Returning from the 900th floor

Chapter 108 Cannon Fodder

Chapter 107 Cannon Fodder

A group of four people walked on the gravel beach.

Ever since Zhu Xingguo said that the gentle young man did not follow him into the cave, no one cared about whether someone was missing.

Even if he could communicate with the little thing, Wang Min didn't ask a single question.

In his opinion, he is a teammate and worth saving.

If you're not a teammate, don't waste your time and energy.

Maybe someone got out of the tower?

Ren Ruanruan, who woke up from a coma, seemed to feel the preciousness of life. He couldn't stop looking at everything, with joy in his eyes.

Occasionally, if I pick up two gravels with similar shapes and colors, I will be happy and put them away solemnly for a long time.

That look was getting further and further away from the professional tower climber she advertised in her mind.

I wonder if she is aware of her current changes.

I don't know if she knows that if this team is the kind of professional tower climbing team she once favored, she may have become a barbecue in the bellies of those little things underground.

Because a professional tower climbing team will definitely not venture into a completely unknown hole for the sake of so-called teammates.

Does not comply with the Tower Climbing Code.

Mo Ran still looked indifferent and complained unhappily: I really don't know why I have to work with you to solve the water source problem. It's good for you but not for me.

Wang Wen comforted him: Who said you are not good? Help others, I believe you will feel happy!

He still looked unhappy.

Wang Wei smiled and said in a mysterious tone: Didn't you say you wanted to study weirdness? Don't you realize that it's weird now?

Mo Ran snorted disdainfully.

Then he asked curiously: What do you mean?

Wang Wei raised her eyebrows mysteriously, looked up at the sky and said, We have been walking for so long, and even though we are very hot and thirsty, we haven't even sweated a drop! I usually sweat when I stand.

Hear the words.

The three people around them couldn't help but wipe their foreheads.

There is really no sweat star at all.

Mo Ran immediately alerted: Poisoned??

It doesn't look like it. Wang Wei took a sip of Healthy Water, opened the bottle cap and looked at the water level and said, There is an unknown phenomenon that is rapidly absorbing the moisture in the exposed air.

Ren Ruanruan was shocked: No wonder my skin always feels so dry! I thought it was because of the weather!

Mo Ran looked at the rapidly evaporating body health water, smacked his lips slightly dryly, and said with a dark face: Have you been fooled? Those people lied to us!

Wang Min put the cap on the bottle and found that the water level stopped falling.

He raised his head and looked around, and said with a meaningful smile: It may not be cheating, but he more or less intends to use us as cannon fodder.

Mo Ran suddenly put on his gloves.

The whole person rushed forward a few steps and jumped high into the air.

In mid-air, [Dharma Hand] suddenly burst out with dazzling light.


The earth-shaking punch hit the ground on the gravel beach hard.

With the fist as the center, a large semicircular pit with a diameter of two meters was sunken around it.

Wang Wen and the others retreated to the edge of the pit in one breath, but they could not avoid being dusted by the large cloud of dust flying towards them.

There were even more gravel splashing at different speeds, crackling like hail and hitting everyone.

It still hurts if I accidentally hit a key part.

Wang Wei looked at Mo Ran coming up from the bottom of the circular pit and asked inexplicably: What happened? Did you see the enemy?

Mo Ran put away his gloves indifferently, waved his hand slightly, and said expressionlessly: There are no enemies. Let me vent my unhappiness.

The three of them were stunned.

Wang Min looked down at her embarrassed appearance, and said to him with a mixture of laughter and tears: Can you please say hello in advance next time you vent, or run farther away to vent?

Mo Ran actually nodded seriously and replied Okay.

This made Wang Wen amused, and she asked him in confusion: How did you climb to the 439th floor with such a character? Didn't you get mad at the enemies along the way?

Mo Ran actually replied no seriously.

Wang Min stopped chatting with him because a huge shadow appeared in front of his field of vision.

The shadows were due to the fact that except for a few stone pillars about a dozen stories high in front of everyone, everything further away could not be seen clearly, as if they were covered in a layer of gray fog.

I say huge because the invisible shadow in the distance is probably dozens of times larger than the stone pillars that are more than ten stories high in front of me!

Like a mountain hidden in the dark night.

Everyone walked to the stone pillar.

Zhu Xingguo wanted to reach out and touch him.

Was stopped by Wang Wen.

He took out a bottle of ordinary drinking water, opened it, and poured it on the stone pillar.

I saw that all the water that came into contact with the stone pillars was like a dry sponge or a hot rock, shrinking rapidly and disappearing without a drop left.

This scene made Zhu Xingguo rub his fingers with lingering fear. If he had grabbed it just now, he was not sure what would happen to his hand.

Wang Wei nodded and said to the three of them: It seems that these are the water-absorbing stones those little things call. It is these stones that have absorbed all the water within a hundred miles.

Zhu Xingguo thought: What should we do? Is smashing it useful?

Ren Ruanruan took a knife and chopped off a small piece of gravel and dropped it to the ground. He dropped a few drops of water on it to test, and was delighted to find that the water disappeared significantly slower.

It seems to be useful! she said.

Zhu Xingguo immediately rolled up his sleeves, as if he was happy to be able to do some physical work for the captain, and his actions were very positive.

At this time.

Mo Ran, who had not spoken since seeing Shi Zhu, suddenly looked at the invisible shadows in the distance and whispered softly: I found the source of my depression.

Wang Wen's ears twitched and she turned to look at him.

Mo Ran put on his fist gloves again and glowed brightly again.

He raised his fist and broke the stone pillar, but still continued unabated and headed straight for the big shadow behind.

Take it easy! Wang Min shouted towards the back of the running figure.

Mo Ran rushed into the fog without looking back.

Wang Min took two steps back and looked up into the distance.

Lights kept flashing through the fog.

There was a dull roar of thunder.

From time to time, faint vibrations could be heard along the ground.

Perhaps affected by the churning of the mist, the shadows of the mountains became blurred.

Wang Min shook his head, looked at the scanning results of the stone pillars by the aircraft, and found that these stone pillars were actually considered progress.

According to experience, there are very few inanimate bodies in the World Tower other than mechanisms that can be used as level progress.

Are these stone pillars some kind of rare mechanism?


Integer layers are more likely to be used as progress. .

Wang Wen kept an eye on it and said to the two people around him: He is busy with his business, and we are busy with ours. Let's smash them. Pay attention to safety. There may be something fishy about these stone pillars.

After speaking, he took out a metal stick and swung it against the stone pillar.

The stone powder rustled down.

He shook his hand.

The counter-shock made the tiger's mouth numb, but the stone pillars were not much broken.

Zhu Xingguo retrieved a blunt prop from the aircraft and said to Wang Min with a smile: Captain, leave this physical work to me. I have all the tools.

Wang Min glanced at the 40th-level common prop [Mountain Splitting Hammer] in his hand, which was very common on the market, and thought that he would have to go to the prop market some time. After all, after making so much money, some of the items on the market can You still need to keep some of the basic props you buy with you.

It doesn't make sense to keep fighting to keep fighting, and to make do with the items in the level.

Was thinking about it.

Zhu Xingguo swung the [Mountain Cracking Hammer] and smashed half of the stone pillar.


All the stone pillars moved.

Thanks to [Xiugui] [Niaoji] [Xuanyuan Mammoth] [Keep talking qwq] for the reward!

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