Sister-in-law Sun sighed: "No, the newspapers have said that the market must run on its own. Each region has liberalized the pricing power of many categories of goods. From now on, no one will care whether merchants decide how much they want!"

This short sentence is tantamount to a bombshell for the people who are living in the present and have long been accustomed to everything being planned. With a bang, all the panic among the people has been exploded.

Sister Zhou called out, "Oh my god!" "How will we live in the future?"

Is capital coming back again?

Many people have this idea, and even Wen Yufeng and his wife, who work in government agencies, have joined the rush to grab goods.

Zhao Yong was stunned for a while.

Director Liang asked loudly on the other end of the phone: "Xiao Zhao, do you want it? The price of milk powder will not be as high if you don't stock it now. I saw that you and Mr. Lin have children, so I asked an acquaintance to leave two boxes for you. If you don’t reply to me, I’ll give it to my colleagues.”

Hearing the urging from the phone, Zhao Yong came back to his senses and said, "If you want it, keep it for me. I'll ask someone to come and get it."

"Okay, remember, find someone you can trust, or I'll cut off your beard later, and you won't have anywhere to cry." From Director Liang's tone, it was obvious that this was not the first time such a thing had happened.

Zhao Yong hurriedly said yes. After hanging up the phone, he looked at the office filled with energy drinks and instant noodles, feeling a little confused.

These are the rush-buying achievements of Xiaoguan and others throughout the morning, which is enough for them to last until the end of the year.

Is the country really letting it go?

Then can he also change the price list?

Zhao Yong took a sip of tea and let out a "hiss~" sound, and his heart was filled with joy.

But before he could figure out what price to change the fee schedule to, Rongcheng's commodity prices suddenly stabilized.

"The price of onions has dropped today, just like before."

Liu Juying came back with a basket full of vegetables. She tilted the basket and handed it to Sister Zhou and Li Manjun to see, "I rushed in quickly and grabbed the freshest and largest handful."

"The ones behind me are not as fresh as the ones I bought. I haven't seen onions at this price for half a month. Good guy, that's really crazy!"

After excitedly speaking, she suddenly found that the two people in front of her were not happy at all. Liu Juying shut her mouth uneasily, "What's wrong?"

Sister Zhou let out a long sigh and opened the refrigerator door. There were a lot of green onions inside, all of which she had stocked up for fear of rising prices.

Lying on her mother's shoulder every year, her little head looked at this and that, her big dark eyes full of confusion.

Why is everyone silent?

"I, let me make scallion and pork dumplings for everyone." Liu Juying said awkwardly.

Li Manjun and Sister Zhou looked at each other and laughed out loud. There were so many green onions that they couldn't use them all even for making dumplings.

There was no other way, so Li Manjun had to ask Liu Juying to take some green onions and give them to the neighbors.

Fortunately, I bought spring onions, which are used in every household’s cooking. Otherwise, they would not fit in the refrigerator in this summer and would soon rot.

The prices of daily necessities have gradually stabilized, and people's lives do not seem to be greatly affected. Rongcheng's price breakthrough is smoother than expected.

It may be that upper-level departments have made adjustments, or it may be that the market has its own rules. After the initial panic, people's lives returned to normal.

In July, Zhao Yong's price list was also changed. It was revised accordingly as the prices of bulk goods in the market increased and decreased. Some charges were lower, and some charges were higher.

Zhu Yaowei called Li Manjun again to press for payment.

At first, he invited her to invest in his real estate company, but now he may be short of money, so he mailed the contract directly, which was a bit of a coercion.

Li Manjun suddenly received a mailed contract from Jiang Yu one morning, and felt dumbfounded.

Real estate is definitely the most stable investment in the future. She has actually prepared the money for it, but recently she and Yao Zhaowen have been busy looking for aluminum ingot processing factories and hoarding raw materials, and have not had time to reply to Zhu Yaowei.

Now that the contract was delivered directly to him, Li Manjun signed it and invested 1 million in Zhu Yaowei, accounting for 25% of the shares.

Li Manjun likes this kind of good project that only requires investment and no management.

At the end of June, Shirley Zhong gave her and Mrs. Qiu a bonus each, 20,000 to her and 3,000 to Mrs. Qiu.

This amount is just a drop in the bucket to her now, but the feeling of earning something just by sitting is addictive.

Li Manjun handed the signed contract to Jiang Yu, "I heard that you are planning to open a branch in Haishi now?"

Jiang Yu packaged the documents skillfully. In the past two months, they not only kept the original customs declaration forms, but also mailed documents from some companies to them. He has become very skilled in this business.

"Yes, Mr. Zhao and Mr. Sun are now planning to make the small package delivery department independent. Haishi has many more exports than ours in Rongcheng. The purpose of setting up a branch is to receive more orders."

Li Manjun handed him a bottle of ice-cold soda. They were all acquaintances. Jiang Yu was not polite. He opened it and took a big gulp to quench his thirst, and continued:

"The main reason is for the route, the route from Haishi to Dongshi along the coast, while no one is paying attention yet, let's eat it first. If people who come later want to take this route, they have to come to us."

At that time, it will be normal to charge some fees.

Li Manjun heard it interesting. It felt a bit like ancient water transportation and escort agencies, full of Jianghu atmosphere.

"Okay, you go ahead and I won't be polite to you two of us." Li Manjun said with a smile.

Jiang Yu shook the empty soda bottle in his hand and pointed at the freezer, "I'm not polite to you, boss lady. I'll get another bottle of this soda."

Li Manjun nodded in a funny manner. Wang Dasheng, who was free in the yard, greeted Jiang Yu and helped him open the freezer door, letting him choose whatever he wanted.

The freezer is filled with cold drinks purchased by Li Manjun, including ice cream, popsicles, and soda drinks.

Yao Zhaowen saw so many goods and went directly to wholesalers to buy them at a cheaper price than the market price.

After getting permission from the boss, he simply hung a sign at the door of the store saying ice cream for 20 cents, popsicles for 50 cents, mineral water for 10 cents, and drinks for 50 cents, and started selling cold drinks.

Business is pretty good, and I can easily make back the electricity bills for the refrigerator.

"Hey, you guys are almost turning this into a canteen." Jiang Yu sighed in admiration and chose a bottle of soda.

"I'm leaving. This contract will be delivered to you within five days." He said to Li Manjun, turned around and left briskly.

This is the speed of Junda Express, which is several times faster than half a month or a month of the post office.

No wonder local businesses take the initiative to approach Junda. The main reason is that the post office is too difficult to wait for.

For ordinary small items, it can be delivered to Jundan in major cities within five days, and no more than seven days at most, and the price is not expensive.

But what is regrettable is that Junda does not go all over the country. Currently it is only in the southeastern coastal areas. If you want to send it to the central and western regions, you have to go to the post office.

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