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Chapter 113 Plum, Orchid, Bamboo and Chrysanthemum

A few people chatted for a while before getting to the main topic. Grandpa Zhou was surprisingly cooperative this time. Perhaps he had figured out that Li Manjun was the real seller. He got up in person, went into the house and took out the set of treasures.

A piece of cloth embroidered with patterns, so dark that the original material could not be seen, was wrapped around a square box.

Grandpa Zhou didn't let anyone touch him. His two little grandsons were taken directly to the back room by his daughter-in-law. They leaned on the door frame and looked into the main room.

Grandpa Zhou opened the package layer by layer, revealing a black square box. Li Manjun and the three of them subconsciously held their breath.

"Sneeze!" Grandpa Zhou sneezed because of the dust. Fortunately, the box was placed on the small dining table, otherwise the hearts of the people in the room would have trembled.

Finally, the lid of the box was opened, and four small teacups with the luster of porcelain like jade were placed out. The white jade cups were low, with red plum blossoms and black branches on them, which was quite beautiful.

The patterns on each cup are different. Among the other three, one is green bamboo, one is dark orchid, and one is light yellow chrysanthemum. The four of them happen to be the four gentlemen of plum, orchid, bamboo and chrysanthemum.

Grandpa Zhou took out the largest teapot. One of the lids was missing, and the spout was open. It was a white porcelain pot with a fat belly and one ear, with ink-colored landscapes on it.

It was also the first time for Grandpa Zhou and his daughter-in-law to see this set of blessed treasures passed down from their ancestors. They thought they were some kind of golden thing, or at least a small yellow croaker.

But just such a tea set is really disappointing.

Li Manjun's slightly lowered eyes flashed with surprise. She was amazed by the glaze color of this set of porcelain.

It's not dry white, but jade-colored. It's very moist and very thin. When the fire in the fire pit shines through, there's another layer of jumping firelight on the jade-colored background. The whole set of cups seems to come alive. Suddenly there was a breath of life.

"Grandpa Zhou, can I pick it up and take a look?" Li Manjun asked carefully.

It's not as expected, it's not allowed to be touched, and it's pretty good to be able to see it.

The Liu Yan siblings knew nothing about these old objects, but they found this set of teapots quite interesting, but they couldn't see much else.

Li Manjun had no choice but to settle for the next best thing, "Then can I get closer and appreciate it?"

Liu Cheng watched eagerly, and Grandpa Zhou softened his heart and nodded, "Be careful, this is the blessing of my Zhou family."

The daughter-in-law leaned against the door and curled her lips, "Bullshit luck, if it could really bring happiness, her man wouldn't go to the river to fish in this cold weather, just to replenish the old man's health."

The poor people in the family used wild vegetables to stew porridge, and the rice was given by Liu Cheng's brother last time. If someone hadn't given this bag of rice, the family would not have been able to open the pot.

Sometimes the daughter-in-law can't help but ask God silently in her heart, why is it that other people's families are in such good circumstances, while her own family is so blessed that they still live like a pig or a dog?

Now I am even more depressed when I see that the old man's treasure is only blessed with a set of cups.

She was so resentful that Li Manjun noticed it and looked back at her. Her daughter-in-law smiled at her, honest and simple.

Li Manjun smiled back, withdrew his gaze, squatted down at the table, and took a closer look at the set of porcelain cups.

Since she couldn't touch them with her hands, she couldn't see the marks on the bottom of the cup and the bottom of the tea. She had no choice but to open her eyes and look carefully to see if she could see anything different.

However, she was not Wan Rongming. After staring for a long time, Grandpa Zhou became a little unhappy. He only saw a few blurry blue marks on the bottom of the teapot.

The room was dark and there was no electricity in this place, so I couldn't see the details clearly.

Li Manjun had no choice but to give up, but one thing was certain. From Grandpa Zhou’s description, we could tell that this set of porcelain was quite old.

Liu Yan asked curiously: "Grandpa Zhou, where did your ancestors get this set of treasures?"

As soon as her words came out of her mouth, Li Manjun felt bad.

In a second, Grandpa Zhou's sunny face suddenly turned gloomy. He carefully put away the treasure, entered the house, and wanted to drive people away in a sullen voice.

The daughter-in-law hurriedly stepped forward to smooth things over, and Liu Cheng and Li Manjun explained again. Only then did Grandpa Zhou walk out of the house and reluctantly agreed that Li Manjun would bring Wan Rongming to see him in a few days.

It was already evening when the three of them left. At noon, they ate eight-treasure porridge at Zhou's house to fill their stomachs.

The daughter-in-law sent the three of them to the foot of the mountain, and the Zhou family's son also came back. The couple explained why Grandpa Zhou was so taboo about people asking where the baby came from.

Because this set of treasures was stolen by Grandpa Zhou's grandfather when he was working in a wealthy family. He was running in a hurry and dropped a tea lid, without even bothering to pick it up.

Most people would not tell outsiders this kind of thing.

Liu Yan said that her knowledge has improved again.

The Zhou family's son was a little embarrassed to let the three of them leave like this and stayed for dinner, but Li Manjun and the other three declined.

"That." The son of the Zhou family looked at Li Manjun and hesitated to speak.

Li Manjun smiled and nodded, indicating to him.

The Zhou family's son turned back and glanced in the direction of home, then asked in a low voice: "Is this set of cups in my house valuable?"

Li Manjun smiled helplessly, "Whether it's valuable or not, grandpa must be willing to sell it."

The daughter-in-law's eyes flashed, and she cautiously came forward, and asked in Li Manjun's ear: "If grandpa is willing to sell it, how much can it be sold for?"

Li Manjun backed away slightly, looking embarrassed, "It's hard to say. My friend has to come and see it to find out. If it is a really old object, it is possible to buy it for a few hundred yuan to tens of thousands."

"Of course, it may be worthless." Li Manjun added.

The fire that had just been ignited in the eyes of the Zhou couple instantly dimmed, but it was not completely extinguished.

The three of them rode back to Heather Town. It was completely dark and they went to their respective homes.

Wang Xiaojuan left a meal for her, and Li Dawei asked with concern: "How far did you go? You came back so late."

Li Manjun said the name of the village where the Zhou family is located, and Li Dawei was surprised, "Running so far away!"

"That place is very remote and famously poor." Li Dawei raised his head from the newspaper and told Li Manjun not to come back so late next time.

Young girls and wives like them, if they go to a remote village like this, they won't be able to come back if they're not careful.

Li Manjun devoured the dinner left by his mother and nodded, "I called Liu Cheng with me. He has been there several times. It's okay."

Previously, Li Lijun thought that when her sister got married, she could occupy a room by herself, but now she has gone to the city to study. Tonight, Li Manjun was lying in bed, thinking about this and couldn't help laughing.

Now, she alone owns this room!

Thinking about the Zhou family's tea set, Li Manjun got up early the next day, caught the earliest bus back to Rongcheng, and went to find Wan Rongming without stopping.

"A rare visitor!" Wan Rongming stood up from the charcoal basin in surprise, "Why are you here?"

That was the question, but when the two looked at each other, they knew there was a new guy.

Li Manjun put the newly bought rubber bucket shoes in front of him and said with a smile: "Uncle Wan, are you interested in taking a trip with me?"

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