Return to 90 and start a career

Chapter 112 Beautiful but poor

What she thought was that this medicinal materials dealer could travel from other places to a small place like Heather Town to collect medicinal materials, and he was willing to pay her and Liu Cheng travel expenses, which showed that the profits from reselling medicinal materials must be huge.

In this day and age, many remote mountain villages do not have access to water, electricity, or transportation, and the medicinal materials collected by the villagers cannot be sold at all.

Liu Yan thought that she could give it a try and help the villagers sell the medicinal materials without making the difference to the medicinal materials dealers.

And the point is, on the hills in her hometown, there are people who specialize in growing medicinal materials. Isn't this a ready resource?

The villagers were conservative and would definitely be more willing to do business with her, a local.

Liu Yan finished her thoughts in one breath and asked Li Manjun anxiously: "Manjun, do you think this can make money?"

Li Manjun made a rough calculation in his mind and nodded, "You can definitely make money, but if you want to make more money, you must first ensure that the amount of medicinal materials in the hands of the villagers is large enough."

"The most difficult thing is not this, it is that the road is difficult to walk and you have to spend a lot of time on the road."

Liu Yan's expectant face fell, "Then it can't be done."

"That's not true. After all, you are familiar with this mountain village. It is easy to have multiple channels for extra income." Li Manjun said very slowly, and his brain was thinking about the next sentence quickly. "You can refine it into just one category and subdivide it."

"Segmentation?" Liu Yan blinked. This was the first time she heard this word.

Li Manjun said: "It's like Northeastern ginseng. That alone has become the signature of the entire Northeast. I don't know about the medicinal materials, but if you really want to do it, just ask our local traditional Chinese medicine doctors and explore our local specialties. Making the classification bigger and stronger will save a lot of costs, and it can also promote local characteristics and help farmers get rid of poverty and become rich."

Liu Cheng's driving speed slowed down unknowingly. He felt that what Sister Manjun said could be copied into his notebook and used as the next course of action.

Liu Yan repeated Li Manjun's words in her mind over and over again. The words "helping farmers get rid of poverty and become rich" seemed to hit her heart.

Her hometown is different from Hongxing Village. The land in Hongxing Village is flat and fertile, and it is close to the town. She was a representative of the advanced brigade back then, and the rice she produced was particularly fragrant. The villagers relied on the fertile land and their lives were getting better and better.

Her hometown is surrounded by mountains. There are very few fields and most of them are mountainous areas. The villagers hang out in the mountains all year round, digging herbs and picking mountain fruits to barely stay hungry.

In her hometown, everyone who could get out had left, leaving only the old people who were reluctant to leave their roots guarding the dilapidated old houses.

Her family is better off. Her grandparents grow peanuts for their children to study. After entering the work unit, they are barely out of the mountains.

But there are only a handful of people like them. There are many people in the village whose brothers and sisters are poor and can only wear one set of clothes.

"We're here. There's no road ahead. We have to walk up. The Zhou family's house is halfway up the mountain."

Liu Cheng parked his motorcycle in front of a mud patch. There was no road ahead and even a large car couldn't get in.

When the tractor came to this mud flat, it could only turn around.

Li Manjun got off the motorcycle, holding cigarettes and wine in his hand. Looking at the muddy mountain path in front of him, he couldn't help but cast an admiring look at Liu Cheng.

"You go to the countryside to collect scraps, and you come so far away. Can you receive anything?" Li Manjun asked curiously.

They had previously gone to large villages around the town, but they had never been to such a remote village.

Of course, it is also because transportation limits the scope of movement. Now Liu Cheng owns a motorcycle, and he has visited all the surrounding remote villages.

"Of course I can receive things. Because the place is remote, there are unexpected harvests from time to time." Liu Cheng was referring to the wild game in the mountains.

Liu Yan said with a smile: "Some villagers will go into the mountains to hunt. Some people will come to the town to ask about the pheasants and wild boars. Once they sell the oil, they will make back the money and still have some leftover."

Liu Cheng likes this kind of job very much. He has freedom and no one cares about him. He can run around and look around and make money. It is much more interesting than learning auto repair.

While stepping on the mud up the mountain, Li Manjun listened to the two brothers and sisters happily sharing their work. Looking back, she saw the rolling hills in the distance, the dead leaves gray and yellow, showing loneliness. There were several houses nearby, chickens and ducks quacking in front of the door, and a small The puppy was waving its tail and circling around him, and the sun was shining through the clouds, giving this remote mountain village a mysterious light.

"So beautiful!" Li Manjun stopped in place and exclaimed.

Liu Yan's admiring eyes were slightly bitter, "But you are so poor that you can't even afford to eat."

The rubber bucket shoes of the three people were already stained with a thick layer of mud, and the sound of dogs barking and the faint sound of footsteps could be heard halfway up the mountain.

Liu Cheng raised his head and shouted upwards: "Grandpa Zhou, I'm Ah Cheng, and I'm here to see you again!"

The old man scolded the family dog: "Xiao Hei, don't bark!"

After a while, an old man in his sixties with gray hair poked his head out from above and greeted Liu Cheng enthusiastically, "Little boy, are you here again?"

"Who are these two girls?" he asked doubtfully.

There is a large stone step in front of the Zhou family house. Because the roadbed collapsed, it formed a high and skewed step. Liu Cheng stepped up first, then turned around and pulled the two sisters up.

He introduced: "These two are my sisters. I heard that your family has a set of treasures. I want to come and see them."

Then, he pointed at Li Manjun and said, "This is my eldest sister, Li Manjun, who came specially from Rongcheng."

"Hello, old man." Li Manjun handed over the cigarettes and wine he was holding.

Grandpa Zhou was wearing a black cotton suit with patches all over it and the cotton wool was exposed. On such a cold day, he wore a pair of straw sandals on his feet. The exposed ankles were thin and straight. On his face full of grooves, he had a pair of cloudy eyes. , lit up slightly, nodded to Li Manjun and Liu Yan, and smiled.

Grandpa Zhou’s daughter-in-law and grandson looked at the three of them curiously in front of the low wooden house. The two children were thinly dressed, wearing tattered and ill-fitting thermal shoes. Their faces were as black as tabby cats, and their little hands were as black as purple with stains all over them. It's frostbite.

Seeing the two boxes of eight-treasure porridge in Liu Cheng's hand, his big eyes were shining, and several people came towards the house. The two children smiled shyly and walked around Liu Cheng.

I had met him several times before, but I didn't recognize him. I also knew that every time Liu Cheng came, he would have a full meal. He smiled when he looked at him and pointed at the eight-treasure porridge with his little finger, asking to eat.

In the dark and low main room, all kinds of sundries were mixed and piled in the corner, and a stove was barely installed. There was a pot on the tripod, and a pot of food like vegetable porridge was heated in it.

There are only three stools at home, one for Grandpa Zhou, one for Li Manjun, and one for Liu Yan. Liu Chenggong squats by the fire pit.

The two children had already brought the eight-treasure porridge into the back room, and soon the Zhou family's daughter-in-law took out three bottles and gave them to the guests.

Li Manjun followed Liu Cheng and Liu Yan's example and put the eight-treasure porridge by the fire. It was cold, so warm it up first.

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