Return to 90 and start a career

Chapter 254 Show off your daughter

"Mr. Qiu?" Zhao Yong called out to Mr. Qiu, who was standing at the door of the venue holding a wine glass.

Mr. Qiu remained motionless and didn't hear anything at all.

Zhao Yong and the other three walked over and took a look. Oh dear, the models backstage were all beautiful women. Mr. Qiu couldn't take his eyes off them.

Mr. Lin, Director Liang and Zhao Yong looked at each other and said in their hearts: No wonder they didn't hear it!

"By the way, where is your wife?" Mr. Lin asked Director Liang.

Director Liang pointed to the backstage, "I'm backstage with Manager Li and the others. Isn't Mr. Zhao's daughter about to go on stage? They all joined in the fun."

While several people were talking, the lights at the venue suddenly changed, and Shirley Zhong walked onto the stage, reminding everyone that the show was about to start, and asked everyone to take their seats.

"Let's go." Zhao Yong grabbed the three people who were reluctant to look away and returned to their seats.

Lu Shengming had already arrived. When he saw the four people coming, he nodded slightly and said hello.

Five husbands sat in a row, waiting to watch the show.

The ready-made clothes shop soon started. Some people were looking at the clothes, and some were looking at the beauties and handsome men.

After walking through the ready-made clothing factory, we came to the children's clothing factory.

Zhao Yong immediately turned on the video recorder. Even though he knew that his daughter was the last one in the finale, he was still worried that the recording would be missed, so he turned on the camera early.

Mr. Qiu caught a glimpse of Mrs. Qiu walking back and forth behind the curtain, and excitedly said, "It's my lover!"

Lu Shengming rolled his eyes in his heart, thinking that he was just your lover. Is it necessary to be so excited?

He maintained a polite smile on his face, "Yeah, I saw it."

Someone struck up a conversation, and Mr. Qiu immediately started chatting, talking about how he and Mrs. Qiu got to know each other.

"Lu Bureau, you don't know. She was just a little girl who had just graduated. She was scared to go out alone. Who would have thought that she has become so mature and sensible now? It's all thanks to your cultivation by Mrs. Zhong."

Lu Shengming smiled and didn't want to say anything. This old bastard was staring at the model intently just now.

"When will we debut every year?" Mr. Lin looked at it for a long time and asked doubtfully.

Zhao Yong held up the video recorder and replied: "We have the finale every year."

"Hey, the finale, this is awesome." Director Liang said with a smile.

Zhao Yong returned the courtesy and asked Mr. Lin: "Where are your two daughters? Which one will come out?"

Mr. Lin exclaimed, "Are my two daughters here too?"

Zhao Yong asked in surprise: "Your wife is also backstage, don't you know?"

Mr. Lin shook his head in confusion, thinking that his wife was also there to join in the fun.

"It turns out that my Lily and Yangyang are also little models! Tell me, why are mother and daughter running out every day recently, spending most of the day together."

Zhao Yong sighed helplessly, it was so easy for Mr. Lin to be the father.

Just as he was talking, Lily and Yangyang appeared. The two little sisters put on stage makeup and walked out one after another in high-end clothes. They were calm and dignified, and their model steps were solid.

Mr. Lin looked at it with curiosity and saw the video recorder in Zhao Yong's hand. Then he remembered that he had no preparations and said hurriedly: "Mr. Zhao, you can engrave a copy of the video for me later."

"It's a small matter." Zhao Yong nodded and concentrated on waiting for his daughter to appear.

The finale is different from ordinary small models. Zhao Yong thought proudly.

The lights on the field changed, and all the beams of light hit the center of the curtain, lighting up the little model already standing in the center of the stage.

She was smaller than the other models. She was wearing a blue gauze skirt and a pair of white leather shoes. Her short, ear-length hair was naturally curly and fluffy on her head. She had a plump little face and waved to the audience. Waving his hands, he walked happily like an elf.

It can be clearly seen that the child is a little nervous and the smile on her face is stiff, but looking at her little one, jumping so hard on the catwalk, the audience burst into applause of encouragement.

Amid the applause, the little model's smile became more and more natural. Finally, after blowing a kiss at a fixed point, she walked quickly off the T stage.

I don't know if it's a coincidence, but my steps hit the beat of the music, and my little back looks cute and naive.

The chief designer walked onto the stage, and all the models walked out together. The extraordinarily petite group stood out in the crowd.

It was the first time that the child faced such a big scene, and she was a little panicked. The older child next to her took her hand and walked together, and she started laughing.

The smile is bright, full of the innocence and carefreeness of a child, which makes people's hearts melt.

As an old father, Zhao Yong was so moved by his daughter's cuteness that he would have wanted to go up and pick up his soft daughter if it wasn't for the curtain call.

The press conference ended successfully. The newly launched children's clothing series attracted a lot of attention, especially the appearance of the little models, whose charming and innocent looks left a deep impression on everyone.

After returning home, Li Manjun held her daughter and watched the video recorded by Zhao Yong. Nian Nian pointed at herself in the screen, raised her little chin very proudly, and said to her father: "It's Nian Nian."

Zhao Yong pinched his daughter's chubby little face and gave a thumbs up, "Awesome!"

"Hehehe~" Nian Nian bowed into her mother's arms with satisfaction.

The next day, Zhao Yong took the video recorder to find someone to cut it into a CD, and cut ten of them in one go.

Li Manjun choked speechlessly, "You have so much money to burn, why do you carve so many copies?"

Zhao Yong happily laid out the CDs one by one, "It's for Mr. Lin. He didn't bring a video recorder. He asked me to help him carve a copy for him as a souvenir."

Li Manjun nodded, this is understandable.

Zhao Yong continued: "My parents have never seen it. We perform so well every year, shouldn't we let them see it too?"

"There are also Mr. Qiu, Director Liang, Mr. Lu, Sun Haiyang, Xiaoguan and Liu Chao, and you have such a close relationship with Yanzi. Why don't you also give her a share?"

This is not enough!

Li Manjun laughed angrily, "Zhao Yong, you are so shameless."

She was too embarrassed to show off her daughter like this.

Zhao Yong picked up his daughter who was drawing by herself obediently. Regardless of her resistance, he lifted her up high and said, "Dad has such a great year, what else do you need to be proud of, right?"

"Mom, help!" Nian Nian opened her arms and asked her mother for help. She wanted to draw, but don't raise her head high!

"Let her down quickly. She paints well, but you scared her." Li Manjun said angrily.

Zhao Yong put his daughter down, thought he was handsome, raised the corners of his mouth, put away the scattered CDs, and gave them away to Le Dian Dian.

Before leaving, he did not forget to give two to Li Manjun and told her to give them to her parents and Liu Yan.

Li Manjun didn't know whether to laugh or cry, "Are you afraid that others won't know that you have a daughter?"

Zhao Yong responded with a sigh: "Yes!"

"When the newspaper publishes it, I will buy a copy for my collection."

"No, buy ten copies!"

Li Manjun yelled at him: "Go away quickly!"

Every year, my father forcibly interrupts me from painting, and I follow my mother and shout, "Dad, go away quickly."

The little brow furrowed, the eyes squinted, the face tilted, and the expression of disgust couldn't be too vivid.

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