Return to 90 and start a career

Chapter 153 Live-in Nanny

Sister Zhou ate very quickly, and even cleaned up the dishes and chopsticks that were not hers to wash.

Wang Xiaojuan hurried to the store and left after lunch. In the afternoon, she asked Li Jianjun or Li Dawei to bring the vegetables back first, and asked Li Lijun to pick the vegetables first. After she closed the store and came back, she would make dinner directly.

After the fifteenth day of the first lunar month, the year is considered over.

Wang Xiaojuan's store is not that busy, but everyone at home is busy.

Li Dawei has to go to work, and Li Jianjun and Li Lijun have to catch up on their homework. They cry and cry every year. They study in the old house during the day. For a long time, only Li Manjun, her daughter, and Sister Zhou are at home.

After observing Sister Zhou's work for a period of time, Li Manjun had an idea in mind.

Sister Zhou is quick at work and never takes matters into her own hands when it comes to Nian Nian. Whenever something happens, she will take the initiative to come to her to discuss and make decisions. In addition, Nian Nian is now familiar with Sister Zhou, so she doesn’t want anyone to take care of her in the house at night, only Sister Zhou.

Li Manjun thought, why not just let Sister Zhou continue to lead her.

As soon as this idea comes up, I can't control it.

Li Manjun felt troubled by the thought of having to establish a trusting relationship with another stranger every year after Sister Zhou left.

But it doesn't matter what she says, it still depends on what Sister Zhou thinks.

Wang Xiaojuan packed lunch back from the old house. Because Li Jianjun and Li Lijun were both at the old house, she was too lazy to run back to open fire, so she made lunch there and packed it for Sister Zhou.

It's packed in an insulated box and covered in a small quilt, and it's still warm in your hands.

After the meal was delivered, I briefly teased my drunken granddaughter and then left.

Sister Zhou put Nian Nian in her own crib, finished lunch quickly, saw that Li Manjun was awake, pushed the crib to Li Manjun for her to watch, packed up Nian Nian's dirty clothes and went to the bathroom to wash them.

Li Manjun read for a while, teased her daughter, watched the little one fall asleep, tucked her in a quilt, left the room, and went to the bathroom.

"Want to go to the toilet? I'll come out first."

Before Sister Zhou could finish her words, Li Manjun hurriedly waved her hand, "It's okay, you wash yours, I'm just bored and walking around."

Sister Zhou smiled, squatted down and continued washing clothes.

However, the person behind her had no intention of leaving, which made Sister Zhou very uncomfortable and secretly thinking about whether there was something she had not done well recently.

"Sister Zhou, have you decided on your next household?" Li Manjun asked tentatively.

Sister Zhou felt even more uneasy and kept working on her hands, so she replied: "Not yet. We generally don't do this continuously. After finishing a household, we have to rest for a few weeks before looking for another job."

Li Manjun nodded. She understood that the salary of confinement nanny was more than that of ordinary nannies, but they had to spend twice as much time as other jobs. They were easier to coax at night, but in the past half month, Sister Zhou had never I slept for more than three hours once.

So when I was awake during the day, I would take Nian Nian with me and look after her for two or three hours, so that Sister Zhou could have time to catch up on her sleep.

Li Manjun leaned against the door frame and asked curiously: "Sister Zhou, have you ever been a live-in nanny?"

Sister Zhou shook her head, "No, it's not easy to be a live-in nanny. She has a lot to worry about and doesn't have enough time. Her salary is not as high as that of a confinement nanny."

Li Manjun cleared her throat uncomfortably and said bluntly: "Sister Zhou, I'm going to work soon, but if we find another nanny here every year, I'm a little worried that she won't be able to adapt."

"So, do you want to consider staying at my house to help me take care of Nian Nian? The salary will still be the same as it is now. I will find an hourly worker to do the cooking, childcare, grocery shopping and housework."

When Sister Zhou heard this, she didn't know what to decide. She picked up the washed clothes and asked Li Manjun to give herself time to think about it before hanging the clothes to dry.

"Okay, then you think about it." Li Manjun hoped that she would seriously consider it, but if it didn't work, she could only continue to spend time slowly looking for someone.

Sister Zhou hung up her clothes and saw that Nian Nian was sleeping soundly. She told Li Manjun and went back to her room to catch up on her sleep.

I just tossed and turned and couldn't sleep, my mind was filled with what Li Manjun just said.

Being a live-in nanny with the salary of a confinement nanny, you don’t have to take care of the housework. You only need to take care of her every year and do the cooking. It’s very relaxing.

Moreover, Li Manjun, her employer, is very kind and considerate. He often cares about her health and lets her rest when there are other people at home.

The most important thing is that as a live-in nanny, you can earn a stable income, and you don’t have to look for an employer all the time. Calculated throughout the year, you can make more money than being a confinement nanny.

Thinking of this, Sister Zhou quickly gave Li Manjun a reply. She agreed to continue working at Li Manjun's house, but there was one requirement: she would be given two days of rest per month.

She doesn’t want holiday pay, she just wants to take two days off.

Moreover, after Li Manjun's confinement, she had to go back to her hometown first to settle things at home before coming.

"Okay, feel free to go. Is one week enough?" Li Manjun felt a big stone in her heart. She felt that she should be fine with her daughter for one week.

Sister Zhou was also very satisfied and said that one week was enough. After she made arrangements at home, she would come to Li Manjun's house.

The two discussed it and Li Manjun also drafted a contract.

Sister Zhou is literate and can also speak Mandarin. Li Manjun chose her because she was literate and could communicate easily.

The two wrote down all the details such as salary conditions, days of vacation, and how to record and report daily expenses, and signed.

Sister Zhou was very happy. For several days, she could feel the smile on her face. She didn’t have to study the baby recipes every year.

Although Nian Nian is not needed yet, it can be seen that Sister Zhou is really ready to help take care of Nian Nian at Li Manjun's house.

According to the contract drafted by Li Manjun, she must be taken to kindergarten at least every year.

This is a stable job for Sister Zhou. Of course she wants to do her best and live up to her employer's trust.

After settling on Sister Zhou as a live-in nanny, Li Manjun felt relaxed.

Before my confinement was over, I took the initiative to contact Sherry Zhong to plan Sherry’s summer conference.

Originally I wanted to do it in the spring, but the plan couldn't keep up with the changes and the spring couldn't catch up, so I had to change it to summer.

According to Shirley Zhong, the beauty of summer is better displayed.

Shirley Zhong has been preparing for the press conference for a long time. The design draft has been revised dozens of times, and the two theme colors of blue and green have been finalized.

Mr. Li Man took over the work, but Shirley Zhong didn't want it, so she directly left the layout of the venue to Mr. Li.

When he saw the venue design plan presented by Shirley Zhong, Li Manjun's head got big.

"Is it too late for me to regret it now?" Li Manjun pretended to hold her stomach and said, "Actually, I still have two days to go before I am full, and it is not suitable for strenuous exercise now."

Shirley Zhong looked her up and down. Her complexion was rosy, her eyes were clear, her back was straight, she was carrying a big tote bag, and she was wearing medium-heeled high heels. Not to mention how fit she was!

"You brought this to my door on your own initiative. Do you think I will let it go?" Shirley Zhong asked jokingly.

Li Manjun: "."

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