Return to 90 and start a career

Chapter 255 Kick the door open

At the end of March, Li Lanfang got married, and all three of Li Manjun's family came.

At first, Li Manjun said that it was okay if Zhao Yong was on a business trip, but Zhao Yong felt that this was not good and was afraid that his wife would fall into the trap, so he rushed back early.

Having just arrived home the night before, the family of three packed up early the next morning and headed straight to Hongxing Village.

Zhao Yong and Li Manjun had cars. Li Dalong wanted to borrow the car to send Li Lanfang off to get married to save face.

Zhao Yong agreed immediately because Li Manjun wanted to send Li Lanfang out of the palace to her husband's house as her natal sister, so that he could go with her.

There are many wedding customs in the countryside. Although they are complicated, they are also lively and festive.

As long as it is not an excessive custom, Li Manjun will try his best to cooperate.

Qian Shufen calculated the time to go out and went out at one o'clock in the morning.

At this time, it is still quite dangerous to drive at night, but the custom is such that Li Manjun can only ask Zhao Yong to take his daughter to bed early, and he and Li Lanfang's sister Li Langui will help Li Lanfang dress up.

Li Manjun brought cosmetics, which were much more complete than the lipstick Li Lanfang prepared herself.

The girls from the Li family all have good facial features, but they have been doing farm work since childhood and have been exposed to wind and sun, so their skin is not that delicate.

Li Manjun took out the powder to even out Li Lanfang's skin tone and then trimmed her eyebrows, which she had never trimmed before. The effect was immediate.

They say the eyes are the windows to the soul, so eye makeup should be done well.

Nowadays, all-inclusive eyeliner is popular. It looks good, but it looks a bit old, so Li Manjun only painted Li Lanfang's eyeliner to refresh her look.

She didn’t have any mascara because Li Manjun’s eyelashes were thick and curled and she couldn’t use it, so naturally she wasn’t prepared. He used a lighter to heat a cotton swab and permed Li Lanfang's eyelashes to curl them up.

For the rest of the eye shadow, just apply it lightly, focusing on a clear and translucent look.

Wear more blush. On a big day, you want an atmosphere.

The lipstick is red and blends naturally without any lip lining, making her look like a bride.

"Put on the wedding dress quickly." Li Langui urged expectantly. She was also happy to see her sister become more beautiful.

But in the happy eyes, there will be a hint of sadness inadvertently, which is envy and regret.

When she got married, let alone a wedding dress, she didn't even have a lipstick. She just sipped the red paper with couplets written on it at home, tied a red headband and went out.

But now, Li Lanfang not only has a wedding dress but also a car when she goes out. She is much more prosperous than she was back then.

Li Langui was not jealous, he just felt that his life was miserable and he was not so lucky.

Li Lanfang rented a red wedding dress. The weather at the end of March was not completely warm yet, so she needed to wear a small cloak.

After putting on the entire wedding outfit, styling her hair, putting on beads and flowers, and taking three pieces of gold with her, Zheng Xiaoyou passed by the window and took a look, her eyes widening in surprise.

But before he could take another look, the window was slammed shut by Li Langui.

According to custom, the bride and groom cannot meet each other at this time.

The three sisters stayed in the room, laughing, chatting, and preparing things to take out. Time passed very quickly.

At 12:30 in the morning, Li Manjun went to wake up his sleeping daughter and took her to the new house.

Zhao Yong is now considered the groom, and he follows Zheng Xiaoyou and the groomsmen to knock on the bride's door and pick her up.

Nian Nian was still awake and was about to fall asleep in a daze, but the room suddenly became lively. She immediately became energetic and watched the adults making noise with great interest.

The two brothers-in-law, Li Daniu and Li Xiaoniu, stood guard in front of the bride's room and made things difficult for Zheng Xiaoyou and others.

The young people are making trouble, and the elders are laughing.

When the time came, the two brothers-in-law opened the door and let the groom into the room to pick up the bride.

The Zheng family invited two suona players. As soon as the suona was played, the bride was about to go out.

Li Manjun held her daughter in her arms and followed the large troop sending off the bride, watching the fun with a smile.

Zhao Yong's car was used as the wedding car. Li Manjun and her daughter sat in the back with the bride, and Zheng Xiaoyou sat in the passenger seat.

The rest of the wedding party and the man picking up the bride were pulled by two tractors. The group of people drove slowly out of Hongxing Village amid the sound of suonas.

For safety reasons, the car drove very slowly, and it took three hours to arrive at Zheng's house.

Everyone thought that preparations had been made to welcome the bride, but unexpectedly, when they arrived at the door of the Zheng family, not a single relative came to greet her.

Eunuch Xi and Granny Xi were nowhere to be seen, and everyone waited in the car suspiciously for half an hour before a male relative arrived. He said that it was customary that the bride and her parents-in-law had conflicting horoscopes, so the parents-in-law could not come out to greet them.

And the entry time is 7:30 in the morning. You can't enter now. It's unlucky to enter.

Although this is the custom, Li Manjun always feels that something is strange.

It's okay for them in the car, but what about the relatives on the tractor? You can't just blow the cold wind in front of Zheng's house, right?

Relatives of the Li family came over and asked Li Manjun what to do.

Li Langui said angrily: "Even if it's not an auspicious time, someone should come out to greet her, right? I've never heard of leaving a new wife hanging at the door!"

Li Manjun was the eldest sister, and her relatives asked her to talk to the Zheng parents.

Nian Nian had just fallen asleep and was woken up again. The little girl, who rarely lost her temper, started to moan and fuss uncomfortably. She couldn't even hold her horizontally or vertically, and she cried until she was upset.

Relatives gathered around the car window, saying something to each other, either because they were irritating the Zheng family, or they were urging Li Manjun to solve the problem, which only caused a headache.

Coupled with her daughter's crying, Li Manjun jumped up angrily and yelled uncontrollably:

"Shut up, everyone!"

"What's the use of arguing here? They've made it clear that they want to give us a blow. Why don't you come with me to the Zheng family's house to argue!"

Zhao Yong was still thinking about asking Zheng Xiaoyou to communicate. In the blink of an eye, his wife's roar came from the car. His heart suddenly skipped a beat. He left Zheng Xiaoyou who was helpless and embarrassed and hurried towards the car.

Li Manjun signaled Li Lanfang to stay in the car, opened the car door, and rushed out of the car with her daughter, who was too frightened to cry loudly. Seeing that Zhao Yong had arrived just in time, she put the baby into his arms and rushed toward the Zheng family door with great momentum. go.

Li Langui and others were stunned and quickly followed her pace.

Zhao Yong held his moaning daughter in his arms and watched dumbfoundedly as his wife kicked open the door of Zheng's house. As the iron door clanged loudly, his heart skipped a beat.

As soon as he entered the door, Li Manjun saw the shocked and angry faces of Zheng's parents and other relatives. He ignored them and directed the Li's relatives to enter the house.

"Isn't such a spacious courtyard unable to accommodate a few of us? Move all the benches into this courtyard and we'll rest here until the auspicious time comes and the bride comes in immediately!"

"Zheng Xiaoyou!" She shouted at the door again.

Zheng Xiaoyou trotted in quickly, and Li Manjun confidently ordered the cousin-in-law, "So many aunts and sisters-in-law have traveled three hours at night for you. You are tired, sleepy, hungry and thirsty. Go and cook something to eat and drink."

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