Return to 90 and start a career

Chapter 207 Oriental Pearl

Nian Nian seemed to smell the joyful atmosphere that her parents were about to go on a trip, and she was particularly excited. Like a little tail, she would follow Li Manjun wherever he went.

Li Lijun's luggage has been packed. Based on the experience of people who have been there, Li Manjun told her to bring less things and not bring anything unless necessary. When the time comes, she can buy ready-made items when she gets to school, so as not to be tired from dragging big and small bags on the road.

Therefore, Li Lijun only brought a few pieces of underwear.

Business in Wang Xiaojuan's store has been good. She has a college student at home, so she is willing to spend money. Before leaving, she prepared two sets of brand new clothes for her little daughter.

When Li Lijun left home, she stuffed an extra two hundred yuan with her.

"Don't let your sister and brother-in-law buy everything. You can take the money and buy all the daily necessities when you get there."

"By the way, the tuition fee is on your card. Hide it carefully and keep it close to you. Do you know when you leave?" Wang Xiaojuan warned worriedly.

Li Lijun responded irritably: "I know, I know, you've said it eight hundred times!"

Wang Xiaojuan was immediately furious, "I think you deserve a beating!"

Li Lijun was busy carrying her luggage and slipped away.

Sitting in the car, she watched her mother's figure stay in place. Although she was far away and couldn't see her expression, she could feel that her mother was always watching her.

I'm finally leaving home, but I don't feel as happy as I imagined.

The first time she took a plane, Li Lijun was like a headless fly. Her brother-in-law was holding the luggage and her niece was holding her. She just followed behind and didn't fall behind.

After checking in and passing through security, you don’t need to check in any luggage, so you can carry it with you.

In the departure hall, Li Lijun looked at the crowded hall and complained to her sister in a low voice: "This airport is too big. It's my first time here and I don't even know which way to go."

Li Manjun put down her daughter who was carrying her in front of her. The little girl was jumping up and down in the house and wanted to go to the house. She was surprisingly well-behaved. She looked at the flow of people in the airport with her big eyes, which was a little strange and a little novel.

"Hai Shi is bigger and more prosperous than Dong Shi. It is developing rapidly there and the airport is bigger than here."

Li Manjun pointed to the signboards posted everywhere and taught her sister how to read these road signs. "Actually, they are all the same. In big places, you don't need to remember the directions. This is useless. You only need to look at the signboards and follow them. You can go where you want to go.”

“Also, if I really don’t know what to do, I will seek help from the staff.”

"We won't come to pick you up when you go home at the end of the semester. You have to learn this by yourself before you can get home."

When Li Lijun heard this, she panicked. She actually forgot that she had to go home at the end of the semester.

Will she get lost in the Haishi airport and find her way back? Li Lijun thought secretly in her heart.

Zhao Yong watched in amusement as his wife tried to scare his younger sister. He led his daughter to him and told her to be good on the plane.

When he bought the ticket, he had already consulted the airline. As long as the child's physical condition was up to standard, it would be no problem to fly.

"We are going to fly to the sky. Will we be happy every year?" Zhao Yong teased his daughter.

Now Nian Nian will jump out word by word, and immediately respond: "Open!"

Zhao Yong taught her to pronounce the word "happy". The little girl couldn't say it and could only say: "Open."

Zhao Yong couldn't stop laughing. He carried his daughter to the window and pointed at the white masturbation plane on the tarmac outside the window. "That's the plane that will take us to the sky every year. Come on, let's talk about planes."

"No!" Nian Nian is very positive, but unfortunately the pronunciation is not accurate.

Zhao Yong taught her again and again, and finally her daughter learned the word "jiji" before boarding the plane.

Li Manjun: "It sounds weird."

Zhao Yong disagreed, "It's normal. What's wrong? We can say two words every year." Although it is a repeated word.

Li Lijun and Niannian, who were flying for the first time, had exactly the same expressions, with their mouths wide open.

The seats for four people are separated, with Li Lijun and Li Manjun in a row, and Zhao Yong and his daughter in the front row.

In order to let my daughter see the blue sky and white clouds, I deliberately chose a seat by the window.

Seeing the ground getting further and further away, Nian Nian let out several "woohoos" in surprise.

Li Lijun also had a similar expression, and the aunt and nephew actually adapted well.

Zhao Yong specifically looked back at Li Manjun's expression. His indifferent expression did not seem to be surprising at all.

This is strange, is this the reaction that someone who flies on a plane for the first time should have?

Zhao Yong didn't know, he only knew that he was a little airsick.

I have flown several times before, but I have never felt this way. Could it be that I am getting older?

In the end, he returned to his mother's arms every year. Zhao Yong fainted all the way to Haishi Airport and was not feeling well.

The family walked out of the crowded Haishi Airport. Wang Zhi, who had been waiting here early, looked at the photos, then looked at Li Manjun and his group who were looking around blankly at the airport gate, and shouted uncertainly: "Li Manjun?!"

"This way." Li Manjun, who heard the shouting, asked the two people behind him to follow him.

Li Lijun was at a loss. This is basically the case for college students who are traveling for the first time.

Zhao Yong did not recover from his airsickness, so he just followed his wife mechanically.

Li Manjun dragged him three times and finally came to Wang Zhi.

It was the first time the two met, but Li Manjun guessed the identity of the other person immediately and said with a smile: "Old classmate Zhu Yaowei, let's call it Wang Zhi."

Wang Zhi nodded excitedly and joked with a smile, "You must be the noble person behind that boy Zhu Yaowei."

The two looked at each other and smiled. Wang Zhi briefly said hello to Zhao Yong and Li Lijun, opened the door and motioned for several people to get on the bus.

After getting in the car and drinking half a bottle of water, Zhao Yong felt that he was finally alive and asked Li Manjun where he and others were going.

She didn't tell him that anyone would pick her up before coming.

"When we get to Haishi, we will definitely ask Zhu Yaowei to treat us to dinner." Li Manjun joked.

Wang Zhi answered the call and said mysteriously: "I'll put my luggage in the hotel later and take you somewhere."

"It was Zhu Yaowei who specifically told me to take Manager Li there," he added.

One sentence aroused the curiosity of several people. Zhao Yong raised his eyebrows, touched the pink face of his sleeping daughter, and said in his heart: Your mother is getting more and more powerful now.

Zhao Yong guessed that he was going to see the land purchased by Hengda.

To be honest, he was worried about his wife's enthusiastic investment of one million in Hengda, because he asked someone to find out that the land circled by Zhu Yaowei's company was basically a slum in Haishi.

Wang Zhixian sent a few people to the hotel, where they took a short rest, and then the group walked to the bank of the Huangpu River.

A big river divides Haishi into two parts.

Looking back, I saw noisy crowds and tall buildings.

Looking forward, the low and old houses seem to have traveled to the end of the last century.

Now, on this "retro" land, several excavators are working hard to fill holes. It can be roughly seen that they are making a square piece of land.

Zhu Yaowei ran over from the construction site wearing a red helmet and waved excitedly to Li Manjun.

Li Manjun took a few steps forward, and under the shocked eyes of everyone behind him, he patted Zhu Yaowei on the shoulder and said loudly: "My fortune depends on your land!"

Wang Zhi and Zhao Yong looked at each other, are they sure they won't go bankrupt?

Nian Nian was held in her arms by her aunt, and her little finger pointed to a capped tower in the distance. The tower rose from the ground like a pearl, far exceeding the height of the surrounding buildings, and was very conspicuous.

The little girl shouted in a sweet voice: "Ball!"

Zhu Yaowei smiled, "That's the Oriental Pearl TV Tower. It was just topped out in July this year and will be put into use next year."

Their land is right next to the TV tower.

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