Return to 90 and start a career

Chapter 103 Counterattack

Zhao Yong turned a deaf ear and scanned the messy courtyard with his eyes, catching a glimpse of the iron bars on the flower bed next to the door. He unbuttoned the cuffs of his shirt with one hand and rolled up the sleeves, revealing his muscular arms full of strength.

He picked up the iron rod and strode towards Zhang Shan.

Zhang Shan was scared and desperate: "Brother, brother, no, no."

Zhao Yong stopped in front of Zhang Shan and raised his chin at Liu Chao, "Chao, let go of him."

Liu Chao punched Zhang Shan again as a warning, and then let him go.

As soon as Zhang Shan was freed, he immediately got up and wanted to run. Zhao Yong's eyelids drooped slightly, and a ruthless look flashed across his eyes. He raised the iron rod high and swung it hard at Zhang Shan's left arm!


Screams rang out in the courtyard, making Luo Yongping and others feel numb.

Zhang Shan clutched his painful arm and fell to the ground, with veins popping out on his neck and howling incessantly.

Zhao Yong took a step forward, swung his stick again, aimed at that hand, and struck hard!

A snapping sound reached Zhang Shan's ears. He instantly realized that his left hand had been broken. Heart-wrenching pain spread throughout his limbs. He gritted his teeth. Five seconds later, he twitched due to the severe pain. Only then did he scream out: "Ahhhh!"

The three people in the corner were so frightened that their faces turned pale. They watched Zhao Yong raise the iron rod and swing it down at the same place one after another. Zhang Shan fainted from the pain, his whole body twitched violently, and his eyes popped out. Like a fish that was left to die on the chopping board, he didn't even raise his eyebrows.

There was no humanity at all in those cold black eyes, as if he was hitting a dead object. He swung the stick eight or nine times before casually throwing the stick to the side and stopping.

He raised his head and looked at the three of them, "Who ordered it?"

"Yes, it was the owners of several abandoned recycling stations in the city who asked us to do this." Only one person trembled violently and answered Zhao Yong's question.

Of the remaining two, one fainted and pretended to be dead, the other peed his pants, unconsciously talking nonsense, and was delirious.

Zhao Yong glanced at the three of them with disgust, asked for the address, greeted Liu Chao, and nodded to Luo Yongping, "I'm sorry to trouble you today."

Luo Yongping was flattered, "You are too polite, it should be right."

"Oh, that's right." He stepped out of the door and turned around again. Luo Yongping was shocked and said, "Ask them to send back the things they took away, without missing a single thing."

"Of course, of course." Luo Yongping responded diligently, watched the two of them go away, turned around and scolded the three people: "Why are you still standing there, send Zhang Shan to the hospital quickly!"

Pain can also hurt someone to death!

But the hand couldn't be reattached, and the bones were shattered into pieces. It was almost likely that the limb would have to be amputated to save life.

Luo Yongping's roar made the three of them recover from the shock, and they hurriedly carried Zhang Shan, who was convulsing and unconscious, to the hospital.

"You're taking advantage of those bastards!" Liu Chao sneered.

If this happened in the past, at least they would all be disabled.

Zhao Yong didn't want to cause more trouble, so he gave him a warning look, "This matter is over now. This is not the past. If you don't want to go in, please be careful."

After being reprimanded, Liu Chao was not angry. He smiled innocently and said, "I know, I'm not angry for my sister-in-law. Besides, don't you worry about me taking action? You, on the other hand, are so cruel. I'm really afraid of hurting him." You’ve got human life on your hands.”

Zhao Yong looked at the waste recycling bin that appeared in front of him and took a deep breath, "No."

He was a man with a family now, and he would never send himself in because of these bastards.

"Luo Yongping will not sit idly by and do nothing. After all, they are all his people, so we have to give him some credit."

Liu Chao nodded, "Okay, I know. Later I will ask Jiang Yu to send him a few bottles of good wine and a few good cigarettes to make up for his face."

Zhao Yong hummed and winked at him. Liu Chao jogged to the door of the recycling bin and kicked the iron door twice with his feet, making a harsh sound.

The people inside rushed out cursing, and their voices softened when they saw Liu Chao with a fierce look on his face.

He looked at the two strange men in front of him and asked cautiously: "What are you going to do?"

"Ha!" Liu Chao sneered, walked around him in a circle, stared at him until he felt guilty, and then said:

"The person behind me is my brother. Last night my sister-in-law was beaten with a sap and thrown into a well. She is still lying on the bed in the city hospital. What do you think we are here for?"

As soon as Liu Chao spoke, the owner of the store felt guilty, but he still pretended to be confused and said: "I don't know what you are talking about. If you have nothing to do, please don't block my business. Please give way."

Liu Chao stood there, motionless, with two big copper bell eyes staring at him. The shop owner trembled in fright and took two steps back. "What do you want to do? Believe it or not, I'll call the police!"

Liu Chao laughed out loud, "Don't worry, we are good citizens and we don't hit anyone."

Liu Chao took out a handful of hospital bills from his pocket, stuffed them into his boss's coat pocket, clapped them with his big palm, and whispered in his ear: "Be smart, don't force me to play hard with you, buddy." You know what to do, right?"

Liu Chao grinned at him with big yellow teeth, patted the boss's trembling body, turned around and walked towards Zhao Yong who was waiting by the door.

"Brother Yong, it's ready."

Zhao Yong glanced at the boss who was shaking with fear and looked down upon him. Such a person would dare to play tricks behind his back and fight head-on. He was no match for his wife!

"Let's go, I have to go home and cook for your sister-in-law."

Liu Chao raised his hand to the shop owner and made a gesture of wiping his neck, then waved the taxi with a smile and left with Zhao Yong.

The shop owner was left standing there with a pale face, shivering.

At noon the next day, Li Manjun was leaning on the soft quilt that Zhao Yong brought from home, reading a book and holding a toothpick in one hand while eating apple slices cut by her husband. Three strange men came to the door of the ward and asked who was next to the door. Patient’s family:

"Is this bed No. 6 called Li Manjun?"

The patient's family members looked at the sneaky three people suspiciously, and pointed to the bed by the window, "What about that."

"thanks, thanks."

The three of them thanked the patient's family and walked towards the window carrying fruit baskets and nutritional supplements.

Li Manjun had heard the commotion a long time ago, eating apple pieces, looking at the three middle-aged men who grinned greasyly when they saw him with almond-shaped eyes, and frowned slightly.

He took a bite of the sweet and sour apple flesh and asked, "What's wrong with you?"

In fact, she had vaguely guessed the identities of these three people. Zhao Yong told her when he brought her food that he had solved the matter and no one would dare to play tricks behind their backs in the future.

She didn't know what he had done, but when Mrs. Qiu heard the news that she was hospitalized and came to visit, she sighed to her:

"Those truck drivers in your family are really cruel. They usually look honest and honest, but I didn't expect them to be so cruel. My Lao Qiu said that in order to vent your anger, they broke people's hands directly and almost beat them to death. What's wrong with you? Do you know?"

Li Manjun shook his head in confusion, "Who are you talking about?"

Mrs. Qiu whispered: "That's Liu Chao. You have to remind your little Zhao to be careful. Such impulsive employees can easily bring trouble to the company."

"Oh, that's all I'm saying. Forget that you are a patient now and have to rest well and not worry about these things. Don't think too much and recover well. I have something to do at home, so I'll leave first."

Li Manjun was left in shock. Fortunately, he was not beaten to death, otherwise things would have been very serious.


The scapegoat Liu Chao: Meow meow meow? ? ?

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