Returning from the 900th floor

Chapter 181 Super Invincible Absorbing Shocking Stone

Chapter 179 Super Invincible Absorbing Shocking Stone

As soon as Wang Min's words came out.

Everyone in the audience was dumbfounded.

He didn't have time to wipe his tears, so he looked up with a snot in his nose.


Who is so ignorant?

You guys are so into the drama, what kind of missiles are you talking about? ?

The emotions that have finally been brewing have not yet had time to cry!

It's like going to the toilet to excrete. Finally, half of it comes out in a long strip, and then you cut it off and hold the remaining half back?

It's better to kill them all with another missile! !


Collapse is collapse.

The atmosphere at the scene changed unconsciously.

People who were originally immersed in specific emotions have become calmer and are no longer so anxious to express their opinions.

Zhou Dafu narrowed his eyes and took a closer look at Wang Wen who was coming out halfway.

There was a vague sense of importance in his eyes.

He felt that Wang Wen's actions were extraordinary.

The other party was not immersed in the atmosphere he carefully created.

Instead, he went straight to the point very clearly.

Everyone knows that the issue of missiles is actually the core.

It is an absolutely unavoidable cause of the incident.

Are you even killing your own employees for profit? How can such a group make people feel at ease?

Gu Jianbing left because of this.

No matter how sensational the topic is, as long as there is no direct answer or a reasonable explanation, the Ministry of Intelligence will not be able to get over it.

It is very precise and critical to ask such a question when you have just grasped the rhythm and guided people's hearts.

But Zhou Dafu seemed to be well prepared.

After a slight pause, he immediately explained with a guilty look on his face: This is the group's decision. We didn't know that Team Leader Mo and others were there beforehand. Every group will make various decisions in the development process, some of which are against There's something wrong, we can't beat him to death with a stick, right?

Wang Wei asked back: So you admit that launching missiles was a wrong decision?

Zhou Dafu was a little confused, but he still chose his words carefully: Of course, our original intention is also for the development of the group. I deeply apologize if it has caused you any harm. I can compensate you to a certain extent on behalf of the First Consortium, or. .

He raised his head and looked around, and said emotionally again: If it can win back the heart of the Intelligence Department, it doesn't matter if I apologize to all the victims.

Having said that, Zhou Dafu really wanted to kneel down.

The crowd suddenly became confused.

Naturally, it was impossible for people around him to watch the group boss really kneel down.

Everyone hurriedly stretched out their hands to help.

Wang Wen sighed secretly.

I just feel like this guy is just fooling around with the tricks of a certain big shot in history!

But this time.

The effect of the bitter love drama seems not to be as good as before.

On the one hand, we had just suffered a lot not long ago, and everyone's emotions were exhausted, and there was no time to rekindle them for a while.

On the other hand, the hidden meaning of the conversation between the two was a bit complicated, with too many layers, and many people were too busy thinking to care about sensationalism.

This scene is obviously not very satisfactory to some think tank members of the First Financial Group.

There was a sharp-mouthed monkey-chin sitting next to him. Seeing that he couldn't help the president, he rolled his eyes and wanted to make contributions elsewhere.

So he said to Gu Jianbing angrily: The group treats you well and has never treated you unfairly. I didn't expect that in the end, the people who hurt the group the most are the people we value the most. It's really hard to predict people's hearts. What hurts more than a bullet in the chest. The knife from the back!

The words fell.

Luo Shan and Tong Xiaolei shouted angrily: Fart (shut up)!

The rest of the intelligence department also had sulky expressions and excited emotions.

Only Mo Ran walked out with a calm face and approached the sharp-mouthed monkey who was talking.

The figure disappeared in an instant when he was stopped by other people in suits and ties with their hands.

He appeared next to the sharp-nosed monkey cheek again, raised his hand and hit the opponent's mouth hard with a punch, causing him to fall back and spurt blood from his mouth and nose.

The sharp-mouthed monkey covered his mouth and pointed at Mo Ran in fear and shouted vaguely: How dare you hit someone! He suddenly turned his head and looked at the five guards beside Zhou Dafu: What are you waiting for? Just watch. Does anyone else take action?

Captain Lu, headed by the five major guards, glanced back at him, shrugged and said, Sorry, we are only responsible for the president's safety.

The sharp-mouthed monkey covered his mouth and nose in pain, shame and annoyance, rolled his eyes and almost breathed out.

Although Zhou Dafu was annoyed that the waste was too stupid and ruined the good situation he had worked so hard to create.

But he couldn't see his subordinates being bullied like this, so he looked at Mo Ran displeasedly: Team Leader Mo, is this a bit too much?

Mo Ran said coldly: If you dare to slander the elder, if it weren't for you and the group, he would be a corpse now.

For the first time, he realized that he couldn't speak well, and Zhou Dafu felt a little angry.

It's a pity that the character is now a victim, so he can't be too tough, so he has to grit his teeth and swallow his anger.

At this time.

The troublemaker Wang Wei stood up again and forcibly changed the topic: Don't interrupt, I am confirming something with the president.

He looked at Zhou Dafu, who looked confused, and asked again: Mr. Zhou, you just admitted that launching missiles was a wrong decision, right? Now this is the case, I mean, now that the First Consortium knows that it was a mistake , then let’s talk about how Tiansheng Group’s compensation should be distributed. My personal suggestion is that I don’t want entities such as materials, real estate, etc. The first consortium can all be discounted and paid to me as points, which is convenient for everyone. ,what do you think?

Hear this.

Everyone looked at him with strange eyes.

Today’s episode is obviously about relationships.

Why are you talking about business here openly?

Zhou Dafu, who was opposite him, couldn't help but sneered. He put away his previous emphasis on Wang Wei and looked at him like an idiot: What are you talking about? How can there be any compensation from Tiansheng Group?

Wang Min shook his head and advised earnestly: Boss Zhou, we are all adults, so don't default on such superficial things!

Sorry! I don't understand what you are talking about at all! Zhou Dafu shook his hand suddenly and asked loudly with a stern face: As the president of the group, I have already apologized. If you want to compensate, you can sit down and take your time. Discuss, what else do you want? I warn you not to push too far!

Alas... Wang Min sighed: Mr. Zhou, can you guarantee that Tiansheng will never transfer even an inch of land to the First Consortium?

Zhou Dafu snorted coldly: What guarantee can I give? Even if Tiansheng transfers, it is a normal business activity. Could it be that my first consortium will never do business with Tiansheng in the future?

Wang Min nodded and said helplessly: I understand.

He looked up at Zhou Dafu and said in a regretful tone: It's a pity. This was originally the simplest way to deal with it.


Zhou Dafu smiled noncommittally.

Make it clear that you don’t want to continue talking about this boring topic.

Wang Min didn't intend to continue arguing with him.

Turning around and facing everyone in the Intelligence Department, he said: Dear friends, this happened because of me. I originally thought that if Mr. Zhou was willing to have a good talk, then we could have a good talk. But now it seems that he has no intention to talk, so I won't force him. Everyone can come back if they want. Reply, if you want to stay in the academy, let me briefly introduce the benefits of the academy. It is very simple. All academy members can rent at least ten rare props for free according to the level of the tower; they can conduct absolutely effective mental training every day; they can enter every week. The Tower Revenue Academy does not take any penny or even pays points to purchase props that members are willing to sell; you can participate in large-scale physical simulation training at least once a month; you are guaranteed to upgrade the tower by at least 100 floors every year. If the tower is not upgraded enough, I will personally lead the tower.


Before the introduction was finished, the sharp-mouthed monkey-cheeked man next to Zhou Dafu, who had bleeding mouth and nose and leaky teeth, couldn't help laughing. He just heard him sneer with disdain: Tell me a joke, the college wants to be a consortium! I really can't stand it. Well, let’s not talk about anything else, what is that ‘absolutely effective mental training’? Do you understand that there has never been any guaranteed effective mental training in history?”

Wang Min nodded at him: Thanks to this friend for his cooperation. What he mentioned is exactly what I am going to introduce to you next. Please look at the playground center.

Everyone turned around quickly.

I was shocked to see a towering stone statue slowly emerging from the sky in the center of the playground.

Wang Wen said loudly: Please allow me to pretend to you... I would like to solemnly introduce to you the treasure of the academy, the unprecedented and absolutely effective mental training that has shocked the world and made gods cry and ghosts cry - the super invincible breath-taking stone!

Thanks to [Ruan Jiudong] and [Cute God Doudou] for the reward! ——Thank you to my old friend [Wangtianji Gu Ling] for your huge reward! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! By the way, Ling Ling, you are still young now, so just collect and subscribe, so you don’t need to reward me.

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