Returning from the 900th floor

Chapter 180 If there are no troublemakers

Chapter 178 If there are no troublemakers

In the center of the crowd was none other than Zhou Dafu, the president of the First Financial Group.

When the president personally takes action, the battle is always bigger.

In addition to a large number of sharp-mouthed monkeys in suits and leather shoes in Wuyangyang, there are also five guards with swords on their body.

Wang Wen became happy as soon as he saw those five people.

Presumably, the sudden changes in the current world situation have led to a sharp decline in the status of tower climbers in major financial groups.

Even the team of truly number one tower climbers in the world, who were originally in the clouds and looked down at everyone, have become the personal bodyguards of the group president.

One can only imagine the desolate situation in which other tower climbers were treated.

Keep it up like this.

Those who climb the tower in a group really might as well jump out and go it alone and become a happy free man.

Let all consortiums play by themselves.

Isn't it just that wealth is accumulated earlier, the foundation is thicker than ordinary people, and the points are more?

What's so great.

No matter how much money there is, it will not be distributed to the poor people.

Capitalists are all bitches!

Wang Min was enjoying herself here, thinking wildly.

Over there, the leader of Zhou Dafu approached aggressively, but he said hello in a gentle and nonchalant manner: Wang Wen, Teacher Xiao Wang, I have heard of you for a long time, and today I see you are indeed worthy of your reputation!

Wang Min pointed at herself strangely: The president of the First Financial Group actually knows me? I'm a bit flattered.

Zhou Dafu chuckled and said: It's not surprising. Although our group's intelligence department is suffering from divisions, the foundation is still there after all.

As he spoke, his eyes swept over Mo Ran, Luoshan, Tong Xiaolei and others, and finally landed on Gu Jianbing.

He shook his head and asked in a heavy tone: Mr. Gu, it's your business to end your relationship with the group. It's your own decision to leave. No one forced you. Why did you take away the elite backbone to destroy the intelligence you created? department?

Gu Jianbing frowned and looked very sad.

Luo Shan, who was next to him, was the first to shout: We all resigned voluntarily, and it has nothing to do with the elder. He has never made any demands on us!

Zhou Dafu's eyes turned to him, as if he suddenly realized: I see, then I would like to ask Team Leader Luo for advice. What did the group do wrong to deserve such an unpardonable fate? Tell me, I will change it!

As soon as these words came out.

The expressions of everyone present changed.

Everyone thought that Zhou Dafu was here to cause trouble, and no one expected that he would have such an attitude.

Luo Shan, who was being asked for advice, suddenly felt a little guilty. He made an excuse and said with insufficient confidence: The new chief of the Airborne Intelligence Department doesn't know anything and is giving directions blindly. I can't stand it!

Zhou Dafu nodded: Change! Please recommend a candidate who is qualified to serve as the head of the Intelligence Department. I will replace him immediately!

Wang Wen on the periphery narrowed his eyes.

Luo Shan was speechless.

Let yourself recommend candidates?

This question is too difficult.

Who is qualified? Everyone knows this answer.

But the problem lies in the answer itself.

Zhou Dafu, who was on the opposite side, saw that Luo Shan was hesitating and speechless, so he said considerately: Let me answer it for you. Except for Gu Jianbing Gu, you will not be satisfied with anyone else. .

He told everyone what they were thinking.

He raised his head and looked at all the old people in the intelligence department. With a sad face and a hint of haggard and grievance, he asked everyone with great emotion: But Mr. Gu, did I let him go? Is this our group's mistake? Is it our group's mistake? Is there anything wrong in this world called allowing someone to leave?

The whole place was silent.

There was even a hint of guilt in the hearts of everyone in the Intelligence Department.

Zhou Dafu did not stop, and continued to talk emotionally: If the group is wrong, or someone like me is wrong, you are welcome to point it out as long as it is reasonable, and I will definitely accept it and correct it! But right now we have not done anything wrong, just because we agreed. Everyone, I am very heartbroken when Mr. Gu leaves and ends up in this situation.

Some people bowed their heads and remained silent.

Some people shook their heads and sighed.

Some people looked at each other.

Someone looked remorseful.

Seeing that the rhythm was under control, Zhou Dafu was very satisfied. He turned to look at the silent Gu Jianbing and launched the final blow: Uncle Gu, you abandoned us and left willfully just because your ideas don't agree with you. I don't think much of it. No matter what, no matter how difficult it is, I will try to arrange people to take over the position you left and try to restore stability.

His eyes were shining brightly, and there was a hint of sobs in his voice: But now, the group intelligence department is facing the disaster of disintegration. I am at a loss. How can I save the group's hard work? Will all the groups be able to do it from now on? You must have the final say on all matters? I thought about it, yes, no problem! As long as I can keep my position as president of the group intelligence department, I can give it to you. In this way, you will always be satisfied, right? Please be noble and put the group first. Ma, can you let me go and let you and my father work hard for your whole life?

The words fell.

All the people in suits and ties beside Zhou Dafu shouted in panic: President (boss)?!

Everyone in the Intelligence Department was shocked.

Gu Jianbing, who had devoted his whole life to the First Financial Group without any ambiguity, took a step back. He was on the verge of collapse, burst into tears, looked up to the sky, and almost planned to die to express his ambition.

Wang Wen, who was watching quietly from the outside, was almost applauded by this scene.

Unlike others, looking at Zhou Dafu's face full of sincerity and grief, Wang Min could clearly notice that there was no emotion in the other person's eyes, and there was even a hint of imperceptible pride.

This discovery made Wang Min sigh with emotion: All businessmen in high positions are old foxes.

The dignified boss of the No. 1 financial group actually disguised himself as a victim?

It’s really awesome!

In this manner, he spoke true and false words.

It's easy to make those who left feel guilty, and even Mr. Gu himself couldn't stop himself from returning to the group to prove his innocence.

Of course it is impossible for him to sit in the position of president.

That would be worse than killing an old man.

Killing is just a means, killing one's heart is art.

To be able to speak to this point is really a good idea of ​​the old man's psychology. It is conceivable that even if the old man really returns to the group, he will no longer have any say in the group from now on, and he will not speak again.

This move is absolutely amazing!

as expected.

A voice soon came out from among the people in the Intelligence Department: I'm sorry, boss, it really has nothing to do with Mr. Gu. I, we will go back now. We won't resign. Don't leave, everyone. Don't make things difficult for Mr. Gu. Do.

Things were going smoothly.

Zhou Dafu's plan, which can basically be called a conspiracy, was implemented flawlessly.

He not only won over people's hearts, but also maintained his position, and also solved the hidden danger of the ancient master's superiority.

It's like killing two, three, four, five, six or seven eagles with one stone!

If there were no troublemakers like Wang Wei.

I saw Wang Wen suddenly inserting himself into the crowd of people with blurry eyes, facing Zhou Dafu and asking in a stunned voice: Why did you hit me with a missile? Team Leader Mo and the others almost died under the missile, you know? ?”

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