Returning from the 900th floor

Chapter 130 The boy who picked up feces [4th update]

Chapter 128 The Boy Who Picks Out Dung

The delay mechanism is a type that Wang Min seldom uses.

He is used to avenging a grudge on the spot without waiting for it to happen later.

Only this time, he suddenly became interested and wanted to do more boring things.

I saw him setting up an extra layer of triggering mechanisms outside the delay mechanism, then taking out a brick from his backpack and punching it.

The fist surface was instantly broken and bleeding.

He took out a [She Shui Bead], smeared all the scraps of skin and flesh from his fist onto the bead, and carefully placed the bead on the trigger mechanism to ensure that the bead could be torn in half when the mechanism was activated.

Do it all.

Wang Wei stood up, clapped her hands with satisfaction, washed the injuries on her hands several times with healthy water, turned and walked out of the mine.

Although the female magician, who was in tatters and looked like a beggar, was puzzled, she had no energy to ask any more questions and could only follow him and leave quickly.

Before he could reach the entrance of the cave.

There was a loud rumbling sound behind him.

The entire mine shook.

All the supporting beams, wood and stone walls were shaking violently.

The mechanism was triggered in advance.

Wang Min smiled faintly.

Then he faced the female magician who looked at her in panic.

He only said one word: Run!

He took the lead in raising his feet and running with his head down, rushing towards the entrance of the cave at a speed faster than the moving speed mechanism.

The female magician was so frightened that she quickly ran away.

Unfortunately, her previous wave of ultimate moves seemed to have consumed a lot of energy, and now she was running unsteadily and accidentally fell down.

Wang Wen, who was rushing forward, didn't know if he heard this Oops.

Didn't look back though.

But the speed of running on the soles of the feet actually accelerated a little bit despite the impossibility.

The whole person rushed out of the mine like a bolt of lightning.

The female magician was dumbfounded.

Gritting his teeth, he waved his short staff and poured some water on his bruised knee. His face turned pale from the pain, and then he stood up and continued running towards the entrance of the cave.

But an overwhelming flood came from behind, instantly covering her frail body.


Not far after Wang Min ran out of the mine, she saw a huge spray of water spraying from the entrance of the cave.

The entire mine was reduced to rubble under the violent impact, and all supports turned into debris floating on the water.

Even the ground at the entrance of the cave seemed to be a little lower.

The floods brought out the filth that had been buried deep in many mines for many years.

There were corpses, bones, and many strange-shaped pieces of meat.

Not a moment later.

A naked figure was washed out by the flood amid a pile of filth.

Wang Min didn't mind being dirty either. With quick eyesight and hands, she rushed up to the water and grabbed the figure and dragged her to a dry place.

The female magician rolled her eyes, coughed up water, and said with pain on her face: Let me die...

Wang Min nodded, threw her back into the sewage, turned around and jumped on the airship.

The person in charge of the airship was stunned.

Pointing at the naked female magician, Wang Wei asked, Dear warrior, isn't she your female companion?

Wang Wen was stunned: What kind of female companion? Never.

The person in charge of the airship shouted Ouch and Ouch, and quickly pulled out a piece of hemp cloth from the airship and ran to the female magician to wrap it up. He helped her up and slowly walked back to the airship.

Wang Wen asked him doubtfully: What are you doing? She wants to die, so don't delay her!

The person in charge of the airship said Oh repeatedly and called out with a sad face: What is worth seeking death for at a young age? Wouldn't it be wrong to take such a beautiful woman home as my wife?

Wang Wen was even more confused: How do you know she is young?

The person in charge of the airship said Ouch repeatedly, pinched the corners of his eyes to the side, and asked in confusion: Can't you see this??

It's up to you. Wang Min shrugged helplessly, watching the person in charge struggling to put the people on the airship and settling them down, and felt deeply for him.

The airship takes off.

The female magician was wrapped in hemp cloth and huddled in a corner in a daze, never saying a word again.

The person in charge of flying the airship was afraid that she would freeze, so he drove the airship very low and slowed down.

Wang Wei glanced at the setting sun on the horizon, patted the bulkhead and urged: Boss, you have no problem being a hero to save the beauty. Can you go faster? You are in a hurry.

The person in charge had no choice but to speed up.

Fortunately, the flying distance is not too far.

When passing by the previously flooded village, I was cheered and greeted by the villagers on the ground.

Hurrying slowly, I finally made it back to the Magicians Association in the small town during dinner time.

The four of them, Mo Ran, were already waiting in the lobby.

When they saw Wang Wen, everyone looked confused. He was in a mess, his trousers were soaked, and there were many half-dried stains on his clothes.

Mo Ran came closer and was about to speak when he suddenly sniffed his nose and retreated with a retching sound.

After retreating several meters away, he covered his nose and stared at Wang Wen in horror and asked: Have you gone to pick up the feces? It's just thirty gold coins, right? You can't make money in that way!

When Wang Wen saw the four people, he felt like they were reunited after a long absence.

It was only one afternoon, but it seemed like a long time before I saw someone familiar.

If he hadn't seen everyone, he almost forgot that he was climbing a tower.

Too many things happened in this half day.

He wanted to give everyone a hug.

Take this opportunity to remember your lost youth.

Chen Hansheng was at a loss and pretended to have a stomachache to escape.

Ren Ruanruan covered his nose as if he encountered a gangster in the middle of the night, shook his head and backed away.

Mo Ran directly took out the [Dharma Hand] and put it on, as if you dare to come over and I will fight for my life.

In the end, only Zhu Xingguo was left.

Although his face was full of resistance, he still closed his eyes and opened his hands, looking as if he was going to die.

Wang Min stopped teasing them and asked everyone what they had gained in the afternoon.

Zhu Xingguo breathed a sigh of relief and quickly took out a money bag, which seemed to contain countless coins scattered here and there.

He reported the report as if asking for credit: Xiao Ren and I completed 18 tasks in total and earned 106 silver coins and more than 300 copper coins!

Wang Min nodded: Yes, there is about a gold coin.

Mo Ran took out a money bag and poured it into the palm of his hand, filled with gold.

He said proudly: For a dozen silver coins and seven gold coins, we sold a large box of healthy water!

Wait a moment. Wang Min looked at the coins with a pale face: A bottle of healthy water worth two thousand points. I won't ask you how many bottles there are in a box. How many gold coins does a large box of water cost? What are you proud of??

Holy shit! Mo Ran immediately jumped to his feet and shouted: Do you know how hard it is to get gold coins here?? When I bring other things out, they don't even look at them because they don't know the goods! Only this body health water is worth some money. At the beginning, the quotations given to me were in copper coins! It wasn’t until I gave various demonstrations and explanations that they reluctantly raised the unit to silver coins!!”

A long paragraph was shouted hoarse, and the tone seemed to contain endless grievances.

As a result, Mo Ran saw that Wang Min was still pouting.

This man exploded in an instant. Regardless of whether he was dirty or not, he grabbed Wang Wen's arm and shouted: Just know how much money you have made by talking about me? Don't make less than me! I'll make you laugh to death if I don't!!!

At the end of the sentence, Mo Ran almost gritted his molars and spoke out.

It's okay, it's okay. Wang Wei asked the staff to call Marchance.

When the old man saw him, he covered his nose and asked curiously: My child, have you taken out the excrement?

Thank you [Maomao Pig 2005] for the reward!

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