Returning from the 900th floor

Chapter 116 Two hundred floors, a new world

Chapter 115 Two hundred floors, a new world

Just as many people cannot understand the atmosphere of getting along in Wang Wen's team.

Chen Hansheng couldn't understand it either.

He couldn't even understand the way Mo Ran and Wang Wen got along.

The education that the CEO of Boai Group received from an early age is that birds of a feather flock together to form groups.

Obviously, in his opinion, Mo Ran and Wang Min were two completely different types of people.

A 439th floor.

A 140-story.

How could they be the same kind?

But the two of them got along particularly harmoniously.

When something goes wrong, there must be a monster!

Chen Hansheng gritted his teeth and thought that there must be a demon among those two people!

So he stopped jumping, speculating, or even saying anything, and silently entered observation mode.

this observation.

Just reached the 200th floor.

Because of the powerful Mo Ran, everyone reached the 200th floor on Thursday evening.

Comparing numbers, we can see that Wang Wei's team barely climbed a hundred floors in the first three days.

After Mo Ran joined, he climbed a hundred floors in one day.

And as everyone's tacit understanding becomes higher and higher, the speed of climbing the tower becomes faster and faster.

If only this speed could be maintained.

By the end of this week, I should be able to reach more than 400 and close to 500 floors.

Of course, this is just a hypothesis. Putting aside the problem of human physical strength, it is impossible to maintain a constant speed just from the perspective of tower level and strength.

Mo Ran was only at level 439. It might be possible to crush violent integer levels below two hundred, but it would be difficult for those above two hundred.

after all.

Every time the World Tower rises one hundred floors, the level environment will change to a world view level.

Within a hundred floors, the levels or enemies encountered are still within the normal range. For example, humans still use swords, guns and sticks. In addition to firearms and thermal weapons, at most an armed helicopter is the limit.

But starting from the 200th floor, even the world view will become different!

Just like what Wang Min and others saw now.

After the 200th level is opened.

The surroundings gradually became clearer, and everyone found themselves standing in a wooden tavern that looked like a retro medieval tavern.

At the bar behind him, there was a humanoid with a horse head pretending to be a waiter cleaning glasses.

Next to her, there was a petite pretend girl with a cat head, leaning against the bar, chatting with a ghost with an unknown head on the other side.

After a while, an armored minotaur came running from the round table not far away. He grabbed a few coins with his hooves and threw them on the wooden bar. He said in a rough voice: Another glass of black currant.

Mo Ran's eyes moved and he turned to look at Wang Min.

Wang Wen knew what he wanted to express.

Learn the language automatically without translation tools.

It's a special level!

He said nothing and quietly observed his surroundings.

The horse head at the bar poured a dark, viscous liquid that was obviously not fruit into a large wooden cup.

Minotaur took the cup without saying a word, turned around, and walked back to the round table. He clinked the cups with the other upright Minotaurs who were also wearing armor at the same table. He raised his head and poured the black liquid into his stomach in big gulps. , a face that was slightly stained with black foam showed a human-like smile.

Wang Min thought for a while and called the aircraft to check the progress target.

Discovering all creatures present is progress.

Mo Ran tightened the gloves in his hands and did not move.

Not soft-hearted.

But he didn't know how to kill these creatures that showed no malice.

In the past, even if I was in a hurry to activate my ultimate move, I would still face those monsters who were the first to show their attack signals by baring their teeth and spraying venom.

The creatures in front of me look very much like humans, and they even have language to communicate. They are just living a normal life.

There was no attack on the tower climbers.

Even if the opponent pulls out his weapon and stares at you, that's fine.

Unfortunately there is nothing.

He completely ignored this group of outsiders and just followed his own life journey.

Mo Ran was very angry.

He wanted to have a reason.

Or an excuse.

An excuse for him to go on a killing spree.

So he walked to the bar and asked horse head: Is there any beer?

Ma Tou opened his mouth and said kindly: There are two kinds, dark beer and barley juice. Which one does the guest want?

Mo Ran thought for a while and said, I don't drink. Is there any juice?

Ma Tou smiled and said: There are many juices, orange, guava, passion fruit. There is a price list here for you to take a look at. Which one does the customer need?

It brought a wooden board from the bar with lines of words engraved on it.

The language of the level automatically converted those words into common words that the viewer was accustomed to. Mo Ran saw clearly written on it the names of various drinks and juices that he had seen or never seen before. He pointed at a random one that made people laugh. Serve it.

Ma Tou lowered his head to take the cup and said at the same time: Thank you for your patronage, three copper coins for white melon juice. Does the guest need anything else?

Mo Ran shook his head: That's it, hurry up. I'm thirsty.

Ma Tou smiled and said, You can drink it if you pay the bill.

Can't you give it to me first? I'm dying of thirst! Mo Ran pretended to be angry.

Unexpectedly, Ma Tou still insisted on smiling and said: It's a small business, customers please pay the bill first.

Luo Li, do you believe it or not, I've knocked down your stall!! Mo Ran's voice became louder and louder as he smashed the table several times.

Ma Tou obviously didn't believe it.

But it did not continue to argue.

He introduced with a smile: The guest is from outside the city, right? The mercenary union in this city is diagonally opposite. If you are short of money, you can go there to try your luck. There should be many easy small tasks. If you want to make a lot of money, you can go Ask the city lord to sign up to join the army, as the battle continues on the front lines, warriors like you must be extremely popular.

Mo Ran slammed the table angrily and shouted: Are you laughing at me for being poor??

Mao Tou, who was sitting next to him, turned around and glanced at him, threw a few coins on the bar, and said calmly to Mao Tou: I asked for his share. Let's serve it to him.

Mo Ran felt that he had seized the opportunity and quickly shouted to Maotou: What does it have to do with you? Why does it look like you have so much money?

Ma Tou brought a cup of foaming liquid to Mo Ran and said with a smile: I'm definitely not mocking you, but when everyone has their own limitations, there is no shame in making money. Miss Lina is also kind-hearted to help you solve your dilemma. Guest, please use your white melon juice slowly.

Mo Ran was stunned.

Look at the grinning horse head.

Look at the indifferent cat head again.

He asked the two of them curiously: Aren't you angry that I'm causing trouble so obviously? Don't you want to beat me up?

I'm a guest from afar, you're so funny. Ma Tou smiled and shook his head, holding a cup in his hand and wiping it slowly, as if everything that just happened was just an ordinary thing.

Maotou tilted his upper body against the table and moved over a little, and said with a chuckle: The warriors who have the strength have gone to the front line. Those who come to the rear to rest must be exhausted. I feel sorry for you before I have time. How can I be angry with you? Drink whatever you like. Open your mouth, no need to be polite to me.

At this time, the Minotaur also came over, threw a few coins and shouted Blackcurrant.

Then he looked at the stunned Mo Ran, grinned and said in a rough voice: Don't be discouraged, man. Eat enough and drink enough to recharge your batteries. When you turn around, you will be able to beat those hateful guys back to the other side.

Mo Ran was stunned.

He opened his mouth speechlessly.

He returned to Wang Wen dejectedly.

He smiled bitterly and said, I can't beat this level. I'm rubbish. I can't beat it!

Thanks to [Enxiotis] [Tuba] [Liu Xingqun] for the reward!

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