Returning from the 900th floor

Chapter 117 More than 3,300 cups of white melon juice

Chapter 116 More than 3,300 cups of white melon juice

Wang Min keenly noticed that the people here mentioned the word frontline many times.

Something moved in my heart.

Patting Mo Ran's shoulder to comfort him: Don't worry, there will definitely be a beating.

Mo Ran spread his hands helplessly and said: How can we fight like this? Are you going to take action?

Wang Wei smiled, walked to the bar, nodded slightly to Ma Tou and Mao Tou, and said in a sincere tone: I'm sorry that we from the countryside don't know the rules. I just heard that you can join the army and go to the front line if you ask the city lord. Where can I go? Can we find the city lord?

Ma Tou grinned and said: Guests, don't worry. Turn left when you go out and go straight. The tallest building in the center of the city is the City Lord's Mansion. Unless there is any accident, the City Lord is usually there.

Thank you! Wang Wei looked at it to confirm: Is it okay for us to go directly? I mean, would it be rude to come directly to the city lord? Is there any department responsible for joining the army or does it require a special introducer?

Ma Tou shook his head: Just pass the message to the guards.

Wang Min thanked him again, nodded to Maotou, who had been looking at him curiously, and then turned around and led everyone out of the tavern.

When you get out on the road paved with big stone slabs, you actually don't have to look for it at all. If you look to the left, you can see the most magnificent building in the city.

Several people walked straight to the city lord's mansion without stopping.

Arriving in front of the tall iron gate, six guards wearing armor and holding axes and halberds stood on the left and right.

Wang Min picked the nearest guard to communicate with: Please send a message and we will sign up to join the army.

The guard looked at him, then scanned the people behind him, nodded and said, Wait a moment.

After saying that, he turned around, opened the door a crack and got in.

Halfway through, the axe and halberd were still stuck on the door.

He tossed around awkwardly for a few times before reluctantly turning sideways and entering the door.

Wang Min and the remaining five guards looked at each other with big eyes and small eyes for a while. The five other guards were actually embarrassed by him and looked away.

Looking at their standing postures and gestures with weapons, Wang Min thought to himself: Even the guards of the City Lord's Mansion are such rotten fish and rotten shrimps, are they really all decent people on the front line? What is going on here?

It didn't take long.

The person who entered first opened the door and led everyone in to meet the city lord.

After passing through several corridors along the way, Wang Min and others followed the guards to the lobby of the City Lord's Mansion.

The city lord, who was wearing brocade clothes and a cake-shaped crown on his head, was sitting at the main seat in the hall, talking to several men in armor beside him. When he saw someone coming in, he raised his eyes and nodded to say hello.

A man in a bright red cloak came over and smiled at Wang Wei: Thank you for your hard work, warriors. I am Bedaokan, the chief guard. Is it right to sign up to join the army? Please come with me to register.

Wang Wen and Mo Ran nodded, and everyone followed Bei Daokan to the long table next to them, and signed and stamped on a large animal skin.

Perhaps it was because the battle was so fierce that there was no need to ask anything when registering, just record your name and hometown.

Wang Min deliberately made things difficult for World Tower's language proficiency and deliberately stated that he was from the First Consortium Intelligence Department.

Unexpectedly, the other party filled in this information without changing his attitude.

I have no curiosity at all about what the First Consortium is and what the Intelligence Department is.

Mo Ran secretly poked Wang Wen on the back, protesting against using the group name indiscriminately to show disrespect.

As a result, he was blinded when it was his turn to register.

After thinking for a long time, he finally said First Consortium Intelligence Department.

Bedaokan was very happy and chatted to several people: It seems that all of them are fellow villagers, which is really rare.

Mo Ran's face turned dark when he heard this, but he didn't know how to refute, so he shook his head and backed away.

The simple registration process ends quickly.

Bedaokan explained with a heavy face that this kind of registration is to prevent people from dying on the battlefield in the future and their bodies to be unclaimed, and to facilitate subsequent pensions and other matters.

Wang Min heard what he said and took advantage of the situation to inquire about the situation on the so-called front line.

Upon inquiry, I heard good news.

Bedaokan said that the army of demons jumping out of the portal from another world on the front line seemed endless. The mainland race coalition resisted day and night but retreated one after another. Many temporary defense fortresses were constantly breached by demons. The failure and fall of this land may be imminent. between.

After hearing this, Mo Ran was overjoyed!

He happily pulled Wang Min and whispered, saying that he would definitely have a good time as long as he went to the front line.

Wang Min asked Bei Daokan how to get to the front line.

Bedaokan recommended that a special convoy from the rear rushes to the front line every day, and the journey takes about a month.

You only need to bring your own dry food, and you can hitchhike on your way without spending any extra money during the whole journey.

This method is undoubtedly the favorite of most people, but it is too long and too late for tower climbers.

Wang Min and Mo Ran both frowned and shook their heads.

Upon seeing this, the other party suggested that the airship would be faster and could arrive in about ten days.

The two still shook their heads.

Still too long.

Not to mention ten days, the World Tower will have to be reset in two days. By then, everyone's progress in climbing the tower will be lost, and their hard work will be in vain.

Seeing that even airships could not satisfy this group of warriors, Bedaokan pondered for a moment and said hesitantly: There is a quick way, but it is very expensive.

he introduced.

The Magicians Association has a long-distance teleportation array.

Through that teleportation array, you can instantly reach the Magician Association closest to the front line, and it only takes one meal to walk from there to the battlefield.

It's just expensive.

Extremely expensive.

The Magician Association does not accept coins, only magic crystals.

A piece of magic crystal requires at least 10 gold coins in the auction house's bidding record.


Not copper coins.

In the tavern where several people were staying when they appeared before, a cup of white melon juice costs three copper coins. According to the currency here, one gold coin is equal to 100 silver coins, which is equal to 10,000 copper coins.

Equivalent to more than 3,300 cups of white melon juice! !

If Mo Ran had thrown out a gold coin at that time, it would have been a drink casually.

As a result, a piece of magic crystal now costs ten gold coins.

Wang Min mentally calculated the prices outside the tower and estimated that one gold coin could have a purchasing power of 20,000 to 30,000 points.

Mo Ran said to Wang Wen: This is indeed much faster than taking a car or flying.

Everyone took the military certificate issued by Bedaokan on behalf of the city lord, said goodbye to the indifferent city lord, and left the city lord's mansion.

Follow the route indicated by Bedaokan to find the Magician Association, intending to find out the specific transmission costs.

Just arrived at the door.

I heard a girl's scream and a man's roar inside the wooden door.

Wang Wen and others looked at each other.

Mo Ran's eyes shone.

He rolled up his sleeves, pushed the door open and rushed in.

Preparing for a killing spree.

He was astonished to see a group of people in the room standing around a several-meter-high stone pillar with at least five people hugging each other, stretching out their hands to exercise power.

There were a group of people, old and young, men and women, all of whom were so depressed that their faces were red, their ears were red and their veins were exposed.

From time to time, a woman screamed and backed away in pain, covering her head.

Someone immediately stepped forward to fill her vacancy.

Occasionally, there will be men who grit their teeth and roar, sweating profusely and persisting.

Judging from the appearance of this group of people, they all seemed to be doing it voluntarily.

Nothing forced happened.

Mo Ran lowered his fists with regret on his face.

. . .

PS: A boss said that after ten updates, the alliance will be instant. This is really a painful torture for me. . Wanting something but not getting it is probably the greatest pain in the world. .

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