Return to 90 and start a career

Chapter 206 Video Recorder

Zhao Yong went to book a flight ticket and planned to fly from Dongshi Airport to Haishi, which would be faster.

In the era before high-speed rail, airplanes were expensive, but they were the fastest means of transportation.

The situation at Old Man Li's side has improved. Although the old man refused to hire a caregiver, Li Manjun still made the decision herself and hired a caregiver. Otherwise, she would not be at ease during this trip to Haishi.

Compared to a few days ago, the savings in her bank card now give her the confidence she needs, and she can act more freely than before.

Li Manjun personally took the nurse there. When Old Man Li saw it, he was angry but dared not say anything because Li Manjun paid for his surgery.

The old man now laughs when he sees Li Manjun and praises her as the most promising person among his grandchildren.

If she hadn't taken care of him, how could he have lived in a quiet and comfortable single room.

The hospital is now very short of beds, and there are many temporary beds set up in the corridor. Without comparison, there is no feeling. Once there is comparison, Old Man Li does not dare to say anything when facing Li Manjun.

In the past, it was useless to raise daughters, and girls were married into other families and could not continue the family's legacy. Li Manjun never heard of it again.

"Sir, this is the nurse, Mr. Wang. If you need anything next, just tell him." Li Manjun put down the fruit basket he bought, looked at the old man and warned with a smile.

Old man Li glanced at Li Dawei. Li Dawei turned around to pour the water and did not accept the look he handed him.

Li Manjun winked at Xiao Wang, who nodded, rolled up his sleeves, and began to massage Old Man Li's leg after surgery.

Old man Li was impressed by the professional approach of a professional person. He smiled and said to Li Manjun: "You should be a filial child."

Li Manjun smiled and told him to have a good rest, and took his father Li Dawei out to eat so that the nurse and old man Li could get along.

After walking out of the ward, Li Dawei breathed a sigh of relief and gave his daughter a thumbs up, "My daughter is still very good at treating the old man docilely."

Li Manjun laughed, "It's not that I'm great, it's that my ability is great."

"What super power?" Li Dawei, a middle-aged and elderly man, couldn't understand the homophone of young people.

Li Manjun hurriedly waved his hands and said something, telling his father that his family would leave for Haishi tomorrow. Li Dawei had known about it for a long time and hurriedly said: "Don't worry, your grandpa has me and your uncle here, so there is no need for you juniors." worry."

"I'm not worried about my father. I'm worried about you. Your employer won't say anything when you ask for leave, right?" This isn't just three or five days. Her father has already asked for half a month of leave this time, which is a full year of personal leave. Please finish.

Even if it is an iron rice bowl, it cannot be such a method of asking for leave. Li Manjun tried: "The rice harvest in my hometown should be finished. You can discuss it with your uncle and let the two of you take turns."

Li Dawei looked at his daughter and shook his head helplessly, "You young people have never worked in the fields. You don't know the hardships of the autumn harvest. Do you think your uncle is just lazy?"

Li Manjun was stunned, "Isn't it?"

Li Dawei doesn't think so. Harvesting rice is not easy. Moreover, time really waits for no one. Things in the fields are not simple.

"Let's take a look. Didn't you just hire a nurse? At worst, they'll call you up and keep an eye on your breasts."

The work unit is really urging me. If I don’t go back, I will offend the leader.

Li Manjun let him go, "You can make your own arrangements."

After thinking about it, Li Manjun was still worried. He took out Shirley Zhong's business card from his bag and handed it to Li Dawei. During his absence, if anything could not be solved, he could contact Shirley Zhong.

"Is this the great designer you are working with?" Li Dawei asked curiously, looking at the name on the business card.

Every time Sherry's newspapers and magazines were published, Li Manjun brought them to his parents at home, and the couple even used them to brag to the neighbors, saying that they were the studio that his daughter worked with.

Being published in newspapers and magazines, things that seemed very common in later generations, were considered very fashionable in this era before the rise of the Internet, and everyone would be envious if you said it.

The old couple gained face and became interested in the situation in the studio, especially Wang Xiaojuan. As soon as the studio released new products, she asked Li Manjun to bring a set back, learn the styles that young people like now, and then add her own ideas Copy it.

Li Manjun said: "Mom, you are piracy, do you know?"

"What?" Wang Xiaojuan was confused.

Li Manjun told her mother: "It's OK to learn from others, but if you copy or transfer someone else's design to your own work, it violates copyright law."

"Is it illegal for me to make clothes?" Wang Xiaojuan waved her hand and asked her to stay alone.

Li Manjun looked helplessly at the designs her mother was about to make and sell at the door of the store, and explained again: "Commercial profits are a sure thing."

Wang Xiaojuan's eyes widened, "What's the end of that stinky girl? Which law is written in it? Take it out and let me see!"

"Don't think that your mother is just a junior high school student and doesn't know the situation. Have you registered the copyright for this thing?"

Seeing that Li Manjun couldn't answer, Wang Xiaojuan knew she had won.

This reminded Li Manjun of the issue of clothing copyright, so she asked her mother to wait, and immediately asked Shirley Zhong out for dinner when she returned to the city.

Shirley Zhong really hadn’t thought about this problem. In fact, it wasn’t that she hadn’t thought about it. She was so busy that she forgot about it.

Li Manjun took a sip of coffee and reminded: "Hurry up and register the copyright. Also, register the trademark. If possible, you can register a few more."

If you are lucky and register the trademark of a big company in the future in advance, you might even make a fortune.

Thinking of this, Li Manjun suddenly had a bold idea.

Should she register the Apple trademark in advance?

But thinking about the butterfly effect, I still didn’t dare to take action.

Because along the way, she has been able to determine that the timeline of this world and the historical process of major events almost coincide with the world line of the previous life.

"By the way, I'm going to Haishi in a few days. I'm not very worried about my dad being left alone in Rongcheng. If anything happens, please help me keep an eye on it." Li Manjun asked.

Shirley Zhong rolled her eyes at her, "With our relationship, do you still need to talk about such a trivial matter?"

"By the way, you have to do me a favor." Shirley Zhong smiled slyly.

Li Manjun smiled and nodded, "You say."

Shirley Zhong took out a video recorder from her bag, and Li Manjun took it and played with it.

On the display screen, Shirley Zhong's beautiful face was shown. The two of them were sitting by the window. The sunlight outside the window was shining in, giving Shirley Zhong a shallow golden light. The pixels were not high-definition and had their own filters. Li Manjun was amazed. to hold your breath.

Shirley Zhong supported her chin with her hands, her enlarged face appeared in the camera, and her eyes blinked smartly, "Please help me record more scenery during the journey. Recently, I am looking for inspiration about travel."

Li Manjun pulled the camera closer, took a separate photo of Shirley Zhong's plump red lips, and asked doubtfully:

"Why don't you go by yourself?"

Shirley Chung explained, "Everyone sees things from a different perspective. It's a completely new feeling for me to record your perspective."

"Then you have to give me a CD then." Li Manjun said confidently.

Since it was recorded, of course she also wanted to keep a copy as a memory.

Shirley Zhong made an OK gesture to the camera generously. Seeing that Li Manjun was getting angry when she took a picture of her, she snatched it away and continued to slap her for a while.

The two exchanged views of each other's recordings, laughing from ear to ear. They both felt that the photos taken by others were extremely ugly, but the other one thought they were beautiful.

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