Returning from the 900th floor

Chapter 169 Muddy the Water

Chapter 167 Muddy the Water

No one came forward to claim Captain He.

Even Chen Hansheng who might remember him was indifferent.

Just frowning and thinking.

The two younger brothers were too far away from Zhang Wei and his wife.

But it's useless even if they are close.

This group of people in the field don't care about the sound of their voices.

Until Mo Ran raised his fist and prepared to hit his head with a punch, Captain He's whole body became weak and he couldn't muster any resistance like a tower climber.

Wang Wen's voice could be heard from behind the crowd.

Just listen to him say: Old Mo, it is well known to the whole world that Jiji Hotel is a property of the First Consortium. No one dares to launch missiles at the First Consortium, not even Tiansheng who wants to kill me. Who do you think launched this missile? of?

Mo Ran's face was so livid that it turned black, and he gritted his teeth and said in a deep voice: Who else can it be!

Everyone turned to look back.

Wang Min poured something like a jelly bean into her mouth, chewed it, and threw one to Mi Lailai next to her.

Mi Lai took a look at the dirty little wooden box and put it away for storage in the aircraft with a look of disgust on his face. Then he took out a porcelain bottle that was obviously of much better quality, opened it, poured out a small ball the size of a soybean, and crushed the wax coat. Throw it into your mouth and look at Wang Min proudly.

Seeing the familiar outer packaging, Wang Min suddenly became anxious: Why didn't you take out this good thing earlier? He reached out to grab the porcelain bottle without any politeness at all, but when he poured it into the palm of his hand, it was empty.

Mi Lailai couldn't stop making funny faces.

Wang Min, with black lines all over her head, handed the porcelain bottle back helplessly and said unwillingly: I just don't have as much wealth as you now. I'll see if I don't piss you off when I make a comeback!

Okay, okay! Mi Lailai pointed outside and said, Everyone is watching, you should get down to business first.

Wang Wei turned around and saw everyone's gaze. He coughed twice and slowly stood up. He looked at Mo Ran calmly and asked: The First Financial Group has treated you like this, do you still plan to continue to work for them?

Mo Ran shook his head and replied without hesitation: Senior has been very kind to me. No matter what the group does to me, I will never leave.

Wait a moment for me to figure it out! Wang Wen frowned and analyzed: You mean, Mr. Gu is kind to you, and you stayed in the First Financial Group only because he was in the First Financial Group, right? ?”

Mo Ran looked at him like an idiot: Didn't I make it clear enough?

Wang Wen asked: Then assuming that Mr. Gu leaves the group, you will also leave, right?

Of course! I will be wherever the elder is. Mo Ran looked at Wang Wen more like an idiot and hummed: But don't think about it. The group is like flesh and blood to the elder, even if all of us It is possible for them to leave the group, and he will not leave either.

Are you sure? Wang Wen stared at him suspiciously.

Humph. Mo Ran turned his head, not bothering to answer such a stupid question.

Okay, let's not mention these things for now. Wang Min walked up to Captain He and asked condescendingly: Are you really willing to follow me without any trouble?

Hear this.

Captain He cried with joy, nodded repeatedly and shouted: As long as you agree, sir, I will be yours from now on!

Okay. Wang Wen also nodded and said: There is a job for you to do now!

He glanced at Mo Ran, who was looking murderous next to him, and ordered to the confused Captain He: You are a stranger, help me tell Tiansheng that Tiansheng Group willfully launch missiles to bomb the valuable properties of my first consortium. Now, I’m here to demand compensation.”

Mo Ran was puzzled: What do you want to do? The missile was not launched by Tiansheng!

Wang Min nodded: They will say the same thing.

Captain He on the ground looked obviously more confused: Are you asking me to pretend to be a member of the First Financial Group to talk to Tiansheng Group? No one will believe me, right?

Wang Min said matter-of-factly: You don't have to worry about whether they are concerned about the missiles or whether you are true or false. Just continue reading the compensation list. Take notes and read the compensation list accordingly.

He paused, and waited for Captain He to hurriedly take out his mobile phone and start recording, before he spoke again: Tiansheng Group has all hotels, restaurants, entertainment, accommodation, real estate, cultural transportation, square shops, public and private buildings in various regions. The facilities, every World Tower prop belonging to the group, etc., must be handed over to the First Foundation within this week. If there is any delay, it will be regarded as a refusal to compensate, and the First Foundation will reserve the right to pursue the claim by force.

Everyone around who heard this content was collectively petrified.

Captain He looked at the content he had written down with straight eyes, and said with a dry voice: Is this outrageous list just for Tian Sheng's death?

Mo Ran, who was next to him, was the first to recover from the petrification. Hearing this, he sneered at him and said, I don't know whether Tian Sheng dies or not. You will definitely die. They will chop you up and feed you to the dogs.

Huh?? Captain He almost dropped his cell phone and looked at Wang Min pleadingly.

Wang Min comforted him: Don't worry, if the two countries are at war, they will definitely not dare to touch you for the sake of the First Financial Group.

Captain He almost cried: What if they go crazy after hearing this and must hack me to death?

Wang Min thought for a while and gave him a great idea: Then you run.

Captain He is not stupid at all.

After hearing this, he shook his head repeatedly.

No matter what, I don't want to accept this fatal job.

Seeing this, Wang Min could only give up helplessly: Since you don't want to, I can't force you.

He turned to Mo Ran and said, Let's kill him.

wait wait wait!

Captain He was so distraught that he raised his cell phone and said, I am willing, I am especially willing to scare Tiansheng Group, I think they will be scared to death by me.

Wang Wen looked at him with satisfaction: Very good, what's your name?

Captain He said with a grimace: My surname is He. It's embarrassing to have a single name. It's embarrassing.

Okay, why are you embarrassed? Wang Wen continued to order: If you haven't coughed yet after going to Tiansheng... After you come out of Tiansheng, you can go to the First Financial Group and tell them... Don't be stunned and pick up your phone. Remember, if you mispronounce it then I really won’t be able to save you. Tell the First Financial Group that the shameless thieves launched missiles at their own property and then came to blackmail our Tiansheng Group. It’s really ugly! We Tiansheng Never give in, fight if you want!

He Embarrassed looked at the text recorded on his phone and felt that no matter whether he read it wrong or right, he would die.

Mo Ran next to him looked at Wang Min meaningfully: You want to muddy the water?

Wang Min said modestly: It's just a couple of times and it's not confusing.

Mo Ran nodded: I also think this trick is too childish.

So, the key point is to have the cooperation of the big guys! Wang Wei turned to Chen Hansheng on the other side mysteriously, rubbed his hands and asked curiously: Old Chen, your group is also third after all, with things like missiles There must be some, right?

Chen Hansheng felt an inexplicable chill down his spine and asked warily: What do you want to do?

Others have bombarded you with missiles, so you don't plan to bomb them back? Wang Min's tone was like a little devil escaping from hell: Don't worry, I won't let your hair go gray. I'll pay for it. Is ten million enough? ?”

It's not a matter of money. Chen Hansheng shook his head: You want me to blast you back? Who? The First Consortium? I might be able to withstand the fight with Tiansheng, but with the First Consortium, it's not enough to tear down the fraternity.

We didn't let the fraternity explode. Wang Min said with a smile: Tian Sheng is so miserable. As bystanders, we can't bear it. It's okay to support them with some strategic materials.

The brains of everyone around him began to boil.

It was a mess.

Mi Lailai rubbed his forehead and said painfully: If you speak a little slower, I can't turn around. Are you telling Tiansheng to use fraternity's missiles to bomb the First Consortium? My God, this is really messy. A world war?”

Mo Ran shook his head decisively and said, It's impossible. Tiansheng doesn't dare to attack the group. Even if he does, there's no need to use Fraternity's missiles. Oh my, these things are killing me.

There is no need to obtain their consent. Wang Min raised his chin towards Chen Hansheng: As long as Boai prepares the missile, I can naturally let Tiansheng launch it. It has nothing to do with Boai.

Letting Tiansheng launch has nothing to do with fraternity... Chen Hansheng was suspicious: Do you have helpers in Tiansheng?

Wang Min said with a smile: Who doesn't have a few friends these days?

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