Return to 90 and start a career

Chapter 170 That’s called magnificence

Five days later, the contract signed by Li Manjun returned to Zhu Yaowei.

Soon, Li Manjun's money came over, a sum of one million, which was very interesting.

Zhu Yaowei specially called her to draw a picture, "Believe me, the future will be dominated by real estate. I think the development of Haishi will be better than that of Nan Province. When the time comes, you can come to the company headquarters and we will purchase it ourselves." Directly the lowest price!”

The housing prices in Haishi, let alone in the future, are higher than those in other cities now and are worth investing in.

If he hadn't been born in Rongcheng, Li Manjun would have really wanted to buy an apartment in Haishi.

A mirage house bought for hundreds of thousands now can easily cost tens of millions in the future. It is definitely the most valuable investment.

What's more, Junda is also planning to open a branch in Haishi, so the possibility of them going to Haishi will be even greater in the future.

"Okay, then you have to give me the lowest price as a shareholder, as well as the best location and apartment type." Li Manjun said half seriously and half jokingly.

Zhu Yaowei patted his chest and assured: "It's no big deal, just sprinkle some water~"

After hanging up the phone, I looked back and saw that the corner of my old classmate's mouth twitched obviously.

He pointed at the mudflat in front of him and asked uncertainly: "How dare you give this to your noble man?"

Zhu Yaowei chuckled, stood by the river with his hands on his hips, and said confidently:

"It looks bad now because the house hasn't been built yet. Just wait. According to our design drawings, this land will become a large community that integrates entertainment, consumption, and residence."

"When the time comes, I would rather have a bed in Puxi than a room in Pudong."

The old classmate shook his head helplessly, "That's you, if someone else asks me to come over and deal with this rural land with him, if I don't give him a stick, my surname will not be Wang!"

"Wang Zhi." Zhu Yaowei turned to look at him and said seriously: "It seems that we applied to become party members together when we were in college, right?"

Old classmate Wang Zhi nodded, "Yes, what's wrong?"

Zhu Yaowei's eyes dimmed under his lenses for a moment, then he raised his hand and patted Wang Zhi on the shoulder, "So we must believe in the organization and the dang!"

Wang Zhi: "."

"You don't believe it?" Zhu Yaowei took out a handful of newspapers from his trouser pocket and stuffed it into it. "See for yourself. Since the 1990s, the country has been trying to develop Pudong. Now it has succeeded in breaking through the price barrier. Just take a look. It must be here." It will develop!”

Anyway, it is right to follow the country's lead. This is the conclusion he came to through his own experiments.

The leader of Rongcheng Steel Plant called him two days ago and planned to ask him to go back and clean up the mess, but who cares about the little deputy director?

"Buzz buzz~"

The phone in his pocket rang, and Zhu Yaowei picked it up and answered, "Li Manjun, what else do you want?"

"I want to ask you something, I forgot about it just now." Li Manjun looked at the names in the phone book in front of him and asked tentatively:

"Do you know Ouyang Ping from the aluminum ingot processing factory in H Province?"

Zhu Yaowei on the other end of the phone was obviously taken aback. He paused for two seconds and asked sensitively: "Why are you, a rag collector, looking for someone else's aluminum ingot factory to do?"

"Of course I'm buying aluminum ingots." Li Manjun replied happily.

Zhu Yaowei's heart skipped a beat. Li Manjun was an extraordinary woman, and the things she was targeting would definitely not be simple.

"What are you doing with aluminum ingots? Are you planning to open a metal processing factory?"

"No, don't talk nonsense. I'm asking you if you know someone. Why do you ask so many questions? Tell me quickly. If you don't know me, I'll die." Li Manjun pretended to be impatient.

Zhu Yaowei hurriedly said: "We know him."

He was also the deputy director of a steel factory before, so he still had many connections.

"Go find my brother-in-law. They are both old classmates from the same school." Zhu Yaowei couldn't help but ask, "What on earth do you want to do?"

"Do something big!" Li Manjun said jokingly, then hung up the phone, opened Qian Dongsheng's phone number, and called him.

Qian Dongsheng was also confused, but thinking that Li Manjun had benefited from his brother-in-law's favor, he agreed to help her ask.

"You give me the number first and then I can help you negotiate. How many tons of aluminum ingots are you planning to get?"

Li Manjun looked at the account Yao Zhaowen had made and said, "More than a thousand tons."

Now that prices are gradually liberalizing, the country plans to leave the economy to the market to decide. Prices are breaking through across the country, and certain metal raw materials will definitely rise.

Li Manjun can make these decisions because she has memories of past lives, but people today have a keener sense of smell than she does.

Previously, she asked Yao Zhaowen to go to the north to find aluminum ingot factories to collect aluminum ingots. However, he went to several factories but received no response. It seemed that he had been intercepted in advance.

She had been planning it since May, but there were others earlier than her.

It's easy to do things when you have money. She has already acquired the land next to the scrap shop and signed a five-year lease, and is just waiting to use it as a warehouse to stockpile raw materials.

As a result, she hit a wall several times and almost lost her confidence.

Of course, Yao Zhaowen was running around and couldn't transport any aluminum ingots back. The total amount was estimated to be 300 tons.

But this is not enough.

The aluminum ingot factory in the north is now the only channel through which she can purchase a large amount of aluminum ingots. If Ouyang Ping cannot get through, all her plans in the past six months will be ruined.

Li Manjun was thinking about whether she should give Qian Dongsheng something. She had already thought about the gifts. The women would give imported skin care products and their Sherry haute couture, while the men would give him cigarettes, wine and tea.

But after thinking about Qian Dongsheng's character, he still didn't give it away.

But if you don't give anything away, you will owe a favor. Let's pay it back slowly when there is a chance in the future.

While Li Manjun was waiting for Qian Dongsheng's reply, news finally came from the housing agency.

There was a house for sale in the new community that Li Manjun was initially interested in. The owner planned to sell it quickly to cash in and get it to Nan Province to become a real estate speculator.

It doesn't matter how others fire Li Manjun, she won't let go of such a good opportunity.

I took the time to make an appointment with Zhao Yong, and the couple went to see the house together.

The house is almost brand new. The original owner has simply decorated it but has never lived in it. There are very few things that need to be changed.

The house is square in shape and has 18 floors. This one is on the 9th floor, with a total area of ​​150 square meters, four bedrooms, two living rooms and two bathrooms, plus a 30-square-meter balcony. Li Manjun likes it very much.

Zhao Yong relies on his wife for everything. He only has a small request, "Can the smallest room be my study room?"

He has been coveting the large study room of Mr. Qiu's family for a long time. It has a set of mahogany bookcases, a landscape marble background wall, mahogany floors all over the floor, a wool carpet, and a set of ancient calligraphy and paintings hanging on the wall. It's so grand!

Does Li Manjun still know that he covets Mr. Qiu's big study room?

It's just that this is a villa, and their study is only a dozen square meters. Can it meet his needs for a mahogany bookcase?

Zhao Yong asked pitifully: "Don't worry about it, just say it's okay."

Thinking that he wanted this small room in the whole house, Li Manjun nodded fondly, "Okay, as long as you are happy, but agree in advance that except for the study, all other decorations will be subject to my wishes!"

She doesn't want mahogany furniture or marble background walls.

Zhao Yong immediately looked at the agent, "That's it, let's settle the score!"

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