

From the beginning to the end, his capital cost was just a few thousand points spent on large-screen advertising in the market.

Earning tens of millions by relying on a few thousand points is a real skill that cannot be faked.

Both parties are very satisfied.

The only one who is depressed should be Tiansheng.

But Ma Dong, who did not want to offend Tian Sheng too harshly, boldly called out to the surging crowd at the last moment, indicating that the work was over and the work was over.

After dealing with some tower climbers who are unwilling to exchange contact information and look forward to being notified in time next time when the goods are available.

He grabbed the Tiansheng man who turned to leave, his face as gloomy as dripping water, and offered him a hundred tubes of [quick-acting antidote] with a flattering smile, saying that he had reserved this batch specially and not sold it. After all, they were all brothers in the same group, so they couldn't Asking everyone to wait is in vain.

The leader snorted with a cold face: Boss, business is good! Don't worry, I will come here to patronize you every day in the future! Don't expect me to pay 80,000 for this batch of goods. Just pay the market price, 60,000 per tube. You improve your memory.

Unexpectedly, Ma Dong smiled apologetically and said, Boss, I told you that this is what I specially left for everyone, and you don't need to pay for it.

As soon as these words came out.

The leader paused.

Weighing the [quick-acting antidote] in his hand, which had already reached 117,000 per tube, he finally looked at Ma Dong in shock and was speechless for a long time.

The other Tiansheng people around could not hold back their serious faces and looked at each other in confusion.

I was stunned by Ma Dong's handiwork.

One hundred tubes, no matter what the previous market price was, can now be sold for more than 10 million, so just give it away for nothing?

Whether the Shangjiang Group raises the average purchase price to a terrifying level or keeps it for private enjoyment, it is absolutely wonderful!

The leader looked at Ma Dong.

The eyes are complicated.

Ma Dong just bent down and smiled, looking like an honest man.

A long while.

The leader reached out and patted Ma Dong on the shoulder, leaving the words Do a good job in the future and led the people away.

Thank you [Sky Sword] for your huge reward! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! The boss is not only dashing and elegant, but also very humorous, which is really rare! !

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