Returning from the 900th floor

Chapter 129 Might die

Chapter 127 Might Die

The people who rely on the mountains to eat the mountains and the water to eat the water.

The flood-afflicted village is no longer flood-affected. The villagers took out the salted fish pickled at home and gave it to Wang Wen.

Wang Wen politely refused.

He only accepted a jar of fine wine that the village chief had specially collected for many years.

He boarded the airship with the flood control document signed by the village chief expressing his satisfaction and left in style.

The water stone giant was unable to move around and could not fight with him for the time being, so Wang Wen reluctantly put it away.

After this, the next time you want to summon it, you will have to wait 24 hours later.

Ordinarily, after completing the B-level bounty, you can go back and submit the mission. A bounty of one hundred gold coins should be enough.

However, Wang Wei looked at the details of the reward for the Mine Salamander and frowned.

The reward mentioned that the mine was a private workshop. It was not large in scale, but a large family relied on it for a living.

Suddenly one day, a monster, the Salamander, came and occupied the mine as its lair. By coincidence, the whole family was wiped out.

The thing itself is not big.

Just a few lives.

In any world, ordinary people's lives are the least valuable thing.

The key is that later, some capitalists took a fancy to this ownerless mine and wanted to take it for themselves, so they hired some people to go in and eliminate the monsters.

There are several high-level magicians in the immortal mercenary team.

The Salamander was ignorant and instead of taking the initiative to hand over his head, he used the complex terrain in the mine as a basis to kill all the mercenaries, including those overconfident magicians.

Things escalated instantly.

Magicians are no ordinary people.

That is the mainland's most precious strategic resource.

The Magician Association was furious when they heard the news.

Directly send large troops to encircle and suppress.

Unfortunately, as mentioned before, the mine is not large in scale and the number of people who can enter at the same time is really limited. Most people can only stay on the ground and stare.

As the Salamander stayed in the mine for longer and longer, he became more and more familiar with the terrain inside the cave, and he was able to kill people without being seen.

Batch after batch of lives were filled in.

However, the mine salamanders were never eliminated.

I heard that maybe too much human meat was sent in and the Salamander could not finish it by himself, so he simply summoned his companions to have a dinner together.

Over time, that mine has now officially become the territory of the Salamander.

It turned out that the salamander had married several wives with its abundant food, and had children all over the place, as if it had spawned a large family.

The Magicians Association lost a lot of manpower, and spent a lot of money to pay for the casualties. After the management calmed down, they decided not to add fuel to the fire, and just put a C-level bounty on it and stop caring about it.

The low bounty made no one willing to go to the mine to clear out the monsters.

Thankless work can easily turn into food reserves for others.

Not a good deal.

The original excitement in the mine gradually subsided. Waiting for a truly top magician to pass by nearby one day and be interested in the bounty, there may be hope of completing it.

Only some capitalists who don’t give up.

From time to time, ordinary people would be sent into the mines to die.

They didn't let these ordinary people destroy the salamanders, but let them go in for mining!

For them, the lives of ordinary people are not worth anything. If they are lucky enough to mine the minerals one day, these lives will be worth it.

Wang Min read the details of the reward.

The airship flew near the target mine.

The former brilliance of this mine can still be vaguely seen from the air.

Everything you can see is a mess.

It is estimated that someone once wanted to dismantle the entire mine, but it may be difficult to operate deep underground, so they gave up.

We found a safe and flat place to land on a small high ground.

Wang Min jumped off the airship.

The female magician Shi Shiran followed behind him.

Wang Min didn't look back and said, This time it's more dangerous. You might die if you follow me.

He was serious in his advice.

Even he didn't have much confidence in fighting a local snake in an unknown terrain, let alone a tow bottle.

To be honest, asking someone to quit in advance is the best way.

Unexpectedly, the female magician was surprisingly confident and said nonchalantly: Although I can't defeat these monsters, it's not that easy for them to hurt me.

Wang Min paused for a moment, then continued moving forward.

They are just strangers who meet by chance, and a word of advice is already a rare kindness.

Don't listen and pull me down.

Walk to the mine.

Even before entering, there is a fishy smell.

Wang Wen thought for a while, took out a small bag of powder, mixed it with body health water and swallowed it.

Then he went straight into the mine.

Completely ignoring the frowning female magician behind her.

Seeing that he didn't say anything, the female magician took some unknown stuff and went straight into the cave. After a few hesitations, she followed him in with a stamp of her feet.

Just before entering the cave, he took out a short staff from his robe and placed something on his body.

Inside the mine.

The light is very dim.

A few faint rays of broken light flowed down from the broken part of the zenith.

As we walked deeper, even those few rays of broken light disappeared.

There was disgusting slime or excrement all over the floor.

It is rare to see human bones.

They may have all been stored and collected by the industrious salamanders as treasury.

Many passages wind in all directions.

Some are short and can be seen at a glance.

It's a bit dark, and it's still dark when you look up after walking for a while.

There are many wall lamps on the walls inside the cave.

Most of them were destroyed.

The reason why a small part of it is on is probably because those unscrupulous capitalists sent people in to die.

Wang Wen walked along the bright passage.

There are many fresh traces on this road.

Such as the stubble of stones, or the blood stains that have not completely solidified.

Wang Wen stopped.

Standing in the open space in the center of a fork in the road.

He suddenly felt disgusted with this mine.

It's not that I hate the mine itself, but it's the impact it has.

If it weren't for the profit, why would the capitalist use human life as a shovel to dig hard even though he knew there was a vicious beast in the hole?

Someone is snatching up the beheading business.

No one cares about the business that is losing money.

This is reality.

Wang Min can't solve the reality, but it doesn't stop him from feeling disgusted with this place.

He squatted down.

A small time-delay mechanism was built in the center of the road.

In the process of making the mechanism, a long-tailed lizard the size of an arm suddenly appeared from the shadow in the corner and flew straight towards the female magician's calf.

The female magician waved her short staff lightly, and a transparent diamond-shaped ice pick penetrated the lizard and nailed it to the ground.

These rumored salamanders that have killed countless people and are very difficult to deal with are nothing more than that. The female magician kicked the dead lizard proudly and smiled casually.

She didn't wait for more than half a second to laugh.

A shadow above his head moved.

Then more shadows moved.

Wang Min, who was squatting on the ground playing with the mechanism, also moved his ears, and casually reminded the cannon fodder: Watch your head.

The smile on the female magician's face froze.

Because pieces of lizards fell from the sky and landed on her feet, body, head and face.

And he didn’t say much, he just opened his mouth and ate.

Boom boom boom!

The sorceress exploded.

To be precise, a layer of light on her body exploded.

Countless fine ice crystals were exploded, and like thorn needles under the high-speed sprint, they penetrated the entire body of the surrounding lizards without any hindrance.

Even Wang Wen, who was not far away, was included in this indiscriminate AOE attack, crackling on a transparent semicircle that appeared out of thin air behind him, as if there was a hailstorm.

Wang Wei turned her head dissatisfied and said, Don't disturb me, okay? I'm working.

The female magician was in ragged clothes, panting, and the hand holding the short staff was trembling. When she heard these words, she had no energy to reply except rolling her eyes.

Thanks to [Pigeones] [Pigeons 2005] for the tip! ——Thank you [Sihahe Equipment Group No. 8] for your generous rewards! ! ! ! ! ————Thank you [Moonlight in Enchanted Eyes] for your huge reward! ! ! ! ! ! Congratulations to the owner of [Moonlight in My Eyes] for being ranked second on the fan list! ! !

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