Returning from the 900th floor

Chapter 170 Wang Min’s countless identities

Chapter 168 Wang Wen’s numerous identities

time is limited.

Everyone moved.

The three of them, Mo Ran, are now in an awkward position. It is not convenient for them and they don't really want to return to the First Consortium, but they cannot betray the group to help Wang Wei do some strange things, so they volunteered to supervise He Embarrassing's execution.

Avoid the all-important cannon. . dog. . A good friend accidentally got lost.

Chen Hansheng took people back to Boai Group to prepare the big baby.

Knowing that Wang Wei was sure not to implicate Boai and let them watch the show behind the scenes, the CEO of Boai Group was also a brave man who dared to fight and fight, especially watching the excitement. Dadi said that he would definitely be able to prepare a huge big show. baby.

It is definitely more than twice as powerful as the treasure from the First Financial Group!

As for Wang Wen.

He was nibbling on lobster in the hotel kitchen.

It is said that all the points you ordered should not be wasted.

It didn't take long.

Mo Ran came the news.

He Qu's action was unexpectedly smooth.

Tiansheng Group is now in chaos, with no backbone at all.

Qin Wuzheng, the only eldest son who could be called a high-level official, actually fell into deep thought after hearing the compensation list.

Why not kill him immediately?

Instead, he sent the person out politely.

Hear about this situation.

Wang Min put down the lobster and washed her hands and face with water.

Reminds me of the words quoted by Chen Hansheng: Qin Wu and Zheng Ming decreed that the world wall will be demolished unless the murderer dies.

Frowning slightly.

I suddenly felt a little worried.

He has met the eldest son of Tiansheng Group.

That is a fool who can stay in the World Tower for more than half a year just to think about a problem!

Now that Qin Dongbei has entered the World Tower, his life or death is uncertain, and the only person outside who can make the decision is that idiot.

Don't let him really go to pieces and agree to all compensation items, right?

This is a big mistake.

Thinking of this, Wang Wei wiped his mouth with a tissue and said to the people around him: You continue to implement the original plan, I will go to Tiansheng.

Zhu Xingguo asked worriedly: Master, are you safe?

Wang Min comforted him: Don't worry, it will definitely be safer than you.

Zhu Xingguo watched in stunned silence as Wang Wen left the hotel kitchen and wandered out of the corridor.

Half an hour later.

They say the most dangerous place is the safest.

Wang Wen really couldn't tell whether it was safe or not.

But today's Tiansheng Group headquarters is really chaotic.

It’s not just the employees who are in trouble.

The crowds from all walks of life were also chaotic.

Many forces arranged for people to come to the house to appease the manic Tiansheng.

I'm afraid that if we really have to tear down the world wall, things will be very serious.

People still prefer to resolve internal matters internally, and do not want to bother their friends in the west.

In this atmosphere, Wang Wenshi stepped into the Tiansheng office building.

Revisit old places.

He couldn't help but feel a little sad.

Most of the people around him were pacifiers from various forces, including men and women, old and young, and very few people knew him.

No one would have thought that the instigator of everything was standing right next to them.

Wang Wen was not interested in showing off to them either.

I guess no one would believe it.

The target whom Tiansheng had declared to kill with gritted teeth actually came to Tiansheng to go shopping in a grand manner?

I don’t even dare to write that in the story!

He walked over to the reception desk.

If others don't recognize him, the lady on duty at the reception desk will definitely recognize him.

Not only do I recognize him, I can probably even dream about his face very clearly.

The young lady was so shocked that she wanted to shout.

Wang Min made a silent gesture and asked her with a smile: Is the eldest son Qin Wu Zheng on the 19th floor?

The beautiful young lady almost cried and nodded, and reminded her in a very professional manner: Mr. Qin is having a meeting with the heads of the visiting financial groups. I'm afraid it's not convenient to see you.

It's okay, old friend. I'll go up and find him myself. Wang Min walked carelessly through the blockade and climbed the stairs upstairs.

People from various parties near the reception counter pointed at his back and shouted: Why can he get in?! He jumped in line!

The young lady thought for a long time.

There's nothing good to say.

I could only tell the many questioners seriously and honestly: That person is a robber. He robbed the Tiansheng prop library before.

People on all sides were stunned.

After a moment of silence.

More turbulent noises sounded.


Don't try to fool us!

Liar! The robber is talking to you with such a smile? Why didn't he see you scream?

Yes, you do scream!

You didn't even scream and you tried to trick us! There's no way!

As expected of Tiansheng, you are always so arrogant! Treating us like monkeys!

The young lady was about to cry but had no tears. For the first time in her life, the word explanation was so difficult.

It's noisy downstairs.

It was quite quiet in the corridor.

Wang Min climbed all the way to the 19th floor unimpeded.

The strengthened physique provides ample physical strength, and even climbing so many stairs at such a not too slow speed is not tiring.

He took a moment at the door of the stairs to calm his breathing.

He took out another [Da Luo Good Fortune Pill] and ate it.

I tried to test my mental strength, and after resting during this period, I almost recovered 30% to 40%.

not much.

But it should be enough.

After breaking through the two deceptions, they are used as mental toxins, and the consumption is very slight.

Much better than a crude, distracting, ineffective mental shock.

The most important thing is that the movement is small and concealed enough.

If you want to kill someone, you will never alert the large troops outside.

Wang Min opened the stair door and walked into the corridor with satisfaction.

On both sides of the corridor are the offices of various senior leaders.

There is a large conference room occupying at least three rooms in the middle section.

It was crowded at the moment.

Through the glass door, you can see that each of them is excited, as if they are arguing about something.

Wang Wen did not knock on the door.

I opened it directly and walked in.

As soon as the door opened, there was a bang and a chaotic sound rushed towards me.

It was as if he had been subjected to the lion's roaring skill. If it weren't for his amazing perseverance, he would have almost escaped from this land of howling ghosts and howling wolves.

I dug my ears vigorously and massaged them to relax my eardrums to prevent them from being damaged.

He walked towards the familiar face at the back of the conference room as if there was no one else around.

The subordinates of unknown consortiums around looked at him in confusion as he walked through the sea of ​​people.

It wasn't until Qin Wu Zheng was approaching that someone finally stopped him and asked, Who are you?

People on the other side of the conference room were still shouting something: Why do you need us to clean up the trouble you Tiansheng caused? Everyone will have a hard time after tearing down the wall of the world. We must not be impulsive. Who is this Wang Min who deserves the whole world's support? He's going to war and stuff like that.

Qin Wu Zheng didn't care what others said, he just emphasized: If the murderer doesn't die, the wall of the world will be torn down.

Wang Wen was stopped a few meters away and could not get close to Qin Wu Zheng, so she had to wave and say hello to him: Hi!

The person who stopped him had a black look on his face and was trying to push him out.

Qin Wu Zheng noticed chaos out of the corner of his eye, and someone was saying Hi to him, so he turned around and looked.

When he looked at it, he saw a face that seemed familiar.

I seem to have seen it somewhere.

Pretty impressive.

He would never dare to connect this face with the murderer who killed his father in the surveillance video.

So I tried my best to go far away.

Thinking of this, I couldn't help but ask: We seem to know each other?

The body of the person pushing Wang Wen over there was already full of mental toxins.

He was so close to dying.

Hearing Qin Wu Zheng's voice, he stopped in a desperate move.

Wang Min glanced at him regretfully and decided to do business first, so she waved to Qin Wu Zheng and said, Have you forgotten? I gave you [All Evil Is Proof] in the tower.

Qin Wu Zheng suddenly realized: Oh, it's you! If you don't have time now, go out and wait for me. I'll talk to you later.

Wang Min said: You misunderstood, I didn't come to you to achieve wealth. In fact, I am Shen Rushuang's subordinate. He, uh, she told me that there are three super-high-level old... guys who can be saved easily. Your Majesty, there is no need to worry.

Qin Wu Zheng shrugged nonchalantly and said, It doesn't matter anymore. I just want the murderer's life now.

Wang Min reluctantly advised: Then have you ever thought that when the boss comes out of the tower and finds out that you sold the group, he will be really angry to death.

After a word, Qin Wuzheng finally fell into hesitation, looked at Wang Wei suspiciously and asked: Are you sure my dad will come back safe and sound?

When it came to the professional field, Wang Wei became extremely confident. He held his head high and said: I'm sure! It's just a head explosion. The fatal point of a werewolf is not in the head! It can definitely be saved!

Qin Wu Zheng finished listening.

His eyes widened for a moment: Why do you know so clearly? I have never disclosed the surveillance content to the outside world!

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