Returning from the 900th floor

Chapter 107 Worthless Breakthrough Level

Chapter 106: Worthless Breakthrough Level

If he hadn't known that he might not be able to beat him, Mo Ran would have really wanted to punch that innocent-looking but flat face.

Even so, he couldn't help but tighten the gloves in his hands.

Wang Wei noticed the faint light on the gloves and recalled the high and low duo he had encountered.

The gloves on the little man's hands seemed to look like this.

It seemed to be very powerful, knocking over a lion monster with one punch.

If the little man hadn't taken the gloves somewhere and couldn't find them near the food distribution point, Wang Wen would have wanted to grab them and try them on himself.

I didn’t have much contact with this kind of gloves in my previous life.

I only know that it probably has effects like protection and enhancement.

His fighting tools tend to be swords and sticks, and he can only be said to be good at using weapons such as fists and claws, but not good at them.

But considering that the World Tower prop-type weapons have not been obtained yet, the gloves can also be used.

Better than nothing.

Mo Ran noticed his gaze and didn't know the specific thoughts in his heart. He thought it was a provocation. He immediately raised his fist and said angrily: The 390-level rare prop Bodhidharma Hand, do you want to try it?

Wang Wen's eyes lit up when he heard this, thinking that this child is so considerate!

He nodded quickly and said, Is it really okay? That's so embarrassing!

While saying polite words, he reached out to untie his gloves under Mo Ran's stunned gaze.

Mo Ran stared in shock as he took the gloves away, looked left and right, and asked in confusion: What are you doing?

Huh? Wang Wei looked back at him doubtfully, and immediately responded: Oh, yes, let me put it on and try it. See, the emperor is not anxious and the eunuch is, hahaha.

Not noticing Mo Ran's dark expression at all, Wang Wei happily put on his 390-level rare prop [Dharma Hand].

He opened and tightened his fist to test the fit, then raised his hand and punched the wall of the cave next to him.


The gloves are very protective, and I didn't feel any pain when I punched a hole as big as a pineapple into the hard wall of the cave.

Wang Min took off the gloves and returned them to Mo Ran with satisfaction, and made a pertinent analysis: The protection is okay, the enhancement is just average, why don't you use gloves with more than 400 layers?

Mo Ran was about to explode. He twisted his neck and didn't even bother to pay attention to him.

Wang Wei thought that he was too embarrassed to bring up topics such as not being able to get high-level props.

She patted his shoulder with understanding, comforted him and said, Don't worry, take your time, you'll be able to use it one day, and I'll help you keep an eye on it when the tower is high.

Mo Ran turned around and waved his fist as big as a casserole and said with murderous anger: You XXX write novels, do you live in your own fantasy world all day long?

Wang Wei asked in surprise: How do you know? My hobby is writing novels! I also think that when I retire and stop climbing towers, I will write an autobiography, called Return from the Nine Hundred Floor! What do you think? Aren't you fashionable?

Nine hundred floors? Mo Ran snorted and looked at him repeatedly: Sleep more if you have nothing to do, there is everything in your dreams.

The two were chatting happily.

All kinds of strange little things around were kowtowing all the time.

The little old thing holding the toothpick also kept squeaking.

Seeing Wang Min punching a hole in the cave wall, it screamed even more happily.

Zhu Xingguo came over holding Ren Ruanruan, who was covered with only one piece of clothing and his back was bare, and asked Wang Wen in confusion: Captain, what should we do next?

Wang Min shrugged and said to Mo Ran: Team Leader Mo said that we can't keep up with the progress and have to study weirdness. I have to ask him what to do next.

So Zhu Xingguo turned to look at Mo Ran again.

Mo Ran glanced at the little things kneeling on the ground, shook his head and said: It's not these, my sense of depression comes from other sources.

Squeak, squeak, squeak!!!

Seeing Ren Ruanruan carried out by Zhu Xingguo below, the little thing screamed as if he was about to die.

Wang Wen felt embarrassed to continue to hang it, so she chirped a few words randomly.

The little thing pointed at Ren Ruanruan and chirped, and then pointed at the health water in Wang Wen's hand and chirped.

Wang Min thought for a while and tried to hand out the health water.

The little thing screamed and jumped.

A group of basketballs surrounding it all stretched out their little paws to take the bottle of healthy water.

Then the little guy walked under Ren Ruanruan's body, took out a wooden pole that looked like a blow dart, and blew on Ren Ruanruan's back.

A short transparent needle flew out.

While he was still in the air, he was blocked by Wang Wen with a wooden board.

He doubtfully used the old method to test the reaction of the short needle and the purple and black blood on Ren Ruanruan's ankle.

It was found that the purple-black blood scratched by the transparent liquid on the short needle returned to its normal color.

Wang Wen held a short needle with tweezers, pointed at Ren's limp ankle, and chirped a few words to the little thing.

The little guy pointed at the healthy water held by his basketballs and babbled a few words.

Wang Min nodded thoughtfully and applied the transparent liquid on the short needle to the wound on Ren Ruanruan's ankle.

The purple and black faded.

Ren Ruanruan's face turned pale.

His body stiffened suddenly, and then he stopped breathing.

Zhu Xingguo was shocked and didn't know what to do with his hands and feet.

Mo Ran was stunned, his eyes focused on the ankle and the short needle.

Wang Min held the short needle with a solemn expression and frowned.

He pointed at Ren Ruanruan and asked the little thing: You took my water and killed my people. What do you mean?

The little thing is chirping.

Zhu Xingguo cautiously said to Wang Wen: Captain, I have a prop, which is a bit like a synchronous translator outside the tower. Do you want to try it?

Translation props? Wang Wen asked: Why didn't you tell me earlier if there was such a thing?

Zhu Xingguo called the aircraft to retrieve the stored props and handed them out, saying, It's mainly because you were very engaged in chatting with them. I thought you understood the other party's language.

Wang Min was fooled by herself and wordlessly took the headset-style prop and put it on.

I tried to say: Hey, can you hear me? How do you use this thing?

The voice has not changed, and the sentences have not changed.

Just as Zhu Xingguo was about to open his mouth to explain, he heard the old and young thing on the ground chirping.

Wang Wen asked it hesitantly: You mean, give her water?

The little thing was stunned for a moment, seemed very happy, and chirped.

After hearing this, Wang Min nodded, retrieved a bottle of health water from the aircraft, turned around, and poured it on the wound on Ren Luan's ankle.

A person who has stopped breathing is logically dead.

As a result, Ren Ruanruan suddenly took a long, long breath as if he was drowning on the beach after just half the bottle was poured out.

The body also slowly regained its softness.

There was a little blood on his face.

The little thing looked very happy, dancing and spinning in circles and chirping.

Wang Wen looked at it with a complicated expression.

Zhu Xingguo asked curiously: What is it talking about?

Wang Wen raised the bottle and said, It says that water is the source of life.

A few minutes later.

Wait for Ren Luan's breathing to return to steady.

Feed her some health water into her mouth.

Such a man who was almost dead not long ago slowly opened his eyes.

Seeing the people around her, she asked strangely: What's wrong?

My voice is still a little hoarse.

But it was clear that consciousness had awakened.

Wang Wen asked: How do you feel?

What do you mean? What happened to me? Ren Ruanruan had no idea what happened.

Zhu Xingguo said to her: You were poisoned by monsters and were almost eaten by them as a barbecue.

Ren Ruanruan was startled, and then realized that she was naked, and quickly grabbed the clothes covering her body.

Seeing that she had returned to normal, Wang Min nodded and said: Just wake up and get out of the tower. The poison has been cured. If you are not worried, you can go to the hospital for a checkup.

The poison has been cured, so why should I go out of the tower? Ren Ruanruan quickly put on his clothes and said in a rustling voice: Do you have any extra pants? I feel like I can continue climbing the tower! This trip to the World Tower is very intense. I guess I will be able to break through after a few more time-limited secret rooms!”

Mo Ran on the other side was confused: What is the breakthrough? Is the scientific decryption going to be a master?

Wang Min shook her head: She should be almost blind.

Mo Ran dropped his chin in an instant: Are you kidding me after just one hundred levels?

The young man outside ignored the chatter of others and just grabbed Wang Min and chattered a few words.

After hearing this, Wang Min's expression became extremely complicated.

Seeing the curious eyes of the people around him, he said word by word: It told me that if I can help them solve the water source problem, it will help me improve my poison-making skills to the next level.

No matter how good you are at making poison... Mo Ran looked at him with wide eyes: Isn't that just breaking the veil?

Wang Min shrugged: Yeah, you say it's a coincidence or not.

Mo Ran covered his face and wailed: What the hell... since when did the Po Meng become so worthless? Then why haven't I broken it even though I'm already at level 439?!

Thank you to [Luoyang Dada] [Meow King’s Brother] [Zhuqianguan Wuyouzi] for the reward!

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