Return to 90 and start a career

Chapter 152 Cute Impulse

Zhao Yongchu returned to Rongcheng for work on the sixth day. Li Manjun was not idle either. The recycling station was open and he called Yao Zhaowen to discuss work matters.

Li Lijun squatted in front of the cradle, watching her niece who only knew how to eat and sleep, and listened to her sister's call.

At this moment, she didn't know what adjectives to use to describe her sister who was holding a mobile phone in her hand and going to work across the phone line. She just felt that she was shining like this.

So do all women who focus on their careers work so hard? She is still in confinement, and she has only been born for eight days.

For some reason, Li Lijun suddenly felt sad when looking at her little niece lying obediently in the cradle, "My dear, let's make a bet, shall we?"

"What kind of bet are you making?" Li Manjun hung up the phone. Hearing his sister's voice, he tilted his head and asked curiously.

Li Lijun waved her hands guiltily and said, "It's nothing."

"Nothing?" Li Manjun raised his eyebrows.

Li Lijun nodded heavily: "It's really nothing!"

She just had a premonition that poor Nian Nian would be left alone at home by her mother. If she was lucky, she would be able to see her mother sooner or later.

If her mother goes on a business trip, the little one can only be with her father.

Oh no, my brother-in-law is also very busy!

Sometimes I have to socialize and may not be able to get home at ten o'clock in the evening.

Li Lijun frowned unconsciously, gently touched her chubby little hands, and asked Li Manjun:

"Sister, when you go to work from now on, who will take care of Nian Nian at home?"

Li Manjun flipped through the phone book and replied, "I'll ask for a nanny."

"Ah?" Li Lijun was stunned, looking at her niece distressedly, and said "oh oh" twice, full of sympathy.

Mrs. Lin was experienced as a nanny. Li Manjun found out her contact information and dialed her number.

"Mrs. Lin, happy New Year!" As soon as the call was connected, Li Manjun smiled brightly. Even though the other party couldn't see her expression at all, her muscles had already formed a memory.

"I hear you are so energetic, you are recovering well." Mrs. Lin said with a smile.

Li Manjun did recover very quickly, which may be the advantage of natural birth. She can now get out of bed and walk around on her own, go to the toilet and take care of herself with no problem. Occasionally, she needs help from Sister Zhou or family members.

"Mrs. Lin, you know my situation. Now that I have not finished my confinement, I am already worried. Do you have any reliable nanny to recommend to me? Please help me!" Li Manjun said in an exaggerated and amused way. Mrs. Lin.

"Xiao Li, if you ask me, you might as well just stay at home and take care of your children. Anyway, your family, Xiao Zhao, makes a lot of money, so he doesn't need you, right?"

Mrs. Lin talked about her experience in raising children, "It is better to take care of the children by yourself. I never thought about it before, but guess what? The oldest one in my family always looked for a nanny as soon as he went to bed when he was a child. He didn't want a mother at all. "

Speaking of the past, Mrs. Lin sighed with emotion. In the end, she concluded that Li Manjun's family was not short of money, so she could just stay at home and enjoy the happiness of her family with her husband and children.

At this point, Mrs. Lin had completely forgotten why Li Manjun called her.

From Li Lijun's perspective, her sister was still smiling and sitting on the bed, chatting on the phone, but now she was lying down, responding perfunctorily, her brows furrowed enough to kill mosquitoes.

Li Manjun felt that he had found the wrong person.

Mrs. Lin wanted to hear Nian Nian's voice, so Li Manjun winked at her sister and asked her to bring Nian Nian over.

"Little Nian Nian, happy New Year~" Mrs. Lin greeted with a gentle smile.

Li Manjun raised the phone to Nian Nian's side. The voice on the phone disturbed her. The little guy pouted his mouth, his whole little face wrinkled and twisted.

Li Manjun could only smile helplessly, "Sleep like a little pig, and come to see Aunt Lin to wish her well in her old age after confinement."

"Hahaha, then Aunt Lin will have to prepare a big red envelope for our little guy!" Mrs. Lin laughed.

There was a child's noise from her side, and Mrs. Lin had no choice but to hang up the phone.

"Okay, after half an hour of chatting, the childcare sister-in-law still didn't ask." Li Manjun shook her head helplessly, and picked up her daughter who had stretched her little face again. She looked at her little face, which was plump and tender, and she made a big mouthful of it.

"Sister, you want to eat a child!" Li Lijun felt sorry for her niece and gave her sister a funny look.

Li Manjun hugged her little daughter and asked Li Lijun seriously, "When you hugged Nian Nian, did you have the urge to squeeze her hard?"

"Ah?" Li Lijun looked horrified. Sister, I don't want to have such an impulse!

Li Manjun looked at his sister's horrified expression and smiled. It wasn't that scary, it was just a cute aggressive impulse.

When we see cute things, our brain's emotional reaction is too excited, which may cause us to be "cute to death". The brain will produce the opposite emotion to maintain balance, so we will want to do some destructive behaviors, such as rubbing or pinching something. of.

Of course, as a person with a sound personality, he can completely control his impulse.

The little guy in his arms slept more soundly on his mother's body. When it was time to feed, Li Manjun gently shook him, but he didn't wake up.

After she was fed, she became even more confused, looking like she was drunk and rolling her eyes.

It's a pity that she doesn't have a mobile phone, otherwise Li Manjun really wants to record these interesting scenes of her daughter and show them to her when she grows up. It would be very interesting.

So, when Zhao Yong called after get off work in the evening, Li Manjun asked him to help buy a handheld camera to record her daughter's growth.

Zhao Yong patted his head and said, "This is great. Why didn't I think of it? Let's make a photo album for her. When she grows up, it will be very meaningful to look through it."

Nian Nian was awake at this time, and Sister Zhou was holding her in circles in the room. Her eyes were already moving with the sense of light, and she was staring at something fascinated without blinking.

Li Manjun relayed his daughter's expression to Zhao Yong, and the old father's heart almost melted.

"There will be less things to do tomorrow. I will come in the afternoon." His heart had already flown to the mother and daughter.

Li Manjun smiled and told him to drive slower on the road.

"It's time to eat!" Wang Xiaojuan greeted loudly.

Li Manjun hung up the phone and asked Sister Zhou to hand over Nian Nian to her while she went to eat first.

At first, Sister Zhou thought her employer was testing her and had to coax Nian Nian to sleep before leaving.

Later I found out that my employer was a very nice person. Although she asked me to be a confinement nanny, she would not do everything myself. Occasionally when the child was not asleep when she had to cook, she would take the child over and coax her herself, which made Sister Zhou feel awkward. .

But if you should be polite, you should be polite, "It's okay. I'll put Niannian to sleep before I come back. You guys can eat first and don't wait for me. I'll be here right away. Just leave the bowls and chopsticks for a while and I'll put them away."

"It's okay. Sister Zhou, go quickly. It's cold and the food is cold. Anyway, I have nothing to do now."

Sister Zhou stopped insisting and put down the child to eat.

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